So this is another fanfiction created by me and my dear friend Edward Uzumaki (aka Uzu-chan!) This time we bring you *drum rolls* Fullmetal Alchemist and Kingdom Hearts! Hurray! Anyway, this fanfic is completely AU, so if you don't like it, then you can suck it! (In other words, I accept criticism, not bull crap… If you have something to say, say it nicely please. I have emotional problems and I take things way too seriously.)
So, let's get things rolling! Here you go! Chapter 1 of Fullmetal Heart.
Chapter 1: Dive into the Heart
Ed lied on his back on a park bench in Central and sucked in a breath of air. It was nice and sunny out and he was enjoying it while he could before the Colonel called him in for some ridiculous mission again. He peeked his eye open and glanced over at his brother who was sitting next to him, a little blue bird sitting on the horn of his armored helmet. He was so still, he almost looked like a statue. "You okay, Al?"
The armor didn't move but a meek voice replied, "Uh-huh! It's so nice out Ed! I hope this is all we have to do today!" Alphonse giggled and shifted his eyes up toward the bird. He wanted to touch it, but he knew it would fly away if he did. "What do you think he's doing?" he thought aloud. Whether it was the bird or Mustang was unknown even to him.
Ed tilted his head, thinking Al was talking about the bird. "He's probably just resting..." he said and stopped, looking up at the sky. His eyes widened slightly and his mouth gaped open. In the sky there was a dark cloud like vortex with an orange colored orb in the center. The wind began to pick up and the sky got darker. "A-Al! What is that!"
The bird flew away as Al leaned forward to get a better look, "I don't know but whatever it is, it doesn't look good! We should get the Colonel!"
Ed nodded and began running to Central HQ, the sky growing darker by the minute. 'Not good. Not good. Not good. Not...GOOD!' Ed thought and skidded to a halt. In front of him a small black creature with yellow glowing eyes emerged from the ground. "What the heck is THAT thing!" he yelled just as the black creature jumped for him.
Sora yawned and leaned back in his chair, putting his feet on the dashboard of the Gummi Ship. He was so tired and the dark sky of space around each world always made him sleepy. He closed his eyes when a loud "QUACK!" was heard.
"SORA! Get off of that! You might hit one of the buttons!" Donald Duck hollered at the top of his voice, scolding the boy, "Didn't your mother ever tell you that's unsanitary to put your feet up there anyway! Your shoes are covered in filth!"
Sora immediately sat up straight and lowered his head in embarrassment, "Sorry... I'm just so *yawn* tired..."
"Ah hyuck!" a low voice said from beside Donald. "Don't worry, Sora. We should be arriving at the next world soon," Goofy said, pointing to the map near the dash board. "See here? We should be arriving to "Amestris" any second now. Then you can seal the keyhole."
Sora nodded with a smile but it soon faded as he looked in panic at the map, "Guys look! The world is already falling apart!"
"WHAAT! Lemme see that thing!" Donald screamed as he pushed his way toward the control panel. Sora was right... the world on the map was starting to turn black.
"Oh no! It may already be too late!" Goofy said sadly in a bit of a panic.
The two little chipmunks known as Chip and Dale, came on to the transmission screen and jumped up and down in a panic.
"You shouldn't go near it!"
"You might be sucked in too!"
A flash of fire after a loud snap caught the bugger heading for Edward. Al skidded to a halt to see Mustang already on the scene. "What the hell is going on here, Fullmetal?"
"Please sir, this wasn't Ed, I swear! These golem-thingies just came out of nowhere!"
"This isn't alchemy, I tell by how that thing was destroyed. I'll ask again, what happened here, Edward!"
"But what about-?" Sora began to ask before Donald pushed him away and grabbed the controls.
"No buts about it! We're outta here!"
Suddenly a faint voice echoed through the cockpit: "Stop... keep moving forward... the Fourth Key has awakened..."
"F-FOURTH! What th' heck! Is that you King?"
