![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. Age: Not telling! sticks out tongue Gender: Female Anime I'm interested in: Naruto(My ultimate FAV!) DeathNote Air Gear Full Metal Alchemist Blood Plus D. Grayman Fav Characters: Naruto Gaara Hinata Neji Kiba Shino Sasuke Sai Shikamaru Kakashi Obito Itachi Deidara(DeiDei-kun) Sasori Tobi Hidan Full Metal Alchemist Edward Alphonse Roy Russel Fletcher Hughes Wrath Air Gear Agito/Akito Ringo Kazu Ikki Spit Fire Ume Blood+ Saya Hagi Kai Riku Solomon Karl DeathNote Mello Matt Near L Light D. Gray Man Allen Lavi Kanda Miranda Krory Road Tyki Cross Chomesuke JasDevi Lou Fa Characters I Dislike A lot: Naruto sakura matsuri Full Metal Alchemist rose Air Gear Simca Yayoi DeathNote Misa Takada Hal Blood+ Amshel James Nathan Fav Pairings: Naruto GaaxHina Out of all my favorite straight Hina pairings, GaaHina would have to be my most fav. They truly are perfect for eachother, Hina can provide Gaara with all the love he's been missing all those years better than suckuraw, ino, or matsuri ever can. Hina is quiet, shy, caring and charming in her own way but Gaara is unstable, quiet, isolated, and lonely but he's also very unique. Gaara being so antisocial needs someone as patient and caring as Hina to take the time to get to know him and then eventually get him to open up but since he's unstable with the demon or without it, he needs someone just as forgiving. Hina being the shy and caring person she is, is more of a healer than a fighter so she'd need someone to protect her like Gaara gauranteed he wouldn't talk to her in the beginning but with time he'd grow to love her and she with him. Also even though Gaara's had a more painful childhood, they've both had their shares of pain and hurt so if the time ever came for them to have children they'd be great parents who'd love and care for their children unlike the way their parents had raising them. Gaara and Hina need eachother to love and care for, without the other to keep them company they'd shrink back to their lonely shells but they also need eachother to mend the other's broken hearts as well, from the many years of pain and rejection. To me all they would need is eachother to overcome anything in their paths... SasuxHina I think Hina with her kind nature and patience can get through someone like Sasuke who with his determination of revenge could potentially destroy who he is. She can love him for who he is besides for just his looks, unlike the many girls in the past that have liked Sasuke Hina had no interest in him but for his blonde friend. Which can also be a reason for Sasuke to take interest in her because he'd find it odd that she'd have no interest in him but for his friend, causing a feeling of jealousy to ensue. Also Sasuke needs someone quiet, that there would be no need to break the silence but also someone to protect and focus on besides revenge against his brother. Hina could learn how to be stronger, physically and mentally from Sasuke and also Sasuke's element is fire and Hina's most likely water so they'd both learn from eachother about their weaknesses and strengths. Even though they've never actually met before they have some similarities like for example they're both from well known clans, have kekkei genkai, strive to be better than there siblings, and want to show their worth to their fathers... NejixHina Has a lot of potential and can be so much more than a sibling relationship. Neji is Hina's protecter, his loyalty to her is unmatched and is his duty but also his way to show his feelings for her without her knowledge. He would keep her out of harm and keep her happy. Hina needs someone to find comfort in and who better than Neji who is her brother figure, eventually she'll grow to love him as more than a brother but slowly as she faces the problem that they're cousins and nothing more. There's also the possibility of them marrying for the sake of the clan, at first it has nothing concerning love but for their duty to the clan but as the days, months, maybe even years past their distant relationship would grow into a more passionate one. Hina who's not likely to ever get mad would never use the cursed seal on Neji or the kind of person who would depend on him too much as well as someone who'd take advantage of her position in class. She is kind and merciful, which can sometimes get in the way of her battles but with Neji's help she could learn how to not let her feelings take control too much whenever in battle. Though Neji who's sometimes cold and merciless in battle or not in battle is a bit harder and different something that would require time to fix but with her patience and outstanding determination she could soften him up a bit... KibaxHina If NaruHina wasn't to happen in the series then the next pairing in