![]() Author has written 5 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Set for reconstruction, had way too much unnecessary bullshit posted on my profile page but have for many years turned a new leaf with my interests and habits. Besides being a huge fan of Transformers and that is my main now, I still like FMA 2003 as a whole as well as the OTHER franchises I've listed below. Also, I do NOT do any slash/yaoi...so if you're expecting any of that from me, you're sticking around on the wrong page. Here's a full list of my favorite fictions up to date: TRANSFORMERS (This is my MAIN franchise to date, despite my fanfic list showing otherwise; my love for this franchise started when Beast Wars and Armada came on TV, and ever since then I kept going in and out of Transformers for various reasons; expect TF stories from me eventually, especially ones centered on none other than Starscream), Fullmetal Alchemist (much more of a fan of the first show released in 2003 than Brohood or the manga, I have my personal reasons for this which I've explained numerous times online), Kingdom Hearts (pretty much everything from it, lol...this series, I swear...once you're ensnared in one of its 'traps' you can never get out...but why would you want to anyways? The lore of this series is so...godly mysterious; hopefully, it does not become TOO convoluted; nonetheless, I can NOT wait for Kingdom Hearts 3!), Star Wars (The fanbase should be a lot better though, fanboys jump on you if you criticize the original trilogy or if you say you hate Han Solo or Boba Fett; I more prefer the Prequel/Clone Wars and Old Empire/Republic era than anything else, and I actually don't mind what Disney is doing to the franchise now...I am curious to see more out of them, so the fanboys who don't think I'm 'right' about my OPINIONS can bite my ass; still...the fanbase is not so bad that it would be enough to push me away from liking Star Wars...the lore of Star Wars is extremely interesting, especially when it comes to the more 'Force' aspects of the lore), Green Lantern: The Animated Series (I got into this series some years back...and some concepts from some of the comics have grown on me as well; I'm still saddened by the fact that the show ended the way it did...if I said how, it would spoil things for potential others here who may want to give it a try; let's just say...the show throughout really hits you in the feels...HARD...and you will never expect something coming from the GREEN LANTERN universe to do this, that it will take you by surprise at times...in the best way possible narrative-wise but not emotional-wise That's all I'm going to say...), Supernatural (while I still like this show...I'm slowly starting to lose my interest in it, it's become too long run in my opinion and has the risk of becoming too dragged out and convoluted without a finite narrative direction; so long as the Winchester bros are both alive...the show will seemingly go on...infinitely, and the thought of that actually...makes me nervous; Sometimes, I feel as if it should have just ended at the end of season 5...), Guardians of Childhood (or Rise of the Guardians which is the 'sequel' of sorts in movie form), Guardians of Ga'Hoole (this book series also had one movie made for it, Silverwing (pretty much equally like the books and the show), Lucifer (an interesting show that has grown on me, but I know nothing about the comics which it originally is based on nor do I chose to know at this time), Now...as for my last favorite fiction...it is something called Neopets the Darkest Faerie (no...don't ask me why I listed NEOPETS here...that freaking website where you create your own pets and play games to earn neopoints. I'm talking about the VIDEO GAME that came out of that site only, so just know that this game was the BEST SHIT during my much earlier childhood before getting into KH and still even now I replay it from time to time, if KH isn't taking up 99% of my video game time, that is lol... Still...Neopets Darkest Faerie is not as interesting as Kingdom Hearts is, KH is obviously so much more... Darkest Faerie on the contrary was just a stand alone game). And now...to provide a huge contrast from what I posted so far...here's past fictions I was into at one point in my much earlier life, either due to lack of interest, or general disgust of their fandoms, or because I flat out started to HATE these shows/books themselves; I put them behind me and moved on: Sonic the Hedgehog (I still only appreciate SOME elements out of it, from what I can appreciate it's mostly the Archie comics stuff and not the games themselves; the series has gone to shit however...and the fanbase has always been shit, but it appears to be even worse now believe it or not), Avatar the Last Airbender (it had one of the most rude and mean fanbase I've ever come across who fought over pairings