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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Overlord/オーバーロード, and Pokémon. Hello everyone! I don't have much to say other then I hope you all like my stories. I'm a university student so chapter uploads will not be that frequent but I will be writing in my free time so hopefully there won't too long of delays in between updates. Update! As you can see I took down the Naruto fic. The main reason behind this is that I want to first develop my writing style by writing the Overlord fic before I get to my big project of the naruto fic. Furthermore, I always seem to hit a writer's block when it comes to the second chapter and onwards. I think this is my third attempt at a naruto fic and it hasn't turned out the way I wanted it to. I think I need to do more planning and figure out the road I plan to take it before I upload it again. Sorry about the people who showed their support. As promised, here is an explanation how aura works. Aura: Aura is the spiritual energy within one's body. It is generated from one's soul and it can be separated into seven different layers. Each layer makes up an aspect of one's soul and together they make the consciousness of a person. Each layer represents an aspect of one's being and the core from which the particular energy of that layer originates is located in specific parts of the body (different for each layer). Aura in itself is easier to manipulate to create different abilities compared to using a specific layer of aura because it not only requires concentration to bring out that one particular energy (and not the other six with that one layer) but the energy within every layer has different properties. The layers of aura can be related to the colors of a rainbow. White light is the culmination of all colors and is easy to make using flash-lights or light bulbs but making light of a single color with its own unique wavelength is more difficult. However, one's aura will also be colored black if they are filled with nothing but dark, negative emotions. If a user's aura is pure black then they are at a place of no return and no redemption. If an aura user's aura is grey then they are at a crossroad of their being. From here they can either take the light side which will cause their aura to slowly turn back to white, or they will submit to the darkness causing their aura to be black. At this point in the aura user's life, they are extremely vulnerable and can be easily swayed by either side. One can only be connected with one to three layers of one's aura allowing them to bring it out and manipulate it to perform different abilities. Note that while a person is connected with all layers of their aura, they are usually connected to one-three more then others depending on who they are as a person. The seven layers of aura starting from the bottom-up: Muladhara [Mula meaning "root" and dhara meaning "support" or "base"] Element: Earth, metal and plant manipulation Muladhara, also known as the Root Aura, is located within the base of one's spine and is crimson red in color. As its name implies, Muladhara is the foundation for the other aura's in a person's body. Just as a house cannot be built upon a weak foundation, one cannot strengthen and balance their other aura's without building a strong foundation in their Muladhara. Muladhara is associated with everything that grounds a person to stability in their life. This would include food, water, shelter, safety, and emotional needs. Anything that makes one feel grounded and less worried day by day is associated with Muladhara and thus can be naturally strengthened through day-to-day activities much like the other layers of aura. Muladhara can be trained in three different ways. One is to go through daily activities that strengthen the foundation of one's being as mentioned above. The second is to physically train one's body through exercising as being physically fit is also a requirement for having a strong foundation. The third and hardest way is to bring out Muladhara (which is by far the easiest of the seven layers) and channel the energy into different parts of one's body. Muladhara is mainly used for body enhancement as the energy increases muscle density and the metabolic processes within cells allowing them to make and use more energy. This usually ends up burning calories and fat fast so more food as to be consumed. This energy also acts as another source of energy for the cells in one's body when the body fat of a person is too low however, it is always recommended to caution on the side of safety and not use Muladhara excessively as it can harm one's body if used for a long period of time. Channeling Muladhara through one's body results in an increase in strength, agility, speed and reaction speed. The amount this is increased by depends on the person, how much Muladhara they are channeling and the density of the energy. Svadhisthana [meaning "the dwelling place of the self"] Element: Water, Ice, Snow and Steam manipulation Svadhisthana is known as the creative and sexual aura and is located above the pubic bone and below the navel and is orange in color. This layer deals with feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure and joy when in balance. When off-balance this aura deals with instability, fear, sexual dysfunction, depression and addictions. In summary, it is responsible for one's emotions whether they be good or bad and for one's creativity. Some emotions lie within the border between positive and negative emotions such as lust or love. One one side it can be viewed as a good thing and lead to happiness while on the other it can lead a person to submitting to the dark part of those emotions and commit horrible acts. Creativity comes in many, many different forms and can be based upon numerous emotions which results in a different way of expressing creativity whether it be good or bad. Ranging from sexual activity to drawing, cooking and ideas for battling, creative thinking is expressed in different ways. Svadhisthana can be trained in two ways. One is day-by-day activities as one goes through life and expresses their creative thinking and experiences different emotions. The other way is to bring fourth the energy and use it to create empathetic links to animals or the environment, or use it in combat as a sixth sense in which you can measure the opponent's emotions and predict their next move. Furthermore, this aura has a unique connection with the other layers in that the more you feel a single powerful emotion the more powerful you get. However, depending on the emotion you feel most, the consequences on one's state of being (mental, emotional and physical) will differ after they come out of that high emotional state. Manipura [meaning "Lustrous gem"] Element: Fire and heat