He did it! Ash Ketchum actually won the Alola League! Finally! Also, see Author's Note below!

This was it.

The final battle that will decide it all.

Pat and Ash were both smiling as they faced each other, not all surprised by this fact as they had a feeling they would face off in the finals. In the stands Ash's friends and family were twitching in their seats. If they were worried about Ritchie's match with Ash, they were nervous for this match up. Both Pat and Ash were tough trainers, and this battle will be intense, they could feel it.

Serena shifted in her seat nervously, "Oh, I'm so nervous and I'm not even the one battling."

"I know how you feel," Misty says to try and comfort her, "There's really no telling how this match will end."

"Yeah, but look at it this way, no matter who wins the Indigo League nothing will change between them." Brock assures them before noticing the referee lift up both flags, "Its starting!"

"This will be a six-on-six battle between Pat and Ash Ketchum! Trainers call out your first pokemon!"

Pat smiled as he called out his pokemon, "Manda, time to battle!"

A Gyarados comes out of Pat's pokeball with a mighty roar, "ROAR (Let us fight)!"

Misty paled as she nearly passed out right then and there, "A Gyarados...why did he have to have a Gyarados...?"

Serena grabbed both of her shoulder's, "Please don't faint, Misty!"

"Fenne (Yes, please don't)!" Fennekin begged her.

Brock was observing Pat's Gyarados carefully, "Its an impressive Gyarados, just like Ash's."

Molly brought both hands together in prayer, 'I pray big brother wins the tournament.'

Ash could already tell from first glance Pat's Gyarados was a powerhouse, so he'll send out his own, "Charizard, I choose you!"

Charizard comes out eager to battle against Pat's Gyarados, "Roar (Don't think I'll be easy to beat)!"

"Gyarados versus Charizard, battle...begin!"

"Manda, use Hyper Beam!"

Manda shoots out a yellow-orange beam from its mouth at Charizard.

"Get in the air to dodge that Hyper Beam!"

Charizard quickly got in the air so to avoid the Hyper Beam attack. Like his trainer, Charizard could sense that Pat was no pushover and that he needed to be careful.

"Use Aqua Tail!"

"Avoid it!"

Manda's tail becomes surrounded in a light blue aura, with water swirling around the tip, and nearly hits Charizard with effective water move.

"This isn't like any other battle these two have had since this tournament began, these two analyze their opponents carefully before making a move. And since they're going up against each other..." Brock says.

Misty nodded, understanding what he was getting at, "That's what those two are doing right now, analyzing each other carefully."

"There's really no telling how this battle will end." Serena said.

"Manda, use Dragon Dance!"

"You too, Charizard!"

Manda flies in the air and dances from side-to-side, increasing its speed and attack power.

Charizard's body becomes surrounded in a red and pink misty aura, and it flies around in the air.

"Dragon Dance increases a pokemon's speed and attack power." Brock explains.

"Manda, use Dragon Pulse!"

"Counter with Dragon Rage!"

Manda fires a multicolored dragon-shaped energy from its mouth at Charizard.

Charizard's eyes glow white, then the flame on its tail grows to a huge size. Charizard then releases ball of orange energy from its mouth at the Dragon Pulse attack, the attack making contact and cancelling each other out.

"Both sides are even!" Brock says.

"Use Iron Head, Manda!"

Manda's head glows white as it charges at Charizard.

"Quick, get in the air and hit Manda with Dragon Claw!"

Charizard dodges the attempted Iron Head attack before his hands become surrounded in a light green, claw shaped energy before proceeding to slam his claw down on top of Manda's head.

"Use Bite!"

"Dodge and Dragon Claw again!"

Charizard ducks down to avoid the Bite attack before uppercutting Manda with the Dragon Claw attack again.

"Use Crunch!"

"Dodge and use Dragon Rush!"

Charizard dodges the Crunch attack, then his body becomes surrounded in a light blue orb with white streak, and releases a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers his body, then slams into Manda full force, finally knocking the snake pokemon out.

"Gyarados is unable to battle! Charizard wins!"

"Ash was able to knock Gyarados out!" Misty smiles.

Brock still looked serious, "Don't get too excited, remember the flow of the battle could change in an instant."

"That's what has me on edge." Serena said, sounding worried.

Pat returned Manda, "You've proven your strength, thank you. Now, Leo, time to battle!"

Coming out of the pokeball is a is a quadruped, leonine Pokémon. It is mostly dark brown with light brown legs, tail tip, chest, and face. It has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, round ears with dark brown interiors, bright blue eyes, and a dark brown stripe behind each eye. The fur around its thighs is longer and each paw has three toes. There is a tuft of longer fur on the tip of its tail. It also has a large, predominantly red mane with gold streaks forming pattern resembling the Daimonji symbol (大) and the symbol for fire (火).

