Reviews for You Belong to Me
DealWithAnnaTalsie0025 chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
Terra would kick his butt off..
I was shocked af
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
hehahahahahahhahah how interesting ahahahahyahahahahmhmhm
Enigma infinite chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
Love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2014
Make a sequel pleeeaaasseee, I always preferred this couple to be angsty, I hate when other writers make them fluffy. Because that's just not how it is. I prefer them to be umpire, and I loved this story for that reason. And for the review under me, I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
That's kinda sick, you know. I don't know how many reviews you get or whatever, but it's brilliant. However, that's what makes it scary. Rape is a frightening thing, and I can say from experience that it takes a strong person to figure out what to do (don't pity me). I know it was probably just another fanfiction, but I just want to make anyone who reads this aware of how bad of a problem rape is in the world. As an Aqua cosplayer and as a survivor of such an incident, I want to raise awareness of the pressing issue.
But I have to say though, great job on the creative writing. The style was very good and well written. I do apologize that this hit a nerve with me, because otherwise it is a well constructed fanfiction. I just don't like seeing these sorts of stories and fanfictions that romanticize such a violent crime that takes over one's emotions and breaks you down until you're nothing. I just wish the public would be more aware of the kind of matters you're dealing with in this story and how it happens and affects people in the real world. But nice writing.
Casmut chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
Holy freaking shite. Holy shite. That I've never had the pleasure of reading about a super dark Vanitas. And I must say I am intrigued. o_o Terrific writing; my mouth fell open more than once just picturing this happening to Aqua. Hooooooly shite.
N chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
Alternate Ending: Vanitas entered the room, locking the door tightly behind him, and stormed over to her and grabbed her by the hair. To his delight, she shrieked in pain. Aqua then promptly summoned Stormfall, and impaled Vanitas with it. Kinda ruins the whole rape thing, huh?
Cailight chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Really love this fic :D Hope you will write more fictions for VanitasxAqua in the future ! Good job !
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
*claps* Bravo, Bravo, BRAVO! *then starts dancing* poor Aqua, but I really see Vantias wanting to do something like that to her. In the game, he came off a bit obsessed with Aqua.
TheAnnoyingVoice chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
Oh, that's rather unpleasant. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering Vanitas put Aqua through. It's an interesting twist on that particular scene in the game with all three of them fighting Master Xehanort, Braig, and Vanitas. But as terrible and gruesome as it is, I found the situation rather fitting. I have a theory that Master Xehanort might not have been very kind to Vanitas while he was teaching him everything he needed to know. In fact, there's always a possibility that Master Xehanort physically and verbally abused Vanitas, right? I mean, no one knows that he did or didn't. And Master Xehanort is cruel enough to manipulate others for his own means, why wouldn't he abuse them? Actually, Ventus's very own training with him could easily be proof of abuse.

Anyways, my point is, Vanitas could easily have been abused and after taking so much of it, became the abuser. Therefore when he sees Aqua, he not only fights her, but kidnaps her and does many of the cruel things to her. And you a very good job writing all of the emotions experienced and succeeded in making me want to grab Vanitas by the shoulder and shove my knee into his groin for being such a massive jerk to a strong, and courageous young woman. At the same time though, I really like how you wrote Vanitas as well, keeping his dark personality, making him torture Aqua over and over again. As cruel as that is, I feel that Vanitas could have his own, less evil reasons for doing that. He wants to make her as dark as he is, which could possibly indicate that has feelings for her, and unless he gets her down to his level; he’ll never receive such feelings in return.

I’m sorry for my very long rambling theories on your story. Sometimes I can get carried away, lost in my own thoughts and opinions of what could have happened in a story (or in this case, a game) where there was no explanation beforehand. However, I really like this oneshot and I really like the pairing of VanitasxAqua, even if they’re not exactly a pairing this time around.

With that said, I wish you all the best on future works. Take your time writing and have fun! :)