Disclaimer: I don't own shit so fuck it.

thoughts... "speech"... "Recalled speech"

Desert Moon

"I have called you all here because I have an invitation to the Desert Moon," Lord Hokage began pausing to see the girls reactions.

"The Desert Moon is a rare and enchanting event. It occurs only once the true heir has become ruler of Suna and has rightfully turned 20. That following winter solstice 4 days of spectacular dances and festivities are held at the Kaze's estate. The only ones present are eligible females from all nations and 4 Suna ninja. The females will enjoy the festivities and be narrowed down till on the final night, at midnight, the Kaze chooses his wife, the female that will bare his children. The tradition dictates that the wining female also gets a treaty for her native nation and will reside in Suna to fulfill her duties," She announced trying to sound honored rather then bored senseless.

"Excuse me, Lord Hokage but the last Kaze never held such an event," some female from the back stated obviously annoyed.

Tsunade cleared her throat as she explained, "Yes. You are right the last Kaze did not hold the event. However, bare in mind he was also not the true heir; the rightful heir died at fourteen from a disease that devastated Suna, leaving his surviving brother to become Kaze."

She paused again as she raised her voice trying to make sure everyone understood perfectly well the information she was going to give, "Gaara of the Desert is the rightful heir. And as such the Desert Moon must be celebrated" again she paused I cant believe I'm asking this. I should of finished off that drink before I tried this soo early in the morning.

"All of you are eligible since you are all female Nin. You are also foreign born so more of you may participate, only four Suna nin are allowed entry. The limit for foreign nations is based on the highest amount the smallest nation can provide. Therefore, since the sound nation has declared it only has 15 females that can participate all other nations must meet that limit ...we are also allowed the option of up to 4 additional females to participate," She stated trying to sound enthusiastic though she knew that the winner would have to be eternally tied to the killer of the sand.

"Now obviously there are too many females in this room so I am given the prerequisite duty of narrowing you down. Moreover, all eliminations are final. I will start with my elite, since there are 7 of you and it is vital that our village be protected even during this festivity I will allow only two or three to go," she said eyeing the girls.

"I want the 4 youngest to step forward"

They obeyed, baring stoic emotionless expressions, unwilling to give away their jumbled thoughts.

"The rest may leave," she said waving her hand slightly and approaching her younger elite. She glanced at the girls then stopped before two girls, "you are excused as well, please leave the room."

She then faced the crowd of females "Any one here who feels unable to go through with this should step back and leave the room."

There was a pause and then slowly females began to leave. Chatter roose high as some discussed their decisions and others mumbled.

"There's no way I'm marrying that killer, who cares if he's hot" Ino said, her voice filled with outrage that this was even being considered.

"For once Ino pig your right. That sadistic killer will probably slaughter his wife within the first week just cuz she annoyed him" Sakura assured, a look of intense disgust relayed on her features.

Hinata remained silent listening to her friends discuss the unfavorable Kaze as the unwilling chunnin filed out first, leaving only a stubborn handful. When it was the jounin's turn Ino walked out but Sakura hesitated when she saw Hinata wasn't leaving.

"Hinata come on lets get out of here. You don't have to go through with this," she paused waving her hand around for emphasis, "there are plenty of stubborn and strong willed girls who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the leaf nation" she assured, grabbing Hinata's hand to bring her along.

Oddly, Hinata refused to budge pulling her hand away. "I-I'm sorry Sakura… I-I w-want to s-stay. Konoha n-needs me a-and I d-don't see it a-as punishment but an h-honor to participate in the Desert Moon." Hinata managed to say.

Sakura was shocked but continued on her way, dazed, as Hinata smiled timidly waving.

After a resonating sound of feet exiting, the room only contained 25 females. The chunnin were forced to combat each other to dwindle out the weak then the Hokage walked around and eliminated three more girls for no apparent reason. One, however, was unwilling to leave.

"You can't eliminate me I am a jounin and I am more then willing to marry the Kaze. If anything you should eliminate those weak chunnin since the Kaze will snap them in two before the ceremony's even over" she yelled, her blond pixy cut swaying with her movements. She wore a belly cut t-shit and knee length leather pants which showed off her scrawny figure. She acted a bit pretentious, but was in fact a very skilled fighter.

The Hokage ignored her and walked down the last two rows as the elite took the opportunity to escort the pissed-off female outside. The Hokage continued to scrutinize finally stopping in front of Hinata, debating whether to eliminate her. It would be a shame if someone so innocent and kind were to be too ensnared by Gaara. The shy Hyuga always tries so hard. It would be best if I allow her to leave, her clan's honor wont let her leave on her own.