"Roar (You've summoned me to fight)!"

Ritchie blinked a few times as he stared at the unknown pokemon, "What the? What kind of pokemon is that?" He takes out his pokedex to scan it.

[Pyroar, the Royal Pokémon. Pyroar's mane, which is made of fire, becomes larger when it gets excited.]

"It looks to be a fire type pokemon." Brock said.

"Fire versus fire." Ritchie said.

"Leo, use Sunny Day!"

Leo lets loose a mighty roar that makes the sun shine more brighter.

"Sunny Day boosts fire type moves, meaning both Leo and Charizard's fire attacks will be more powerful." Brock said.

"Use Incinerate!"

"Counter with Heat Wave!"

Leo shoots a beam of orange, yellow, red, and black fire at Charizard.

Charizard, meanwhile fires an orange-yellow fireball from its mouth at Leo's attack, both attacks colliding and creating an explosion as they collided.

"Use Flare Blitz!"

"Use Blast Burn!"

Leo's body body becomes surrounded by red-orange fire and it shoots at Charizard like a missle.

The flame at the end of Charizard's tail grows to a massive size and it releases a powerful and massive stream of fire from its mouth at Leo, but Leo tore through thr attack and slammed hard into Charizard.

"Charizard!" Ash cried.

"Noble Roar!"

Leo lets out a roar, lowering Charizard's Attack and Special Attack.

"Leo just lowered Charizard's attack and special attack power." Brock explained.

"Solar Beam!"


Leo opens his mouth as a white ball appears in the shape of an orb, once that's done he fires the beam at Charizard.

Charizard's body turns red. It then releases a white fire with a red-orange flame spiraling around it from its mouth at Leo.

As the attacks made contact it looked as though Charizard's Overheat would overtake Solar Beam, but due to Charizard's attack and special attack lowered, it did not prevail as the Solar Beam overtook it and slammed hard into the fire/flying type, sending it back a few feet. Charizard got down on one knee, having obviously taken some damage.

Ash saw this, "Charizard, can you still continue?"

Charizard looked to him before saying something, "Roar (The next attack will be my last)."

Ash nodded, "Okay. Use Dragon Breath!"

"Counter with Hyper Beam!"

Charizard releases a green and yellow beam from its mouth at Leo, while Leo countered this attack by using Hyper Beam. The attack overpowered Charizard's Dragon Breath attack, slamming into the fire/flying type. Charizard stood there for a minute before falling forward with a smile on his face, satisfied with the outcome.

"Charizard is unable to battle! Pyroar wins!"

"Now Charizard's down!" Misty said.

"This makes them even in using their second pokemon now." Brock says grimly.

Ash smiled as he returned Charizard, "Glad the battle satisfied you, Charizard. Get some good rest. Blastoise, I choose you!"

Blastoise came out with a smirk, "Blastoise (Looks like its my turn now. Don't worry, I'll get payback for ya)."

"Pyroar versus Blastoise, battle...begin!"

"Blastoise, use Rain Dance!"

Blastoise summons a dark circular cloud that spins counterclockwise, with a dark indent in the middle of the cloud and then rain falls from the cloud.

Brock nodded, "Good move, now Blastoise's water attacks will go up, while Leo's fire attacks will go down."

"This feels just like that time at Blaine's gym, doesn't it?" Ritchie remembered.

"Yeah, it really does." Misty agreed.

"Leo, use Hyper Voice!"

"Use Hydro Cannon!"

Blastoise fires two powerful orbs of water from each of its cannons right at Leo, the effective water attack hitting the fire pokemon head on.

"Use Rapid Spin!"

Blastoise pulls its head, arms, legs, and cannons into its shell and spins like a disc. Coming at Leo quickly and slamming into the fire type.


"Use Focus Punch!"

Blastoise's arm glows white before punching Leo right in the face, making it cry out in pain.

"Finish Leo off with Aqua Jet!"

Blastoise's body body becomes surrounded by water and it shoots itself like a rocket at the opponent, slamming into the fire type pokemon, making him roll on the ground a few times before coming to a stop and fainting.

"Pyroar is unable to battle! Blastoise wins!"

"This battle is starting to get intense! I'm at the edge of seat here, folks!"

"Blastoise got payback for Charizard." Ritchie said.

"I'm sure Charizard will be happy about that." Molly smiled.

