Author has written 3 stories for Danny Phantom. Greetings, In the vast, ever-changing microcosm of society, mankind has always tbeen enthralledwith literature, whether it beabout fantasy, romance, comedy, or tragedy. Using this ingenious concept of a webstie, authors from all around the globe have been able to express their thoughts on a nigh infinite number of topics. Now, I wish to join those ranks. As of now, I consider myself a conniseur of fanfics, though I hope to publish my own ideas soon. Call me obsessive, but I prefer that my stories fit into the main storyline of the topic as well as possible. Correct grammar is also a must for my work, however unnecessary in this environment. But mostly, I just want my work reviewed by you, the authors whose works I have grown to adore. My works will be posted in due time. Your sincerest regards, Caracal222 Favorite Quotes: " To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive."Robert Louis Stevenson "Men, at some times, are masters of their fates..." -Cassius from Julius Caesar "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -Prince Hamlet from Hamlet "Dear Clarice, I have watched with enthusiasm the course of your disgrace and public shaming. My own never bothered me except for the inconvenience of being incarcerated, but you may lack perspective." -Dr. Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal "The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the 'Red Death.'" -The Masque of the Red Death "Your soul is a beautiful thing, child, and I thank you. No emperor ever recieved so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight." -Erik, the Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera Age: 16 (as of a few months ago.) Birthday: April 24th, 1989. Gender: Male Favorite Color: Ultramarine (an incredibly dark shade of blue.) Favorite Stories: Moby Dick by Herman Melville The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal by Tomhas Harris The Once and Future King by T. H. White The Pit and the Pendulum, The Telltale Heart, and The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe Favorite Plays/Musicals: Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and The Tempest by William Shakespeare Man and Superman: a Comedy and aPhilosophy by George Bernard Shaw The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber Favorite Shows: Mostly anything I write or review on. |