Dungeon Keeper Ranma Chapter 01: Keeper of the Heart By A-kun -----------------------------------------------------------
Ranma Saotome didn't quite understand what had happened, but he
was sure that it probably had something to do with Happousai.
Happousai had been exceedingly bad during the past week.
Normally, he just flipped some skirts, stole some panties and glomped a
few women. But he'd gone wild, flipping every available skirt, stole
every panty that'd ever been worn and glomped every damn near every
woman age 15 to 45.
So, Ranma and the rest of the Nerima wrecking crew decided that
Happousai deserved some punishment. They'd stopped him from flipping
skirts by getting every girl to wear pants, returned every panty and
pounded him whenever he got close enough to a woman to glomp her.
Happousai had finally had enough and ran off crying. Ranma went
to bed that night feeling he'd finally taught the old freak a lesson.
The next thing Ranma knew he was in a room with stone walls and
torches and there was an enormous creature glaring at him.
The creature was large. It stood easily seven feet tall with
thick muscles that would have put most of the large guys Ranma knew to
shame. It had red skin, an enormous chin, yellow slitted eyes, hooved
feet and two large horns growing from the side of it's head, giving it
an almost demonic look. Over it's chest and shoulders was metal armor,
it wore a loin cloth with hip guards and on the front side of it's legs
were thick metal armor plates similar to the kind it wore on it's chest.
In it's nose was a thick black ring, reminding Ranma of a bull's nose
It growled, baring it's long sharp teeth, before raising
something Ranma hadn't noticed before. A heavy and wicked-looking
Yelping, he rolled out from it's slash, then barely dodged
again as it swung again. Ranma felt a wall behind him as the huge
demonic creature raised it's scythe for a diagonal blow. Desperately,
he leapt forward and rolled between the creature's legs. He mule-
kicked the creature in the back, then gawked as the creature only
rocked forward slightly, then spun to face him.
"Oh shit!" Ranma said, before the horned creature body-checked
Ranma was dimly aware of wood cracking, but he snapped awake when
he fell into a pool of water. Sputtering, Ranma-chan pulled herself
into a sitting position. The red creature was almost upon her again
and her body was almost entirely numb.
Ranma-chan forced herself onto her hands and knees and scrambled
away over a treasure chest of gold, tipping it over in the process.
The red creature snarled angrily as Ranma-chan neared a strange
triangle formed out of three archways. Her body was no longer tingling
all over, so she managed to stand and face the creature again.
"MOUKO TAKABISHA!" Ranma-chan cried, hoping her ki blast would
hurt it. The energy slammed in the creature, driving it backwards, but
doing no noticeable damage.
Her confidence drained as the creature continued to advance at
the same pace, not even slowed by her attack. Then, Ranma-chan noticed
green energy swirling around her. Hoping against hope that it could do
something useful, she managed to gather some and focus it towards the
red creature as it raised it's scythe again.
"Do something useful!" Ranma-chan cried as she closed her eyes.
A strange sound caused Ranma-chan to open her eyes. Before her
was a green little guy with large black eyes. He wore a loincloth, had
a sack on his back and a pickax in one hand.
"What the hell?" Ranma-chan asked, before looking up at the red
It was staring at the little creature, before raising it's gaze
to meet hers. It lowered it's scythe and knelt before her.
"What the hell?" Ranma-chan repeated.
"Ah, I see we have a new keeper." came a rich and aged male voice
from behind her.
Ranma-chan turned to see a grey-haired old man wearing a black
robe and leaning heavily on a staff standing at the far end of the
large room. He looked at Ranma-chan for a few seconds, then smiled,
"Welcome keeper"
"Keeper? My name's Ranma Saotome, not 'Keeper'." Ranma-chan
"Nonetheless, you've been selected by the Dungeon Heart." the old
man said, motioning to the archway.
"Dungeon Heart?" Ranma-chan asked, looking dubiously at the
"A focus for magic. With the Dungeon Heart, even someone
completely ignorant about magic can use it. You can even use gold to
build rooms, create materials for traps and even make servants like
that imp." the old man explained motioning to Dungeon Heart and to the
little green man, before clearing his throat "But I'm getting off
topic. I am Lundar. I served the previous Dungeon Keeper, as did
Horniculus or 'Horny' as he prefers to be called"
"Horniculus?" Ranma-chan inquired.
