Confusing Times
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Masashi Kishomoto does. I only own the plot.
A teenage girl turned around at the shout. She smiled sheepishly and waited until her friend caught up.
"Augh, Hinata, I thought you were ditching me," the blonde said. She flipped her long ponytail around her index finger and grinned playfully at the girl next to her.
"Sorry Ino," the violet haired teen apologized.
"Hey, no prob. Geeze don't take everything so serious 'Nata," Ino said.
Hyuuga Hinata laughed gently and nodded. "Tenten tells me that all the time."
"Where is that whore anyway?" Ino asked, tilting her head up to search the busy hallways, with her pretty blue eyes.
The white/ lavender eyed Hyuuga frowned slightly at the word "whore", but she shrugged it off. Ino and their other friend Tenten had an odd relationship.
"I think she's getting a physical, so she can try out for track," she said, walking over to her locker, Ino behind her.
Both girls attended Konoha Academy, nicknamed Leaf for the flowering trees planted all around the campus. It was a private school for the rich and talented. Not all kids who applied got in.
Not only did it offer the best academic classes around it also had the top sports teams. It had track, baseball, basketball, martial arts were the best teams on campus.
Right now was just a couple of weeks into the new school year. Already Hinata was wishing she was back at her old school. Her father had moved her back to Konoha over the summer.
Hinata missed her old school. It had been more familiar and she didn't have to learn people's names over and over again.
Now the young Hyuuga may have just moved here but she has already made friends- or rather they made friends with her.
Hinata had just arrived at her new school. She was petrified and her nervous habits erupted. During roll call she stuttered horribly and she couldn't keep eye contact for more than a second.
"Hey, Hinata right?"
Hinata turned at the sound of her name. Beside her, sat a girl around her own age, with the long, pale blonde hair. She had blue eyes full of kindness that made Hinata just to want to be friends.
"R-right." She applauded herself in her mind for barely stuttering.
"Nice to meet'cha. I'm Yamanaka Ino." The girl smiled which made Hinata visibly relax. "She went on. "I'm sure glad to see someone else sane here."
"What do you mean sane?" Hinata questioned, without a stutter.
Instead of replying, Ino nodded her head in a general area full of girls. Hinata hadn't really paid all that much attention to them. She was surprised the teacher didn't tell them to sit back down. But what were they crowding around anyway?
"Get away from me," a harsh, cold, very male voice said.
Whoever said it apparently wasn't at all happy about all the attention he was getting.
Hinata turned back to Ino.
"Who's that in the middle?"
"Uchiha Sasuke. The school's heartthrob and most handsome boy on campus," she said, her eyes lighting up a bit. But as quickly as the light came it died. In an undertone she said, "I really like him. He's just not responsive."
"Don't worry. I bet h-he'll come around," she assured the blonde gently.
"I knew I found someone sane."
End Flashback
Now, Hinataloved her new friends-come on they were like her sisters-but she missed her old friends. They had been there for her through everything. Even when they didn't want to.
Absently, Hinata smiled to herself as she gathered her history book and folders. Ino was chatting away about going shopping on Saturday and something that sounded vaguely like "fight."
Much as she loved Ino Hinata couldn't for the life of her pay attention that long when it came to girl things like shopping or dancing. It wasn't that she had a short attention span; it was just that she had grown up with guys. That's all.
That's right. The shy heiress had grown up with all guy friends. It hadn't and still didn't faze her that she had been left out of a lot of girl things. Her friends had more than made up for it.
First, there was Inuzuka Kiba. Every bit as chatty as Ino, he would-and would-talk about anything on his mind. He loved to tease Hinata and mess up her now-shoulder length hair. He was impulsive too, but he could always lend a shoulder to cry on.
Next, was Aburme Shino. Quiet and alert he was almost Kiba's opposite. He loved bugs and was blunt to the point that some of the teachers avoided asking him opinion questions. Like Kiba, he always looked out for their naïve and innocent friend.
Then there was Sabaku Gaara. Most people had a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that a shy, innocent girl like Hinata would ever be friends with him. He was quite like Shino, but intimidating. His glare could make the fiercest upperclassmen shriek. Yet, under al that he was a caring person who had just had a hard time.
"'Nata. God 'Nata don't space on me." Ino waved her hand back and forth in front of her friends face.
"Like I was before there's going to be this big match between our school and some other one's martial arts team." Ino stopped at the door to her math room. "I thought we could go."
Hinata might be a little naïve but she wasn't oblivious. She knew her friend only wanted to go because Sasuke was going to be there. What all those girls saw in him she would never know.
Being the good friend she was, she nodded her head just as the warning bell rang. She walked over to her history class.
The history room was one of the few places Hinata could really relax in. Yuhi Kurenai was more likable. The room itself was better than the others. It wasn't cluttered and jammed up with desks. Instead, they had lap desks they used. For the most part they didn't need them. They did projects they required working on the floor.
