Author has written 10 stories for Phantom of the Opera, and CSI. I am, and have been for a while, a data/ information analyst but have always enjoyed writing. I don't claim to be particularly accomplished at it, but I do love it. If you're reading my profile it probably means you've found one of my stories or a review I have left. If you are new to me, I would encourage you to check out, of all of the Fics I have written, 'Still'. I honestly think this is a triumph for me in that it is the only story I have enjoyed writing start to finish and that I am happy with. I admit, there are problems with it. Of course, I'm not perfect. But mostly, it is a good story without too many holes... if you read any of my work, read the one I am proudest of. As you get towards my earlier work the storylines and narratives become more clunky and you can see not only the progression of my style but also, my age. I enjoy writing Phantom, mostly, because, as cliche as this may sound, it is the world's greatest love story. I truly believe that. No matter how many times I see or read it, it still 'gets me'. I am very much an Erik/ Christine fan. You will not read a single story of mine that doesn't have at least some if this in it. Most of my stories finish E/C but I absolutely refuse to guarentee it... the story goes where it goes. Despite this, I do not hate Raoul and you will rarely see me make him the bad guy... or at least, you won't see him as a deliberate bad guy. I will kill charatcers and I will not warn you who in the blurb. I'm sorry. It's not in my nature. On top of my writing I'm very into sport (Squash and football) and I love to read. I have my preferences but I will read just about anything. I have read some truly wonderfil books, beautifully written or totally captivating... or both. Some of my favourites include: 'The Book Thief' (Markus Zusak) 'Shadows in the Wind' (Carlos Ruiz Zafon) 'Time Travellers Wife' (Audrey Niffeneger) 'Interpretation of Murder' (Jed Rubenfeld) 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' (Steig Larsson) 'Redbreast' (Jo Nesbo - a truly captivating story not only because of the mystery but because of the care in which he weaves the historical events) Anything by CJ Sansom... in particular the Shardlake series. There is more... but I am waffling... |