"The large red demon on the other side of you. He was a faithful
servant to the last Dungeon Keeper." Lundar responded, motioning to the
still kneeling red demon.
"Huh. Anyway, this is real fascinating, but I've gotta get
home." Ranma-chan replied.
"I don't think you fully understand how powerful this Dungeon
Heart is. With it, all that you desire can be yours. You could have
love, riches, almost nothing is beyond your grasp." Lundar explained.
"Real nice, like I said, but I've got a home to go back to..."
Ranma-chan began.
Lundar was surprised. Usually the promise of power was inviting,
but this young girl seemed to ignore that completely. Still, the Heart
had selected her, so she must be worthy. He had to keep her here until
he could persuade her to use the Dungeon Heart. Then, he noticed a
foreign magic about her aura. It was if she was cast out of her home
plane. Which meant, he could use that as a lever.
"But you are not of this world. I can sense that. Someone has
banished you here." Lundar murmurred.
"So how do I get back?" Ranma-chan inquired. Magic and it's
rules weren't really her strong point. All she really knew was that
you beat up demons and left spells to wizards and priests.
"Hmm, we might be able to return you to your rightful home if we
were to get the twenty Portal Gems of this land..." Lundar began,
considering the options, "But the King has his Dukes and Barons
guarding them. They will likely hear nothing of giving them up. You
would have to persuade them through physical force"
"That's no problem." Ranma-chan huffed, "I'm a skilled martial
artist. I might not be able to take down Horny, but I can handle
myself against some rich dude"
"And what of their armies? The dukes and barons of this land
themselves might be fat and unskilled, but their men are likely to be
in prime fighting shape and they will be able to sense that you are a
threat to their lords." Lundar replied.
Ranma-chan wilted. Even she knew that mass fighting meant ten to
fifty, maybe even a hundred guys if they were unskilled. But armies?
Alone? Not even Ranma could manage that. Not unless she manage to
lure them into an enormous spiral, which was out of the question.
Lundar, on the other hand, was managed to hide his glee. It was
time to bring forth a point that would reactivate the Dungeon Heart
from it's fading power and return it to it's proud days of glory.
"Fear not, Dungeon Keeper. While you may not have the power
yourself to get them alone, with this Dungeon Heart's aid, we can build
a mighty army to seize the Portal Gems for you. And then you can
return home." Lundar answered.
Ranma-chan eyed the old man like one eyed a sleazy car salesman,
"You just want to keep me here"
Lundar hummed, considering whether or not honesty was the best
policy, then sighed as he realized that she could destroy him and
nodded, "I suppose it is a good motivation towards keeping you here.
You see, Horny and I are both tied to the fate of this Dungeon Heart.
While we cannot access it's power, we are alive so long as it exists.
And the king of this land would be glad to see it and others like it
gone forever. It is selfish, but I am not eager to die until I have
had the chance to see a new keeper rise with this Dungeon Heart. On
top of that, Keeper, if this Dungeon Heart is destroyed, you shall be
banished from this land into one at random. At least here, you stand
a fair chance of getting home"
Ranma-chan gazed at the old man. A straightforward and honest
answer. Ranma Saotome had finally gotten a straightforward and honest
answer for the first time in a long time concerning anything important.
No hidden motives, no lying about the 'true purpose', no "surprise, now
that you've done that foolish thing, I was only using you.
Okay, the old man did want to use her, but only to survive. And
if she were banished, who knew what sort of place she could wind up in.
She may never get home.
"But I was not joking. The portal gems can allow great masses,
such as this entire Dungeon Heart and all of it's inhabitants, to
transport over continents. I'm sure with some research and all twenty,
we could easily send you home. That is why the king and his men would
not let us have them." Lundar explained.