line would have to be this one. Kiba has always been there for Hina as a friend but though he cherishes his friends. He seems to be more protective of Hina, like whenever she's with Naruto he'd sometimes scrunch up his face sorta like he was thinking. He could teach her to be more confident in her abilities and to be more loud, lol. Like their dogs, the owners including Kiba are both noble and faithful to the ones they've grown to know, Hina being one of them. Also Kiba's personality somewhat mirrors that of one Naruto Uzumaki, Hina's crush and role model so there's a great possibility that she'd find love with the canine lover. Hina being the miracle worker she is would have the ability to calm down Kiba when he is frustrated and confuzzled with something, so they both benefit from eachother. She has problems within her family so when he can Kiba would be there for her as a shoulder to cry on, which Kiba being raised in a household where the family is vey close is perfect for the job because it takes patience, care, understanding, as well as love to be a good pet owner. Shino and Akamaru though feeling a bit left out would be very understanding and openly support the relationship between the two. Kurenai, being almost something of a mother figure to Hina would be very protective of her but after knowing Kiba for a long amount of time she'd more than trust him to take care of her little flower... ShinoxHina Hina not only being his teammate and friend wouldn't feel uncomfortable or disgusted at the fact that he has bugs that feast on his chakra living inside of him. He being the insightful an wisest one of the group would help her get through things she'd need help with that Kiba or anyone couldn't help her with. Hina would be at peace whenever with him, just enjoying the silence between them and only talking when need be. He'd treat her with the utmost care as he does with his bugs and she'd trust him with her life, telling him all her fear, worries, and secrets and him listening to her every word. Shino would be understanding and patient as she stutters and finds trouble finding words. Hina would be there for him when he is alone or uncomfortable when with a large group of people, staying by his side until the crowd would die down. And just like KibaHina, Kiaba and Akamaru would support their relationship with knowing smiles. Also though Kurenai is slightly scared of the bug user, she knows he can be trusted to take care of Hina... LeeTen FMA EdxWin RoyxRiza Death Note MattxMello MelloxNear MattxNear LxMello LxMatt LxNear LxLight L+Mello+Matt+Near+Light Air Gear IkkixRingo KazuxRingo D. Gray Man LavixChomesuke LavixKanda RoadxAllen Blood+ HagixSaya SolomonxSaya To Sakura (Naruto)Haters If you want to see Sakura end up dead at the end of the Naruto series, COPY THIS If you want to see Sakura be killed by Sasuke, Naruto and Sai for the good of the world, COPY THIS If you hate the parings Itasaku, sasusaku, gaasaku,or any other pairing concerning her COPY THIS If you hate reading, watching Sakura hit Naruto/Sai, COPY THIS If you agree with Sai that Sakura is ugly, COPY THIS If you think Sakura is the worst character in the Naruto series, COPY THIS If you just hate her, COPY THIS I know it's mean but this is what I really want or at least what I think I want to happen... Gah, is it bad to dislike a mean abusive character(referring to 4th reason)?Anyways I feel bad for copying and pasting this but at the same time no cause it's what both my head and heart wants and also if my friend can openly tell me she hates my favorite character(Hinata) then it's only fair for me to copy and paste this about her favorite character...But um yes please don't message me about how I'm a bitch for disliking sakura but I have my reasons and you have your own for liking her,which I respect and all but I just don't want to hear any of it,sorry! -Kit 11/5 !Notice!: To all my readers or to whoever still reads my stuff(you guys are so dedicated!Thanks :D) well you may be wondering if I'm still alive since I haven't updated any of my stories in a very long while so if you haven't figured it out yet by reading this message then yes I am very much alive but I haven't been able to update cause I'm like editing all my stories...I know I've had a lot of time to edit them hence my abscence but I WAS half way done but then my flash drive got stolen so yep back to square one and also there's school so yeah you won't find anything from me for a few days or weeks or a month or two...Not a year though!But then I can't even promise you guys that so I'm sorry, I hope you guys can be patient...(And I know I'm asking for a lot, considering how often I update(sorry again!)). Also if any of you guys are on Gaiaonline then feel free to Pm me anytime! username is: kitsune_chan119 |