And Hell Followed After Him

Chapter 1


Hell, the realm of eternal pain and suffering for the souls who have been judged and been found guilty of their crimes in their time spent among the living, this souls were subjected to their worst nightmares, spending eternity in unimaginable torture, begging for a release that will never come.

Contrary to the belief of many there was no single Ruler of this nightmarish place but many called the Hell Lords, each governing a realm of hell for themselves, they varied according to the many religions and myths that man had created in his long life on earth, some were beings who fell out of grace and chose a dark path others were born in fiery pit, some were dark gods who were left but with but no choice but to become what they were now, leaving them feeling bitter and angry, some chose it willingly to give free reign to their dark desires, and other accepted their roles as a necessary part in the universal balance.

It stands to reason that if there was a Hell there was a heaven as well and it too was not a singular realm but a collective of divine beings, angels, gods and other immortal beings who watched over the events of mortal man often clashing with their demonic counterparts.

Both sides could have very well destroyed one another in a mad bid for universal supremacy, but that could lead to total destruction so instead they chose an alternative, coexistence through a system that tapped into the very forces of creation, this system called the doublet system would allow no one from either side to attack the other without a heavy price to be paid, death to a fellow member of their side, mutually assured destruction in its highest level.

Many accepted this as a sound course action that allowed a tense form of peace but peace nonetheless, others just saw this as another form to deny them their prize and enslave them, and so things remained the same the divine and infernal maintained a constant vigilance over each other, only when humanity came into being was when the rules of the game changed.

The divine watched and guided from a far rarely making their presence known while the demonic influenced and corrupted those willing, giving way to a new more subtle war, one where man's world offered both sides a chance at demonstrating their superiority over one another regardless of the consequences on the earth's children.

Almost all the hell lords to some measure of pleasure in this as they enjoyed inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible often enlisting or corrupting those they deemed worthy to be part of their armies waiting for the day when they would finally be let loose upon world, the heaven's knew of course and do not in the same and brutal manner also fortified their ranks, only a few who did not get involved were often those who saw nothing more as an exercise in futility and continued the task set upon them so as to maintain the balance of the realms.

But one day the monotonous cycle in the hellish realm was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of actual living innocent, an innocent who was quite well known and coveted by both sides for his unyielding will and untapped potential, this person was known on earth as one Ranma Saotome age 17, practioner of a martial arts style known Anything Goes Martial Arts Saotome branch, Jusenkyo cursed to become female when in contact of cold water, and the reason why he was sent to hell while still living? Because he was betrayed by those whose wish him gone for reasons that were born from lust, rage, fear, envy, ignorance and greed.

The very moment he arrived he was besieged by the nightmares that dwelled there, this horde of aberrations and living terrors fell upon him and began to inflict upon him all the pain, all horror and all the rage they had put with during their stay in hell, they rejoiced in his pain filled screams, they laughed at his pleas for mercy and drank in the agony they inflicted like sweet wine.

This would be a cycle that would repeat for many years during his stay in hell, for in this realm of evil time moved faster so as to break the souls more easily, for while one year past on earth 10 past in Hell.

And it was on his tenth year that of his unjustly imprisonment that his stay became even more agonizing, because he drew the attention of one of the more vicious hell lord, the one called Mephistopheles or Mephisto as we was commonly known by those who had the misfortune of meeting him, and sadly it was the young man's turn.

He stood over the broken and torn body of the boy who had just received another treatment at the hands, claws and teeth of the horde, bones were bent in unnatural angles, flesh was ripped up revealing muscles underneath, organs were punctured and his eyes and tongue were removed in rather violent manner, he then saw the eldritch energies of the infernal world as they reversed all the damage inflicted a gurgling noise could be heard and interpreted as screams of pain showing that even healing was a another form of torture, finally his tongue reform and the screams were more precise and when his eyes returned they showed his agony in exquisite detail, which the hell lord took great joy in witnessing.

The boy slowly stood panting, his back to the high level demon as he regaining his breath though he wished to all that was dear that the air were less disgusting, years of constant battle both from his old enemies to his demonic jailors had given him an increased awareness of his surrounding and with that he turn around to see himself standing before the Hell lord.

Now he had encountered a variety of creatures during his stay in the ultimate nest of evil but had yet to encounter the rulers of the lands so the question he asked was a valid one if not poorly phrased in the presence of this high ranking Demon.

"Who the fuck are you?"

The creature response was to slowly chuckle, then laughed and finally ended by grabbing the boy by the throat and made sure the boy felt his clawed hands digging into his flesh and hoisted him towards his face, he could take on any form he desired but usually kept up his normal one 10 foot tall dressed entirely in blood red, yellow soulless eyes and a mouth filled with fanged teeth to complete the effect of dread and menace he enjoyed giving off.

