Author has written 124 stories for Charmed, Harry Potter, ER, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Teen Titans, Ninja Turtles, Angel, CSI, and Doctor Who.
FANS OF "THE WENDIGO"!! IceFennek drew an amazing piece of fan art for this story. You can see it here: http:///art/The-Wendigo-104234095
My focus as of August 2008 is CSI Fan Fiction. For a selection of good stories by me that is NOT CSI, please check out my community, "Carly's Best." Please IGNORE everything else on my profile but CSI and "Carly's Best."
About Me
I write. A lot. Most of it is crap. I tend to post it on the Internet anyways, for an ego boost. Sometimes, I write good things. I want to make them better. I am an Egyptian at heart (and often in action), though American by birth. I believe in karma, understanding and spontinaeity. I think that everyone is worth meeting. I can't stand shallow or close-minded people, but I'm polite to them. I graduated from Cairo American College, and now attend the University of Washington in good old Seattle. It's pretty awesome.
FAVORITES (Recategorized)
TV: Angel, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Desperate Housewives, Scrubs, Sex and the City, CSI, Law and Order SVU, South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, The Daily Show, the Colbert Report, Adult Swim, Full Metal Alchemist, Arrested Developement, The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, Firefly, Weeds, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Heroes, Dexter, Ugly Betty, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teen Titans
Books: Ender's Game, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Where the Red Fern Grows, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, House of Leaves, His Dark Materials, A Little Princess, Ella Enchanted, Obernewtyn, To Kill A Mockingbird, Shakespeare
Plays: Wicked, RENT!, Blood Brothers, Les Miserables, Avenue Q, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Jekyll and Hyde, the Scarlet Pimpernel, My Name Is Rachel Corrie, Stuff Happens, The Woman In Black, Tooth and Nail, Spring Awakening, Next to Normal, The Last Five Years, Marisol, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Much Ado About Nothing, The Rocky Horror Show
Music: Blink 182, Brand New, Musicals, Dashboard Confessional, the Ataris, Eve6, Edwin McCain, Goo Goo Dolls, matchbox twenty, Barenaked Ladies, Keri Noble, Straylight Run, Poe, Saves the Day, Thursday, The Juliana Theory, The Starting Line, Thrice, Panic! at the Disco, Boyz II Men, Queen, New Found Glory, Reel Big Fish, Sugarcult, Blue October
Movies: Donnie Darko, Dogville, Benny and Joon, Mulan, Dogma, Wag the Dog, Labyrinth, Back to the Future, Spiderman, Saved, Spirited Away, Pirates of the Caribbean, Young Frankenstein, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gothika, the Producers, The Princess Bride, Primal Fear, Thirteen Ghosts, Harvey, Vertigo, It's A Wonderful Life, The Girl Next Door, The Goonies, Serenity
Miscellaneous: history, theatre, singing, fishing, strawberry picking, swimming in the dark, a night to myself, curling up with a good book, traveling, exploring, thinking outside of the box, my dog, animals, tea, machu pichu, discussing religion, reading, writing, television, writing FOR television, good music, politics, living in the moment, being spontaneous, knowing what's going on around me, Egypt, Seattle, family, sloths, the universe, thinking, talking, video games, amusement parks, cartoons, the 80s and 90s, Legend of Zelda, Nintendo, traveling, skiing, trying to see the world from a different perspective.
SHIPS: TO CLARIFY: To be honest, I ship any which way. I'm prone to exploration so you can see many different pairings in my stories. Also, not all my "pairings" are romantic. I think friendship is just as important. Currently, I'm writing fan fiction for CSI: Las Vegas. Ships for them include Sandle and The Love, mainly, but I think Snickers and GSR is cute too and I can keep an open mind. I don't generally read or write primarily for ships anyway (sometimes, I do). Recently my stories have revolved around Sara, Greg, and Nick partially because I adore the three of them so much.
Links (homepage is above):
FictionPress.Com: http://www.fictionpress.info/u/313571/
More Original Fiction: http://
Icon/Fan Fiction LiveJournal: http://
Fanpop: http:///fans/Cinders
My YouTube Profile:http://www.youtube.com/user/PharaohNefertiti
Quote of the Moment:
"... Beneath that cool pseudo-academic hogwash lurked a very passionate man who knew how important it was to say 'fuck' now and then, and say it loud, too, relish its syllabic sweetness, its immigrant pride, a great American epic word really, starting at the lower lip, often the very front of the lower lip, before racing all the way to the back of the throat, where it finishes with a great blast, the concussive force of the K catching up then with the hush of the F already on its way, thus loading it with plenty of offence and edge, and certainly ambiguity. FUCK. A great by-the-bootstrap prayer or curse if you prefer, depending on how you look at it, or use it, suited perfectly for hurling at the skies or at the world, or sometimes, if said just right, for uttering with enough love and fire, the woman beside you melts insider herself, immersed in all that word-heat."-- House of Leaves, Mark Z Danielewski
Currently Posting: Mistakes We Knew We Were Making
COMING SOON: The Seventh Son: When Nick and Catherine investigate a crime scene they find evidence that Greg was there. However, when they can’t find the CSI on his day off, his status fluctuates between victim and suspect. But the truth is stranger than any of their theories.
Kidnapping Virgin: When Greg finds himself the victim of an incompetent kidnapper, he can't decide if he's offended by the boy... or if he pities him. A comedy/parody co-written with the lovely LaughableBlackStorm.
Happy Birthday: Greg finds Nick in a less-than-appropriate state at work. Post-For Gedda.
In Limbo (IE: In a perpetual state of go-nowhere): King of Spades (Alt. Title: Trigger Happy Jack): Sequel to "Queen of Spades." A woman from Greg's past begs for his help, even though she once tried to kill him. Against his better judgement, he agrees, and falls into a world of organized crime, assassins, and liars, who all want the same thing: the girl he's sworn to protect.
Face of the World: He hides beneath the covers, afraid to confront the monsters. So he invents her, creates a world with her face, so he doesn’t have to face a world without her. Tiny spoilers for Living Doll and Dead Doll. AU. Character Death.
The Dark I Know Well: Someone has a shameful secret which may prove deadly... A very intimate case study.
Hotel California (Subject To Change): Possible spin-off from "Defining Death" co-written by LaughableBlackStorm
War Games: A distraught marine seeks Greg's help to find her son and her husband's killer. As Nick suspects something deeper between the two of them, Greg slowly uncovers the motive behind the kidnapping, and when the truth is revealed, no heart is left unscathed.
Witch Hunt: Greg watches all of his friends slowly turn against him as he is persecuted for a heinous crime he didn’t commit.
Click Here to view my CSI Fan Videos and Trailers for Fan Fiction Hosted on YouTube
Click Here for more trailers (Night Bleeds, Las Plagas and Hiding in the Rye) and more fan videos hosted on Daily Motion
It would be awesome if you could check out this singer, he kicks so much ass
PS: If anyone has MSN, my hotmail account is satans_righthand_gal@