Author has written 9 stories for Ranma, Evangelion, Sailor Moon X-overs, and Kim Possible. After the collapse of geocities I've been bereft of a place to house some of my more risque stuff. Since then several of you have asked about the naughty version of Stars in the Sky. Well I've finally found a place I can use, deviantart. My homepage should direct you there and you should find everything you are looking for. Hopefully this works out since mediaminer sucked hard. Okay, I'm editing this to give you guys something of an update on where I stand with the stories. After years in the making, No-Life Queen is done. I decided to just back burner my other stories so I could push through with the finale. I hope you all enjoy it. The status on my other stories is unchanged. Stars in the Sky is still in the works. I know where I'm going, though it is the most fluid of the three stories right now. I've added some more baddies that the Senshi will be able to fight, giving them something to do other than look fabulous. Also, though I make this warning in the chapter as well, in coming chapters I will be doing some changes to the Senshi. Nothing so big that I loose the core of Sailor Moon, but just working in a little bit more thought and realism. Just giving you a head's up before things happen to brace yourself. Story Status No Life Queen – Complete!!! Converging Paths – Chapter 8 complete Stars in the Sky – Chapter 8 Complete |