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![]() Author has written 18 stories for Danny Phantom, Fullmetal Alchemist, Rise of the Guardians, Harry Potter, and Avengers. Hello everyone and welcome to my Challenge Corner. I have a very active imagination and anything can spark a story idea. Trillions of big and small (hee-hee Ed) ideas run through my head like Ed on a short rant so I've decided to put all the ones I don't have time to expand on/write out here for other writers. I don't like these going to waste and I know there are writers out there looking for (a) challenge(s). So I came up with my Challenge Corner, although technically it's not an actual "corner"...Anyway, here you can find various sentence-based ideas or one-worded prompts. Perhaps phrases or something too. Hell, you might even find full-fledged multi-chapter ideas. Colors? Maybe Shapes? Wow. Sorry. Getting ahead of myself here. /sweat drop/ There will be various levels of challenges, ranging from simple open-ended prompts where as long as you include the original prompt somewhere and still keep the overall idea based on or influenced by it then you can really do what you want. Especially if you just need a place to start. Then there are ones that can have strict guidelines/rules you have to follow. Ones that are open ended can range from friendship to smut, gore to butterflies. Or a combination thereof. Take your pick. This is a challenge to you after all. I'm just supplying the ideas and the place to find them. The more I come up with, the more organized this little corner will be and the easier it will be for you to find the right challenge for you. I'm going to try and go from easiest to hardest in their respective subdivision but we'll see how it all goes. grins As equivalent exchange for supplying these ideas to you all who wish to try this personal challenge, I ask that you give credit where credit is due. It'll be very obvious where you got the idea considering it will be on my profile for all to see. I really don't mind at all if they're used, in fact, I promote it, I just simply ask that I'm credited with the idea. Also, I ask that when you post a story using one of my ideas, please mention even briefly the little Challenge Corner so as to spread the word a little. Shameless advertising? XD In exchange for that, I will post under the prompt you used respectively the summary and insert the link to your story beneath that. This will also be a place where other writers and readers can read your works, finding them in a central place. It's all equivalent exchange in the end. smiles One last thing, please email/message me with the idea you'd like to write and tell me what, if any, constrictions you would like. Constrictions include random pairings, before, during, or after certain events like Ishbal or Lab 5 for example, specific genre(s), a specific item or word that needs to be incorporated as a main theme, etc. I may also have more specific plot ideas, if you're interested, that can be included in the challenge if you so wish it. Otherwise it's all up to you to make it into something worth reading. I may come up with more or change unsused ones as time goes on and I have a better feel for what I'm doing, but these'll be it for now. There will also be sections such as Chimera, Ishbal, etc. As you can all see fairly well that most if not all of these ideas are inspired by Fullmetal Alchemist. However I'm not purely savy in just this category. It is, though, one of the few animes I'm well verse in so it just makes it easier for me to come up with prompt ideas, especially when I have a base to work my way up from. I'm sure you can all relate to that. Now that I'm done with my rambling, here's a few ideas to start out with. But don't fret. There will definitely be more soon. 1). Cleaning can lead to a bigger mess. 2). He was supposed to be dead. But here he was before me, alive...but not in the least well. In fact, he looked about ready to kill. 3). I'm literally a dog in the military, but unlike the others, I don't mind at all. - Black Hayate based. 4). Sunflowers. Somehow despite how tall they grew, they reminded me of him. Sunflowers by Unnoticed Observer. 5). His eyes were as dead as burned out coals, but add the pressure of all the wrongs he committed to that familiar heat of his flames and beneath it all lay soot covered diamonds of determination to set things right. 6). Though they looked liked the real things, moved nearly gracefully like the real things...they never would be. Real limbs don't reflect silver sin. 7). Sand always found its way into his boots when he walked through the desert and it was driving him crazy. -Comic Roy with a teasing Maes right before the fighting between the Military and Ishbal. 8). Ed sat listlessly before his brother's year old grave. A crunch of leaves and he realized he wasn't the only one mourning in the cemetery. Parental!Roy/Ed. 9). Amazing how little we realize just how much we have until it's gone. - Either Winry or Riza based. 10). They tried being sneaky about it, but no one could fool Granny. - very open to interpretation of any level. 11). Sunsets and Candy Corn. -Very random. I know. XD 12). He died and she let him, because he begged for the pain to be over and she couldn't stand to see him hurt anymore. - him or her. Any mix in this open-ended prompt. 13). Grandparents. - Open-ended, your interpretation/choice 14). Christmas in the Liorian desert. - based off the idea of Christmas in July, Elric Brothers 15). After a full day of searching for the stone and working on dwindling leads, all he wanted to do was sink into the soft haven of the mattress. - Tired. 