Sora gasped, "The King...?"
"T-The King?" Goofy sputtered and stood up and saluted. "Your majesty!"
Ed glared at Roy. "I don't know, Colonel! The sky just got really dark and that thing came out of the ground!" he said just as more heartless appeared, circling the group.
Riza Hawkeye stood next to Mustang, aiming her gun at one of the heartless. "What are these things?" she asked as another one lunged and then shot it in the head, making the thing squeal before it disappeared into thin air.
The familiar Mouse giggle filled the cockpit, "Yes! It's me! Just letting you know I'm alright!"
"Where are you?" Sora asked immediately.
"Can't say, Sora, but what I just said was true. The Fourth Key is awakening. Your job is to find him and bring him to me. The darkness has found him, which is why his world is starting to fall apart."
Donald glowered, "And how are we supposed to do that without getting caught in the mess of things?"
"That's for you to decide. For now, I would assume Traverse Town will be your next bet!"
Sora blinked, "There again, huh? I guess once we find this new key guy then we head off again, right?"
"Correct! I'm sorry now, but I must go! Take care you three!"
Goofy blinked. "So we're looking for another key bearer?" he asked, looking back at the map. "I hope the fella's okay..."
"He'll be fine!" Sora exclaimed, "If he's a keybearer, he can take care of himself!"
"I WISH I KNEW!" Mustang screamed as he continued to fire away. Alphonse didn't know what to do... until suddenly the light in his eyes faded and the armor clattered to the ground.
Ed turned around and saw Al fall to the ground. "Alphonse!" he yelled, running over to his brother. "Al! Al! Wake up!" he yelled, but his brother didn't move.
Riza was firing away at the black creatures, looking over to see one sneak up behind Ed. "Edward! Look out!"
Ed froze and tuned to see a heartless lunge at him. His eyes grew wide, thinking this was going to be the end of him until a white light appeared, blinding everyone around. "W-What?"
Roy shielded his eyes for just a second, but when the light was gone, so was Edward. "EDWARD!" He screamed as more and more heartless began to appear around him, Al, and the Lieutenant.
Al suddenly lifted his head, "ED!"
Roy looked at Al in confusion, Was that flash of light from Alphonse protecting his brother? No... I think that was something else... His thoughts were cut off when he noticed the suit of armor sinking into the ground surrounded by darkness, "ALPHONSE!"
"AHHH!" The boy screamed as only his waist up was showing, "COLONEL! HELP!"
"ALPHONSE!" Roy howled again as he dove after the boy.
Riza ran to help Roy, grabbing the boy's other hand. "Alphonse! We're not losing you too!" she yelled, straining to pull the boy back up, but his armor was too heavy and it seemed as if he was being sucked in by a vacuum cleaner. "AL!"
Roy pulled and pulled as hard as he could, but something wanted Alphonse badly. Suddenly, a dark tentacle shot out of the ground and wrapped itself tightly around Roy's arms. It began to pull him in too. "Dammit! Hawkeye, get out of here before it gets you too! HURRY!"
"Colonel! Just let go! I'll be okay!" Alphonse cried, concerned for Mustang's wellbeing now, "I don't want it to get you too!"
From the window of the Gummi Ship, Sora bit his lip as he watched the world of Amestris fall apart. "We have to hurry, guys!"
"I'm pushing this thing forward as fast as I can!" Donald cried. He was just as concerned as Sora about the Fourth Key Wielder, but was still angry at the boy for annoying him and playing 'backseat driver'.
Goofy saw as they were flying closer that there was not much left of the world and began bitting his nails. "W-We're not gonna make it!"
Riza shook her head violently. "No, Colonel! I won't leave you!" she cried. She didn't want to lose three people she cared for and be the only one left. She especially didn't want to leave Roy's side after vowing to protect him. She then looked around, seeing other people in the city were being attacked by the black creatures. The people disappeared, a sparkling heart shaped jewel floating off into the sky. Wait, was that their real hearts?