Before she could tell her to leave, Hinata spoke up.

"P-p-please Lord Hokage, I-I truly w-wish to participate. I k-know I may not w-win but I w-want to try a-and I want to g-go. If you'll allow me" Hinata said her stutter fading for a moment as her determination kicked in.

The Hokage said nothing but continued walking down the rows until she stood in the front and motioned for the two elite to return to the group.

"The 18 of you have been chosen and will now hear the details of the Desert Moon from a messenger."

At that a buff man, with a square unshaven face and dark brown army style hair, stepped in eyeing the females with disinterest and opening a sealed scroll.

"As tradition dictates the Desert Moon shall be held in 3 days and only the chosen few are to hear the ceremony's details. To avoid spies and complications." He paused, unwilling to continue. After three minutes, the Hokage got annoyed at the messenger's silence and his unblinking focus on the back wall.

"You can continue now I'm sure the information has sunk in. They are, after all, ninja so they are familiar with the need for secrecy," she said exasperated craving the whiskey she left on her desk.

The messenger spoke again his voice bored and tone even "and only the chosen few are to hear the ceremony's details."

The Hokage was about to reprimand the man when she caught his side-glance and realize he meant her. She narrowed her eyes in annoyance but understood that she could do nothing about this tradition and disappeared from the room in search of her neglected liquor.

The messenger continued unperturbed "the Desert Moon requires that all females wear traditional Suna gowns for their stay and have no distinguishing accessories from their native lands. The females must also wear masquerade half masks at all times while outside their respective rooms. The females that are eliminated will remove their masks and be escorted back to their nations each day at sundown" he read off, closing the scroll before continuing "You have till sundown to pack and take care of any business. You are to devolve none of the information I gave you except that you're attending the Kaze's engagement dance," he scanned the room with his calm demeanor, obviously not kidding.

"You can bring prepping needs (shampoo, ext), one pet if desired (said pet must be verified by me first), a sleeping bag for the trip there, jewelry, perfume, sunscreen, and hair accessories. All must fit into two bags which you will carry to Suna yourself. Anyone caught smuggling in something that isn't on the list will lose a finger. You may enter the adjacent room and chose a mask and a gown. Chose wisely…" with that he disappeared in a puff of dust allowing no arguments or questions.

The girls were shocked and silent for a moment then a stampede rushed into the other room to chose.

The room's walls were covered with masks, each unique and all hand made. Stunning designs and colors were set into each mask making them look enchanted with each sparkle depicting various creatures and encompassing mystery. The rest of the room was set up with rows upon rows of stunning dresses and in the back corner four seamstresses stood ready to adjust the fittings accordingly.

The girls scattered throughout the immense room and Hinata was one of the last to enter. She decided to find her mask fist since the other girls were battling and racing through the dresses fraticly.




Proud of her mask choice she walked slowly to one of the rows of dresses, trying to avoid the places where girls were fighting and yelling at each other. However, her spirits began to drop as other girls chatted loudly with the seamstresses, already finished.

Maybe the dresses aren't the problem, they're beautiful... maybe I'm just too plain for them. Her dark blue hair and white lilac eyes didn't exactly make her gorgeous, in fact she seemed to blend in easily. Always forgotten and unnoticed.

She made it to the last row and walked slowly glancing at the choices dejectively. Only one other girl was still there and she was being fitted.

"Do you need any help miss?" one of the seamstresses asked, not even bothering to hide the annoyance in her voice.

"N-no I-I'm almost ready. I-I'm sorry for t-taking so long" Hinata answered now feeling rushed.

She walked on deciding to go back around and chose a blue dress which seemed to look fine with her hair, only to stop when something caught her eye. A deep red dress with a serpent dragon slithering up from the hem all the way around the dress to the neck amazed her. The snake was black with ruby eyes of the darkest sapphire and a tail comprising the uneven bottom hem. Sparkled jewels were incorporated as its scales and the silver edged winges were only partialy visible. Though the dress was beautiful, the realism of the creature drew her to the dress. She didn't often wear red, much less such a dark crimson but it just seemed so right, not too extravagant and yet still mesmerizing.

Much to the pleasure of the seamstresses, it even fit her perfectly flowing with her curves and reaching her ankles. They placed her dress and mask in a simple box with filler and a hard rock like interior. Then with a hand wave, her name was instantly shimmering over the cover in midnight blue sparkles. They handed her the surprisingly light box and pointed to the door but she was so happy and shocked that she just stood there till one of the older seamstresses spoke, her wrinkles and sneer apparent as she glared at Hinata, " we have to fix some of the other dresses so they'll be ready by sundown, and we would appreciate" she paused emphasizing the last word with dripping venom "it if you would be on your way Miss" again hatred filled emphasis and a look of disdain from the other females.