and complained about the live action movie, and also had a pretty mediocre sequel show called Legend of Korra, which I didn't find much interest in after that show's end...so despite how interesting I found the first show to be in the past, I'm thinking of removing all my Avatar stories on here because there's no point to keeping them around as I have no interest in getting into ATLA ever again, even if I was most fond of one particular hot-headed character...), Yu-Gi-Oh, first season only (I loved it as a kid, but now I realize how mostly ridiculous it is, except for the forth part with Atlantis, but I pretty much only like the Abridged version for its comedic value), Digimon (pretty much the same reason I liked Yu-Gi-Oh...HOWEVER, I still like some elements out of it, like the darker mood of Season 3 and 4 and certain characters out of those seasons), And I saved the worst for last...DBZ (This. fucking. show... I used to watch this grandiose action shit as a child...on toonami...when I had little to no attention span...does all this really need a proper explanation? I'd rather not waste my time explaining...but here's a short explanation anyways: The show itself is a ridiculous fight fest full of shallow nothingness and retarded anime cliche of male machismo duking it out ENDLESSLY...it's an overrated over-hyped full of shit series with no depth and substance underneath; the second main reason I hate this series...the obnoxious FANBOYS, who push away the opposite sex from liking the show...and the same exact fanboys who bitch and complain to each other about which character has a bigger power level than the other character; yes, they're even worse than all the whinny Star Wars fanboys who bitch about the prequels or the sequel movie(s) or Star Wars Rebels, even; DBZ fanboys take the obnoxious pettiness many more steps farther than the SW fanboys) PS: I'm NOT an anime lover, my fictional interests vary GREATLY as you can see from this list above. The only ever anime I have ever gotten into, out of the few that I watched, was Fullmetal Alchemist ONLY. So if you feel like you could change my mind about my hate for 99% of anime out there by recommending me some other 'one of a kind' anime, you can forget it because I won't bother. I am NOT interested in 'being proven wrong', especially not by some anime elitist that thinks Eastern cartoons are better than Western ones. Alright, enough about me, for now. I would like to start this section by introducing to you all my ideas for my post BBI story. Let me make this clear, I have NOT actually played the Bluebird's Illusion game since it's in Chinese, BUT I have read the translations on help sites, two of them being http:/// and http:///. AND I also know many of the screenshots of the game by heart. The first site actually is working on releasing an English and modified version of the game, and I heard that the translation is almost done and is about to be released sometime this year. Now I'm trying to decide whether to wait until AFTER I play this game to start my story or start the story soon, while I'm on my Summer Vacation time. Because when I start my next college semester in a few months time I will be too busy again. Before I start talking about anymore specific elements within my story, I will link you all to my BBI artwork on deviantart (so far). Why they are important for my story is explained in the description for each picture. Edward, before turning into a homunculus (has the same appearance in the game, although the picture contains a good amount of symbolism in homage to Ed's fate): http:///art/BBI-Edward-Before-the-Change-colored-453890607 This second one is him as Pride, but not right after his transformation shown in BBI, this is artwork of him YEARS later (most likely 5 years after BBI, still haven't concluded an exact time period): http:///art/BBI-Pride-Years-Later-A-New-Edward-colored-453890923 MY third picture is one that includes Envy too (he and Pride are on a 'mission' or maybe not, but it's still undecided what's really going on or if this will be in my story; I just wanted to make this to show some interaction between the two, when Pride is full-fledged homunculus with the purple eyes and anti-human sadism): http:///art/Pride-Ed-Psycho-463357545 My fourth piece (it's actually from a much bigger idea of an artwork I plan on releasing soon, which includes a character from another show): http:///art/Another-Pride-Ed-piece-467093408 The fifth and recent picture is one that I did quickly (so please don't pay much mind to its mediocrity), showing Pride's bloodlust to a more extreme (this will be a smaller piece from a bigger picture I plan on releasing soon): http:///art/Pride-s-Bloodlust-469870705 Sixth picture of importance is this one, which is like a comic/manga page than anything else, and hints at a very spoilerific part of my story: