First I just want to say that I have no idea if there is even such thing as a Japanese class at Stanford University or anything having to do with the University…so I'm probably wrong.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You bought a dragon? That's impossible! Dragons aren't real." Gaara was obviously stunned by the news. Hinata had been expecting this so already had her retaliation ready.

"After all we've been through nothing's impossible Gaara." Hinata looked through her pale eyes at her best friend. With the puzzled look on his face Gaara looked so adorable to Hinata that she just wanted to take him into her arms in a hug. She knew this was impossible, of course, as they were both wearing their favorite pieces of jewelry making it so that if they even brushed skin with each other they would be transported back to their home universe.

Hinata shook her head. She shouldn't even be thinking like that. Gaara was her friend, just her friend. Hinata stole a glance at the redhead, and discovered what she had feared to be true.

If she thought about it she actually did find the taller teen fairly attractive, she might even venture to say that he was cute. And not the puppy dog and rainbow way cute, the type of cute that the more shallow girls that Hinata always had hated would just love to date.

"Fine, fine, I get it. But really a dragon? Hinata, do you know how crazy that sounds?"

"Of course I do. I'm not an idiot, Gaara." Hinata sighed.

Gaara rubbed his temples. "I know. That was a stupid thing to say." He paced around for a bit, looking much like the dark haired girl had when she had learned about alternate universes. "Can I just see this…what's his name?"


"Can I see this Ryu?"

"Sure. We'll go later, but the Kazekage said he wanted us to meet someone today remember?" Hinata sat on her bed, motioning for Gaara to sit beside her.

"Yeah. Sure." The other teen said, sitting where Hinata had gestured. He eventually gave her a tiny smile causing her to smile back, hers wider than his.

Suddenly Gaara took of his ring and in a flash of movement he was holding Hinata in an embrace, hands flat on her back. Hinata was surprised but hugged him back, and rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and breathed in the sent of his red hair.

After a while Gaara pulled back and looked into her light eyes with a smile that was just slightly brighter than before.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while. I've…I've really missed you." Gaara said softly.

"Me too." Hinata breathed.

"Sorry to interrupt you two but the Kazekage wants you." Temari stood, smiling knowingly, at the doorway. "Grab your dagger Hinata, you'll want it if anything happens. Something always does when we let our guards down."

"When did you get here?" Hinata asked, startled. She wasn't used to the whole ninjas-make-no-noise thing.

"Don't worry, just got here. I wasn't spying on you two or anything. Now let's go."

Gaara and Hinata followed the blond out of the room though not before Hinata had grabbed her weapon from her bedside table.

"So who're we meeting?" Hinata asked, trying to get her blushing to subside.

"An old friend of the Kazekage's. I wonder if you know him in your other universe."

Hinata nodded and continued down the hallway with the other two.

They finally stopped in front of the tall doors to the Kazekage's office where Temari knocked twice.


Temari opened the door and stepped through.

"H-Hinata-chan?" A familiar looking blond boy stood before the Kazekage's desk, bright blue eyes widened in shock at Hinata's presence. "Shouldn't you be in Konoha? I swear I just saw you there before leaving and- Gaara!!!" His eyes widened even more upon seeing Hinata's friend standing beside her. He looked back and forth between him, the Kazekage, and Hinata muttering vaguely about something none of them could understand.

"I know you!" Hinata suddenly exclaimed. She had finally realized where she'd seen the boy before. "You're in my Japanese class at Stanford. You were talking to that spiky haired kid…I think Ino called him Sasuke."

"What?! You've seen Sasuke and didn't tell me?! Hinata-chan! How could you-dattebyo?!" The blue eyed boy whined.

"Naruto," The Kazekage sighed. "Did I not just explain to you the whole alternate universe thing? Were you even listening?"

Now the blond, apparently named Naruto, looked sheepish, scratching his neck and chuckling. "Of course I just must have zoned out when you told me it was Hinata-chan and Gaa-well, you."

"Putting that aside, Hinata and Gaara, this is Naruto. He's a very good friend of mine and a ninja from Konoha. The Hinata of this world is his comrade there."

"Nice to meet you." Gaara said in a voice exactly like that of his clone's.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Hinata repeated. Naruto just smiled and laughed.

"You two are so formal! Any friends of Gaara are friends of mine! Welcome to Suna!"

Hinata smiled whereas Gaara nodded, still unable to convey much emotion around people he didn't know.

"Ne, ne Hinata-chan what am I like in this fancy alternate universe place-dattebyo? Still as cool as I am here?" Naruto asked.

"Dattebyo?" Hinata quirked an eyebrow at her new friend.

"Yeah. Dattebyo. Now answer the question."

"Um well, I don't really know you too well…but I know you're good friends with this Sasuke kid and I guess you must be really smart. What am I like here?" Hinata thought back to Stanford University where she had seen him. It seemed like such a long time ago to her.

"Smart?" Naruto asked. He looked a little stunned.

"Yeah. Smart. Now answer the question." Hinata smiled.

"Um, she's really shy and kinda weird. You'll just have to meet her." Naruto scratched his face thoughtfully before his features bighted. "I have a great idea! Why don't you two come back with me to Konoha-dattebyo? We can dress you up so that no one recognizes you and take you with me. Shikamaru is probably coming here soon so you can come back with him."

Hinata smiled, she liked that idea. She'd finally be able to meet that other Hinata. She turned to Gaara and he nodded at her.

"Sure. When're you leaving?" Hinata asked.

"Tomorrow morning. Be ready in front of this office at five. Is that ok Gaara?" Instead of turning towards my friend he was asking the Kazekage. He nodded and gave the blond a small smile.

"You two should go now. We have ninja business to discus before Naruto goes back to Konoha." The Kazekage said, motioning for Temari to leave with us. Hinata hadn't even realized that Temari was still there she was so silent. Of course as soon as they left the office she began talking full force.

"You have to get ready now. Pack all your new cloths. Oh! You can use one of my old backpacks. I never use it anymore…" Temari rambled on and on about the two teen's departure. She never even stopped to take a breath.

Hinata just rolled her eyes at the fan wielder and told her that she had to take Gaara somewhere and she'd be right back.

She motioned for Gaara to follow her and just left Temari in the middle of the hallway rambling to herself.

"Where're we going?" Gaara asked once they were out of the Kazekage's building.

"You wanted to meet Ryu didn't you?" Hinata silently laughed to see all the people they passed bowing respectfully at her friend.

"Oh right." They walked further in silence until they came to the fan shop and entered the small building.

"Oh hello!" The old shop keeper ran to greet Hinata and Gaara, pausing to bow towards the latter mentioned of the two.

"I would like to see Ryu." Gaara said before Hinata had the chance to.

'Of course, Kazekage-sama. Right this way." Hinata was again led into the incense filled backroom, this time with her best friend. She turned as soon as she came. Gaara copied with motions.

"Ryu, this is Gaara. Gaara, Ryu."

Thanks for reading. Any suggestions? Until next time!