Anyways, Tenten was in Hinata's history class. She had returned from her physical and had opted to sit by one of the windows, leaning against the low shelf in front of them. Her chocolate colored hair was still in its usual panda'ish style and she uniform as Hinata. She had on the pleated black skirt that went down to their knees and a white blouse with the school's leaf symbol stitched by the shoulder.
"That was a close call 'Nata," she said, giving her friend a pat on the head, like a child. "I thought you were going to be late."
Just then Yuhi sensei walked in. The class quieted down a bit, but remained relaxed. Kurenai didn't mind too much noise at the beginning.
Hinata personally thought Kurenai was the best teacher. She cared if you got a low grade, and offered sympathy to those who deserved it.
I want to be like her when I'm older, Hinata thought to herself. She shifted her skirt and took a seat on the comfy pillow.
Class went by in a blur. Tenten and her partnered up in a project about wars and their effects on the population of those who were fighting. Their poster came out great. The best part was the drawings around the border done by Hinata.
Hinata's last class of the day was art. Besides History, art was her favorite. She could draw what she wished was real and in a way it was. Though suffering from low self-esteem issues she didn't think she was too good. Everyone else disagreed. Her work was beautiful and made you think over what had been drilled into your head for so long.
She scurried in and sat down in a corner away from everyone else. She liked it best this way. No one would notice her until the teacher complimented her work. Then when he was done doing that, they would all go back to ignoring her. It was a little hurtful, but she was used to it.
Several minutes after the bell rang; the teacher still hadn't shown up. He was infamous for being late. That and for reading porn books. Hinata couldn't help but blush when he'd lazily comment on her work and yet still have his eye roaming the page. Kakashi Hatake was a strange teacher.
Not only is he strange, she thought, but he's a total pervert! She giggled.
"Well, Miss Hyuuga, would you mind informing the class of what is so amusing?"
Hinata froze. She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed how quiet it had gotten. She also hadn't noticed her teacher had arrived.
"N-nothing," she stuttered, embarrassed.
Kakashi looked back at her and shrugged. His one visible eye went back to scanning the page.
Mentally sighing to herself, Hinata settled down and listened to the art teacher rattle off instructions.
"Today will be a painting day. Paint something you think symbolizes you. It could be anything; an animal, a toy or a book. Just be able to tell why you think it symbolizes you at the end of class." The white haired teacher leaned forward when no one moved and said, "You may start."
Mumbling, the students hurried to get their supplies. They needed paint, a brush, and canvas to set up on the easel.
Straightening the canvas, Hinata tugged a lock of hair. She wasn't sure what could possibly portray her. For once, she was stumped.
Ughh, this is too personal. So it has to be something that symbolizes me? Most people would say a mouse- quiet, timid and nothing special to look at.
Hinata frowned. She shouldn't think about what most people would say about her. What would the important people in life see her as?
Upon reaching that, she knew instantly how to fill the canvas. She reached for her brush and started. While she worked, she recalled an old, but cherished memory.
A seven year old Hinata sat playing in the sandbox at Suna Academy, or Wind as everyone liked to call it. Her hair was much shorter and cut in a boyish manner. Oblivious to that, she played with the sand, molding it into a small castle.
"White-eyes. What are you doing back here?"
Terrified, Hinata looked up. Standing in front of her was an older boy, probably around ten. He had dark hair and eyes that glowered down at her as if expecting her to bow to him.
"I asked a question. Are you scared? Your little bodyguards aren't around."
The boy slowly approached. Hinata backed up until she felt the corner of the box. She couldn't go any farther without leaving herself vulnerable.
He reached out and yanked her side bangs. She yelped. Bringing her face closer to his, he hissed, "You're a little freak. You are nothing but a mouse. You are stupid, scared and replaceable."
Now she was crying. The boy kept tugging her hair and that hurt, but it was his words that really stung. They punctured her already low self-esteem and pierced her heart. They hurt so much. She just cried harder and harder.
"If I were you I'd let go," a dangerously low voice said.
Instantly, the boy let go. Hinata fell from the sudden release, but strong arms wrapped around her small frame. She looked up to see Kiba, Shino, and Gaara glaring daggers at the one who had dared harm their friend.
Kiba, the one holding her, yelled, "You better leave Hina alone! Or we'll grind you into dust!" His usual slit-like eyes narrowed further and his brown spiky hair seemed to be sparking with madness. Or maybe it was just her imagination.
Shino and Gaara gave no outward sign that they were mad other than glaring. They stood calmly watching the intruder panic.
Who knew three eight year old boys could be so terrifying?
"Go now," Shino commanded.
"If we see you near her again we won't hesitate to beat you into oblivion."
Panicking, the boy fled. He wasn't too brilliant, but he could tell who was trouble. And all those boys were most definitely trouble.
"And never show your butt-ugly face around here again," Kiba screamed for good measure.
"Are you okay Hina? That idiot didn't hurt you too bad did he?" Shino asked, his voice emotionless. If Hinata didn't know better she would have thought he didn't care.