http:///art/Pride-Buried-Alive-colored-480562622 Seventh picture of importance will be up very soon...I hope. You can see a preview of that on my dA page. I used Pride's face from the second deviation as my avatar on this site, so please DON'T STEAL any of my artwork anywhere online!!! You can even ask my dA account if you want to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that these pictures are mine. If you want to make a music video and use my art, LET ME KNOW FIRST. While I appreciate AND watch ANY BBI fan content I come across, I would love it more if you give credit where it's due. My second picture might give away many spoilers to how Pride may turn out, act within my story, or fight, but I think it's better that you all know beforehand to get to know the basics of his persona. I'd rather have readers expect what his character may turn out as in case they are confused about why 'Edward' is acting 'not Edward-like' but acting like a psychopathic murderer with bloodlust. Yes, his personality as a homunculus won't be exactly like Edward (sometimes there might be little instances of the old Ed while other times...well, let's just say he won't be people-friendly) that should be obvious enough, but he will NOT stay in the zombie-like stage as he's shown at the end of BBI, as seen in my picture where he has regained his irises and developed the typical purple homunculus eyes. As the pic suggests, as the homunculus Pride years after the events BBI (not certain yet on HOW many years later, so I might even keep this secret until a number of chapters into the story), Edward will appear to be a completely different 'person'. You might classify him as 'psycho' or batshit insane if you want a general analysis on him, which of course will be shown why he turns out the way he does. Alright I'll just say it, he's NOT the same Edward you know and love from the animes, he has gone through enough shit and will be going through even more during the story. I will say this loud and clear: THERE WILL BE NO YAOI OF ANY KIND IN MY STORY!!! There might be SOME sexual humor, but not any which make him out to be 'secretly gay'. Not just because I despise boyXboy love (and girlXgirl love also), but I would like to keep Edward's CANON sexuality (which is straight), thank you very much. Despite some 'shounen-ai' elements in the game, those type of references will most likely be omitted from my story ALTOGETHER (and I will NOT reference ANY yaoi scenes from the game as flashbacks, this is where my version of BBI differs from the usual story), all that crap is basically PURE FANSERVICE ONLY and I want my story to be an actual STORY, not a romance novel. I MIGHT keep in maybe the whole joke of Roy wanting to see Ed in a dress, BUT it will only be seen as a JOKE and not as any sexual innuendo Roy is trying to pull. We all know how much Roy likes to tease Ed, sometimes to the point of psychological abuse, but this does NOT mean Roy has the hots for him. Roy likes WOMEN, plain and simple. I mean c'mon guys, Roy is the straightest man in the show besides Havoc, or did you forget his whole 'TINY MINISKIRTS' line for women in the military? If sexual references were kept out completely from BBI the story would be reasonable and more 'canon'-like, if it were considered a 'canon' alternative future of course. What I mean is this, whatever type of male-x-male stuff you see in the game's story will NOT be canon to the BBI history in MY story and I will NOT reference any of it in my post BBI story, because Ed, Roy and even Al are NOT canonically gay/bisexual, and thus all the gay stuff is highly impossible for these characters. It's obvious they're all straight, Roy is NOT a pedo for Ed, and Ed and Al would NEVER engage in incest. And I would like to keep their sexualities CANON, not make up any uncharacteristic perversions. Yes, my story IS a sequel to BBI, but of my OWN interpretation (and backstory). And I honestly don't see there being any homosexuals in the shows/manga besides Alex L. Armstrong (this character is debatable) and Garfield. Let me state that while I kinda agree that Ed in the Pride ending seemed 'out of character' in BBI, on the other hand we must realize that he BARELY had any screen time as Pride the homunculus (it was just one freaking instance at the very end, but nothing else was elaborated about him). Many just didn't want to give this 'new' Ed a chance because he didn't act like the typical Ed we know. So what? I'm sure if there was a similar story made in canon, it would most likely be expected for such a story to turn out like this. And still, if you forget your past life, only to find that it's too painful to try to remember everything all at once again, wouldn't it be reasonable to block it out immediately after you are reborn as something which is not (entirely) human anymore? There's trauma in it all, many