Chapter 1: Murder Damaged
Just when you thought I would go away, I come back and surprise
you with another fanfic, and its funny who it works that way. Word
out to Kirsten, Olivia, and Elaina. My favorite losers. I of course,
am no exception ). And to puprpledog100, cool cat that reviews my
stupid stories, we have lame conversations that I love ).Well, it's
back to the norm I suppose. Please, PLEASE REVIEW
PEOPLE! Disclaimer: No, the totally awesome Butch
Hartman owns Danny Phantom, not I. And even if I did own it, I could
never pull it off as good as Butch HIGH FIVE! And now, I
take my leave. ENJOY!
We've had many misadventures, but there was always
that hot emo boy on the subway to
make it all worth it
in the end…Chapter 1
Explaining The Term
LethargicIt was Just another normal fall day in Amity
Park. The day was mildly warm and Jack and Maddie Fenton were
parading around the town looking for ghost as usual. It was kind of
their thing to do, being obsessed with them and all. As for Jazz,
well, two years had gone by and she was off at college, learning to
become the therapist she had always wanted to be. But today, she had
come home to stay for the week so she was busy reading (as she
usually did). As for Danny, that of course, is completely another
You see, being half ghost (and having to fight them constantly) really tires him out. He would find himself sleeping at random times. The downside of this was, he usual slept during English. Causing him to fail, more than usual.
"Mr. Fenton!" Mr. Lancer said for the third time. He was loosing his patients with Danny.
"Huh!" Danny bolted his head up form his desk. His paper was sticking to his face. "Sorry, I, uh, got a little-"
"Sidetracked? I'm sure." Mr. Lancer finished for him. "You see students, I have been teaching for quite some time now,"
"Yeah, no kidding," Tucker whispered to Danny.
"Watch yourself, Mr. Foley" Mr. Lancer turned to face him. Tucker winced. "As I was saying, In all my years of teaching, I have found that there is two, and only two, types of students; the Doers, and the Don'ters. The Doers are the dedicated students. The ones that take there time and put care into everything they do. The Don'ters, on the other hand, oh, they're a fabulous bunch indeed. Sitting in there chairs, loafing around all day. Doing nothing, whatsoever, including pay attention!" he yelled in Danny's face. "So, you see students, maybe if Mr. Fenton wasn't busy, writing LOVE LETTERS TO MISS MANSON, he wouldn't be failing ENGLISH!"
"He he, funny story about that, sir," Danny blushed, sinking into his chair.
"I'm sure it's hilarious, Mr. Fenton. But you can be Romeo on your own time. It's not a party giving you F's every week. Understood?" Mr. Lancer finished.
"Crystal," Danny gulped as the rest of the class laughed at him. Sam looked at him and he gave her a nervous grin. But she only slapped her hand onto her forehead and shook her head slowly. Danny sunk back in his chair. He only hoped his misery would stop soon.
"English! What the hell forces you to always send them to me in English!" Sam asked Danny as Tucker tried not to laugh.
"I'm sorry, alright? I had something important to tell you," Danny said slamming his locker shut.
"Yeah, what was that?" Valerie asked walking up to them.
"Nothing," Danny said quickly.
"Aww…you wanted to tell her you looove her, didn't you?" Valerie smiled patting his head. Danny jerked away from her hand and brushed his hair back in place.
"Remember when we couldn't even get them to admit they liked each other?" Tucker laughed.
"Oh, who could forget?" Sam said sarcastically. Danny smiled.
"It was always so frustrating! I mean, sometimes I just wanted to clonk their heads together, say "obvious!" then have the dancing crab come in and sing 'kiss the girl'." Tucker beamed. Valerie, Sam, and Danny stopped walking and gave him the strangest look.
"….What?" Valerie said disgusted in him.
"You know," Tucker started. "The dancing crab from Arial- I mean, the Little Mermaid-"
"I know what's its from, Tuck," Valerie said walking into the classroom. "Just never speak of it again."
"Students," Miss Gawky greeted them as they walked in. She was their teacher for drama, or, "the great arts of theater," as she liked to call it. She was had curly blond hair and black rimmed glasses. Most of the students knew her for being the insane teacher. "It be 8:55. Why does thou come at such a late hour and pain us, waiting for your arrival?"
"Oh, calm down, Galadriel. We're only five minutes late," Tucker rolled his eyes. "No big deal-"
"No big deal?" Miss Gawky cried bewildered. "If Shakespeare had thought of his character, Hamlet, not to be such a big deal in his story, would the book be the classic it is today? Or if Peter Jackson had come late to the set to direct, would J.R.R Tolkien's epic novel, The Lord Of The Rings be viewed by the viewers that have viewed it today?"
"Well," Tucker thought. "Eventually-"
"Nay!" Miss Gawky snapped at him. Tucker jumped back. The rest of the class laughed at him. It was always entertaining to see Miss Gawky yell at him. "Mr. Foley, I can take one students opinion just as good as the next teacher, but try to understand, theater is a privilege! It moves our creative mind, our inner thoughts, frees the depths, of our souls!"
