Author has written 5 stories for American Dragon: Jake Long, and Danny Phantom. Greetings from Catmedium! I've updated my profile a few times, but I've now decided to create a total revamp! First, the News Bulleitin... News Bulletin No. 1: I have reformed my website to link to all my fiction and display my art, Flinchrock is soon going to create a website, and I'm soon going to create a joint website as a portal for the two of us. Coming soon! News Bulletin No. 2: The latest DP episode; Kindred Spirits, ended with Danni saying, "you'll see me again" Does anybody else agree that there will be a sequel episode! News Bulletin: No. 3They're gonna cancel Danny Phantom! sign these petitions and paste the links into your profile to spread the word, and save DP! http:///petitions/SaveDannyplease AND: http:///petitions/fightfordanny AND: http:///petitions/dannyphantomrules AND: I have no idea why there cancelling DP so sooner into the series than the Fairly Oddparents, which will be cancelled along with Jimmy Neutron at the end of Jimmytimmy Power Hour: Attack of the Jerkinators. Most of the shows Nick cancelled had something wrong with them, usually it was boringness, and some just got old. Invader Zim probably put me in danger of having nightmares, but I still think Nick shouldn't have cancelled it so soon. Now the factoids... Factoid 1: If you watched Abracotastrophe you remember the alternative themesong for "biffy" (or whatever his name is) the chimp if looked at the credits at the end of that themesong you noticed that Butch Hartman's "monkey name" is Elmer Apeman. Did you know that Elmer is actually Butch's original first name? Factoid 2: Butch Hartman wrote at least one episode of Jimmy Neutron. This probably how the Jimmytimmy movies were possible. Now for me. I will start with some basic survey answers. Real Name: Classified. You don't give your name on the internet people! Timezone: I live in California U.S.A. Therefore, my timezone is Pacific Time. Most other writers live on the east coast, or somewhere else in the world. So if you find a delay in me updating stories or replying to reviews, that's why. Age: 13. Strangely, my cousin is a few months younger, yet she's still more mature! Go figure! Favorite Cartoons: Danny Phantom, American Dragon Jake Long, and Code Lyoko! Favorite TV shows:7th Heaven, Medium, House, Boston Legal, Everybody Hates Chriss, and Ghost Whisperer Exfavorite TV shows: Survivor, (is now boring) Joan of Arcadia, (has been taken off the air!) Dennis Miller, (has also been taken off the air!) and Star Trek Enterprize (I can't believe they ended Star Trek!) Favorite Animal: Cats of course! I love cats! I don't get why dogpeople exist. Dogs slobber all over you. Cat's are cuddly and clean. Favorite Cat: Calipso My nieghbor's free roamer. (He is the weirdest cat I've ever met) Exfavorite cat: Meowy the friendly free roamer who moved away. Calipso took over her territory after a year of her absence. Now Calipso owns my street and the street he lives on. The local feral simese lives on the street next door to Calipso's home street. Pets: None unless you count Cow and Friskey, who's real names are actually Calipso and Meowy. I also now have a website! It links to all my fiction and displays all my art! Yay me! Come visit it! Now for what you've all been waiting for! Pairings! I however have a unique element in my pairings. Because I specialize in the possible generations of the characters, I have two types of pairings. Genetic, and Romantic. Genetic pairings are pairings in which will produce the best children. Romantic pairings are pretty self explanitory. Danny Phantom Pairings that are both romantic and genetic: TuckerxValerie FrightknightxPrincess Dora Romantic Pairings: DannyxSam Genetic Pairings: DannyxEmber VladxSpectra American Dragon: Jake Long Pairings that are both romantic and genetic: JakexRose Romantic Pairings: TrixiexSpud There are no only genetic pairings Teen Titans Pairings that are both romantic and genetic: RobinxStarfire Romantic Pairings: BeastboyxTerra CyborgxBumblebee Genetic Pairings: BeastboyxRaven Grim and Evil aka Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy I basically support BillyxMandy, MandyxGrim isn't so bad, but MandyxErwin is terrible. Now that that I've said the basics, I would like to go into the details. The #1 thing you should know about me is that I never leave the computer for anything except school, basic needs of life, or anything more interesting at one particular time. Now, in order to stop boring you, or to perhaps bore you even more, I will now go into how I came to know my favorote shows... Code Lyoko: During the first showing of the first season, I almost never saw Code Lyoko, and it struck me as a boring waste of time. When they brought Code Lyoko back, it was replacing some of my favororite stuff, so I reluctantly decided to have a look at it. What I saw was a little more interesting than I thought, so I started watching it again. At first, I didn't know what they were talking about, and wondered why the show always ended with Aelita deactivating the tower, and going back in time. I thought that was boring, when I learned a little more about the show however, I became hooked! Now: I no longer watch Code Lyoko because it's too early, but as soon as the new season comes out, I will try my best to see it. Hopefully, they will change the time back again. Danny Phantom: At the time, I had heard about Danny Phantom a few months ago, and naturally I thought it must be pretty cool, but since Nick wasn't my favorite channel at the time, and that it was in the morning, I never saw it premiere, One Saturday morning though, I was incredibly bored, and there was nothing else on, so I decided to have a look at Nick. What I saw, was the second half of the Bitter Reunions episode. I decided that I had to see more, so I watched a full episode later. I thought that an episode like memory blank had already come out so I watched it whenever I could in hopes of seeing the "first" episode. Which at that time, I had no idea was Mystery Meat. After seeing it enough times, I became hooked, and I watched it whenever I could. American Dragon: Jake Long: I heard the adds for it on disney channel, it sounded slightly corny at first, but I decided to check it out anyway. When I did, me and my little sister Flinchrock fell in love And now for some Notices! Me and Flinchrock are colaborators in writing, but she only writes on http://www.fictionpress.infohere's the link to her profile |