World of Pokémon #1
Over eight hundred years ago the world was a lot more dangerous place. Pokémon and People didn't live in harmony. A wild Pidgeot could kill dozens before it was put down and humans would avoid the areas with stronger Pokémon at all costs No one wanted to meet a Charizard or Gyarados by accident.
It wasn't until scientists invented a way to capture Pokémon in capsules, that change began. The first capsule or as they are known now, Pokéballs, were the size of car trunks and didn't always work or even killed the Pokémon. Ten years after that, humans began searching for ways to communicate with Pokémon, to learn about them and capture more of them. It was then that Humans began to live alongside Pokémon. Centuries have passed since then and the world has gone through many changes.
No longer were guns truly necessary. When a man or women could command a Pokémon, who could destroy buildings with a well-placed Hyper Beam and take bullets without so much as a flinch. Pokémon became partners and now children dream of their first Pokémon Partner. While there are those who commanded Pokémon to do evil things, they were far more who used them for good.
The International Pokémon League, alongside the Pokémon Rangers worked together to keep order in the world.
The moving truck let out another honk before losing itself in the distance. The large vehicle just finished dropping off the last of their belongings in their new Pallet town home. A two-story house that was neither new nor very old. The previous owners decided to move to Kalos after winning a raffle, the prize being two hundred and fifty thousand Poké dollars. That said the new family got a good price for the house as the previous family wasn't worried about money.
Silph Co. was quite generous with their billions. The positive public feedback probably wasn't the true motives behind their philanthropy.
"Well Ash, would you like to go check out your room? We have a little while before the professor comes over to speak with us." Delia asked her son. His fifteenth birthday was a few days ago and he was ready to begin his journey like any other boy his age.
Delia was a slender woman with light brown hair and warm honey eyes. She wore tan shorts and a blue blouse. She gave off a kind aura and smiled towards her teen son.
Ash nodded happily. "Sure thing mom! I'll be upstairs."
Ash ran excitedly upstairs and opened the door to his room. A small bed, a dresser, and several boxes with his belongings. He wasn't thrilled with their sudden move, but he understood. His mother was offered a nice position at the Oak lab and would have been insane to refuse, but he still missed Celadon, it had been his home all of his life.
On the plus side, he would get his starter from the legendary Samuel Oak. A former champion, Pokémon Master candidate, and renown Pokémon Professor. Few people in the world could boast such a resume.
Ash would be lying if he said he didn't look up to the old man. While small, the man's team was legendary. His Dragonite was unrivaled in the skies, his Charizard's flame made other fire-type's wince and his Venusaur could overcome even the hottest flames.
Ash had a few Pokémon in mind for his team. First on list was a Dragonite, they were nearly impossible to find and catch in the wilds but if he managed to win enough at the game corner, he could buy one or maybe trade for one over the Inter-Regional Network. It was the only reliable way to get those incredibly rare Pokémon. But he wasn't foolish enough to think that he was just going to catch one out of the blue, he was planning a trip to the Safari Zone once it opens back up.
But now was the time to focus on becoming a trainer, not on his future captures. He's worked very hard to get here and he wasn't going to waste time thinking too far ahead. A lot has changed in the last year regarding his Pokémon Trainer career.
Last year, while he and his mom were living in Celadon City, he was near the bottom in his class except when it came to battling. His mom, being a brilliant researcher was furious, she was very studious and wouldn't allow her son to slack off in school. Under the threat postponing his journey, he was required to accompany her to the research lab once a week to learn and so she could keep an eye on him so that he didn't slack in his homework. His grades quickly turned around, from number seventeen in the class he quickly became number three. Not the top but he never lost a battle and that was the most important part to him.
Ash mindlessly put away his clothes and packed his new travel backpack to the brim with everything he'd possibly need. His mother spent a lot of money on the storage capsules. They worked in a similar way to Pokéballs in that they can dematerialize objects and keep them in a sort of stasis. It was what allowed people to travel the continents without having to restock every few days or worry about running out of clothes. Not to mention all the camping supplies and gear that would need a truck to carry otherwise. He had a full camping set and cooking supplies stored in his backpack none of it weighing more than a couple pounds.
"Ash! Come down and meet Professor Oak!" Called his mother. He could hear the excitement in her voice from seeing their visitor.
Smiling to himself he threw on his backpack put his Pokégear into his pocket and ran downstairs.
The man next to his mother was of average height and had noticeable features showing that he was in his elder years but not so far that he didn't retain most of his brown hair. He wore a white lab coat over his dress shirt and slacks with a kind smile on his face.
Ash froze in place at the sight of the living legend and found that speaking was impossible. His face became red when he heard his mother whisper about how much of a fan he was of the man, prompting a large smile out of the renowned professor.
"Well Ash my boy, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Started Oak with his smile still on his face. "It seems that you're already ready to go so I won't waste much time. Your test scores for the Pokémon Trainer exam showed you're more than ready to face the challenges of a trainer. If you'll follow me, we can get your starter Pokémon from my lab."
"Alright!" Shouted Ash before his eyes widened and he clamped a hand over his mouth.
His mother shook her head amusedly while the professor led them out towards his lab with a pleased expression on his face. He was happy to see a young man that applied himself and was just overjoyed with beginning his journey, it reminded him of himself after all. The same could be said about his grandson Gary, who was going to be starting his journey later today.
Oak briefly wondered which Pokémon Ash would pick, he knew that Gary was favoring Squirtle and Bulbasaur. Oak had plenty of Pokémon to choose from, but the three main ones were favored by beginners who had the chance to pick them.
Bulbasaur were rare but could be found in forests. Squirtle were rarer but could found sometimes in tropical islands by themselves. But Charmander was by far the rarest of the three, but the hardest to raise. They resided in mountains with other dragons similar to themselves and were very hard to tame when wild.
Arriving at the Oak Lab, Ash looked around in awe at all the high-tech equipment, not having a clue at what any did but still thought they looked cool.
"Here we are Ash; these are the three standard Kanto starters. Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander. I have other choices if you'd like but they're out on the ranch." Explained Oak while gesturing to the three Pokéballs on the table.