people block out trauma ALL THE TIME, so it's not an uncommon reaction for him to be a zoned out, brain dead zombie. In time, however, he will most likely start to remember small chunks of his past life, slowly, that should be expected for someone with such a strong will like Edward's. So I really don't see or understand all the overwhelming negativity towards the Pride!Ed concept and saying it's impossible for it to work out. Pride at the end of BBI is basically a clean slate, but he's still Ed! Whatever mischievousness Ed displays within the shows will be extended to sheer sadism in my story, taking such delight in causing humans intentionally harm and misery (in contrast to him as the human Ed he once was). Basically, the typical sociopathic and psychopathic behavior a homunculus exhibits due to a 'lack of soul'. Of course, his character will develop throughout the story, and only time will tell if/when he changes and by how much. Some reasons for why I KNOW Ed's main sin is Pride, and why as a homunculus he would fit Pride's role best (keep in mind, in the BBI alternate universe, the Pride we know as Selim Bradley from the manga ISN'T Pride in BBI (he never was shown in BBI, in fact, although he IS referenced by Bradley as being a NORMAL human), since 'Father' pretty much states in the game "I was waiting for the best person to fill this position, and Ed is the one person that fits this job best"): Let me just get this out of the way...Pride is NOT the same as Narcissism or Vanity, but quite similar to both. However, they can also be seen as two lesser qualities of Pride, along with the traits Egotism and Conceit. There are a good number of times when he expresses most of these traits but not always so obviously, with the least being Vanity. Ed's sin of Pride in the animes gets him into a lot of trouble, because his arrogant views as an alchemist gets the better of him and gets him into a lot of very avoidable situations. He starts off by thinking he can take on the world because of his special alchemy, and not be chastised for it, but of course we know Truth (or the Gate as shown in the 2003 anime) DOES teach Ed a lesson early on in life which he still goes on ignoring until the last half of Brotherhood (and in the mid-2003 anime when he goes his own way). Sure, him losing an arm and a leg at an early age, due to his arrogance of his knowledge of alchemy and his short-term denial of Equivalent Exchange affecting him like it does everyone else, made him 'more' humble (and it's still a bit over-exaggerating to state he became 'humble', because he's still a cocky little brat, who actually thinks himself an adult, for a long while), it was his determination, confidence and high view of himself which got him into the messes he does within his lifetime, the first two traits being the lesser side of the sin of 'Pride'. Pride has always been known to be the number one deadliest sin, which in my honest opinion is ridiculously ranked so high. But hey, I won't go into my views of religious fallacies and refutations. I will follow this ranking system throughout my story, however, because I can kind of understand how the other six deadly sins basically come out of or are related to Pride indirectly. I will also say this, Truth or The Gate is basically GOD in FMA (and they are within EACH person, depending on what anime you are referencing), and you of course DON'T try and one up GOD or he will SMITE you (as we see with Ed's pride getting him into trouble with Truth AND as we see with Dwarf in the Flask's fate at his very end; you could say that the Dwarf's remaining two sins were Pride and Greed BECAUSE of his superiority complex towards humans and his avaricious side for gaining more power, which is also symbolized by the homunculi of Pride and Greed as the last two shown to survive until their own ends, but nevermind Dwarf!Father, back to Ed!Pride. Western or Abrahamic Religion, while I don't follow any of them, tells us this plainly, that we are all 'maggots' compared to God and we should obey him since he is the Almighty one, so the show goes by this, however the show subliminally takes a more PANTHEIST approach to God and his/its connection to things in the universe (All is One, One is All), to which this second philosophy is more rooted in Eastern Religion. We could say that Ed displays a good amount of Wrath (getting pissed off at being called short by ANYONE and getting irritated during some battles which he finds himself losing in or being overwhelmed), Greed (his quest to get the Philosopher's Stone definitely is rooted in greediness, regardless of the fact that it's for a good reason), and Gluttony (him having such a HUGE appetite at times, but it's explained later on that the reason for this is that he's making up for Al's body being in the Gate and Al's body not getting nutrients, so Ed is making up