16). Every time he comes home he's wrecked his automail, but this time it's not something that can be seen that's been shattered. - heartbreak. After Nina. Talk with Winry as she fixes up his automail. Hurt/Comfort 17). They said it was just a simple chemical reaction in the body that made you feel this way, but the idiots who came up with this had obviously never been in love. Pick a pairing if you wish there to be. Or it can be open-ended. 18). Tap tap tap. All he did was tap his fingers on his desk as he stared at his paperwork. Bored out of his mind Roy decides to have some fun. But in the midst of things a blond shrimp accidentally leaps into the action. - party instead of work, drunk!Ed 19). “What the hell is this in your automail?” Ed grinned sheepishly as he shrugged his shoulders. “Umm-” whack! - Ed forgets about something he stored in his automail and pays for it the next time Winry inspects it. OR something's in his automail that gets him in trouble. 20). When a well-known alchemist is murdered, Ed is sent as head of investigations to figure out why. It had something to do with a new theory they had and no one else is qualified, or able, to understand their notes. And the more he reads, the more his life, supported by alchemy, crumbles around him. -A new theory on alchemy and its circles. Perhaps there's a deeper reason there are circles? Or maybe there don't have to be at all. Pick apart the circle and give it new meaning alongside having to incorporate it into a plot. If plot ideas are needed don't hesitate to ask for suggestions. 21). He was a nuisance. He was sure of it. That's how they felt about him. It had to be. What Ed doesn't realize is that it's his birthday and the reason his friends and family have been excluding him from nearly everything was because of a surprise party, but when they go looking for him he's gone with only a simple letter on his pillow. - Whoever you chose to be on the other side of this pairing finds Ed and brings him back after convincing him he's quite the opposite of a nuisance. In fact, he's the (insert short pun here) glue that holds them together. 22). Just before leaving his world, Ed looked out into the landscape and saw his lover watching him leave them behind from the rooftop of Headquarters, and it broke his heart knowing he'd have to leave, but knowing that he would be helping save this world from the dangers of the other side helped the slow mending of those pieces. - Further challenge: Ed has to find a way back but when he does he's a day too late, and so in time for the funeral. However the cryptic message engraved on the tombstone makes him fall in love all over again. Edx? 23). Everyone has their own inner-demons, but what happens when one's inner-demons are so strong, so dark and evil, tortuous to the soul that they begin to take over not only your dreams but your life as well? 24). The night Edward Elric was murdered, the sky opened its moist eyes and grieved for the young soul. Now every night it rains his spirit appears in search of his killer. Either one-shot or multi-chapter Edx? Very open ended Topics: School-automatic modern setting: 1). There had been little stability in his life, being shuffled from house to house. But when he came across the school bully huddled alone in the far shower of the boys changing room wallowing in his own self pity away from prying eyes, Ed finally found the pillar of stability he'd been missing in the one person who understood what it was to be unloved. EnvyxEd – Spur of the moment, may need to fixed up. You got the basic idea, right? 2). Large plot – Ed and the gang are in school modern day as students but one night the Gate appears in Edward's dreams and slowly his past life merges with his current, revealing memories of what has come and past. Memories he had read as facts and history of the long dead hero of his country Edward Elric. A great evil has gathered enough energy to rip its way through the Gate and into the now alchemy-less world but with the regaining memories comes the once lost knowledge of alchemy and now it's up to Edward Elric, descendant and once-upon-a-time hero of the people, to revive the heroes of the past resting within their reincarnations and rid the world of the reborn homunculi bent on wreaking havoc on the unsuspecting world. - (I have more specific pieces to this big puzzle that I'd like for the taker of this challenge to incorporate but I don't want to reveal too much to those who don't take this challenge.) Modern-general: 1). Ed and phones don't mix. 2). “I hate this-I hate you-I hate flying” Either Ed and Roy, where Roy tosses dignity to the wind, visa versa, or Ed and Al where it's Ed clinging for life to the seats. Chimera: 1). I had promised to protect him, but I failed him. And now here I was, cornered and about to die as I gazed into the eyes of the beast that had once been my brother. - Either Chimera!Ed or Chimera!Al. Or perhaps the missing brother of another character? 2). The formula for the perfect chimera included an intelligent human and a strong beast that was loyal to its creator. However, lowly loyalties can always be swayed by true love. - Chimera!Roy mixed with a chimera canine that holds deep loyalties to its creator. However when combined with Roy, his love for Ed is so strong that those deep ties to its “master” are severed and embedded between Roy and Edward's heart. RoyxEd, Chimera!Roy Specific Pairings-general plot: 1). She was certain he would never love her, but the night of the meteor shower he proved her wrong in so many ways. RizaxEd 2). As the light faded from her eyes, I finally knew what she'd meant when she said, "You're useless in the rain, Roy." because she was my sun, and without her I was useless. - RoyxRiza. 