Ash closed his eyes in thought, this was a pretty big choice. Of the three, Bulbasaur was the easiest to raise, they grew naturally and eventually became status inducing tanks when raised and evolved into Venusaur. Charmander was more difficult, if they didn't respect you, they wouldn't listen to you. Also, they were very powerful if trained properly, but defense was lacking compared to the other two. Squirtle was his choice, strong and durable could be tanks or bulldozers, they were amazing all around.
"I've made my choice, I'll pick Squirtle!" Declared Ash with a grin as he picked up the Pokéball with said Pokémon.
Oak nodded and went over to his computer to withdraw another Water type to replace it and grabbed the other supplies.
"Here you are Ash," Oak said while handing the boy several items. "Five standard Pokéballs and a Pokédex, I would highly recommend using that devise as often as possible as it can give you a wealth of knowledge quite easily. Not to mention it will help my research if you can document as many Pokémon as you come across. Also, it serves as your trainer I.D., so don't lose it."
Ash took in all that information with as much patience as he could muster. He just wanted to run out of here and begin his journey, but he managed to hold it in to listen to what the man had to say.
"With that said I wish you luck on your journey. While a new resident, be sure to represent your Pallet Town Pride!" Cheered Oak as Ash exited the building.
'This is it, I've got a Pokémon, Pokéballs and my license. I'm that much closer to being the champion. Look out Lance. Here I come!'
Squirtle. This Tiny Turtle Pokémon draws its long neck into its shell to launch incredible water attacks with amazing range and accuracy. The blasts can be quite powerful. This Squirtle is Male.
Known moves: Tackle, Tail Whip and Aqua Jet. Ability: Torrent.
"Ok Squirtle, first things first. We need to get in some practice so I can get a feel for your speed and skills. Let's start with a tackle…aim for that small tree." Ordered Ash while pointing towards a small dying tree.
Squirtle shouted an affirmative and lowered his head and began running at his top speed towards his target. The turtle Pokémon impacted against the tree causing it to crack and break apart.
The tiny turtle Pokémon looked back to his trainer and growled out happily.
Ash walked over and rubbed his starter on the head. "That was excellent, we'll work on your speed, but that power was awesome!" Praised Ash.
While trainer and Pokémon walked side by side through the forest, Ash got a thoughtful look on his face. "Would you want a name?" Ash knew that nicknames were touch and go, it all depended on the Pokémon whether or not they would want another name or not.
Squirtle looked down in thought for a second before nodding up to his trainer. Ash smiled and started thinking about potential names for a Squirtle.
"How about Hydro?" Asked Ash, the name had something to do with water and could be remembered easily. A perfect name for a powerful water type.
A shout from Squirtle and that sealed it.
"Okay Hydro we've got some traveling to do until Viridian, but it shouldn't take too long if we hustle." His only Pokémon saluted and followed faithfully after his trainer.
Ash and Hydro mindlessly walked through the route while the young boy started brainstorming about how to tackle the eight gyms and what Pokémon he wanted.
'I'll need to have a strong variety to cover my bases. Squirtle will be at an incredible disadvantage against Lt. Surge with his electric-type Pokémon so maybe a ground or a rock-type will help. If I get lucky a steel-type, but I'm not sure where one would be on the way there.'
Ash's musings were interrupted by a rustling in the trees, Hydro looked towards the source of the noise and readied himself. Out came a small bird that Ash immediately recognized as a Pidgey but this one was different. Rather than the standard brown and cream colors, this one held the same cream-colored belly, but his ordinary brown colored back was instead gold. A phenomenon in the wild that was so rare that people searched their whole lives to see and never do, yet here was one looking at him curiously not a couple miles from his starting point.
The first Pokémon he came across was shiny.
"Alright get ready Hydro, were going to catch it!" Ordered Ash which got a growl of approval from the small Squirtle.
The Pidgey recognized the situation and took to the air and started flying forward in an impressively fast Quick Attack.
"Wait for it to get close then dodge to the right and hit it with an Aqua Jet!"
Pidgey, showing that it was still young didn't understand what was happening and continued forward without change. Hydro side-stepped to the right as ordered then surrounded himself with water and charge with all its might toward the bird.
The bird squawked in pain but got up once again and flew around. Ash and Hydro watched closely, the Pidgey's wings both glowed brightly and flew quickly towards the tiny turtle and slammed into his shell. Hydro and Ash were caught off guard by the moves strength as it caused Squirtle to fly back and impact a tree.
Hydro growled in pain before shaking it off and taking a deep breath. He spewed a large amount of water hitting the bird square in the chest causing it to fall to the ground.
"Amazing Hydro, that was Water Gun!" Praised Ash before remembering what was happening. The boy pulled out a Pokéball from his pocket and enlarged it before tossing it towards the bird with excellent precision. The shiny bird was enveloped by a white light and sucked into the ball, the ball laid on the ground and shook violently signifying that the bird was trying to get out. Ash and Hydro watched with anticipation as it continued to shake.
After what seemed like an eternity the button on the front blinked green and a click was heard. Pidgey was captured. Ash took out his Pokédex and scanned the ball.
Pidgey - A Flying Pokémon. It has an extremely strong sense of direction and is capable of returning to its nest no matter how far away it is and how unfamiliar the surroundings are. This Pidgey is female.
Known Moves - Peck, Quick Attack, Sand Attack and Steel Wing. Ability - Keen Eye.
"Looks like our new teammate has quite the move set. Let's say hello." Said Ash before tossing Pidgey's ball to release the Pokémon.
Pidgey looked around aimlessly before focusing in on Ash and started squawking. Ash tried to understand while Hydro started talking back to the bird in a series of grunts and growls.
"Pidgey!" Interrupted Ash get both Pokémon's attention in the process. "I know this is strange, but I've caught you and I would really like it if you would be a member of my team. You can train with us to become a powerful Pidgeot!"
Pidgey looked down while hopping back and forth in thought before letting out a cry of affirmative getting a smirk out of Hydro and a grin out of Ash.
