W/C: This is a fic that just came to me in Biology. Just read it, OK?
Disclaimer: Who do I look like – Butch? I don't own Danny Phantom, its as simple as that :)
Thirteen years from freshman year, it won't matter what you looked like, what clothes you wore and if you were popular or not. It won't matter what parties you went to and what dances you attended. There won't be any award if you ranked high in social status or any kind of emblem for something such as deceiving as looks. All that will matter is what you learned, how you used that information, and how you are remembered by your peers.
Its a strange thing, looking back on your past in such ways. It seemed so important back then, but all of it really was only a hindrance in ones attention span. Of course, I really wasn't into looks or anything like that in high school. I was concentrated on being an individual, because it being different seemed reasonable at that moment in time. Too bad it took up just as much attention to be different than to be normal. Maybe, if we just all concentrated on grades, we could have gotten through those years easily.
But we didn't... because something more dramatic then being losers or being different from the rest of the crowd challenged our group of three. Something that was just as scary as fear itself. Something demonic as evil and something sad as death. Actually, it was death itself that jumped in front of us, and it was death that sent me and Tucker into a pit of sorriness.
It was in freshman year that a fellow student was captured by deaths clutches. He wasn't the most popular guy in the world, and he wasn't the greatest student either, but his passing had the town in confused tears and worried anxiety. Danny Fenton, my best friend and possibly more, had dyed in a deadly accident. And its the accident its self that still haunts me and many others to this day.
You see, Danny had a big secret. He was a halfa; a hybrid which was part ghost and part human. He could change from mortal to ghost whenever he pleased, but these powers came with responsibility. The accident that caused him to become a hybrid resulted in opening the portal to the 'Ghost Zone', leaving the human world defenseless against the creatures on the other side.
Danny saw it as his job to stop the paranormal beings that were intruding his home town and began fighting them. His procedure was quite simple. He used one of his father's inventions, the Fenton Thermos, to catch the ghosts and then he would release them back to where they belonged. Along with the help of his two best friends, Tucker and I, we kept the town safe from the clutches of a random ghost bended on town or even world conquest.
Well, one night everything changed. Danny was battling and he seemed to be winning, but he got a little too cocky and fell prey to one of the ghosts blasts. We later found out that the blast that hit him paralyzes you for a short period of time. So, Danny was then defenseless.
The ghost fired another shot at him. Except this one's damage wouldn't be temporary. It was poisoned ectoplasm, and it was planned to end his life.
And it did.
We did all we could. We got him to the hospital, we tried easing the pain but nothing turned for the better. We had a discussion with the doctors. It was a weird one, being we had to tell them that he wasn't fully ghost. That was one of the most painful moments in my life because I knew that wasn't going to stay true for long. He was going to become a full ghost, and I knew it.
And it didn't stay true for long. He died over night, leaving all of us behind. He was no longer a citizen of Amity Park, he was now a resident of the Ghost Zone, and he didn't have any planned vacations to visit us soon.
There were many questions to be asked and Tucker and I had to answer them. It was all over the news, how Danny was a halfa and how he became one. Jack and Maddie were so depressed. They felt horrible for hunting their own son. Everybody felt something that night; everybody felt something that they had never experienced before. For some it was fear, for some it was guilt, and for many it was sadness.
Everything changed after Danny's passing. The school turned into a different world. People transformed into different beings and kids actually thought twice before picking on some one. Nothing felt like it was right anymore and I didn't know what to feel or think.
I started to go crazy. Depression sat at my door all night and angst howled at the moon next to my bed. I was so miserable. I locked myself away from the world and stayed in my room all day. I felt so guilty and it was guilt that bought me down so far. I blamed the whole mess on me and I started telling myself that I was the true murderer, the real culprit in this whole nightmare.
I was soon forced to go to therapy and thats where I met Mr. Foals, the man who helped me so much. He guided me through the rest of freshman and sophomore year. It wasn't until I was a Junior that I got over what was happening. Many tell me I changed... I couldn't agree more.
I still looked upon that mess in my dreams every night. Danny's yell of agony when he was hit and his words echoed in my mind like a broken tape player every evening. Mr. Foals words helped, but nothing could settle my guilt.
I had convinced myself that if I forgot about the whole thing and moved on, it would mean that I was a horrible person and friend. I told myself that if I didn't feel bad for him still, that I would be abandoning Danny's side, and just throw everything he did for me in his face. It scared me, these thoughts. So, the voices and fear never left my side until I was a Senior.