for his brother's lack of nutrition). Ed's kinda too young to be full of Lust and doesn't show any signs of it at all anyways (however, he does show signs of having a crush on Winry, but that's just a natural youth response and doesn't have to do with Lust necessarily), he's too PROUD of himself to have Envy towards anyone else (this is quite obvious, especially seeing how it's Envy himself who actually has a jealous rivalry against Edward in FMA 2003), and he barely has Sloth (except for when he oversleeps to try and make up for Al's lack of a body and therefore Al's lack of sleep). Throughout both series it's basically his inner struggle to overcome his overbloated EGO and HUBRIS, and learn that the world won't be as soft and malleable as play-do when he tries to help it or change it, even though he's as stubborn and tenacious as a bull. It's also worth noting that he barely wants to compromise with situations and with people that do not benefit him or are harmful to him and his loved ones, because it goes against his morals, even though most of the time this only results in the delay of him attaining his goals (such as getting the Stone, so we could say his Greed is not so high either, but still higher than most of the other sins), because remember, Greed is NOT his deadliest sin, Pride is. It's funny when you realize that even with Ed's Napoleon Complex (AKA hates being a shortie and made aware of his shortness by others, because it hurts his Pride...OH, THE IRONY! XD), his Pride will never allow him to be affected by such comments, and he prevents his Pride from being broken by this as well, defending himself ALL THE TIME by either INSULTING these people to make THEM feel lower OR tells them empty, but humorous threats. Another parallel with Ed's high sense of Pride and the Brotherhood/Manga homunculus Pride is that...hey, look at Selim the SHORTY! Hahaha yep, he was the SHORTEST of all the rest of the homunculi, despite the fact that he's basically the body of a small boy and he's supposed to be short naturally. Another thing to note, which actually MAY be spoilers about what I plan to do with Alphonse in my story, is that Manga's Pride is the OLDEST homunculus, in contrast to BBI Pride being the youngest but only just at the ending of BBI (and we aren't given clues as to if the homunculi Greed, Wrath, and Sloth even exist in the BBI story yet). So yes, Pride is the youngest in BBI, but in my post-BBI story that will NOT be the case. I will give a hint though, Ed is the oldest Elric brother while Al is the youngest brother. That's all I will say further about Ed, with this line of two tropes: Ed is basically the Saint of Jerks With Hearts of Gold, but this will change while he's Pride and has no knowledge of his past life. One last note which doesn't actually have to do with Ed but with myself...I have to say that Pride is actually MY main 'sin' (out of the 7 spoken about in religion), because like with Ed it may seem most subliminal and less obvious for us both BUT in essence that's the sin that truly embodies us the most, so I can really sympathize with the guy. Honestly, I think 'Pride' as a sin is attributed to WAY to much negativity in religion, but that's just my opinion... Some quotes describing Pride!Ed after the events of Bluebird's Illusion in my story and just in general. Might actually add some or all these quotes in any future stories I plan on writing. I guarantee that if I do write any I will surely make the post BBI one before any others. These quotes below are all lines Pride says at some different points in the story (might or might not be exactly word for word), and for the some I was inspired from most other fanfics and artwork of Pride when I though them up. "Happiness doesn't really exist, only power does." "You should've known the price of the evil you signed up for!" "The Bluebird is just an Illusion for optimistic fools" "My soul is trapped within my subconscious, but I can ignore it intentionally." "I've lived long enough to see myself become a sadistic villain, against my will and knowledge... And now, I'm not even sure if it's the best or worst course of events. Something life-changing was bound to have happen to us eventually..." I have written up my Greek version for Bratja/Brothers (song) from FMA. I published it on 5/26/2014. It's actually overdo for improvement, I will fix up any translation errors eventually. My youtube (I have great BBI and other FMA videos in my favorites that I recommend anyone to check out!): http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLYxw8LgDU746HayrIIlJew/ Do not bother me with your replies to my old reviews, I do not care what I said before, nor do I remember, as I've had a long hiatus from this site and fandoms have come and gone for me. Rudeness will be returned back to those who can't take this hint and you might be blocked. |