Hinata quickly ran out whispering her thanks as she left, and headed toward the Hyuga manor. However, she stopped halfway as she noticed the time and decided to quickly say her goodbyes before facing her family.

She ran toward the training area sure that her team would still be there, and a smile graced her lips as she spotted them eating under a willow tree.

"Oh hey Hinata!" Kiba said as he caught her sent, "how was the meeting?" he asked, his hand stopping halfway from giving Akamaru a slice of baloney, with a huge grin plastered on his face now that his missing teammate had returned.

"Anything important?" Shino asked his voice soft as he took another bite of his rice cake.

Hinata panted a bit and smiled, proud of the news "I-I was c-chosen to be o-one of the Konoha s-suiters for the Kaze," she said trying not to blush but failing.

Kiba's mouth fell open and he spit out his sandwich, choking, meanwhile Shino just stared at her oblivious to the rice ball he dropped or the bugs he was sending out.

Seeing their shock and silence Hinata decided to elaborate, "there's g-going to be a d-dance in Suna w-where g-girls from all nations will t-try to w-win Gaara ov…" she was cut of mid explanation.

"WHAT the fuck are you talking about. You can't marry Gaara, he's nutz. He'll kill you. Hell he'll probably kill every girl that so much as looks at him" Kiba yelled infuriated, standing up to his full height with Akamaru barking at his feet in affirmation. "There's no way you can go to that event. Its suicide."

Hinata was taken aback by his outburst and just stared at him clutching her box to her chest.

"Kiba's right. We'll get the Hokage to find someone else," Shino said standing up also and making his bugs return. He bent over retrieving his bag and made the signal for them to get going, obviously intent on straitening out the Hokage. Kiba followed his lead, shoving his uneaten sandwich into his pack and scoping up Akamaru.

"W-wait…" Hinata squeaked her eyes wide and her heart racing. She hadn't expected them to be so adamantly against her decision. In fact, she thought they'd be proud she was taking charge of her life, willing to do so much for her clan and village.

Kiba heard her and paused, confused because she wasn't following them. "Hey Shino! Hold up man"

Shino paused his long stride and walked back to Hinata waiting for an explanation.

"I-I …I want to go" was all she said, hesitantly looking up to meet they eyes.

"What!" Kiba and Shino said in unison. Both shocked that she wanted to go through with it.

"I-I'm s-sorry but i-it is m-my d-decision a-and I-I'm g-going to go. I-I j-just w-wanted to s-say bye to y-you b-both before I l-l-left"

Tears were building up in her eyes as she stared at the ground feeling horrible for not doing what they wanted, but unwilling to back down. She didn't want them to see her cry, ninja were not suppose to cry.

Kiba was the first to recuperate from the shock. He could smell her tears and it hurt to know he did that to her after she'd been so happy about her announcement.

"Hey don't worry we was just kiddin. You takin a break and attending the dance ain't so bad. Hell you'll get to see Suna and maybe bring us back some souvenirs," Kiba said forcing himself to sound cheerful and enthusiastic at the thought of getting crap from Suna when all he wanted was to tie Hinata up to keep her from risking her life and smash the Hokage's face in for even considering Hinata as Gaara's death bride.

"It's your choice" was all Shino said, but Kiba could tell he was just as annoyed by the prospect of Hinata leaving.

"Your not a-angry with m-me?" was all Hinata could manage to stutter, still refusing to look up.

"No, of course not. Shino and me just overreacted a bit we thought you were being forced and you know we just want yah to be happy," Kiba rambled quickly trying to make her believe his sugar coated lies.

Hinata wiped her eyes before looking up and smiling shyly at their support. She was afraid to do it if they disagreed. She cared a lot about them and wanted her friends to believe in her.

"Thank you," she said, then noticing the suns position she added, "I-I should go. I s-still have to pack. I'm leaving t-tonight" she finished looking at both boys in turn.

"Tonight?" Shino asked shock evident in his voice though nothing else gave away his reaction.

"Y-yes. We are traveling tonight and I have to say bye to my family and pack"

"Hey don't worry me and Shino will give you a trinket to remember us by so you won't feel so bad on your trip…how long is it again?" Kiba asked trying to get more information and still seem supportive.

"A week"

Both boys were silent at that, having never been separated before since they became a team.