"Yeah, Blastoise sees Charizard as his friend, and wanted to beat Pyroar for him." Tomo added.

"What nice thing for Blastoise to do." Serena said.

Pat smiled as he returned Leo, "Take pride in this battle my friend, we defeated Charizard his strongest fire type, so there is no need to despair. Ronin, time to battle!" Pat called out his Scyther.

Ronin came out ready to battle, "Scyther (I will not lose this fight)!"

Ash frowned as he saw Ronin, 'Water attacks have no effect against bug types, better think carefully about this.'

"Scyther versus Blastoise, battle...begin!"

"Ronin, use Double Team!"

Ronin creates multiple copies of himself, surrounding Blastoise on all ends.

"Now, use X-Scissor!"

Ronin's crosses his scythes and they start to glow light purple. He then flies towards Blastoise quickly.

"Hide in your shell!"

Blastoise does just that, and just in time, too as Ronin slammed into the shell instead of Blastoise himself.

"Use Fury Cutter!"

"Dodge, and use Focus Punch!"

Blastoise repeatedly dodges Ronin's attack, waiting for an opening to show itself so he could get at the bug type pokemon, once he saw the opening he was looking for he took the opportunity to send Ronin away from him with his Focus Punch attack.

"Use Ice Punch!"

"Dodge it Ronin, then use Swords Dance, then Night Slash!"

Ronin dodges Blastoise's Ice Punch attack before crossing his claws and glowing blue, swords around him and raising his attack level before disappearing. Once that was done his claws glowed purple before slashing at Blastoise, hitting him.

"Hit Ronin with Iron Tail!"

Blastoise's whole tail glows white before slamming his tail right in Ronin's gut.

"Hit Blastoise back with Bug Buzz!"

Ronin calls out loudly, which releases red sound waves from its body at Blastoise, when it reaches Blastoise its head starts hurting.

"That lowers a pokemon's Special Defense." Brock frowns.

"So that's what that move does." Misty said.

"Now, use Toxic!"

Ronin fires a ball of purple liquid from his mouth at Blastoise, getting the water pokemon, poisoning it.

"Now, Slash!"

Ronin repeatedly slashes Blastoise without mercy, when he deemed Blastoise had enough he stopped attacking it. Blastoise fell forward, still conscious, but in too much pain to move.

The referee called it.

"Blastoise is unable to battle! Scyther wins!"

"Blastoise is down now." Misty frowned.

"The two of them are both back to being even now by using their third pokemon." Brock says.

Ash returns Blastoise, "Thanks for getting payback for Charizard, Blastoise. Venusaur, I choose you!"

Venusaur came out with a calm expression, "Venusaur (And now its up to me)."

"Cool, Ivysaur evolved into Venusaur!" Ritchie smiled.

"Grass type moves are useless against Bug types, but type advantages and disadvantages don't really mean anything to Ash." Brock stated.

"That's true." Misty agreed.

"Scyther versus Venusaur, battle...begin!"

"Quick Attack!"

Ronin came at Venusaur quickly.

"Protect, then use Poison Powder!"

A green shield surrounds Venusaur, protecting him from the Quick Attack, he then releases a wave of purple powder at Ronin, poisoning it.

"Now, use Sweet Scent!"

Venusaur releases a powder from the inside of his flower, once Ronin got a scent of it, he began to become groggy and more relax.

Pat smiled, 'Nice move, Ash.'

"Grab Ronin with your Vine Whip, and use Take Down!"

Venusaur grabs Ronin with his Vine Whip before slamming into the bug type with full force, making the bug type faint.

"Scyther is unable to battle! Venusaur wins!"

Pat returns Ronin, "You are a true warrior, my friend. Sting, time to battle!"

A Beedrill comes out of the pokeball, "Bee (I'll stab you)!"

Misty visibly flinches, "Another bug type pokemon?! Like Scyther wasn't bad enough!"

"Now, now." Brock pats her back calmly.

Serena looks at the red head with confusion, so Molly decides to explain her reaction, "Misty really doesn't like Bug pokemon."

"I see..." Serena sweat-dropped.

Ritchie scanned Beedrill:

[Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokémon. Beedrill fly quickly and attack using poison stingers on their forelegs and tail.]

"Sounds like the kind of pokemon you don't wanna make mad." Ritchie comments.

"Beedrill versus Venusaur, battle...begin!"

"Use Poison Jab, Sting!"

Sting's pincers glow purple as he charges at Venusaur, intending on stabbing the grass type.

"Use your Vine Whip to help you jump in the air, then use Skull Bash!"

