The following message is for the people who flamed my story a while ago:

First of all as a writer, I am happy to receive criticism from my readers because they help me improve my writing so thank you anyone who does that. But messages such as:

i'm sorry but this just plain sucks. it;s obvious u depretly need creatvity
and fast. until then plz stop riting and spare us all. btw, um have u had ur
brain checked recently?


What can i say? no talent? i mean it! it's sad u spend so much time riting
when u can't. i really pity u and by god u have brain problems. although i am
surprised u have friends wow it must suc 2 b them

Aren't exactly what you call CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Thus I will make my point here:

First of all if you're going to flame, actually log in to do it. If you don't it just shows that you're a wimp and that you most likely have less talent than I do. I mean since you're INSULTING me, you obviously want to show how awesome YOU ARE. So why don't you log in so that I can actually READ YOU STORIES. Or maybe you don't have stories in the first place. If you aren't better than someone, don't just go around saying "you suck" it just proves to the author that you are shallow and desperately need some confidence. If you're gonna flame me, log in and do it, that way at least I can label you as a BRAVE FLAMER.

Second, if you're going to say "I suck", actually tell HOW I SUCK. For all I know it's opposites day where you live and you're praising me in a weird twisted way. (And if it is Opposites day, leave a note that indicates the special occasion.)

Third, the review says that my friends must be miserable and that it's a wonder how I have friends. If you have so many friends and they're all SOOO awesome, why snoop around with my stories and leave a point less review that I DELETED. Why not go and have them buy you some expensive Calvin Klein sunglasses or something. Obviously you either have no friends or they're figments of your IMAGINATION.

Fourth, it seems as if you pity me since I have no talent eh? Well guess what I pity you too. It seems that you have so little confidence that you gain confidence by putting me down, well guess what, thank you. You just made me SOO happy knowing that you gained confidence by insulting you. Obviously I hold a VERY SPECIAL place in your heart. Because no one goes around insulting random person they pulled from the streets to gain confidence. Neither does anyone go around randomly insulting a Hobo to gain confidence, it's more the hobos insulting other people who are BETTER than them to gain confidence.

There I have made my point. If you or WHOEVER continues the random flames, I will not be so kind. I have warned you so don't go crying to your mommy when things turn ugly. And if you want war, well bring it on bitch.