"You don't have to get me anything…I'm not allowed to take much only necessities"

"Can we at least see you off?" Shino asked simply, trying not to let himself sound needy.

"O-of course I-I'd really like that. But y-you don't h-have to," Hinata managed to say.

"We'll be there. Nothing would stop us from seeing you off ," Kiba assured with Akamaru barking at his side.

"Thank you, I-I'll see you then," Hinata said as she began to leave, turning to glance at them once more as she disappeared into the trees.




She managed to get to the gates with time to spare though her father's contempt bothered her.

His voice still echoed in her ears. "make yourself presentable and don't lose. It would be an insult if you lost on the first days. Having the Kaze chose another over a Huyuga heir is unacceptable, its your mission and duty to make sure your chosen. The Hyuga don't lose. Remember that." A cruel reminder of her family's feelings toward her. If she couldn't be strong and she couldn't be smart then all she was good for was an arranged marriage, and apparently her father didn't feel she could mange that either.

She forced the tears away as she saw a few girls already at the gate each carrying a large backpack and duffle bag. She headed toward them but stopped when she heard barking.

"Hey Hinata! I told you we'd be here," Kiba yelled as he ran toward her with Akamaru in his jacket. Shino was behind him leaping from building to building and landing a few feet from her.

"Do you have everything?" Shino asked, noticing she carried only a duffle bag.

"Y-yes, I d-don't n-need much" she blushed.

Kiba smiled at her simplicity and let Akamaru down. The dog jumped onto Hinata's leg barking and wagging his tail until she bent over and lifted the puppy. She was snuggling with Akamaru oblivious to the final female arrivals until the instructor poofed in.

"Is everyone ready?" the messenger asked. He was carrying only a small backpack and he glanced around at the girls then continued, "please bring all pets forward for final decisions, all animal denials are final and any one who argues can remain here with the creature. Lets start from the lowest rank. Bring the beasts forward"

"Hey Hinata…?" Kiba called. snapping her out of her temporary comfort as she gazed up at him.

"If you're allowed to take pets why don't you take Akamaru with you?"

Hinata stared at him shocked for a second before answering "I-I can't take Akamaru h-he's yours. I c-couldn't…"

"You won't be keeping him its more like travelin with him. He'll keep you safe and keep me and Shino from worryin till your trip ends."


"Come on, Akamaru's always buggin me about wantin to travel and he'll keep you company. I got Shino so you don't have to worry about me," Kiba said placing his arm around Shino for emphasis. Shino, meanwhile, was trying to restrain his urge to have bugs paralyze Kiba's arm. "Go on take him, he really likes you."

"I-I don't know Kiba..."

"You don't but we do. At least see if he passes inspection. If he does then its fate. At least try Hinata. Please..." Kiba was making his famous puppy dog eyes with Akamaru doing his part to look extra cute and huggable.

"Akamaru could prove useful to you," Shino added as his thoughts wandered, At least with Akamaru, there will be someone there to protect her…even if it is just a scruffy mutt.

"I-I… ok...I'll try," Hinata said nodding shyly as the messenger's voice was heard again.

"Jounin pets to the front."

She got in line behind two other girls one holding a gold-breasted parrot with brown wings and the other holding a large black golden retriever. The parrot was denied as was the retriever, neither getting an explanation just denial. Hinata's turn was next and she nervously handed the man Akamaru. The messenger ran his hand down the dog's back checked his teeth, legs, stomach, and eyes with slow precision of an expert groomer. He stared at the dog and began to turn toward Hinata only to quickly backhand the dog. There was no time for Hinata to stop him, his movements were too quick but luckily Akamaru dodged to the side growling at the messenger with his hair standing on end.

"It passes. In Suna you will be provided a leash which will restrain it at all times," was all he said. Hinata nodded and left with Akamaru at her side still shocked at the results.

"So...how'd he do?" Kiba asked egger and nervous. He'd groomed Akamaru in the morning but maybe he could of done a better job …maybe I should of remembered to brush Akamaru's teeth or wash under his paws.

"He passed," was all Hinata could say, still dumbstruck that the puppy had made it through.

"Really, that's great!" Kiba yelled, pumped at Akamaru's accomplishment

"You will both do well," Shino agreed while Hinata just blushed and picked Akamaru up.

"Inspection is complete. Collect your things we're leaving," with that the messenger began to walk away.

Hinata grabbed her bag "I- I'll miss you guys. And I-I'll take g-good care of Akamaru. B-Bye" Hinata said as she began to walk toward the messenger, glancing back as she went.

"Bye Hinata!" Kiba yelled making her blush.

"Bye" Shino stated watching her every move, through his dark tinted glasses, as she ran toward the fading group.