Venusaur uses his Vine Whip to help propel him in the air to avoid the Poison Jab attack before slamming his head into Sting's gut.

"Use Venoshock!"

Sting retaliates by firing globs of purple liquid from its stingers at Venusaur, successfully poisoning the grass type.

"Pin Missle!"

Sting's stingers glow white and shoot multiple white needles at Venusaur, hitting him successfully.

"Now, finish this with Fell Stinger!"

Sting hits Venusaur with the attack, making him faint quickly.

"Venusaur is unable to battle! Beedrill wins!"

"He took Venusaur down quickly!" Misty gasped.

"Pat wasn't playing around with that one." Brock says.

Ash returns Venusaur, "I'm sure Blastoise will appreciate the payback you got for him, even if he won't admit it. Gardevoir, I choose you!"

The pokemon that came out of the pokeball was a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. Its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. Behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. It has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from its chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on its chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.

"Gardevoir (I will allow allow no harm to come to father)." Gardevoir declared.

Misty's eyes sparkled, "That's the female Ralt twin? She's so beautiful!"

Ritchie scanned her:

[Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Gardevoir will use all of its psychic energy to protect a Trainer it has made a deep connection with.]

"A pokemon you can count on." Ritchie says.

"Use Poison Jab!"

Sting charges at Gardevoir with his pincers out and ready.

Gardevoir gives her father a side look and he nods his head, as soon as Sting got close enough she disappeared right before she was about to get hit with the attack.

"She's gone!" Ritchie gasped.

"No, Gardevoir used Teleport to get away." Brock helpfully said.

Gardevoir reappeared behind Sting.

"Fury Attack!"

Sting's stingers glow white as he charges at Gardevoir in order to jab her with its attack, but once again she used teleport to avoid his attack.

"This is so strange, Ash isn't even giving Gardevoir a command, but she's still teleporting out of the way." Misty says.

"Actually, I think Ash is giving Gardevoir a command, but with subtle movements like nodding his head. Gardevoir must've picked up on that and is using teleport to avoid getting hit by Sting." Brock took a guess as to what's going on.

"So that's it." Serena said.

"Use Bug Bite!"

"Use Shadow Ball!"

Gardevoir forms a ball of black and purple energy with black static around it, then fires it at Sting, hitting the bug type and preventing him from trying to use his Bug Bite attack on her.

"Are you okay?" Pat asks his friend.

Sting nodded as he was okay to continue.

"Good, Twineedle!"

Sting charges at Gardevoir with the large stingers on his arms.

"Use Moonblast!"

Gardevoir gathers energy from the moon. She then forms an orb of pink energy in front of its hands, and fires it right at Sting, hitting directly and making him cry out and pain as smoke covered his form. When it cleared, she on the ground with swirls in his eyes.

"Beedrill is unable to battle! Gardevoir wins!"

"Moonblast...that's a fairy type move, isn't it?" Misty questions.

"That's right, the attack may also lower a pokemon's Special attack." Brock said.

"In this case, it just knocked Sting out." Misty said.

Pat returns Sting with a smile, "You did very well out there. Spectre, time to battle!" He calls out his Gengar.

Spectre comes out with a smirk.

Misty's spine shivered, "Is that Gengar again. It still gives me the chills."

"I know what you mean." Brock said.

"Gengar versus Gardevoir, battle...begin!"

"Mean Look!"

Spectre's iris's and pupils turn purple, with a light-purple glow around them. Gardevoir then glows purple, its eyes glow bright red, and a dark-purple, shadowy mist appears around her body, making her unable to move.

"Use Hex!"

Spectre's eyes start to glow purple and light red, rendering Gardevoir helpless to attack.

"Gardevoir can't move or attack now!" Brock exclaimed.

"Use Night Shade!"

Spectre fires a dark crimson beam, outlined in red from its eyes at Gardevoir, hitting her directly.

"Gardevoir!" Ash cried out.

"Finish her with Shadow Punch!"

Spectre raises one raises one of his arms and purple sparks travel up his arm and appear around his fist. He then punches the air and sends a black fist with purple static electricity around it at helpless Gardevoir, hitting her and knocking her out permanently.

"Gardevoir is unable to battle! Gengar wins!"

Misty winced, "Gardevoir didn't even get to attack."

"Don't worry, I'm sure Ash's next pokemon will get some payback on her behalf." Brock said.

Ash returns Gardevoir, "Don't feel bad about losing, you were great. Gengar, I choose you!"

Gengar comes out the pokeball with a grin, "Gengar (Let's see who's the best Gengar)!"

"Gengar versus Gengar, battle...begin!"