Ranma-chan sighed as she realized Lundar was right about the king
not wanting him to have the gems, "Because the wielder could just as
easily teleport an army into the king's castle"
One of Ranma's friends would've been surprised to see Ranma
reached that conclusion so easily. In truth, Ranma Saotome was a very
brilliant person, but his intellect had been squandered growing up with
Genma, as he'd focused on the physical rather than the mental. Still,
Ranma's mind had shown it's prowess in the past, especially when it
came to learning new techniques. He didn't do well in school because
he was simply not motivated or interested to learn. Rote
memorization rarely enticed learning.
Lunder nodded, "Indeed, save for the fact that one portal gem
can stop the advance of another from entering within a certain radius.
The King seeks to corner off all of the Dungeon Hearts and destroy
them so that he and his kingdom do not have to fear any attack. But
hark, not all of them are as noble-hearted as the king hopes. Many
abuse the power of their portal gems to find veins of gold and fill
their own pockets"
Ranma-chan frowned, a stray thought of Nabiki rose, but even
Nabiki would at least honor a contract to the letter, "Using something
entrusted to them for something as trivial as money? That's
despicable." She tried not to think of her father when she said that,
but it was very difficult to do so.
"In any case, keeper, we need to get you an army. But to do
that, we have much to gather and prepare. You can create four imps
with no trouble at all. They require no food, water or rest as they
are creations of pure magic. They will clear paths, dig through rock,
and reinforce walls." Lundar continued, motioning to the little green
bug-eyed creature that stood near Ranma-chan.
"Horny, why don't you wait outside while I continue to teach our
apprentice dungeon keeper how to do things?" Lundar suggested, knowing
that the Horned Reaper was probably growing bored with all the talk.
Horny's favorite place was in the battlefield.
Horny nodded, rose to his feet and turned towards the door. He
paused and glanced at Ranma-chan briefly, before heading for the door
and exiting.
"What was THAT about?" Ranma-chan inquired.
"Horny does not yet see your potential. I think he's decided to
see how well you do at being a Dungeon Keeper before allowing you to
control him." Lundar explained.
Ranma-chan nodded, "I think I understand. After all, I'm
probably not even close to what he expected of his next Keeper"
"Then you've already decided? That's wonderful news, keeper."
Lundar commented.
"Well, I ain't getting back without this thing's help, so I
guess so." Ranma-chan responded with a helpless shrug.
"Our first opponent will be Lord Antonius. He's the nearest to
us." Lundar began, "First, we'll need some more imps. The Dungeon
Heart can sustain four with no drain. After that, you'll have to
expand your territory and claim Mana Vaults"
"Duh?" Ranma-chan inquired.
"I see..." Lundar sighed, "In order to cast spells, create and
maintain imps or certain magical traps, you need mana. You can get
mana by expanding the amount of territory you own by having your imps
claim paths, the land will replenish it in time. Mana Vaults are
points of magic that give whomever claim them a hundred times more mana
than simple land does"
Ranma-chan nodded in understanding before Lundar continued, "You
can tell your imps where to dig by using the Dungeon Heart's mapping
Lundar motioned to one of the archways, where a small map showing
the Dungeon Heart and a few small rooms with red dots in the floor
appeared in midair, "That will show you all of the land that you've
claimed or has been seen by one of your minions. It will also show you
solid rock when you are near it. Solid rock is something which your
imps cannot dig through. It will also show seams of gold or gems,
which your imps can sense"
"The first thing you want to do is select an area and build a
lair for your minions, then a hatchery to feed them." Lundar explained.
"Okay, how do I do that?" Ranma-chan inquired.
"First, make three more imps, then imagine the approximate area
you want dug out. Lairs should be at least fifty feet by thirty feet,
while hatcheries should be thirty feet by thirty feet. I'll teach you
how to create rooms once they're done." Lundar answered.
Ranma-chan gathered the green 'mana' energy and imagined three
more guys like the imp she'd already made. The three imagined imps
appeared in the real world. She glanced at the map and imagined two
rooms, fairly close together. She had no real experience with
imagining specific sizes, so she hoped her imps knew what she expected.