The raven haired teen beated relentlessly on the arm of the Hell lord so as to find release, but that only earn him more pain as the creature dug his claws slowly deeper into his flesh, finally the demon placed his head next to his ear and spoke.

"I am one the ruler of this part of hell and the creatures that have "entertained" you my most caring subjects, you will know me as Mephistopheles, and I wish for you to become part of my armies, think about it I can give that which you desire the most freedom, power and vengeance, I can give you this and so much more, all you have to do is simply call me Master and nothing more what say you?" he asked the cursed martial artist.

He had listened, he had thought it over and he answered.

"Why don´t you go fuck yourself? That´s my answer."

"I am sooo going to enjoy breaking you boy." He whispered into the boy´s ear and to prove his point tore it off with his teeth relishing the feel of blood in his throat and the screams of pain that came from this violent act knowing full well that it was just the beginning.

And it was, for 100 years that he spent in the realms of Hell he was subjected to horrors by not only Mephisto and his horde but by the other Hell lords who also knew of the boy his accomplishments, and desired him for their dark legions, they made a game out of it to see who could break him first, sometimes they group together other times they would take him away for more private sessions, all I the hope that they could have a powerful fighter one who had dared strike down a God, even a low ranking one as Saffron, all they cared about was to make this God slayer one of their one, so as to strike fear into the hearts of the divine.

And that was another thing they enjoyed they often showed to the celestial courts there games, revel in their expressions of outrage and horror, for if they could not destroy them physically they would do so mentally and spiritually.

Their responses varied, some were apathetic to the teens plight, having lost interest in the affairs of mortals and their effects on the world, other did take some joy in seeing the mortal be punished for his audacity to strike down one of their brethren some more than others as Saffron work his way to his former power heard of his would be executioners downfall and laughed, the majority however cried out in outrage and sadness for him, they begged their leaders to aid him in any way possible even if it meant his death it would at least be a reprieve from all the horror he was subjected to.

Sadly for all their omnipotence they were powerless in the face of this situation, to interfere would be to bring about a war that would shatter the balance and peace that was achieved through so much pain and bloodshed so as much as it pained them they could do nothing, not even the Hell lords that agreed with them could do nothing as the others far outnumbered them.

No one knew this but there was another party who was aware of the situation and it was by far more powerful and older than they could possibly fathom, this being, this entity was known as the One Above All, its origins were only known to itself, it could take on any form it so desired, appear to whoever it wished, and currently it watched as the one Ranma Saotome was being tortured by Mephisto this time, it was very much aware of the circumstances that gave way to the young human´s current state of affairs and in one of its rare moments of kindness decided to intervene, it rarely if ever did, but humans always held a special place in its "heart" they were a fascinating species capable of such great acts of both villainy and heroics that far surpassed the beings who called themselves gods and demons, and held so much potential if given only necessary tools and incentive, none epitomized this ideal more than Ranma, he and many versions of him were always a cause for changed for better or for worse, but this was one version that required some form of aid, so with that in mind it called upon one of its servants, The Living Tribunal.

And answer he did, The Living Tribunal a cosmic being that watched over the Multiverse just as his master watched over the Omniverse, to those he made aware of his presence he appeared as a giant golden humanoid, with three cloaked faces, each representing a different personality, they were: Equity, Necessity, and Vengeance these represented the trinity of aspects of each universe, kneeled before what appeared void filled with stars, of course he knew better than that.

"What is it you wish of me? Master" the cosmic being spoke into the void.


"I shall aid as best I can."

And so the ruler of all realities explained the problem and began to debate what solutions would best fit the situation.

Granting him dimensional travel or death were also ruled out, it was not his time and even though his soul could be sent to a realm that could easily overshadow his realms heaven or to reincarnate him, and he was needed to bring change like so many of the catalyst that live there.

After what to lesser beings would be an eternity the Tribunal offered a daring plan that could solve the situation as well as ensure that everything would balance out, he spoke to his master about his idea and do there were significant risks involved, it was the most sound course of action, so with his blessing he authorized his servant to proceed.

Back in Hell of the young man in the aforementioned discussion, he could be found once more in a horribly state, bloody and torn only this time scars could be seen all over his body that number 100 total, one for each year he spent there in Hell, provided by the rulers who seemed the only ones capable of inflicting any lasting marks that the energies that brought him back from death could not heal.

As wounds healed he thought back to his constant desire to escape and take his anger and hatred on the Hell lords that tormented him and the Gods that mocked and forgotten him, the only reason why the ones responsible for his imprisonment were not included was they were long since gone, having spent 100 years here had denied him that justice so he turned to his next targets of his anger.

He slowly rose to his feet, and began his long trek to freedom always going in a random direction, hoping to get lucky though so far that luck had yet to bring him fortune, he spoke as he walk often the sound of his own voice the only thing keeping him sane and drowning out the cries of pain and agony that could heard for miles around like a twisted symphony.