"Spectre, use Sucker Punch!"

"You too, Gengar!"

Both pokemon punch each other hard in the gut.

"Dark Pulse!"

"You use Dark Pulse, too!"

Both pokemon form a dark purple orb of energy in their hands before firing the beams at each other, both attacks colliding with each other and causing an explosion.

"Use Nightmare!" Ash ordered.

Gengar's eyes glow red as do Spectre, making the pokemon fall asleep and giving him nightmares.

"Use Dream Eater!"

"Counter with Sleep Talk!"

As Gengar was prepared to suck up Spectre's energy, the ghost type pokemon countered by using one of its moves while still asleep, which was Sucker Punch. Good move.

"Ice Punch!" Pat ordered.

"Fire Punch!" Ash countered.

Spectre comes at Gengar with his fist covered with ice, while Gengar responds in kind with his fist covered with fire. Both pokemon punched each other in the face.

"Shadow Punch, Gengar!"

"Destiny Bond!"

Gengar hits Spectre with Shadow Punch, finally knocking the ghost type down and knocking it out, but Spectre got back at Gengar but as soon as he fainted, so did Gengar, a double knock out.

"A double knock out!" Brock exclaimed.

The referee lifted up both flags, "Both pokemon are unable to battle! This is a draw!"

Misty stared, "Its down to their last pokemon..."

Brock nodded.

Serena looked nervous.

Ritchie gritted his teeth.

Molly was praying, Tomo right along with her. Delia, Aida, Silver, and Professor Oak were calm as they waited for the boy yo call out their last pokemon.

Pat and Ash returned their Gengar's before smiling at each other. Last round. Pat looked down, "Go, Growlee."

Growlee jumped onto the field, "Grow (I won't be holding back)!"

Ash smiled down at Pikachu, "Your turn now, buddy."

Pikachu nodded as he faced Growlee in the arena, "Pika Pikachu (I'll make sure I win)!"

Brock had a grim look on his face, "I think we all knew it would get down to just Growlee and Pikachu..."

And he was right.

"Growlithe versus Pikachu, battle...begin!"

"Growlee, use Flame Wheel!"

"Pikachu, use Volt Tackle!"

Growlee jumps into the air and releases a red-orange flame from its mouth while somersaulting and rolling at Pikachu. Pikachu responds in kind as he also runs at Growlee, his whole body becomes enveloped in electricity. Both pokemon slammed into each other, sending the other back, but they were still standing and ready to fight.

"Use Fire Fang!"

"Dodge, and hit Grolwee with Iron Tail!"

Growlee's mouth becomes surrounded in red-orange flames as he prepared to bite down Pikachu, only for Pikachu to dodge and smack the fire type upside the head with an Iron Tail attack.

"Hit Pikachu back with your own Iron Tail attack!"

Growlee slams his tail right in Pikachu's gut, sending the electric type flying back but he managed to get back upright.

"Use Agility!"

"You use it too, Pikachu!"

Both Growlee and Pikachu ran towards each other quickly and slammed into each other repeatedly, trying to knock the other one down.

"Both pokemon are determined to knock the other one out! Who will be the one to prevail though?!"

With one final hit, the two pokemon pushed back away from each other, still standing and refusing to fall.

"Take Down!"

"Focus Punch!"

Growlee slams into Pikachu, only to be send flying back by Pikachu's Focus Punch attack.

"Double Kick!"

"Break Break!"

Growlee hits Pikachu with his back legs, but got hit right back with Pikachu's Brick Break. After that, the two pokemon were panting as they stared each other down.

Pat and Ash were doing the same. Both were smiling as their eyes focused on each other, speaking with their eyes instead of their mouths.

'This will be the last...'

'The very last...'

In unison, they grinned.

"Flame Wheel!"

"Wild Charge!"

Both pokemon's bodies were lit up in the color orange and yellow in unison as they charged towards each other for what hoped to be the final attack. Both pokemon collided, creating smoke and an explosion as they slammed into each other. Everyone waited with bated breaths as the smoke cleared, Growlee and Pikachu were facing each other, their bodies covered with scars. The stadium was silent as Pikachu swayed a little, and just when it looked like he would faint, Grolwee fell on his side and didn't try to get back up.

There was silence once more before the referee called it.

"Growlithe is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! The winner...is Ash Ketchum!"

Noise flooded the stadium.

Ritchie jumped up in the air, "YES!"

"Pika (He did it)!" Sparky cheered.

Zack took a picture.

Misty and Brock had smiles on their faces, including Serena.

Molly and Tomo were hugging, "He did it! He won!"

