A/N: Cheers to the end of season six! I borrowed a bit of dialogue in this one - not mine - I bet you can guess which bit!

And tomorrow, onto season seven, we go!

Spoilers for episode 6x24, Way to Go.

"To a wonderful year," I said, holding my glass of wine before me. "And many more to come."

Sara beamed.


We clinked glasses, sipped our wine and in the candlelight, grinned goofily at each other. I held her hand between the plates of pasta.

"I'm sorry we had to cancel our reservations," I told her. "Between things at the hospital…"

"Gil," she interrupted. "Don't. I understand. And this is much better, anyways."

I glanced around the kitchen I'd decked out in bouquets of roses and flickering candles.

"You think?"


She paused, twirling a strand of pasta around her fork. I watched her carefully, wondering what she was thinking. Finally, I had to ask.

"I don't know," she answered. "Do you… well, I was just thinking of how last year, when we… started this… it was after Nick's rescue. And today, on our first anniversary, Jim just barely pulled through surgery."

"You think we're cursed?"

"You don't think it's a sign of some sort?" she asked.

"No, honey," I said firmly.

"Good," she sighed, relieved. "I'd rather not be cursed."

I chuckled.

"Me either."

Inside, I was bursting with excitement to give her her gift, but I tried not to show it. I waited patiently as she finished her pasta and wine and we ate through the wonderful tiramisu she'd made. But as she reached to clear away the dishes, I couldn't wait any longer. I reached over to the stool at the counter and handed her the wrapped box.

"Happy anniversary, Sara."

She beamed at me, slowly tugging free the ribbons around the package. She slipped the box from the paper, neat as can be, opened it and brushed away the tissue paper. Inside was a silk pink robe, and Sara's face softened as she ran her fingers over the material.

"It's beautiful," she whispered. "I don't know what to say."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it," she breathed, leaving the box to come close to me. "Thank you."

She leaned down to kiss me, and I met her soft, soft lips, never wanting to part from them again. But as she did, she reached into her purse and withdrew an envelope.

"Happy anniversary," she smiled.

I grinned back and tore open the envelope, finding a stack full of tickets to what seemed like every roller coaster park I had heard of, from Busch Gardens in Virginia to Cedar Point in Ohio, inside. I looked up at her.

"A roller coaster tour?"

"For the summer," she explained. "I loved riding the Desperado with you."

"Oh, Sara," I beamed. "This is perfect."

I leaned over to kiss her, and we both broke away smiling.

"So," she hummed. "What do you say I try this on?"

I beamed.

"I'd love that."

She cocked her head and looked at me, putting her hand to my face.

"Are you okay?"

"Sure," I nodded.


"I'm okay," I reaffirmed. "Just… thinking."

She fingered a few of my curls.

"About?" she questioned.

"Jim," I answered. "Life. Love. You."

She smiled and tugged at my hand, pulling me towards my bedroom.


She lead me right to the bed, and left me there, disappearing into my adjoining bathroom to change. I sprawled out, thinking of how both Nick's and Jim's experiences had taught me such important life lessons. I thought of Jim's daughter, and how if he hadn't made it past surgery, he would have never been able to tell her the things he always wanted to. That was no way to go. I couldn't imagine not knowing when the last time I'd see all the people I cared about would be. Not being able to see Sara one last time, hold her, kiss her.

"You're thinking again," she called from the bathroom.

"Maybe," I admitted.

"Life?" she called back.

"I don't know," I began. "Most people want to die in their sleep, I suppose, never know that it's happening. Like a crime scene. Surprise, you're dead. I'd prefer to know in advance I was going to die. I'd like to be diagnosed with cancer, actually. Have some time to prepare. Go back to the rain forest one more time, re-read Moby Dick. Possibly enter an international chess tournament."

She came from the bathroom, pink robe swaying around her. So caught in thought, I didn't look up at her, but I could tell she looked beautiful.

"At least have enough time to say goodbye to the people I love," I finished.

She kneeled beside me, taking my hand and contemplating my words.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye," she said.

She threw me her teasing smile, and I couldn't help but grin back at her. She was so damn cute and sexy all at the same time, and moments later, I was reaching for her. I sprawled her out on my bed, taking her in. I had thought right, she looked beautiful in my gift. I ran my fingers down the soft, silky sleeves, and bent down to kiss her neck. She tilted her head back and sighed.

"You like it?" she murmured.

"I love it," I said against her skin. "But… I have a theory."

"Oh?" Sara giggled. "What's that?"

"I think I might like it better off than on."

I nipped at her skin and she gasped.

"Is that so?" she teased. "Should we find out?"

"Yes," I breathed, kissing her lips before breaking away. "We should."

I reached for the knot in the tie, and spread the robe open, finding that she had left nothing on underneath. She flushed crimson, like she always did when I looked at her like it was for the very first time, darkening her freckled chest and creating heat a little bit lower. I started planting light kisses paired with feathery touches all across her skin, teasing her. Right away, she started twisting and turning beneath me, trying to find pressure where she wanted it. I couldn't tease her for long, every particle in my body groaning for me to please her.

We made love. And just when we were about to catch our breath, we made love again. It was endless passion and harmony with Sara, and we found ourselves discovering that we were beginning to know each other's bodies just as well as we knew our own.

And when Sara's warm, beautiful body was lying pressed against mine, I reached into the dresser drawer and extracted a small brown box, tied with a red ribbon. I placed it on Sara's stomach and smiled at her.

"Gil," she whispered. "What is this?"

"For you," I murmured, kissing her hand.

She picked up the box with her other.

"You didn't have to get anything else."

"I didn't," I said. "Open it."

She did, and inside, she found my spare key, the one she already used. She looked up at me, questioning.

"I want you to move in with me," I told her calmly as her mouth dropped. "Sometime. Soon – I hope – i-if you want. When you're ready."

She stared at the key with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know what to say," I whispered.

"Don't say anything," I said, sliding my palm over her stomach. "Not yet. I-I just want the offer to be on the table."

She pressed her lips together and looked at me.

"You're sure about this?" she asked.

"Oh, honey, yes," I said. "Of course I am. I… I want nothing more than you here with me, every night."

"What about my apartment?" she asked quietly.

"You can keep it," I offered. "If you want. But let's not talk about that now. All I know is that I love you, and if you're ready, I want to do this with you."

Sara turned and placed the key tenderly on the nightstand before turning back towards me and slipping her fingers back into my hair.

"I love you, too," she breathed.

As Sara slid on top of me, my mind started to lose its cognizance at the wonderful, wonderful things her tongue was doing to me, but as she stared working her way down, one fleeting, ephemeral thought crossed my mind.

Third time really was a charm.