"Son of bitch really worked me over this time, 100th anniversary here in the universes biggest shithole Ha!, and they still can´t make me take their offer, wonder when are they going to get it, maybe after I get out they´ll understand or maybe after I show them who they messed with, then the those fucking Gods will be next, bastards always had a good laugh at my life but when I needed them they screw me over because they´re too scared to make a stand, well I´ll show them, I´ll show all of them! NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY LIFE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" he screamed at the fiery and pungent air around him.

However any more commentary was soon cut off by rumbling that could be heard on the horizon and slowly began to be felt on the red colored earth causing the boy to pause and tense knowing full well what was coming.

"So he decided to let them come early did he?"He thought as he could finally see the cause of the tremors that were growing in intensity.

There they were, the horde, demons of every variety both humanoid and bestial in shape and size, some with fur, some with scales, some had claws and fangs, others had additional arms or tentacles in their place and others were to hideous and disgusting to even described, but in the end this were his constant tormentors, the ones who could careless whether he joined them or not, they only cared to bask in his agonizing torment.

"Come on you ugly bastards! I´m right here!" he yelled defiantly at them having learned long ago that he couldn´t out run them, couldn´t hide from them and most of all could Not beat them, but still he tried for if he didn´t it would signify the day he finally gave in and loose the one thing that kept him going, his soul and with it his humanity.

The horde heard and increased their speed, in other to teach this upstart his place and soften him up for their Master.

Finally, when there was no more distance between them and him both parties lunged at each other with full intent to inflict as much pain as possible on the other, however fate decided to intervene in this encounter.

In a flash of fire and light the horde was decimated as if the hand of the all mighty himself and stretched down to smite these abominations, the force of the explosion pushed the boy back, this was followed by the gore of the dead creatures as blood, organs and bone pelted him, he was disoriented for but a minute and then once more stood slowly to gaze into the crater that was formed by the unknown force.

What he found there was something that managed to shock him despite of years of torment.

There in the middle of the crater was a being that would fit right in the realm, he was tall and broad shouldered, wearing black leather biker boots, light grey skin tight pants that molded to his legs with chain wrapped around his waist, though he doubted it was for holding up his pants, he wore a black leather jacket with half inch spikes coming out of the shoulders, a black shirt could be seen underneath from his exposed upper torso area, black bicker gloves that cover up to his fore arms with spikes on them and a lengthy chain wrapped around his torso, all this would have been enough to raise his intimidation factor high but really took the cake was that the beings skull was visible and on fire creating the perfect image of a biker from Hell.

Ranma stood still while he locked gazes with the creature before him, taking in every aspect he could see and already thinking of possible strategies when not if it would strike, he did all that and finally addressed it.

"Well this is new; who are you supposed to be? The head of the S&M chapter of this shit hole?" He asked with no fear or hesitation having such things painfully ripped away from him, the only thing that could still cause him to quake in terror were felines only of the demonic variety and even then the Neko-ken was useless here.

"He he it is good to see this place hasn´t taken away your sense of humor, as well as your courage Ranma, you will need them both and more for what is too come, that is if you accept my offer." The creature spoke in a deep and ethereal voice causing the boy to unconsciously swallow upon hearing it.

"All right which of them sent you? Mephisto? Blackheart? Or maybe that bitch Hela? Well you can go back to them and tell them the answer still the same eat shit and die."

"I can understand you´re hesitance to trust me given my appearance and presence but I assure you, I am not your enemy, in fact I think you´ll find my offer trumps anything they could offer in return, believe that at least."

"Oh yeah? And what can you give? Huh?"

"Freedom, Power and that which desire the most vengeance on your jailors and the ones responsible for you being sent here, and before you say that the betrayers are long gone from the land of the living you should know that while you HAVE been here for 100 years, only ten have passed since your unjustly imprisonment."


"It is as I said, and I truly hope you take this offer because your surviving friends and family need your help as de others."

"Who are you?" the teen asked incredible confused at what was going on.

"I have been called by many names he who walks both worlds, Zarathos, the spirit of vengeance, the Angel of Death but the name I am most commonly known for, the name that struck fear in the hearts of the guilty and the damned, is…"


"The Ghost Rider."

To be continued…

Well this is my second fic, hope you enjoy.

The reason for this one was because there are practically none involving this crossover, I know I read only two in this site one poorly thought out and the other is gone possibly removed, I must warn you though, there will be other animes, games and Tv shows mixed into this, although I have to think how to pull it off, though I´m pretty sure I can, but if you're expecting to see Doc Strange, blade or any other Marvel character then this is not the fic for you, the only ones I have planned are certain demons, the GR, The Tribunal and the OAA, that is all.

There will be pairings just not any of the Nerima girls, but that´s part of my plan.

Please review, all are welcome just keep clean, we don´t need any more cussing than what will be allowed on this thing.