Riza stared wide eyed in fear as the city began to break apart and the debris of it all flying toward the orange orb in the center of the black sky, not noticing the black tentacle wrapping itself around her arms as well.
Alphonse let go of the Colonel and the Lieutenant, but it was no use. With that act, the darkness pulled them all in an instant, leaving Amestris to its destruction.
Goofy was right. In a final force, the world broke apart and in its place, nothing. Sora slammed his fists on the dash board. With fierce determination he exclaimed, "Alright then! Since that didn't work, we're going to Traverse Town! Let's go find that Key!"
Goofy nodded. "Yeah, maybe Leon will know something about the new key when we arrive."
Sora nodded to his friend and yawned again. Going back to his previous position, he began to drift off. Even Donald didn't yell at him for his feet on the dashboard. Soon, Sora was in a deep sleep...
Ed was floating in a dark space of nothingness. He opened his eyes to look for something, anything, but he couldn't see a thing. Everything was pitch black. He then looked up, seeing a small white light sparkle above him a an unknown voice speaking. Don't be afraid. You are destined to open the door. You are the chosen one, the voice said, echoing in Ed's ears.
"Who are you?" Ed called, but the light got brighter. When Ed opened his eyes again, he was standing on a platform made entirely of stain glass and in his hand was a weapon of some sorts. It looked like a key. It was red and the hilt of the blade was the Flamel symbol he inherited from his teacher. On the end, hanging on a chain, was his pocket watch. "W-What's this? Alchemy?" he asked and looked around.
Again the black shadow creatures appeared before him and Ed gasped, backing away. Don't be afraid! FIGHT! the voice said.
Ed stopped and swallowed, taking a stance with his new weapon, ready to fight. Hd slashed through each of the heartless, a few scratches on his cheeks when the heartless managed to strike a blow. He then looked, seeing a pathway lead up to another platform. He quickly ran up it and stopped, seeing a light purple door. "Do I go through it?" he wondered out loud. Ed then walked up to the door and tried pushing it open. "It's locked..." he muttered angrily. He then looked at his keyblade. "I wonder if this thing will open it," he said unsure, but something was nudging him in the back of the mind to use it. He then pointed it at the door and a bright white beam shot out of the end of the key and into the keyhole. There was a loud 'click' and the door slowly swung open. "Alright!"
When Ed walked through the door, he saw that he was standing on yet another platform made entirely of stain glass. "Really?" Ed asked frustrated. He then walked forward and stopped, feeling like something was watching him. He looked around then noticed there was something weird about his shadow. It began to move and take a 3D form. Soon, facing him was a shadow Ed with glowing yellow eyes.
"W-What is this?" Ed asked, backing away. The anti-Ed tilted its head and stared at Ed for a moment before getting into a low crouch and lunging straight for him.
Ed gasped as he fell backwards, blocking the anti-Ed's attack with his keyblade. He then swung his blade at the heartless and got to his feet, charging straight for his shadow with fury.
The shadow mimicked his attack and charged as well. The two attacks clashed together, making both figures fall back from the force. "Why you-!" Ed growled, ready to get back up on his feet, but suddenly felt himself sink as if he was being sucked into the floor. "What the-?" he said, looking down to see a black shadow form around him, sucking him in the floor. "G-Gah!"
The anti-Ed just stood there, tilting its head and staring at Ed as he was being sucked into the ground as if it was enjoying this.
Ed struggled, trying to swim back up. Anything to keep himself from being consumed by the darkness, but it was no use. Then the voice appeared in his head again. Don't be afraid. Ed, now mostly covered by the shadowy darkness, let himself be sucked in, then everything went black.
End chapter 1. So what do you think? Yeah, I know, basic Kingdom Hearts world destruction. Same old "dive into the heart" type a thing. Don't worry, it'll get better. n.n Please comment! Chapter 2 will be up soon.