It was graduation night that I confronted the situation head on. Tucker had gone to spend the rest of time until the ceremony with his girlfriend, Valarie. Yes, you heard me. Tucker had a girlfriend and it was indeed, Valarie.
Valarie had changed a lot since the accident, too. She had gone into shock and the same state I was in. Except she had something to truly be guilty about. She had tried to kill Danny many times, making her feel extremely inhumane and horrible. She also went into therapy and was smiling again by Sophomore year. She started dating Tucker that year too, and I heard that he was planning on engaging to her that night. He did eventually, but I'm off topic.
Well, I sat and faced reality that night. I rolled with guilt and messed with the facts. It hurt me to recall so much pain, but it helped. Soon, it was time for me to graduate and I walked into the school.
As I sat in my chair and listened to our principle's speech I continued to wrestle with many memories and thought. I looked all around me, tears building up in my eyes. I knew Danny should have been there, he should have been walking up that small stage and taking his diploma too. But he wasn't... And it hurt for me to realize the truth.
I sucked in my breathe and we were asked to stand. Our names started to be called and my tears continued to try and escape my glassy eyes. I held them in, fighting my emotions as well as I could. Then, I was called up to the stage. I walked slowly, each step seeming to become slower and slower.
I stared around me, looking at the people of Casper High and how everyone inside it had changed. Everybody was left in such a strange state after that one kid's death, and it totally flipped everybody's perspective on a special Danny Fenton around. I can't begin to tell you how much my life changed those four years of my live.
My feet came in contact with the old, brown steps and I reached the stage, my body shaking with a strange excitement. I walked up to Mr. Lancer, and took the diploma with a shaky hand. Cheers and claps around me littered the air and Tucker's load whistles echoed threw out the gym. I then heard something that I will never forget.
It was a faint voice in the distance, shouting and yelling my name with much enthusiasm and happiness. I blinked and listened more carefully. I shook Mr. Lancers hand and turned to look all around me. The voice sounded so far away, so distant that I could hardly hear. But I heard it, and a light bulb clicked on inside my head the third time it cheered.
"Danny?" I silently asked as I exited the stage. I walked back to my seat and looked all around me. The voice had stopped and now cheers for different students were rumbling the air inside the gym. I smiled to myself and quietly whispered.
"Thanks for the support, Danny..." I don't know how I knew but he was there, watching over Tucker and I and the rest of Casper High. Instead of tears of sorrow and woe, tears of glee and happiness fell from my violet eyes. "Thanks..."
We all graduated that night and started the next half of our lives. But before me and Tucker headed out to college we helped tear down the Ghost Portal. We knew that we couldn't risk putting people in danger because of what could get through it. It was for the towns own good, and I respected that.
I went to college and started to train to be a psychiatrist. I wanted to help people like Mr. Foals had done for me. I wanted to free people from their mind's own traps and tell them that everything was going to be fine. I wanted to because I know how it feels to be in such conditions, and I never want to see someone in that state ever again.
I went through college with confidence and graduated, able to dive into my career of choice. I was still free from the depression that had enveloped me so long ago and severally proud of that lone fact.
Now, three years after I graduated from Amity University, I sit in my office, silently waiting for my next client. His name is Andy Hatcher, and he is going through much stress. One of his best friends has moved away and his grandpa had died three months ago. His parents have explained to me that he is very miserable and he was very close to his grandfather. They say he can't sleep at night, and is beginning to slip in school.
I smile warmly as I hear an opening door. A young boy, about fourteen walks in. He has raven black hair and strangely familiar blue eyes. A look of woe and sadness is glued to his drooped features and he walks over to me. He looks at me with those eyes, eyes that I have seen somewhere before.
It then hit me like a silver dagger, he was a splitting image of Danny. His hair was even styled in the same way that my old teenage friend wore his.
I continue to smile and gently tell him "Take a seat" He obeys and looks at the floor, his eyes evading my violet ones. I sit up straight and ask "So, Andy... Where do you go to school?"
He looks up and glumly replies "Casper High." I nod, and sit back in my lavender chair. "Do you like school?"
He again looks up at me and nods his head, before quietly saying "Sometimes..." I nod again and lace my fingers together. "So, what do you like to do?"