Like happy children to a playground, the imps leapt towards the
nearest wall and began picking away at it. In a matter of minutes, the
four imps returned, chittering happily. Ranma-chan and Lundar
approached the doorway and saw an expansive room that was about the
exact size Lundar had requested, with another doorway leading to
shorter but no less wide room.
"Excellent work, keeper. These rooms will do nicely. Let's
return to the Dungeon Heart and I'll show you how to make the lair and
hatchery." Lundar said.
An hour later, Ranma was exhuasted. He'd figured out how to make
a lair, a treasury, and a hatchery. He'd learned some of the more
interesting aspects of mana, such as casting "Create Imp", and that
boiling some water was easy.
On top of that, he'd found a minor portal, which allowed
creatures to enter his realm. Goblins were already gathering in a
healthy supply. Goblins looked like taller and stupider looking imps,
but they wore leather armor and carried swords, which were much better
to fight with.
Ranma sat on one of the stairs inside his Dungeon Heart, trying
to deal with the new sensation of exhuast. When he was physically or
spiritually burned out, it felt like he was tired physically or he had
little strength. Being magically tired felt like his brain was
scattered and was slowly gathering back together.
"Ah, I see you've found a magical item." Lundar hummed as he
watched the screen.
Ranma blinked and looked at the area he'd sent his imps.
"That's a magical item?" Ranma inquired, staring at the strange
rune-covered stone box that appeared on his magical map.
"Yes, a special item that can increase the physical attributes of
your minions. I suggest you use it and then send your goblins to kill
Lord Antonius." Lundar explained.
"You know, I don't like all this 'killing' stuff." Ranma noted,
recalling how his goblins had killed those two short guys... dwarves
from Lundar's explanation.
"In due time, we can afford to take prisoners, but not until
you've gained more experience, keeper." Lundar responded.
Ranma sighed in agreement. He knew nothing of imprisonment, the
whole thing about creating shapes mentally to create magical areas that
simulated a specific task was enough of a headache, and he didn't have
the man, er, creature-power to waste guarding a bunch of guys who would
likely die trying to break out anyway.
I'd really rather not, but... the longer I'm here, the longer
it'll take to get back home. Ranma thought to himself. He didn't like
that particular line of justification. It felt like the sort an
assassin or hired killer would use, before another voice spoke up, And
the more people who'll have to get hurt. The short path saves the most
people from suffering. We can make it up later
The voice didn't seem like his, but Ranma had to agree with it.
The lord was surely going to be getting more followers soon, and that
meant more people would have to die just so he could go home.
Ranma flexed his will to activate the magic item, then ordered
his imps to mine out the last section of rock while his goblins stood
ready to fight, never really feeling the final action of the Dungeon
Heart's last long dead keeper...
Lord Antonius is dead. Next up is Lord Darius.
Can Ranma defeat an opponent who has more than two servants
without actually being on the battlefield?
What the point of being evil if you don't have a lot of ways to
Easy Cheat: Crank up all your creatures to Level 10 by pressing
CTRL+ALT+C at the same time, then typing in "feelspace barthespace
barpower" and you'll be knocking enemies dead and destroying traps in
one hit. The sound on a door creaking is supposed to accompany this,
but it didn't for me. Instead, you'll know if it's working if the
screen zips over to your Dungeon Heart, then (if you've claimed any)
to the nearest portal. This cheat also doesn't work on the first
level on Campaign mode, but you shouldn't need it anyway.
To make sure it worked, if no creatures are present on screen,
check a creature that you know can't be 10th level, like an imp, and
if his level reads 10, then it's worked. This trick is excellent if
you don't want to waste time/space/money building a larger training
room for your creatures as creatures over Level 4 don't need a
training room.
If creatures are on the screen, you'll see a burst of color
surround them temporarily. This only works on creatures you have when
you use this trick. If you get skeletons or other creatures
afterwards, they'll start at level 1. You can repeat this trick as
many times as you want, but it will only benefit your new monsters.
Message boxes might start coming up blank (even if the voice
actor reads just fine). To fix this, simply enter the Save option
menu in the bottom left-hand corner, then click "Continue" to
return to the game.
Next Cheat: Get all the rooms and max out your money!