"Ursa (He won)!" Teddiursa cheered.

Delia was clapping happily, "My boy won!"

"Hell yeah, he did!" Aida grinned.

Silver barked with laughter, "Called it!"

Professor Oak had a proud smile on his face, 'Remember this day, Ash. For today, you have made pokemon history.'

Ash meanwhile looked all around him as everyone stood up and cheered for his victory, he stood there with a surprised look before letting out a smile and walking over to Pikachu, scooping the electric type up in his arms.

"We did it...we really did it, buddy..." Ash whispered in Pikachu's fur as he gave his best friend a hug.

Pikachu leaned against him with a tired smile, "Pika pika pikachu (I feel like I can sleep for a long time after this)."

Ash let out a chuckle at that. He looked up when he saw Pat walk over to him with a smile, "I don't know about you, but I enjoyed our battle very much."

Ash stood up, with Pikachu in his arms, "So did I."

"AMAZING! Ash Ketchum at just the age of ten has made pokemon history by winning the Indigo League at such a young age! I don't know about you folks, but I will never forget this!"

No one else in Kanto will ever forget either.

No one.

Who's That Pokemon?



The flame of Moltress practically lit up the night sky as trainers were gathered on stage. Ash went to the Pokemon Center to heal up all of his pokemon as they all fought a hard battle. Once they were all healed up, he was escorted by security onto the field. Apparently the press wanted to interview him after Leaf's rage filled outburst about Gary and the people of his hometown. Honestly though, he really didn't want to talk about it or about the people of Pallet Town. Right now, all he wants to do is enjoy this moment.

Charles Goodshow walks up to the mic, "Let us all give these trainers a round of applause for their spectacular performances!" The man smiled as everyone clapped, "For those who placed in the Top 32, 16, 8, and 4, they will receive an official Indigo League Badge!"

The crowd clap their hands, congratulating the trainers that made it as far as they could. Ritchie took his badge with pride and his head held high, there was no need to feel ashamed as he was glad to have made it this far. Next time, he'll do better.

"And now, let us welcome the trainer who made the Top 3! In third place is Assunta!"

Assunta smiled as she walked up to the third place podium as she was given a bronze trophy, symbolizing her third place ranking in the League.

"In second place is Pat!"

Pat walks up to the second place podium, smiling as he was given the second place trophy.

"And finally, in first place, winning the League at just the age of ten—Ash Ketchum!"

The cheers increased as Ash took his place upon the first place podium and gratefully accepted the first place trophy. It was a pretty big trophy, all gold and everything, it felt a little weird holding it in his hands for the very first time, but he was still smiling. Near Goodshow he saw all the gym leaders (except Giovanni obviously) standing next to the old man clapping their hands.

Goodshow approached him, "For winning first place, you also receive more fantastic prizes. Five different colored pokeballs, the prize money of course, and healing potions! You will also take a picture with the six pokemon you fought with in the finals!"

Ash saw the items be placed inside his trophy, the first pokeball that went in had a galaxy like design with four yellow rings around it. One he recognized as a Luxury Ball, a Heavy Ball, a Moon Ball, and a Net Ball. The healing potions will come in handy, too, and he could use the prize money for something a little later, best to save it right now.

Goodshow went back up to the mic, "Thank you trainers who came here and fought your very best! Let us give these trainers another round of applause!"

As the crowd applauds those who fought their very best in the league, Ash still had things on his mind. Like Leaf, Gary, Pallet Town, and other things. Right now though, he will enjoy his achievement with a smile.

The ceremony finally ended, and Ash took a picture with his pokemon that was hanged up on the wall. How pokemon were smiling as they were happy they got a chance to show the world just how strong they are, and prove that Ash is a very good trainer, having shown them love, kindness, and determination in having brought them this far. Once the ceremony was over however and Ash met up with the others, he hugged his mother and mumbled in her shirt that he wanted to go home. She understood as did the rest of his friends, who all got rides back to Pallet Town. As they arrived, Ash and Delia got out of the car and went inside the house, Ash didn't say a word as he washed his face, brushed his teeth, and went to bed. It was harder to sleep that night as thoughts of what happened at the Indigo League all hit him at once.

Eventually though he passed out, hoping he would have good dreams that night.

Morning came to him in the form of a bright light, which he assumed was the sun. Groggily, he sat up and simply stared, reality soon hit him as his gaze trailed over at the pokeballs and potions placed out on his table, as well as his trophy.

Oh, that's right...

He won the Indigo League yesterday.