"Great! Welcome to the team would you like a name?" Asked Ash before he was met with a shake of the bird's head. Ash nodded in understanding and returned both Pokémon to give them a rest while he continued on.
His first day was looking beyond good, he got an excellent Squirtle - now known as Hydro – then caught a shiny Pidgey something completely unheard of. He just couldn't believe his luck!
A few hours later and he could see Viridian in the distance. He didn't know much about the city itself, but he knew that the Gym there was home to Giovanni; the Ground-Type trainer shrouded in mystery. The very few trainers that managed to challenge him rarely got to see his face and were quickly beaten by either his Nidoqueen or Nidoking. There were only rumors about the rest of his team as the ones to beat him were tight lipped about the info.
Unfortunately, Ash couldn't challenge Giovanni yet as he required at least seven badges for entry. Most gyms have several teams to accommodate challengers of varying experience, but Giovanni was the exception.
After your first gym battle all following are at minimum three on three with numbers six through eight were able to be six on six. First time trainers battled the rookie Pokémon to accommodate the challengers and giving them an actual chance. Pewter was known as the easiest gym, but most never face Brock's Aerodactyl or Steelix.
Ash planned on going towards Pewter to challenge the infamous Rock gym. Pewter was a common starting ground for rookies but that didn't mean it was a weak gym. After all it took a special trainer to be considered for a Gym position let alone hold the title of leader. Of the known requirements the hardest was beating all eight main gyms with their specific specialization and having a variety of Pokémon of varying strengths to accommodate challengers of varying experience.
Luckily Ash managed to capture a Pidgey with steel wing, not to mention Hydro was his best bet to take down the massive rock snake. He'll need to work on Water Gun and steel wing, but it should be enough. Maybe he could pick up another Pokémon on the way. However Ash was far too picky to go out and find an Oddish since they fall off the power spectrum compared to other Grass types around Kanto.
"Hey!" Called a male voice from behind.
Ash spun around to see a kid his age with spiky brown hair a long sleeve purple shirt and dark blue pants. He also had a yin-yang neckless and a bag slung over his shoulder.
"I heard that the new kid left on his journey, didn't think you'd run off ahead without a battle! The name's Gary Oak and I think we should have a battle!" The grinning Gary said with a challenging smile.
Ash nodded with a small smile. "Ash Ketchum, and I'd love a battle." This would be an interesting first battle, a relative of the legendary Samuel Oak. If he didn't pick Bulbasaur this should be pretty easy.
Gary responded with a smirk and tossed his ball forward revealing a green dinosaur like Pokémon who was sporting a smirk of his own. Ash shook his head then narrowed his eyes in focus before releasing Hydro.
"Ready?" Called Ash getting a yell out of Hydro who lowered himself to the ground on all fours.
Gary and his Bulbasaur both had confident looks, Gary having a cocky smirk with his Pokémon mirroring the look while not even getting into a position. "When you are." Replied Gary.
Hydro suddenly spun around and initiated a tail whip lowering Bulbasaur's defenses who responded to Gary's call for a tackle and rushed forward at impressive speed. Hydro jumped away from the initial attack causing his opponent to spin on a dime and continue charging.
"Jump over it! Then come down with a tackle!" Ordered Ash.
Following his master's order, Hydro leapt into the air causing Bulbasaur to look up confused. Hydro let loose a roar and came down with all of his weight tackling his fellow starter into the hard earth getting a grunt of pain out of Gary's green partner.
Gary clenched his fist at the quick turnaround of this battle, "Quick use growl!" Ordered Gary with a frown.
One powerful tackle from Hydro did critical damage after the defensive lowering effects of tail whip, a status effect that a moderately powerful Pokémon could brush off. But at their current levels was detrimental to the fight. In other words, Gary made a critical mistake that wouldn't matter later in their career as trainers, but at their current level it was the difference between a win and a loss.
These thoughts went through Ash and he knew that he could end this right now. "Hydro hit him again!" Ordered Ash.
It didn't take more than a second for the order to register and for Hydro to launch forward towards Bulbasaur. As he neared his opponent, he felt the effects of tail whip but continued onwards landing another tackle, this time putting down his opponent for good. Ash winced at the bruise that would no doubt cover Gary's Bulbasaur skull from the rough impact.
Gary lowered his head in defeat, this was a good learning experience. He made the mistake of going on the offense right away and disregarding status affecting moves and it cost him. Not something he would ever forget again.
"You're a good trainer Ash. Represent Pallet Town well and I'll see you around for another battle." He hated acting like he was happy after his first loss, but his grandpa would be on his ass if he acted like a jerk to the new kid. He needed to catch some more Pokémon soon so he could begin training.
Ash smiled and recalled Hydro. "Thanks, I knew the only way I'd win was to lower your defenses since you had the type advantage."
Gary frowned at his own lack of forethought, he assumed that Bulbasaur would blast through the blue turtle with the same ease he did the Pidgey he fought earlier. But it was for naught, now he learned a lesson that he'll never forget.
"Well, I think we should have another battle and next time more than one on one. See ya around!" Gary then ran off to continue his training and catch more team members and heal from his loss. On the bright side however, he found a nice rival to add to the list and he had a feeling that this one would go further than his other friends.
Ash let out a sigh of relief as he walked into the Pokémon center in Viridian City. A few hours of walking and a few hours of training with Hydro and Pidgey had them landing in the center a little after midnight. He would refrain from calling his mother tonight to let her know that he was here as she would likely freak out that he just got somewhere at this time. Yeah, he would let her know in the morning.
Hydro managed to learn how to withdraw at an impressive speed, while Pidgey's speed and endurance improved along with the power behind her attacks. He was sure that with another round of training he would be ready to tackle the Pewter city Gym and with the Viridian forest and the multitude of trainers that like to hover around there he was sure they would be ready for the gym battle. Not to mention that he wasn't in any hurry, he has over a year until the league end date after all.
"Welcome to the Pokémon Center." Greeted the local nurse Joy with a kind smile. Ash smiled back with an internal shake of the head. He used to try to figure out the mystery of the Joy's and Jenny's, but his mother and several other adults told him that he should give up while he still had his sanity. Apparently, he wasn't the first to try to learn the mystery and likely wouldn't be the last. Genetics were weird, especially for nurses and police officers for some reason.
