Amalthea: Damn Plot bunny for this wouldn't leave me alone for this! So enjoy a Bleach/Digimon/HP crossover! Aizen is turned into a little kid as Punishment from a corrupt Yamamoto in this story right before he is removed from power by Kami. Aizen, Jade and Gin are the same age as TK and Kari! *Takes out bat at seeing other Plot Bunnies merging and begins to beat them back* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE, PLOT BUNNIES!

Kon: *Sweatdrops* Anyways...Amalthea does not own Bleach, Digimon, HP or any songs that appear. All she owns is FemHarry, Aizen and Gin's crests, Aizen's "Curse" form and her version of FemHarry! Please READ & REVIEW her stories! Fanart is very welcomed! Now On with the story! *Ignores that the author/Artist creator of the fic now has a Flame thrower and is roasting the plot bunnies*


Aizen sighed as he waited for his Pen pals from England who were named Jade and Ginta Potter at the summer camp the region's elementary schools decided to host. He looked at his hands and growled at what Yamamoto had done to him before being removed by Kami herself, the old man had turned him into a 6 year old child two years ago at the end of the war and also cursed him to turn into an animal for a week every two months. Aizen then sighed as he was thankful for Orihime who took him in as her adoptive brother but unfortunately because of his deaging...he had to go to kindergarten and act like he was a normal 6 year old child...

He snapped out of his thoughts as the bus with the Pen pals from England pulled up, he waited quietly unlike his classmates who were clamoring at the top of their lungs. He watched quietly as a pair of Black haired fraternal twins exited the bus, dressed in really big hand me downs. He noticed the male twin look towards him and Aizen blinked in shock at seeing barely opened light blue eyes and a familiar smirk on the boy's face, Aizen watched as the boy pointed Aizen out to his sister who looked at him with shy emerald eyes and waved. Aizen returned the wave with a smile as the two quickly joined the rest of their class when Aizen noticed a very large and obese boy exiting the bus with a cruel look on face despite smiling.

All the students then made their way to the mess hall to eat lunch then the teachers began to pair off the pen-pals, Aizen waited quietly until his time came then approached the twins who smiled at seeing him. He leaded them to a place at the lake side that he found then turned and said "It's good to see you again Gin..."

Ginta grinned and "Never thought Kami was telling the truth when she said I was being reborn..."

Jade then tugged on her brother's Sleeve and quietly whispered something to Gin who growled and turned, Aizen noticed the overly obese boy walking towards them with a large group of friends and sighed as he asked in Japanese "Friends of yours?"

Gin just growled and gently pushed Jade behind him as the larger boy smirked and said in English "Well, Well...if it isn't my freakish cousins. How about doing some Twin Hunting? Your so called "Pen Pal" can join you in running!"

Gin then said "Pick on someone else for a change Dudley and leave me and my Little sister alone!"

Dudley didn't notice the teacher watching them or that the teacher spoke English, The next thing the teacher knew, Gin was on the ground gasping for breath from the punch to the gut that the larger boy had given him. The teacher then started walking over quickly then noticed the other boys had grabbed the female twin and she was struggling to get free as they started dragging her away, She grabbed Dudley's arm as he was about to kick the boy on the ground in the stomach. She barked at the other four boys to release the female twin and then marched all 8 children to the mess hall and told them to sit, Aizen and the twins sat far away from Dudley and his companions as the teacher got the Principals from both schools.

Jade looked at her twin and said through their mental twin bond, "Ginta...Are you ok?"

He looked at her worried face then gave her his usual fox like grin as he slipped his hand into hers and told her he was fine, the Teacher then came in with the principals who looked very mad. Jade and Ginta's Principal then said "I see the twins couldn't go one hour without causing a fight as usual..."

The teacher then growled and said "Actually it was Mr. Dursley and his friends who were the ones to cause the fight and also threw the punch. I saw and heard it with my own eyes!"

The man sputtered in shock and then said "Well these two are always causing trouble especially when it comes to their cousin..."

Jade looked at the ground while Ginta cursed in fluent Spanish, Aizen then stood up and said in what Gin had always called his leadership voice "Actually Dudley came up and said something about Twin hunting, Ginta asked him politely to leave us alone before Dudley Punched him quite hard in the gut. Dudley-san's friends then grabbed Jade-chan and started dragging her away before Ms. Tsukino interfered."

Aizen then went on to say "I'm surprised that a man of your standing would believe one side of the story from the aggressor and not get the victim's side of the story..."

The principal stiffened and then said "Those are some pretty big words for a measly 3rd grader, did your mother teach you those words?"

Aizen glared at the man then said "My parents are dead, Sir. I live with my Adoptive sister and her boyfriend. As for my Vocabulary, my Full name Is Sousuke Aizen..."