He switches his glance from his shoes to me and again answers in the same sad manner "I like to play video games and..." he stops talking and I grow curios.
"What were you going to say?"
"Nothing..." he replies simply before looking to the left.
I bite my lip and look at him quizzically. "Just tell me. I won't tell anyone"
He turns to look at me and sighs. "Fine. Promise you won't tell anyone"
I smile and hold up my hand "I won't tell a soul"
He gives me a small smile and then it fades into his fair skin. "OK, I like to write poems"
"And whats so wrong about that?" I ask him. He gives me a sheepish look that reminds me so much of Danny that I swear it was him.
"Guys aren't supposed to write poems" I raise an eyebrow.
"Thats not true, Andy. Many men have wrote poetry throughout history. There is nothing wrong with writing poems. In fact, I find it very good that you have found such a productive hobby. Why do you like writing?"
He sighs and turns away from my gaze "I helps me feel better"
"Because... I don't know. It lets me write down my emotions and stuff." I nod, and put on a serious face. "What are your poems usually based around?" He freezes and I looks up at me. I see resistance behind his sky blue orbs and I tell him "You don't have to be afraid to tell me. I won't judge you"
He licks his dry lips and looks at his shoes. "Are they about friends, family, school?... Death?" at the sound of the last one he looks up at me and his eyes spark a feeling of regret. I can tell he is wishing he hadn't gotten into this conversation, but this can be very important in helping him.
"Is it? You can tell me. Don't be afraid, Andy" he continues to stare down at his shoes. He doesn't answer and I continue on. "In these poems, are you talking about some one else dying, or your self?"
I see him wince and then silently squeaks "myself" I sigh and lean forward.
"Why do you write about death, do you want to die?"
No response. I sigh again and get up from my chair. I look at my walls and then look at the young teenager in front of my desk. I take a picture off my wall and walk up next to him.
"Hey, who does this boy look like?" I hand him the frame and he takes it, looking at the picture safely tucked inside the silver box. His eyes widen and he looks at it for a couple of seconds. He looks at me and says slowly "Me..."
I nod and sit on the arm rest of the large chair he is sitting in. "He was a great kid... His name was Danny Fenton, and he died at your age" He looks up at me and asks me "how?"
I sigh before responding "In a accident... Not a car accident but a different kind. Andy, if you dyed on purpose, you would be hurting many people you love. Do you want to bring all that pain to those people?" He gulps and turns away.
"No..." I hear him silently respond. I question him again "Andy, why would you want to die? What do you not like about life that makes it so horrible?"
His eyes close and he replies "I don't know" I stand up and place a hand on his shoulder.
"I think thats all for today... I will see you on Wednesday, Andy. Stay safe" He nods and gets up. He walks to the door and exits my office, his hands in his pockets. When I hear the door click closed, I sigh again and think hard.
The poor kid. I have treated at least three kids like him. It pains me to see them in such miserable states. They need to see that life is valuable, and they should treasure every moment they get. Because, who knows when death will spring out at you.
The ring of my phone awakens me from my thoughts and I pick up the receiver. "Hello. This is Sam Manson, how may I help you?"
"Sam, is that really you? This is Jazz" my eyes widen with shock and I feel a large smile take over my lips.
"Jazz? Wow, how long has it been? How's it going?" me and Jazz had grown close throughout high school. We both went for the same career and both of us have been successful in them. I hear her laugh on the other end before she replies "Not that much has really happened. Except, I got a call from my parents today"
"Really, what was it about?"
"They are selling the house, and wanted to know if we all wanted to see it one last time" My mouth drops in shock and I say "You mean they are Actually selling it? Wow... Sure, I will look at it one last time"
"OK, you have to come by sometime tomorrow. Sorry to leave ya, but I need to go into a meeting. See ya, Sam"
"Bye, Jazz..." I hang up and sit in silence. I was gonna see the house I had avoided for so long. I was going to confront what I have been evading for almost fourteen years. I was going to face my past... I'm done cowering. One last look can't hurt.
W/C: OK, don't hate me for killing Danny! I'm just as sad as you are and currently slapping my self across the face a million times because of it. But, you will find the next chapter to be very shocking and possibly sad. I will give you a hint. Look at the title and figure it out. This might be a two shot, maybe it will become a fic. I'm not sure. Well, REVIEW
And please go easy on flames!