Author has written 4 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist. I am a 23 year old college student, enrolled in a Radiology program. A Radiology program that takes up all of my time. All of my stories I fully intend to both update and finish. I haven't abandoned any of my work. I know how annoying that can be for readers but unfourtanatlly I have time management problems. I enjoy reading. I enjoy reading so much I got the thought into my head that I could write something someone else might enjoy reading. I don't know how that is going but I do try. My intrests are varried and many. Hogan's Heros Why give up what you enjoy just to conform to what people expect of an adult? Edit: 2/26/2016 I have gone back to look at what I have written and I am truly horrified. The spelling and punctuation error's are horrifying, The lesson is never post what hasn't been beta read. That said I still plan to finish all of my started stories. They will have to be edited first, and the notes of what I was thinking found but they are not abandoned. |