As he moved to sit up from the bed, he finally noticed a small arm wrapped around his middle at his front before feeling two people at his back, and someone by his feet. He smiled as the sleeping bodies of his siblings, and Pikachu were laid out all around him.

They were so worried about him that they decided to sleep in the same bed as him. A snore then got his attention, making him look down and another smile appeared. There his friends and cousin Ritchie were, sleeping down at the foot at his bed.

What did he ever do to deserve such great friends like them?

He moved to get out of bed, alerting Molly and Pikachu, who had both woken up, "Big brother, you woke up!"

"Pikapi (Ash)!" Pikachu smiled.

Ash hugged them both, "Yeah, I'm awake...thanks for worrying."

Molly hugged him back, "Me and Pikachu got here first, then the other's came."

"Pika pikachu (They were really worried about you)." Pikachu told him.

"I know." Ash mumbled.

Amber and Tomo sat up this time, "Good morning, brother."

"Are you feeling better?" Tomo asked.

"I feel great." Ash assured them.

Brock, Misty, Ritchie, and Pat got up next as they heard his voice, but Ash noticed there were two people missing.

"Hey, where's Serena and Zack?"

"Serena slept on the couch downstairs because there wasn't enough room, as for Zack, well...he left." Misty said.

"He did?" Ash said.

Brock nodded, "He did leave a message for us to give to you though, "Thanks for letting me travel with you guys, hope we meet again someday."

Ash smiled at the message, "Yeah, me too..."

He still couldn't believe he won the Indigo League. A part of him was determined to and felt happy at his own accomplishment, while the other half was still coming to terms with the fact that he actually won.

'I did it...Leaf...Yellow...'

"Wait, what about Leaf and Yellow?" Ash asks.

Ritchie answers him, "Leaf's dad came and got her, and took her back home to Viridian City."

Ash's eyes widened, "Viridian City? She was close to us the entire time, and I didn't even know it?"

"Ash, Leaf didn't want you to know, not because she hated you but because she didn't want you to feel guilty about her having to move away." Ritchie tells him.

He knows that, but he still...

"Leaf's dad...he almost hit Professor Oak when he apologized, but mom and Aunt Delia stopped him. This all happened last night right after you passed out, so we were all there to see it. He doesn't blame you either, Ash." Ritchie says.

Ash looked down, feeling relieved, "And Yellow...?"

"She's at Viridian City hospital, where she's been ever since..."

Ash got out of bed, "I want to see her!"

Ritchie smiled, "I know, and Yellow's parents said you can come and see her today, whoever you're ready."

Ash didn't waste any time and went to the bathroom to wash up, once that was done, he ushered everyone out of the room so he could change. Putting his clothes on, he went downstairs to have breakfast first before heading out. He wasn't going alone however, as the rest of the gang wanted to go, including Serena.

Delia had called two vehicles for them so they could drive to Viridian City. As they were driving, Delia told him some more news.

"Officer Jenny came by to ask about Gary's whereabouts, he hasn't come back home, she also questioned some of people in town about what happened to all of you when you were just children." Delia tells the boys.

"Who cares." Ritchie plainly says.

"I don't either." Ash said.

If Officer Jenny ends up arresting some of them, then so be it. They deserve it, he couldn't be bothered thinking about them right now, more focused on seeing Yellow.

Location: Viridian City Hospital

Yellow's parents Beth and George hugged him as soon as he entered the hospital. They gave him permission to go and see their daughter, for it was long overdue. Ritchie let him go see her alone, while he and the others waited outside.

As Ash spotted her room number, which was Room 201, he opened the door, hesitating a little before mustering up the courage to go inside. What he saw made his heartbreak. Yellow was just lying in that bed, eye closed as though she were slumbering peacefully, only she wasn't. There was na IV strapped to her arm, her hair had grown longer from when it was once a tomboy style like hair cut. Taking a deep breath as to not break down and cry he approached the bed and grabbed her still hand.

"Hey there, Yellow...its me, Ash." He said softly.

No response, though he was hoping she would respond to him though.

"I won the Indigo League, can you believe it? I know I said I would, but to have it actually happen...its such a strange feeling, but I'm happy. So are my pokemon. I've met so many people while out on my journey, saw Ritchie again and we ended up traveling together. Misty, Brock, Molly, Tomo, Zack, Pat, Amber, and Serena. It was nice to see so many faces. Met some of my old pokemon friends again, and they agreed to come with me on my journey. Its been...its been so much fun..." his shoulders were shaking now, "I...I'm so sorry...I didn't know...what happened to Ritchie...to Leaf...to you...if i had known..." he couldn't finish what else he wanted to say as he broke down crying, both his hands grabbing onto her's like a lifeline. Yellow didn't deserve this! Such a sweet girl like her didn't deserve this at all! He wanted to hate Gary, and do to him what he did to his cousin and friends, but there would be no point because if he did, then he would be no better than Gary.