"Hi, can I have a room and my Pokémon looked at?" Asked Ash.
He handed his Pokéballs over to the nurse as he took a seat in the waiting room. He noticed that there was a man nocking back glasses of something he was sure wasn't soda. At the back corner of the room was a large man in a tan suit typing into some handheld device. Not many people were at the center this late and most were likely sleeping so he'd keep it down noise wise.
The waiting area for the center was like a huge living room mixed with a hospital. Several couches and tables and a few booths near the wall to eat at. The center of the area had a pillar with T.V.s on each side playing the Pokémon League Network, the channel home to all elite battles and League updates.
Ash watched a few weeks ago as Wallace defeated the former Hoenn Champion Steven Stone. The battle was incredible and a rare sight as a match between champion level trainers didn't come around very often. A Champion could go years without a challenge as the regions Elite four were usually too tough for a trainer to overcome. Lance himself in the nine years as the champion - for two regions no less - has only been challenged three times and two of which were from Bruno. Ash planned on rectifying that in the next year and a half. But the skill and power spike between the league championships and the Elite four was immense. Even Gym leaders were exceptionally powerful if allowed to really go all out with their main teams.
It was well known that gym leaders' main teams that they were permitted to use if a challenger either requested it or possessed more than six badges were incredibly strong. If a trainer had already completed a gym circuit with their team then gym leaders would also go into their main teams. With that being said some gym leaders despite losing to rookies sometimes, had the skill to battle close to or even at elite level. Giovanni and Sabrina were some that came to mind both were looked at to take the next step toward ascending to the Elite four but neither seemed interested.
It was with that in mind that Ash wanted to challenge some of the gym leaders to a six on six battle before the league to prepare himself. Once he had his preferred team, with a particular dragon as his partner. He could only sigh in hope that he could find his draconic partner.
The battle on the tv currently was between two trainers participating in a tournament sponsored by the Safari Zone. The zone was set to open in about a year, ending the near decade of renovations and Pokémon population revival. Most notable were Kangaskhan, Eevee and Lapras. All three were still considered very rare and valuable but were no longer endangered. It got so bad for Lapras that people were sent to jail or even prison for capturing them. A non-legendary species of Pokémon having a population of eighty-two was a frightening thought for many. Even the incredibly rare Goodra in Kalos had hundreds roaming around in the world and were producing more every year.
As the battle progressed one trainer's Kadabra was defeated and the man sent out a Metang. The two-armed levitating steel/psychic type roared and blasted the Tauros earning the trainer the win. The Hoenn Pokémon let out a metallic roar as he and his trainer cheered for their victory.
"I would definitely love a Pokémon of the Metagross line." Ash commented to himself as the winner of the tournament was gifted his winnings; Poké dollars and most special; a pass to enter the Safari Zone early. Metagross, while not on his list as their rarity could and usually did rival the Dratini line he couldn't deny the thought of the powerful steel-type being a powerful addition to his team. They were nearly impossible to find in the wild due to their preference of migrating to different caves and mountains all over the world. Last year several trainers managed to find a hive in Kalos, thousands of miles from their native home of Hoenn. So it was up in the air where to find them.
Ash heard a deep chuckle next to him, it turned out to be the large man with the tan suit.
"Metagross are very powerful but can be difficult to train for trainers it believes to be incompetent. They are more often than not many times more intelligent than the human they're around." He said to Ash with a firm tone as if chiding the boy for the thought of catching such a Pokémon.
The rookie trainer looked up at the man, noticing that he was a rather intimidating looking and staring down at him with a serious expression. Ash wasn't a short guy, he was about five ten and this guy was easily a full head taller than him, not to mention quite broad.
Nodding to the man's comment he turned back to the screen. "While difficult to train, the best things are usually the hardest to achieve. I don't expect beating Lance will be easy, but I intend to do so." The fire in Ash's eyes was visible to the large man who rewarded the youth with a small smirk.
"You're beyond your years young man. A tip then," The older man leaned down before whispering. "I would recommend that once you enter the moon try up rather than straight, surviving will be tough but with enough water one should live, a strong fire would be smart, but being smart would be best."
Ash felt the man pat his back before walking off. Ash rolled his eyes at the riddle-like 'tip' and shook his head. Whoever that guy was clearly had something in mind with his advice, so he'll keep the words in mind. Not that they made much sense to him.
"Mr. Ketchum, your Pokémon are ready!" The PA system sounded with Nurse Joy's melodic voice getting a smile out of Ash.
As the young trainer went to retrieve his Pokémon the older man walked out of the center. Two men in dark tracksuits sporting a red R on their chest walked up to him.
"Giovanni Sir! We were about to raid the center as per your orders." Said the man on the left while the other nodded.
A large hand was raised and arm and shook his head. "Leave the center, nothing of worth I want in there. Move on to Cinnabar and meet up with Archer and he'll add you to the raid." The orders were met with nods and the two men left immediately.
"I will await your challenge in the coming months boy." Something about the kid made him an interesting prospect and a possible recruit to the organization, depending on his thoughts towards crime.
It wasn't the first time a young man possessed remarkable talent and drive, but this time Giovanni wanted him on his side rather than tearing down his achievements. Maybe the boy will remember it was he to give him the tip about Mt. Moon. Should the boy acquire the skills and power to challenge him then he would extend an offer.
"Pidgey, maneuver like we practiced to avoid the water blasts!" Ordered Ash.
The bird swooped down under a powerful Water gun and rolled away from three quick bursts and began closing the distance. Squirtle began quickly firing off Water guns at rapid fire sacrificing power for quantity.
The small bursts of water kept flying towards Pidgey with pinpoint precision, the small bird Pokémon did all she could to avoid them by rolling and diving. Getting closer to her target, her wings started glowing and she swooped down low almost getting blasted by water and nailed Hydro with a steel wing right into the chest.
The turtle Pokémon was sent tumbling away impacting a bush behind him. "That was great Pidgey! You're getting the hang of maneuvering in the air at the last second." Praised Ash. The small bird puffed out her chest at her trainer's praise.