manipulation Manipura is located around the navel area of the solar plexus and up to the breast bone, and is yellow in color. Manipura is responsible for one's self-esteem, willpower, warrior energy and power of transformation. The stronger one's Manipura, the stronger one's will and drive towards a goal as well as having confidence in themselves (not too much or too little). Whenever one sets a goal for themselves, it is the strength of their Manipura that will determine if they will have the drive to reach that goal and the will to not waver. Of course, will comes in many different forms and is just not for reaching a goal. Having a stronger will means being able to resist temptations, overcome problems, not giving up even when all odds are against you, resisting compulsions of all forms, etc. A person with powerful Manipura is said to gain Indomitable Will. Manipura can be trained in various ways with the simplest being setting small goals throughout the days and weeks and meeting them. Furthermore, being able to resist unhealthy temptations also strengthens one's Manipura bit-by-bit. An example being, resisting the temptation to eat unhealthy foods when on a diet. The other way to train Manipura is strictly for people that are connected to their Manipura more then their other layers. By bringing fourth Manipura and using it for shape manipulation and perform abilities and exercises, Manipura will grow strong quickly. Manipura abilities typically consist of aura constructs (objects made of pure Manipura energy based on the user's will), Indomitable Will, Life Force manipulation, etc. Anahata [meaning "Unstruck" or "Unhurt", also known as the Heart Aura] Element: air and sound manipulation Anahata is located at the center of the chest (this includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus glands, lungs, and breasts) and is green in color. Anahata is where they physical and spiritual energies of the bodies meet. On the light side of Anahata, love, compassion, acceptance, and kindness is born while on the dark side grief, anger, hate, jealousy comes fourth. People are hurt throughout their lives by different people and events but its what people do with that hurt that determines if their path in life will be filled with light or darkness. If the person uses their hurt to hurt others then darkness will fill their soul but if they overcome that hurt, they open their hearts to new experiences that life will throw at them, be they good or bad and thus will walk in the path of light. Letting go of hurt and pain is easy as breathing but only when one discards all other negative emotions and determines the source of their hurt and is able to get past it. But being at this level of being able to overcome pain is near impossible for any and all living beings. Anahata is mainly trained through day-to-day experiences as well as if a person is able to overcome being hurt. The other way to train Anahata is by bringing fourth the light in their hearts and heal others with this rejuvenating energy whether it be physical, mental or emotional healing. However, if a person's heart is filled with darkness and negative emotions, this energy will harm and destroy the person it is used on. Vishuddha [meaning "Especially pure"] Element: Electricity and Light manipulation Vishuddha is located at the throat and governs all the anatomical regions in that area and is blue in color. Vishuddha is associated with one's ability to listen and to express. Faith and understanding are the two essences that combine to make Vishuddha and from it truth is born. Whether it be truth of speech, events or of oneself, being truthful to oneself and to others is how Vishuddha grows. But if one speaks only lies then their Vishuddha will be corrupted and it will fuel the abilities associated with Vishuddha in a different way then as how speaking the truth would. Vishuddha is strengthened from simply listening and expressing yourself throughout your life but like all the other layers of aura, it can also be strengthened by aura users who are closely connected with this layer. A key note to make is that Vishuddha is closely connected and located to Ajna which causes some interlap in the abilities the energy performs. Vishuddha can be used to boost a person's intelligence by increasing the synaptic activity in their brain, give the wielder Causality Perception and Hyper cognition. Ajna [meaning "Beyond wisdom"] Element: Darkness manipulation Ajna is located in between one's eyebrows on the forehead, also known as the place of one's third eye. Ajna is Indigo in color and is associated with one's intuition, knowledge and their five senses. All of these three things increases one's perception in life but also limits themselves. Being able to expand past one's limits and increase their awareness, knowledge and intuition marks the exceptional Ajna users from the average. What these three things are used for also plays a key role in the amount of light or darkness that resides within a person. Ajna is trained by day-to-day activities just as all the other layers are. By experiencing one's five senses, increasing their knowledge and sharpening their intuition their Ajna grows stronger. This energy can also be brought fourth and weaved to give one the abilities of telepathy, astral projection, spiritual meditation, and can enter a state of clairvoyance. Sahaswara [meaning "Thousand Petal Lotus"] Element: Space, Time and Gravity manipulation Sahaswara, is located at the crown of one's head and is violet in color. Sahaswara is a source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to the fabric of the universe itself, the cosmic energy that surrounds everything. Training Sahaswara and reaching a state of one's higher self, and understanding oneself is pure consciousness. Being able to connect one's spirit to the cosmos, enables them to understand the universe on a level that is incomprehensible to normal humans. Sahaswara is by far the rarest layer one can be connected to. There has rarely ever been a person that has been connected to Sahaswara so not much information on the training methods is known. However, it is speculated by many expert aura users that Sahaswara can only be trained by first knowing one's self completely, down to every single aspect of one's character and who they are as a person. Once that has been achieved, meditation is the only way for one to get in touch with the surrounding universe. Sahaswara has been recorded to give the ability to read a person's aura and understand everything about them and a higher consciousness to the point where the person can ascend to a point where their consciousness exists as pure energy. Furthermore, it allows a person to cast powerful illusions and beware when they are in an illusion, as well as awaken their power completely. |