Suna could be seen in the distance and the girls were beyond relieved. They had traveled at a fair pace with few stops. The only obstacle had been the drastic change in weather. The messenger had failed to warn them about the desert heat and he hadn't allowed them to bring water, food, or a change in clothes.

The only water available was what the messenger gave them and food consisted of meager meal bars. Two and a half days travel and most of the ninjas were about ready to slaughter the messenger to devour the remaining rations.

They traveled into the night until they reached Suna. The Kaze's manor was extensive with an eerie glow against the shadowed moon. The girls waited outside the main gates as the messenger entered and announced their arrival.

Five curly haired blonds suddenly appeared, with large fake smiles and high hushed voices, all looking rather similar in their plain tan dresses.

"Welcome to Suna. We will be showing you to your respective rooms but first you must all follow us to the adjacent stable."

The girls all complied to the odd request, happy to be out of the desert.

"Now one by one you will go into that empty stable and place your masks on. Then one of the maids will escort you out the back and into the dinning hall of the manor itself," one maid said with a large smile noticing nothing wrong with her request.

Hinata's turn came and she followed the maid into the large building, it's cream-colored walls and long corridors gave her a hard time trying to keep track of the directions. But she forgot all about the hallways as soon as she entered the dinning room, it was huge. Its easily the size of the entire Hyuga 1st floor. The room was packed with girls in a variety of clothing and masks, some animals were even visible, immersed within the noise. Hinata was directed toward a seat near the back end of the second row table next to a green cat masked girl and an orange serpent. She smiled at the girls shyly, focused on petting Akamaru and avoiding eye contact, when a loud voice echoed off the walls.

"Tonight will be your first night in Suna. You will be staying in rooms of three and will adhere to the rules the messengers explained. In addition, you will refer to yourselves by first name only and cannot give out any information about your nation. This dance is unique in the fact that the Kaze will choose his Desert Rose blind in most traditional senses. He can not see your faces, know your country, you rank, or even your clan. The alliance created by the Desert Moon lasts until the Kaze's death and makes all other alliances subject to revision. Anyone caught breaking one of the sacred traditions will be punished, and then removed from the dance. All fights are to take place in the courtyard in the back of the manor. You are to remain within the Kaze's grounds at all times and no smoking is allowed in-doors. Most importantly, no one is to enter the manor's third level for ANY reason, the penalty being execution. Nevertheless, enjoy your stay. Your rooms are on the second floor, each designated with your name, you are not allowed to wear anything but what has been provided. The maids will be available and will provide any further necessities. Food will be served shortly. Eat then go to your rooms, the Kaze will arrive by daybreak to start the event," the voice faded away and the lights flickered for a moment as upbeat music began to play.




I'm going to be trapped in my own house with chattery pompous girls…There are going to be large eliminations so I'm not tempted to slaughter them...

"Gaara…" one of his elite began, only to stop because the sand was starting to dance around his feet teasingly.

He'll think twice before he interrupts me… though tearing off a leg would be a more effective reminder…Gaara was in no mood to be bothered and those who valued their lives would keep their mouths shut tight. Luckily, the team arrived in Suna quickly so no blood was shed.

A guard took the reigns for the horses as they entered the manor's grounds. Gaara escorted his own horse back to its private stable and began to groom it, trying to waist time and avoid the torment that awaited him. He ran the brush down the gray mare's side, careful so he didn't spill water on his clothes. The last thing I need is to get stuck changing again a growl escaped his lips at the memory of choosing his attire.

Finishing his work, he exited the stable, where two guards were posted, and proceeded to the manor. The guards posted throughout the manor were specifically chosen and briefed on their duties, making it especially clear that they were banned from speaking, unless there was a dire emergency, to anyone but the Kaze.

Gaara saw several females roaming the main floor and walked past them, deaf to their pleasantries. He managed to get as far as the double staircase when a green cat mask obstructed his view.

"Good morning Kazekage-sama! My name is Eleanor and I find your manor stunning," she purred pushing her chest forward so he could look down her low cut gown top.

"Good for you," was all he replied as he made his sand push her out of his way.

However, he didn't get very far when someone bumped into him, rounding a curve. The offending female was on the floor wearing a white mask with midnight blue eyeliner and dark blue splotches that created the form of a tiger.

He glared down at her for a moment then walked away as his sand lifted her roughly to her feet.

He was seeing what Hell was like first hand. It's not filled with blood and corpses but rather super sweet smiles, ball gowns, and evil playful giggles. Even Shukaku wouldn't subject people to this level of torture.