He wiped his tears away and gave his sleeping friend a smile, "Yellow...I'm going to continue my journey. I don't know what I'll find out there, but the one thing that I do know, is that I'll keep moving forward. When you wake up, I'll tell you so many stories about my journey that you'll grow sick and tired of it."

With those final words, he left her hospital room, leaning against the door and taking another deep sigh before removing himself and walking back to the lobby. There he was greeted by everyone who gave him worried looks, but gave them a smile.

"I'm okay, let's go back."

He gives Beth and George a hug before heading out and going back to Pallet Town.

"Jealousy." Ritchie said.

They were in Professor Oaks backyard at his lab, Misty was the one to question why Gary did what he did, still not understanding how the boy could be so cruel.


Ritchie scratches the top of Sparky's head, "Gary was of Ash because he was liked for just being himself, and not because he was related to someone to someone famous."

Brock hummed, "Being related to Professor Oak, and expected to live up to expectations would be very hard on young child's psyche."

"That's still no excuse for everything he did!" Misty protested.

"I'm not saying it is, Misty." Brock calms her.

"By the way, where's Ash?" Serena looked around, wondering where the boy was.

"He's with Silver, said he wanted to give Ash something." Ritchie answered.

Ash stood before Silver as the man held something out for him to take, he took it, "What is this?" It was a red ring with something shiny etched in the middle of it.

"That is what is known as a Key Stone, it allows a pokemon who wears a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve." Silver explains.

Ash's eyes widen, "Mega Evolve?! I've never heard of that before!"

"Pika (Neither have I)!" Pikachu was just as shocked.

"I'd be surprised if you did, see Mega Evolution started up in Kalos, and is deemed as a normal occurrence. Finding this Key Stone was easy, the Mega Stones are going to be harder for you to find." Silver tells him.

Ash places the ring around his wrist and stares at the stone, "How will I know if I've found a Mega Stone?"

Silver smirked, "Your Key Stone will call out to it, that's how you know."

Ash gives his mentor a nod, "Thanks, master. For everything."

Silver hugs the boy, "Silly apprentice, you have nothing to thank me for. By the way Professor Oak wants to see you, wonder if you wouldn't mind doing a little errand for him."

Ash pulls away. "Sure!" He runs off to go see Professor Oak, not seeing Silver's knowing smile.

"I wonder how the guardians of the Sea and Wisdom will be able to show you just how important you are? Should be interesting." Silver comments.

Ash arrives at the lab and walks in, Professor Oak is by his computer, but smiles once he sees Ash, "Hello there, Ash. How are you feeling today?"

"Better, master said you needed to see me for something?"

"Ah, yes! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind heading to Valencia Island in the Orange Archipelago to visit a colleague of mine, her name is Professor Ivy. There's a mysterious pokeball I need you to pick up." Professor Oak tells him.

Ash smiles at him, "Of course I wouldn't mind going for you, Professor. I can leave today."

"Excellent, and Ash once again congratulations on your victory at the League." Oak smiled.

"Thanks professor."

"So we're going to Valencia Island to pick up a pokeball?" Ritchie questions.

"Yeah, from the sounds of it, the pokeball sounds like an odd one." Ash said.

"Sounds like a new adventure for us." Misty smiled.

"Togi Togi (Adventure)!" Togepi cheered.

Ash touches Mewtwo's pokeball that was around his neck, the psychic type insisting that he take him along. Mew was staying behind of course, as was Pat, who volunteered to stay behind with his mother.

"Are you sure its okay for me to come along with you?" Serena asks, unsure.

"Of course its okay, I haven't seen you in so long. Going to Valencia Island is a good time to catch up." Ash tells her with a smile.

Serena blushes and looks away a little, "Thanks Ash..."

Misty sees this and grins.

"I wonder what sort of pokemon we'll see." Molly wondered.

"It should be fun!" Tomo grinned.

Ash makes sure he has everything and looks up at the sky, "Let's go!"

"Pika (Yeah)!" Pikachu said.

And so, as one adventure ends, another begins. The Indigo League is over, now our heroes head onwards towards a new adventure that will sure to lead to meeting new friends and other mysteries that surround pokemon.

Stay tuned...as the journey continues.

Thank you for reading this story to the very end!

Next Story: Adventure to the Orange Islands!