Author has written 3 stories for Detective Conan/Case Closed, and Danny Phantom. First I guess I should explain my pen name. Everything I wanted to use was already taken so I started putting in random words, manzanita is a kind of evergreen bush. I love to read, favorite books include Sherlock Holmes and The Lord of the Rings but I'll read almost anything. Current favorite manga/anime are Inuyasha and Detective Conan. I also love reading history, SF, and science. I'm sorry that I haven't updated anything or even responded to reviews for about two months. About three months ago I got sick and couldn't breathe, I found out I'm allergic to the building I worked in. I'm not joking! I had to quit, I couldn't face another trip to the ER. My computer crashed again and the hard drive had to be reformatted again. Also a couple of back ups were corrupted, one had all my notes and outlines for 'Little Kid'. I thought I had another job but they won't return my calls and today (Jan14)my car was stolen. Well Jan 27 my car was found. It had very little damage except it was missing half of the steering wheel. This is because it's easier to cut a steering wheel than to cut a club. The funny thing is I hadn't put the club on my car when it was stolen but it was in my car. The people who stole it put the club on after they stole it, then they realized they didn't have a key to get it off. Go figure. (shrugs) June 11th, I meant to update this days ago, but I had trouble logging in. News since January is… Snickerer and I have adopted each other as cousins, we just have too much in common to not be related. The Hakuba-centric story I mentioned fell through; I can’t seem to keep him in character for more than a few pages. I have a wonderful Beta for “My Strength, My Weakness.” (Thank you Razzek!) But she will have limited computer access this summer so updates will be slow for a while. I have put up some plotbunnies for adoption on Snickerers forum. Take a look they need a good home. Dec, 1, 2008. It's been a while, sorry. I have the internet, and a working computer at home for the first time in over two years. Things have been insane, much worse than when my car was stolen, but I really will update soon. I have to see what files can be rescued from my old computer first, but MSMW should have an update in about a month. The sequal to Little Kid will be somewhat longer, but will be written. Dec, 23, 2008. My car has been stolen, again, and recovered a week later. I seem to have really good luck, and really bad luck at the same time, so they cancle each other out and just leave things weird. April 4, 2010. I'm back! It has been a while, all I can say is Real Life attacked with chaos, panic, disorder, and magicians. I was able to recover some rough drafts for chapters for MSMW last week, and posted two of them this week. I should have one, maybe two more posted by May. |