So… This is what happens when you have a brain like mine. See, I have this tendency to cross over… well, everything, so yeah. You'll be surprised what I picked this time. Most likely, you will lol. Well, maybe not, but I think it's funny. So, yeah. There may be clues in the first part, but we'll see.

And yes, this will be a serious crossover. Just because I have to do it. XD


A sudden breeze coming from behind alerted him to his surroundings. He shook his head to clear his mind of the distracting thoughts that were, at the risk of being redundant, distracting him from what he needed to concentrate on: getting away from Scar.

He lightly jumped to the ground from his high perch and ran for the edge of town, which happened to be bordered by cliffs and boulders of what we would consider to be the African variety. Needless to say, there are many liberties being taken with this series of events, all of which are necessary for the end result.

He threw himself into a small cave and transmuted the entrance shut, leaving a very small hole for air. He hoped that he'd been far enough ahead of his predator to have successfully thrown the Ishbalan off, but he transmuted a small tunnel down the cave just in case, positioning himself in such a manner that he could easily run down it and transmute an exit further down, which in theory would give him enough time to escape should Scar find him here.

He shuddered to think what would happen if the Ishbalan simply decided to destroy the rock that supported the ceiling of his small hideaway.

He heard a rustle on the other side of the wall and decided to risk looking through the small hole to see what was approaching. Sure enough, the Ishbalan happened to be passing by. He tensed, hoping that the small hole providing air for him would go unnoticed by the Ishbalan.

Suddenly, Scar stopped and turned. He couldn't see the man's eyes, but he could tell the Ishbalan was facing him. He pulled himself back into the safety of the cave and waited, holding his breath and looking through the narrow opening to see what the Ishbalan was doing.

A red eye appeared through the hole, and he tensed again, not daring to breathe and hoping that the darkness of the cavern was enough to hide him, but no such luck.

"Fullmetal Alchemist," came the deep voice of his would-be killer. "You're dead!"

He scooted back toward the tunnel and shoved himself into it as the wall he'd transmuted earlier was destroyed. He nearly made it, as well, but a hand wrapped itself around his ankle, and he was pulled back. He screamed and shouted, he kicked out at his assailant, but it wasn't enough. Scar had somehow managed to pull him from the cave and shoved him against a nearby cliff wall.

"Like I've said before, you're too slow."

He didn't know what came over him at that particular moment, but something strange flashed before his eyes, and he could tell the same had happened to Scar. Both were too surprised to move for a good minute, but when they finally did regain their senses, he was the first to make a move.

He kicked Scar as hard as he could in the groin and ran like hell, making it a decent distance away before losing his footing and falling ten feet to the hard stone below.



"Hey, Simba," Nala said as she padded up to her friend. "What are you looking at?"

"Hey, Nala. Look in there," the young male cub replied, gesturing with a paw to a small cave in the rock outcropping a few hundred feet away from Pride Rock. Nala looked curiously inside before letting out a shriek and jumping back a bit.

"W-w-wh-what is that?" she stammered, tripping over her paws as she attempted to regain what dignity she had left.

"I don't know. I heard about something like this from my dad, but this one's really light…"

"You should get him to come down here. Seriously, Simba, I don't like this."

"What, are you scared?" Simba taunted.

"No! I just want to know what it really is, and I think your dad can tell us!" Nala shot back.

"What are you two doing?" Zazu suddenly interrupted, startling both cubs out of their reverie.

"Hey, Zazu, what is that?" Simba asked, pointing at the cave entrance.

The Hornbill peered into the cave before suddenly jumping back. "It's a human!"

"A what?"

"Listen, stay here and watch it. I'll go get Mufasa!"

And with that, the two cubs went back to watching the obviously unconscious 'human,' as Zazu had called it.


Yeah. I went there.