"Hydro! Where'd ya go buddy?" Called Ash toward the bush that his starter went tumbling into. The bush rustled and Hydro ran out pointing toward the bush frantically.
The tiny turtle tried to explain with grunts and growls but Ash, not knowing what he was saying, just decided to investigate himself.
Walking quickly over and through the thick bush that Hydro was sent through - mentally appraising Pidgey's power for sending him this far with a single hit - He heard something whimper and sped up, on the ground clearly in pain was a small brown Pokémon trying to stand up but was failing.
Kneeling down Ash tried to sooth the Eevee. "Hey, don't try to get up. I'm sorry about that we were training. I'll fix you up and take you to get healed right now."
Ash bent down with a potion, the Eevee felt threatened and growled at him trying to get him to back off. "I'm not going to hurt you; this will make you feel better I promise."
Feeling no malice from the trainer, the Eevee looked away and allowed him to approach. Ash sprayed the leg with potion and could see the relief in Eevee's eyes immediately and the Pokémon marveled at the medicine the human gave it.
Potions were incredible resources mused Ash, they could instantly heal injuries such as cuts and bruises and relieve muscle stress. The more powerful the potion the better the effects, unfortunately broken bones weren't healed by normal potions, only the extremely expensive and hard to get Full Restores could do such a thing. But between costing thousands for just one and having to have a special permit to buy them, Ash didn't think he'd be getting one any time soon.
With Eevee looking better but still hurt Ash bent down to pick it up. "Don't worry I'm going to take you to the Pokémon center to get you all fixed up ok." The Eevee yipped and allowed Ash to carry it.
Back in Ash's temporary clearing Pidgey and Hydro were waiting for Ash to return. Pidgey was attacking a tree with her steel wing trying to increase her power while Squirtle was pushing a large rock to increase his strength.
Ash returned to his Pokémon training diligently and nodded happily. "Okay you two I'm going to take this Eevee to the center, continue working and I will be back later." He ordered and the two sounded out their affirmatives and went back to work.
"Eevee's sprained ankle is as good as new Mr. Ketchum. Here she is." Said Nurse Joy while presenting the small brown Pokémon to the trainer.
Ash smiled and picked up the Pokémon and held her in his arms stroking her absentmindedly. Walking out of the hospital part of the center Ash looked at the purring Pokémon with a smile.
"I know you were hurt by my Squirtle, but I would love to have you on my team. If you'd like I could catch you, and we could train together with my other Pokémon and battle the Pewter gym in a few weeks." Offered Ash with a smile while still stroking the Eevee.
Eevee listened to Ash's offer and hopped up to his shoulder to give his cheek a lick and let out a happy yip. Taking that as a yes Ash tapped her with a Pokéball. With no resistance the ball immediately let out a click.
Ash took out his Pokédex and scanned the ball.
Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. Eevee is a unique Pokémon that can adapt to its environment by changing its form and abilities when evolving. This Eevee is Female.
Known Moves - Tackle, Growl and Quick Attack. Ability - Adaptability.
Ash smirked as he released his Eevee and bent down to pet her head, she leaned into his hand and purred delightedly. "You're quite the impressive Eevee girl."
Eevee held her chin higher from the praise and continue to receive his affection happily.
"Now I'll tell you my plans. We're in Viridian City right now. The gym doesn't take changers without seven badges, so we'll come here last. We're going to Pewter City but to get there we need to get through the Viridian forest. I want to train you here for another day or so and start through the forest, it shouldn't take more than a couple days. I hope to teach you swift and iron tail by the time we get to Pewter City. I hope you're ready because while I plan to have fun adventures. But, when it's time to train we train hard. That way we can win more tournaments and have more fun!"
Eevee listened through all of Ash's explanation quietly, it sounded like a lot of hard work. She'd never had to do such a thing, her parents were powerful, so they handled everything in the wild until she went out on her own and the only problem she's had so far was a Squirtle flying through a bush plowing into her. Ash clearly wanted her to become powerful and have her evolve into something to help his team. She herself always thought her Umbreon mother was beautiful and elegant but her Jolteon father was powerful and fast. Well she'll get to that later.
Seeing that her trainer was still looking at her she hopped up and sat on his shoulder and gave him a firm yip. If he wanted her to be strong then she'll be the best Eevee and best partner he's ever had.
Ash patted his Pokémon and sat down at the video phone. First things first was to let his mother know he made it to Viridian.
"Ketchum residence this is— Ash! Oh, honey it's so good to see you! How are you doing?" Delia cheered at the site of her son; he may have only been gone for a few days, but it felt like a part of her was missing.
Ash grinned at his mom, "I'm doing great! I caught some awesome Pokémon. Matter of fact one is here with me."
As Ash said that Eevee jumped up onto his lap and yipped at the screen. She began to purr when Ash rubbed, her head affectionately. Delia positively swooned at the sight of the rare evolution Pokémon.
"Oh, she is so beautiful! He coat is shiny and smooth, I would guess she's about two maybe three years old." Said Delia while taking in the Pokémon's appearance. "I would love to spend so time with her after she evolves."
Ash smiled at his mother on the screen. "I don't think that will happen for a while; I haven't trained with her yet, much less discussed what she would like to evolve into. Not to mention I don't even have a full team yet to start switching Pokémon out." He explained hoping to not anger her, it was for naught though as she gave him a warm smile.
"I know honey, that will be further down the road, I hope you train hard my boy. Please call me when you get to Pewter." She said firmly before waving and hanging up.
Ash stood up and had Eevee follow him out. They had some training to finish and start heading toward Viridian Forest. Trainer hotspot and local haven for Pokémon.
Viridian forest was a beautiful place, that was without a doubt. The canopy was thick enough to block the hot sun, but the gaps let in rays of sun to provide light. It gave the forest an ethereal feel that called to Ash. In the three weeks that he's been a trainer this was his favorite spot he'd been to.