"She really gets into it," Sam whispered to Danny.
"It's her life," Danny replied. Sam returned the smile. Not much had changed in the past two years. Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Valerie remained friends. Maybe for Danny and Sam, more than friends. Same had happened to Tucker and Valerie. But basically, most things were the same. School remained utterly boring and ghost hunting became more and more a huge pain in the ass. And yet, so did other things…
Later After School…"PUNEY HUMAN!" a small, pudgy ghost with a gray hat mocked Danny as they floated on top of the Nasty Burger roof. "I, AM THE BOX GHOST! I rule all that is cubed shaped, made of cardboard, or any other material! Except the ones made of wood and plaster. Styrofoam however, I SHALL MAKE AN ACCEPTION!"
"Yes, yes, you've told me this several times," Danny said both annoyed and somewhat amused. "Now will you get in the thermos so I can go?"
"HA!" the ghost laughed. "I AM THE BOX GHOST! None can escape my package sealed tightly with duck tape, glue, and doom. DOOM! Nor can I be captured in a cylindrical container! ONLY RECTANGULAR! That is a mockery of the cube! VICTORY SHALL BE MINE!"
"Uh-hu," Danny said as he sucked the ghost into the Fenton Thermos. The ghost let out one last "BEWARE!" before it was completely forced inside the thermos. Danny tucked the thermos around his back and floated back to the ground. Another idiot successfully captured, he thought to himself. He then switched back to his regular form and checked his watch. "Oh, shit!" he said to himself. It was almost midnight. He switched back to ghost mode and flew as fast as he could home.
"Casper the ghost, Where is that boy!" Danny's dad said to himself as he checked his Ghost Busters watch.
"Oh, I'm sure he's just, you know, hanging around," Jazz said to her dad. She knew Danny had ghost powers and was always trying to cover up for him.
"Oh, he's doing more than just hanging around, alright," Her dad replied. "I can feel it in my jump suit."
"I'm sure he's fine," Jazz smiled assuring.
"Oh, he won't be when he gets home," her mom smiled. "You can be sure about that."
"Oh, he's going down alright, Maddie. And nothing's gonna take my mind off of it."
"You sure?" said Jazz. "I made cookies."
"No that's not going to-are they snicker doodle?" Her dad asked gleefully. Jazz held up the plate of cookies and her dad's eyes widened. "SWEET!" he beamed stuffing half the plate of cookies into his mouth. Jazz shuttered and gave him the plate. As he stuffed the last of them into his mouth Danny walked in the door. His mom walked up to the door.
"Hey, mom," he said to her. She only folded her arms and glared at him. "…What? I do something wrong?"
"You're in a lot of trouble, Mister!" his dad said standing up. "Where have you been."
"I-uh, you know," he said trying to smile. "-at school."
"Danny, its midnight, where have you been?" his mom asked sternly.
"I bet it has something to do with ghost. IS IT TRUE?" his Dad screamed in his face. "YOU TRYING TO EVOKE THE WRATH OF EVIL SPIRITS!"
"No-NO!" Danny said quickly. "I-look… I was at Sam's." His Mom and Dad nodded. "I didn't want you guys freaking out or-"
"Do you think, we're stupid?" his Mom asked him.
"Sam's house was the first place we called!" Danny's eyes widened.
"Wow…I didn't not see that coming," Jazz shook her head pointing at her brother. "I did not see that coming,"
"Oh, uh…hehe, didn't think that one out," Danny blushed rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, but she really tried to cover up for you," his Dad replied. "Said you were with Tucker,"
"So what was it Danny?" his Mom asked. "Where you at school, with Sam, or with Tucker? Which lie do you prefer to tell us?"
"I-" he started, but couldn't finish.
"You'll have plenty
of time to think of excuses, 'cause you are grounded, Mister!"
his Dad
"You heard him," his Mom cut in. "One week. No computer, no cell phone, no TV, no Tucker, Valerie, or Sam."
"Oh, come on!" he shouted at them.
"Oh, don't give us that, Danny," his Mom said to him. "Maybe when you can learn to tell us the truth, we'll trust you,"
"You're getting what you deserve. Now, Maddie, TO THE FENTON JET!" his Dad cried triumphantly running to the basement. His Mom followed.
"…Jazz?…" Danny said hopefully to his sister.
"Sorry, Danny, can't help with this one," Jazz responded sadly.
Danny groaned walking upstairs and punched the side of the wall on his way up. It seemed as if his life was getting worse each year.
Ahh, poor Danny. Yeah, not
much is going on so far, but in chapter two, I promise stuffs will.
Oh, compliments of Elaina on Tucker's Little Mermaid Speech. You
remember that day, Elania? That was a great day…Right…Anyway,
hope you enjoyed it and will be nice enough to continue
reading. And possibly review )? Well, I'm gonna go get some
-I Break For Ghost