The principal went white as he realized he had just insulted the number one Student in the region who was the one to suggest the pen pal program to the international School board of Directors. Aizen then asked Ms. Tsukino if he and the twins were free to go, she nodded and the three scampered out of the Mess hall down to the lake. Jade sighed in relief at getting away from her cousin as Ginta slung his arm over her shoulder and Aizen smiled at her, they sat near a group of Kids from the Tokyo area of the region and looked the gently lapping waves of the lake.

Two hours later...

Jade looked up at the sky and gently tugged on Ginta's sleeve as she pointed upwards to the sky, Aizen and Ginta both looked up as it started snowing causing the two former shingami to go wide eyed in shock. They then heard something from a red headed kid about the storm also being an electrical storm somehow, just then 10 points of light floated down from the sky as Ginta, Aizen and Jade each caught one along with the other group of kids near them. Jade blinked as she cupped the light and it died to reveal a pretty ice blue and silver digital device, she looked over at Aizen and Ginta and saw they had similar devices when they heard one of the older boys in the other group say "Don't look now but SURF'S UP!"

Jade, Ginta and Aizen all looked over where he was pointing to see a huge Tidal wave coming right at them as a big hole appeared under their feet; they then began to fall as the wave hit them! The next thing Jade knew was that her stomach was lightly being bounced on and a voice calling for her to wake up. Jade let out a small groan and opened her eyes to find a little yellow fox with a white tipped tail on her stomach, the fox smiled then said "You're awake! You're awake!"

Jade blinked in shock then looked around to find she was in a jungle of some sort; she looked at the fox that smiled and said "I'm Viximon, your Digimon Partner!"

Jade cocked her head to the side which made her look like an adorable Kitten and her partner answered "Digimon is short for Digital Monster!"

Jade then smiled as she gently scooped the fox up and hugged it when they heard Voices calling for Jade; Jade got up and followed the voice to Aizen and her brother who looked relieved to see her. She then noticed her brother had a similar Digimon to hers only it was dark grey with Red tipped ears, paws, Tail and a red underbelly, she pointed to the Digimon with a curious look at her brother as he laughed and said "This is Kitmon, my partner apparently..."

The 2 Fox Digimon smiled at seeing each other as Kitmon said "Yay, we found our partners, nee-chan! Aren't you excited?"

Viximon just laughed softly and told her little brother to settle down as Aizen looked amused at the exchange, They then all heard the sound of running footsteps coming towards them as the group of Tokyo area kids came into the clearing. The boy with Goggles told them to move it or lose because they were being chased by a very large and very angry beetle; Aizen then said "You're running from a beetle?"

Just then he noticed Jade go pale and pointed behind him causing him to turn around and stare before he and the twins broke into a run after the others to escape the Kuwagamon. Aizen then yelled to the other kids "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU GUYS DO TO MAKE IT SO MAD?"

One of the Tokyo kids said "Don't Know! The Digimon say that he's always this way!"

Both groups of kids were then trapped on a cliff over top a river as the large insect Digimon approached, the Digimon then jumped out of their Partner's arms and tried to protect them from the Kuwagamon but were knocked out as the Kuwagamon crashed into the nearby trees. Jade and Gin ran over to their partners and picked them up just as the Kuwagamon stood and came towards them and the others, Their partners struggled to get free to protect the children and then went to attack. Jade looked scared for her Partner while Gin growled the yelled his Digimon Partner's name as the other children did, the next thing they knew...the strange devices they had found were glowing with brilliant light!

They all watched as ten beams of rainbow colored light surrounded their partners and then they heard

"Koromon Digivolve to….Agumon!"

"Yokomon Digivolve to….Biyomon!"

"Tsunomon Digivolve to….Gabumon!"

"Motimon Digivolve to…..Tentomon!"

"Tanemon Digivolve to…..Palmon!"

"Bukamon Digivolve to….Gomamon!"

"Viximon Digivolve to...Renamon!"

"Kitmon Digivolve to...Kitsumon!"

"Tokomon Digivolve to…..Patamon!"

All the Digimon then took on new and from what Aizen could tell, more powerful forms, the one that had been Koromon then said "Let's go Guys!"

"Pepper Breath!"

"Spiral Twister!"

"Blue Blaster!"

"Super Shocker!"

"Poison Ivy!"

"Diamond Storm!"

"Black Diamond Rebellion!"

"Boom Bubble!"

All the attacks hit as the Kuwagamon roared in pain and knocked it back into the trees, the tall golden Fox Digimon that Jade's Viximon become, then ran over to Jade and hugged the child while Kitmon in his new form was dancing around her brother. Gin had a big fox like grin on his face as he said "Way cool!"

Just then Sora noticed that the Kuwagamon had returned and yelled a warning as they all gathered at the cliff edge while the Digimon got ready to fight; the Kuwagamon then stabbed the Cliff with his Scissor Arms Attack causing the part of the cliff with the kids and their Digimon Partners to fall towards the river!