His Pokémon have been progressing wonderfully in their individual and battle training. Pidgey, who still hasn't decided if she wanted a name was becoming a force to be recon with in the air. Hydro was a brick wall of power for his small stature, his water gun was getting more and more power by the day. Eevee was coming along nicely, after going through his Pokédex he learned that even in this form she could learn a multitude of moves depending on the parent Pokémon.
The parent Pokémon also have, according to the Pokédex, a strong influence on what Eevee usually evolved into. So far Ash saw that Eevee was learning to harness Ghost-type energy to use Shadow Ball, a strong move that will give her diversity. After that Ash would start teaching her Iron Tail. Hydro, in a training match went crazy, and managed to utilize skull bash against Eevee learning the powerful physical move giving him an up-close attack to use should he get rushed.
Pidgey already had a good set of moves and was working on Gust, she had the power but lacked the real control to create a gale force strong enough for battle.
So far Ash has spent two hours inside the forest and in that time has been having his Pokémon attack and battle wild Pokémon that approached them giving them experience. He'd keep an eye out for strong Pokémon but so far nothing of interest.
It was surprising that he hasn't run into any other trainers as this was a well know training area for rookies.
Ash looked up to his circling bird who swooped down and landed on his shoulder. As he was about to ask what was up when he heard rustling and footsteps catching his attention.
Walking through the forest was another trainer, he was wearing dark pants and had a purple jacket that matched his old purple hair. He had a stern look on his face as he looked through the area and narrowed his eyes when they landed on him or actually landed on Pidgey. Instantly Ash knew what this was about.
Ash walked over and offered him a smile trying to ease the situation. "Hiya! I'm Ash, we should have a battle!" This would be his second chance to have a real battle and he wouldn't turn away the opportunity.
"So that's your Pokémon?" The boy muttered angrily before smirking. "The names Paul, I agree we should battle. However instead of money as the winnings, how about we put a Pokémon up for grabs." Paul face held a confident smirk as he stared into Ash's eyes trying to asses him.
"After all that Shiny Pidgey would do wonderful under a real trainer." Mocked Paul not only angering Ash but Pidgey who turned to Ash and squawked.
Seeing that he had the two where he wanted them, he sweetened the deal. The only type of Pokémon that any sane trainer who be willing to bet a shiny for had to be something equally as valuable or powerful. It was a gift from his brother, it was a potentially powerful ally, but it was quite disobedient and an angry little Pokémon, even his Grotle couldn't get it to listen so even if he lost it he'd be rid of the nuisance.
Pulling out a Pokéball he released a blue serpent like Pokémon that stole Ash's breath away, what were the odds of this. 'This is it! The one Pokémon that I've dreamt of capturing right in front of me! But it's attitude seems off.' The thought amazed and curious.
Seeing that Ash noticed his tiny dragon's disposition Paul snarled silently, leave it to Dratini to ruin a good opportunity like this by just showing up. He'll definitely be having words with the little nuisance later after he won. But for now, he needed to make sure that Ash would accept the offer.
'Hopefully he's a little on the slow side and not notice.' Thought Paul before thinking up an explanation.
"This is a Dratini that my older brother gave me, he was born to my brothers Dragonite a couple months ago. He's…fierce and will make an equal offer for your shiny Pidgey. So, we got a deal?" Paul tried to telepathically order Dratini to seem inviting but the only thing it was doing was stare at the Shiny Pidgey on Ash's shoulder.
Ash turned to Pidgey, as much as he'd love the chance to capture his dream partner now, he'd never risk losing his current Pokémon in the hopes of gaining another. "What do you think? I won't do it if you don't want me to, I'm happy with my team so far."
Pidgey, still angry at the purple haired boys' words cawed and flew into the air taking its position for the battle.
"If you're sure." Muttered Ash before nodding towards Paul.
Seeing that he'd rather not risk losing the opportunity for an incredibly rare and strong Pokémon he sent out his starter and current strongest; Grotle. Ash pulled out his Pokédex to scan it.
Grotle, the Grove Pokémon and the evolved form of Turtwig. Grotle lives near water in forests and leaves the forest during the day to allow light to shine on the tree on its shell.
Knowing that Paul really wanted his Pokémon he likely sent out his strongest to win the battle, fortunately Pidgey was really strong herself and was close to evolving like Hydro was, their training has been tough like he promised it would be, but they were about to show why that was the case.
"This will be one on one ok?" Called Ash getting a nod out of Paul. Ash bent down to pick up a stick and threw it into the air, both trainers knew that when it hits the ground the battle would begin.
Ash waited until the last second before calling out. "Pidgey Quick Sand!" Ordered Ash getting a strange look out of Paul who ordered Grotle to stand firm and fire razor leaves.
The training with Hydro payed off as Pidgey's air maneuverability was excellent for its level of experience. Pidgey's speed and agility abled it to close the distance and land right in front of Grotle and launched a sand attack right into its eyes.
Ash smirked, Quick Sand was a simple move, quick attack to close distance and sand attack when in range. Lower the opponent's accuracy and surprise them with the unknown command. It would only work the first time though, as people would know what it was after seeing it and won't let it trick them again. Sand attack was easy to avoid, closing your eyes usually did the trick after all.
"Grotle razor leaf more rather than power!" Ordered Paul, getting over the surprise maneuver making a mental note to come up with similar maneuvers when he had Pidgey.
"Pidgey into the air and blow them away with Gust I know you can do it." Called Ash.
The bird Pokémon was hit by some of the razor-sharp leaves but powered through pain to spin midair and gave a mighty flap of her wings blowing away the incoming barrage of leaves and even hit Grotle for some damage. Seeing her chance, she lit her wings with power and blasted towards the opponent.
"Pidgey get in close and give him a powerful peck!"
"Grotle stop it and slam it into the ground!"
Pidgey closed the distance and before it could peck her opponent was smacked by a tackle from the heavy grass type with the Grotle jumping on top of her. With the bird under it Grotle used Absorb to get some energy back.
"Pidgey peck then steal wing! Get out of there!"
Smirking at his victory being almost assured at this point Paul ordered his Pokémon to give a bite. But Pidgey went for the throat - literally - and began pecking the Grotle's throat stopping it before it could bite down, however it hasn't moved yet other than to cry out in pain form the super effective attack barrage.