Kiba gingerly picked her up as if she were a doll and set her on the corner of the box. She was desperately trying to wipe her tears away, but they kept coming. The words the bully said kept ringing in her ears.
"What's wrong? Why are you still crying? He's gone."
Hinata choked back a sob. Gaara was her friend, but he acted a little harshly.
"Be nice knuckle-head," Kiba reprimanded with a frown. He turned back to Hinata. "Did he say something to you?"
All she could manage was a slight nod. Then she surprised all of them-including herself-by tackling them into a hug. She was in the middle with boys spread closely around her.
"What the heck? Hina? Is that really you?"
"She must be hurt more than we thought," Shino told Kiba.
"G-guys?" They turned towards her. She was still crying. "Do you think I'm stupid, scared and replaceable?" Her voice quivered.
"Did that guy tell you that? Oh, I'm going to rip him to shreds. Then I am going to-"
"Hina, you are nothing like that. Don't believe people like that boy. They live to hurt people."
Kiba blinked at Shino. "Man, when did you become so dang smart?"
"Is there anything else he told you?"
Hinata glanced at her read-headed friend.
"Y-yes," she admitted, twiddling her fingers. "He called me a freak. And told me I was a mouse."
Gaara twitched. Just the tone of her voice made him want to smother her with a hug. Because he was Gaara, he just said, "You are not a mouse."
"Then what am I like?"
"Oh, I know!" Kiba jumped up then sat back down pointlessly. "You remind me of the night sky. Dark and beautiful."
Hinata blushed, but gave him a bear hug. He kissed her lightly on the cheek and patted her head. It was their way of saying thanks.
Shino removed his hands from his pockets and placed them on Hinata's shoulders. She faced him.
"To me you are a butterfly. Delicate, but able to hold it's own against the strongest of winds."
Just like with Kiba, she gave him a hug and he gave her a kiss. She giggled because it was so unlike Shino. He didn't even kiss his mother. Only Hinata.
The three turned to Gaara. They were expecting him to answer. And by the looks of the other males he had better say something soon.
Secretly, the red head already knew exactly what to say. He had thought about it many times at night.
"Hina. You are like the moon. Not able to shine without help from the sun. Yet you are more elegant than the sun because you represent real beauty."
Hinata and Kiba gaped at him. Shino merely raised an eyebrow. Yeah, they were friends, but Gaara wasn't the touchy-feely types. Compliments were rare. This made this extra special.
Wiping away the last of the tears, Hinata smiled, an open and true smile. Sniffling, she threw her skinny arms around the boys and said, " If I'm the moon, then you three are the suns giving me your light to shine."
End Flashback
That memory played back and forth in her mind as she finished her last stroke. Without realizing it, she had spent all of her class time.
"Times up. Suck it up people, it's critique time."
The class groaned. Kakashi wasn't the easiest of graders.
He took his time examing the pieces and asking how it related to the artist. He took his time replying and then moved on.
Hinata was inwardly groaning. Her sensei always liked to make her go last. He liked to save the best for last, so she couldn't quite complain. Though at that particular moment she longed to.
Finally, Kakashi followed the students to come to her easel. Hinata was incredibly nervous. She fiddled with her fingers as the class looked on in silence.
This piece of art was more personal than any other she had done. She had worked harder and put more into it. She did this with her other pieces but this one wasn't just for her-it was for her three suns.
Kakashi's expression was unreadable. He stood there for what seemed hours. Then he said, "Hinata this wasn't a scene painting."
"I-I know."
"Then explain. I don't get it."
He honestly seemed stomped.
Yes her painting wasn't like the other students. Theirs' had focused on the particular object they were trying to show symbolized them. Hinata's didn't focus on one thing.
Near the middle of the canvas was a butterfly, stretching out its wings. It was light purple. It was flying in the night sky, but light from the moon gilded its wings.
Obviously, it was the best thing a high-schooler could do.
"Y-you t-told the c-class to pick w-what s-symbolized them."
Pointing to the sky, Hinata whispered, "S-someone o-once t-told me I w-was d-dark b-but that I w-was b-beautiful j-just l-like the n-night s-sky."
Next she pointed to the butterfly. "This sh-shows that I-I'm d-delicate but not b-breakable."
Finally, she tapped the moon.
"The m-moon is m-most l-like m-me. It is not a-able t-to sh-shine on i-its w-without t-the s-sun, j-just l-like how I'm not able to shine without my friends there to guide their light to me."
After her speech- heck it was the most she had ever said at once to strangers-the class was silent. Dead silent.
"Hinata," Kakashi finally broke the silence, "you get an A+ and extra credit. You did a wonderful job."
Perking up, Hinata's eyes widened.
"Yes. Not only is the painting beautiful, but you incorporated your feelings into it. You were not afraid to let anyone know that that is how you feel about yourself. The extra credit is for finally speaking more than a couple of sentences."
Reddening with pleasure, she let out a small smile. It got bigger as the whole class started clapping. Loudly. For her.
"Thank you suns," she whispered to herself.