3). Roy insisted he didn't go, even went so far as to order him not to run into the building, but he didn't listen and now it was too late to save him from the unstable structure. - Last thoughts of both Edward and Roy during the minutes before, during, and after the building falls, a small girl that had been trapped inside coming out just as it collapses. Through tears she tells him Edward's last words. “I'm sorry.” Which was always equivalent to “I love you” - RoyxEd Though partially based on this prompt, here's the end result: Sorry, Drabbles of an Overactive Imagination by Baroqueangel 4). She reached out her hand and held open her heart, smiling such a dazzling smile as she waved goodbye knowing that his heart belonged only to her. - Ed confesses his love to Winry and though he still has to retrieve Al's body, he promises her he will return for her. EdxWinry 5). Ed needs more funding for his search for the Philosopher's Stone and no matter what he's tried nothing seems to work to persuade the Colonel. Desperate, he exploits Roy's weakness. At first it's a one-sided relationship but when Roy says those three words Ed realizes that love has rooted itself deep in his heart and bloomed into something wild but true. - RoyxEd one-sided transforms into equal. FMAFMAFMAFMAFMAFMAFMAFMAFMAFMAFMA Here are some of my own stories: Future stories (Mostly oneshots I came up with since the last time I wrote. About about 2 years ago) I plan to post soon: Truth Summary: Even as I sit here in the white expanse before the Gate, I can hardly believe that this is what you've become. For a year we believed you were gone, save for Al. I tried to bring you back from death but instead I've learned the Truth. I've learned you. (Note: Another one of those 'what-if's that was bottled up but then shaken up and exploded into something resembling an idea. Oi. So many of those! Though I suppose it's not so bad considering I'll have something to work on when I get bored. Which happens often. sweat-drops (As of Yet Untitled) Chimera!Ed Oneshot Summary: Roy, Alphonse and others come to Edward's rescue in time to witness his synthesis with a crocodile/dog chimera. His captor intends to use this much smarter beast against the officers and eventually further his plans of revenge but Ed is still alive inside and fighting for control. Chimera!Ed. Notes: I guess you could say this is really a three-shot. There is the oneshot, then two alternate endings. A sad ending and a happy ending. Since I couldn't pick which one I wanted, I just wrote both. (Yet Another Untitled) Chimera!Ed Oneshot Summary: Four months missing and so much as gone wrong... "Oh gods, Roy." She sniffled, pulling away to look over his shoulder at the confused chimera. "I-I think I f-found him." ... and it only gets worse. Recently posted: A Second Chance Summary (Harry Potter/Avengers Xover): Post Battle of New York and Loki is being held by the Avengers. A special freelance member of SHIELD shows up to confront Loki and offer him a second chance. One-shot. In collaboration with Demonalchemist5: Dark Side of the Moon Summary: Something happened on Ed's last mission but he won't tell anyone, not even his own brother. Does it have any connection to his sudden meat cravings and withdrawn attitude? And where does he keep disappearing to on the night of the full moon? Chimera!Ed Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/4436657/1/ Broken Summary: Oneshot It's so hard to watch him, sitting there quietly in uniform, doing paperwork and following orders like the dog he said he wasn't. I knew he had been beaten, but I didn't realize until now just how broken he really was. Roy POV Parental!RoyEd Kitty Summary: Oneshot Edward has another nightmare, but this one takes the cake. A cake with whiskers, twitching ears, cute, fluffy tails...and a pissed off Ed. Chaotic Flames: Oneshot Roy's out for lunch and Ed comes into the empty office. Bored waiting, he comes across a pair of white ignition cloth gloves with some special red stitching and decides to have some fun. He finds out, though, fire can burn... Pure comedy. XD Edvy Summary: Envy's nature hadn't come into full bloom until the day the eldest Elric son came into this world. Now, the sin of jealousy will take Ed's life whether he wants him to or not. (Note: This one is an idea in the form of a oneshot. I thought, "There're no Envy!Ed fics out there, so why not spread the idea by posting this fic. and challenging other writers to see what they come up with?" wink XD ) Soul of the Guardian Summary: Through the unforeseen sacrifice of a small Southern town, Ed and Al find themselves back in their world. Now they have to hunt down and stop the Mistress before she succeeds in reviving her Master. What fate shall befall the Elric Brothers? Post CoS Dual Sympathy Summary: Years ago a research facility was shut down. The Military thought it was gone, but now that they have Ed and Al, horrible truths are out in the open. The connection between mind and soul have been bridged, humans and beasts linked. Parental!Roy/Ed Aquamarine Summary: Edward grows up believing he is a normal boy with a secret love for everything aquatic. Little does he know that is exactly why he had to be protected in the first place. Parental!Roy/Ed I was reading a FMA fanfiction and I read ...Mustang. "Bastard." ... and guess what my brain came up with? Mustard. Yes, mustard. XD And one last thing, Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen, loop-de-loop-ride, Horselvr4evr123 Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique,so weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile! |