"Now Pidgey! Get out of there!" With her trainers' insistance and encouragement she began forcing as much power into her wings as she could and gave a the biggest and strongest flap she ever has in her short life as a battler.
Grotle was lifted off the Pidgey and thrown away from the point-blank steel wing and after the multiple pecks it wasn't feeling top shape anymore. But it wasn't going down yet with a roar it released a powerful barrage of razor leaves with as much speed and power as it could, but the earlier sand attack came into play as most were off target and Pidgey was able to easily avoid the rest. Without Ash's order she sped toward the grass-type wings glowing but not with the steel type energy but with the flying power that she was born with. Grotle listened to its trainer and withdrew into itself giving it protection.
The Wing Attack smacked into Grotle throwing it across the ground doing damage but not nearly as much as if it wasn't withdrawn in its shell.
"Swoop low and gust now! I know you can do this Pidgey!" Cheered Ash with his faithful bird following his orders.
"Roll and energy ball!" The Grotle did as it was told and rolled away and got back on its legs and charged up an energy ball, but the bird was the faster and got eye level and proceeded to give two mighty flaps rather than the one and produced a powerful wind blast that picked Grotle off the ground and sent it flying. When it finally stopped it fell down and passed out, the super effective move hitting so close was enough to finish the battle.
Pidgey screamed out in victory before taking on a bright white glow.
Ash ran over with a face splitting grin, while the forgotten blue dragon followed behind, interested in the development. Pidgey, while shining bright as its body morphed let out a loud screech before its form was revealed.
Pidgeotto was far larger than its previous form, easily coming up to Ash's waste. Its color was still in the same shiny variation. The feathers on its head were gold and the plumage on it's tail altered between gold and orange. She was beautiful and seemed even deadlier than before, Ash couldn't be more happy.
"Wow! Amazing Pidgeotto! You evolved! I knew you and Hydro were close, but I guess that Grotle was strong enough to push you to it." Cheered Ash at his new Pokémon but it was time for him to receive his newest Pokémon from the other challenger.
Paul recalled Grotle and frowned, it was a surprise that his starter lost but it gave him insight into what he needed to train. If energy ball was quicker then the battle would have been the other way around. Not to mention a lack of ranged attacks, razor leaf wasn't going to cut it evidently. Not while energy ball was still too slow, he assumed that moves taught by a technical machine were instantly mastered but evidently not and that ignorance cost him a shiny Pokémon.
Knowing that Ash will want his reward he pulled out the blue terrors ball. Despite losing a dragon type Paul didn't find himself angry, he's been planning on looking for another one in the safari zone to replace it. That was one of the few places that they were rumored to be found all the time regardless of seasons. Finding them in the wild was risky and extremely dangerous but if anywhere had them it would be the safari zone.
Handing the ball over to ash and typing into his Pokédex while Ash held his up the transfer was complete. "That was a good battle, I'll be challenging you the next time we meet so don't slack off and disappoint me."
Ash felt a little annoyed at the remark, especially coming from the loser of the battle but held it in. He wouldn't want someone to gloat to him after losing one of his team members. Strangely however, Paul didn't seem to mind and didn't even glance at the small dragon.
"I would like to battle you again to Paul, and thanks for the Dratini, you have no idea how long I've wanted one. They are my favorite Pokémon!" Cheered Ash unable to hold it in anymore, Pidgeotto cawed happily and landed next to their new friend who was gazing at the lot of them with disinterest.
Paul was about to walk away but decided to add more. "That little beast is only good at disappointing, when my brother gave it to me, I thought he'd be a powerful dragon, but he never listened to me once. So good luck with it." With that Paul walked off not sparing a single glance towards the dragon.
Ash frowned at the Pokémon's treatment and kneeled down next to it. His knowledge about dragons wasn't extensive but knew that they only responded to strength. "My name is Ash Ketchum; I'm training to be the best Pokémon Master in the world. I know that you were someone else's but I know we can work together as a team. If you'll have me, I'll make sure that you're a powerful Dragonite soaring through the air crushing opponents left and right." Ash got more and more passionate as he spoke until he was on his feet looking down at the small dragon.
Dratini listened attentively, he remembered his father, the strong Dragonite and his mother the Altaria. Both who could soar through the air majestically. Even the Pidgeotto the human used to win him from the other human who tried to command him before, had a certain grace to it. But he was proud, no one he didn't deem worthy would ever command him, that Grotle and Elekid treated Paul like he was the greatest thing in the world and followed him like slaves. But that wasn't him. He wasn't a slave, he wasn't a servant, he was a dragon! One day he would be a mighty Dragonite! The human who won him didn't seem like the kind to expect complete subjugation during the battle, he seemed to put his trust in the bird and managed to win.
The Human was passionate and seemed to have a good head on its shoulders, but he wouldn't completely trust him yet. Not until he saw that the human wouldn't treat him like a servant, like Paul. For now, he'd see where the boy led him and if he could make his promise come to reality.
Ash watched as Dratini looked down in thought before gazing into his eyes intently then after several minutes dipped its head in acceptance. Ash let out a cheer and released his team to meet their newest addition. Hydro sized it up and Eevee walked up to sniff it before jumping into Ash's arms.
"This is our newest team member, Dratini. I know everyone will get along and we'll take down Brock in Pewter in no time!" Cheered Ash.
The Pokémon called out happily save for Dratini who was looking around at everyone blankly.
Ash pulled out his Pokédex and scanned his newest addition.
Dratini, the Dragon Pokémon. Dratini sheds its skin as it grows, often doing so while hidden behind large powerful waterfalls. This Dratini is male.
Known Moves - Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister and Dragon Rage. Ability - Shed Skin.
Ash whistled at the moves, Paul said that he got it from his brother's Dragonite so that would mean that it was obviously taught by its parents before being given to Paul. Ash couldn't contain his excitement, a Dragon! He got one not three weeks into his journey! Granted some actually have dragon starters but he didn't have a crazy powerful Pokémon trainer as his parent to give him a rare powerful Pokémon or a fortune to buy one. But he'll make do with this.
"Ok Dratini, I want you to use Dragon Rage on that tree, show me your power." Ordered Ash firmly while pointing to a smaller tree a safe way away.
Dratini build up the Draconic energy and spat it out towards the tree blasting half of it away causing it to fall down in a heap of lumber. He silently approved of his power and was surprised that his trainer cheered him on. Feeling a rush of excitement, the tiny dragon began blasting away at everything it could happy to wreak havoc. Trees, bushes and rocks weren't safe from the dragon and Ash saw that he would have to intervene.
"That's enough! You pack quite the punch huh. How about I call you blast huh? You certainly love blasting away at whatever is in sight huh." Joked Ash not expecting the proud serpent to like the name. He was however shocked to hear a pleased coo come from the small Pokémon.
Setting down the Eevee in his arms - getting an annoyed huff out of her - he knelt down next to Dratini. "Blast. I think it's a great name for a dragon like you. Welcome to the team." Ash then returned the dragon and smirked at the ball. Wait until his mom and the professor heard about this.
The next couple of days went by the same; training in the forest, battling wild Pokémon and having his team master their moves or begin trying to learn more.
Eevee surprised him by quickly mastering Shadow Ball and began working on Thunder Fang, apparently her parents were the dark type Umbreon and the Electric type Jolteon. Knowing that she would want to master her egg moves he let her continue. Hydro and blast were both working on Aqua Tail, Blast was making considerable progress, but Hydro had more waterpower to work with and was nearly done.
Pidgeotto was perfecting Gust and Wing Attack while flying through the air to get a feel for her new body's strength.
So far Ash hadn't seen any wild Pokémon that he wanted to catch, not that he had any real interest in bug types. They could be powerful but the Caterpie and Weedle that he kept running into didn't evolve into anything he would really use long term.
His team so far was looking good. Water, normal, flying and dragon. He needed fire and electric or ground for more diversity.
Ash noticed a boy in samurai armor ahead that was battling a Kakuna with his Metapod. He shook his head at the multiple orders of 'harden', what was it with bug types and harden? They weren't known to be tanks most of the time. Especially those two Pokémon.
The boy noticed him and ran over. "I challenge you to a battle! My Metapod vs whatever you want."
Ash resisted rolling his eyes and nodded, he'd let Eevee have it. With a toss his Pokémon was in a battle-ready stance.
The boy tossed Metapod onto the ground and ran to his position. Ash snorted at the treatment of the Pokémon and focused on the battle.
Rolling his eyes, he ordered Eevee. "Quick attack."
Eevee responded instantly with a burst of speed, taking on a white glow as she utilized the speed enhancing technique. Metapod, ever loyal, listened and hardened itself and took the hit from Eevee. It was sent tumbling away not stopping until it hit a tree.
Eevee turned back to her trainer who shrugged and waited to see if Metapod was still conscious. The answer came in the form of an evolution and out came a Butterfree hovering in the sky ready to battle.
Seeing that the battle looked to actually be a battle and not a one-sided beat down Ash grinned. "Shadow ball!"
"Avoid it and come down with stun spore!"
Butterfree flew around the dark energy ball and barrel rolled away from another and released its spores. Ash ordered Eevee to get out of there and it held its breath and quick attacked to the other side of the field. Eevee spun on a dime and released two more Shadow balls, one of which managing to hit. Getting a cry of pain out of the butterfly Pokémon.
"Finish it with Quick Attack Eevee!"
"Don't let it! Dodge then use poison sting!"
Eevee had the familiar glow of power and sped toward the Butterfree and hit the Pokémon center chest knocking it out of the sky, Eevee was about to follow up when it felt sick.
"Stand firm Eevee! Use Shadow Ball and finish this!"
Butterfree flew towards the normal type suffering under the effects of poison and went in for a tackle. Eevee wasn't one to lose, she wasn't going to let her trainer down and she wasn't going to lose to some bug that just evolved. Getting in close Eevee's jaw began to glow and crackle with electricity, she bit the bug with a perfect Thunder Fang ending the fight with a knockout.
"Great work Eevee! You were awesome!" Congratulated Ash as he stroked the proud Pokémon.
"That was a fantastic battle, my Pokémon only needed a small push to evolve and he got it. Pewter is about an hour's walk from here the end of the forest is right ahead." Gestured the Samurai.
"Thanks for the battle, Eevee is looking great for her battle with Brock. See you around." Ash waved as he continued onwards toward the gym.
"Welcome to the Pewter City Pokémon Center." The ever-polite nurse Joy greeted as Ash made it to the hospital side of the Pokémon Center. Ash recalled Eevee who had been walking with him and handed his four Pokéballs to the nurse and went to the video phone to make some calls.
Fist on the list wasn't his mother but someone he was dying to talk to. Professor Oak.
The Professors face popped up on the screen and he smiled at the rookie. "Ah Ash nice to hear from you, what can I help you with?"
"Good to see you again Professor. I actually called to ask you a few questions about a Pokémon I won a few days ago." Started Ash.
Professor Oak nodded, he was in charge of the trainers he sponsored and with that being only three people he kept up with their progress. He was extremely surprised that Ash managed to find let alone catch a Dratini so quickly but hearing that he won it made it a little more believable than finding it in Viridian. The dragons were often offered at tournaments as first place prizes after all.
"I am aware that you received a Dratini, color me impressed Ash not a common Pokémon for rookies to capture." Praised Samuel chuckling at the glowing pride Ash now had. "How'd you manage to get it anyway?"
"Well a trainer, a jerk if you ask me, saw my Pidgey and battled me to win her and offered his Dratini as his Pokémon that I'd win. Thing is he didn't even seem to want the dragon, he didn't even care that he lost it actually, apparently the dragon never liked him anyway. But my Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto during the battle so it was a double win." Explained Ash narrowing his eyes in thought, Dratini was healthy so he doubted that it was neglected but the harsh training likely turned the proud dragon off its trainer.
Oak found that he had several more questions from the explanation rather than answers. "Why would someone offer a Dratini as collateral for a Pidgey? Did Dratini have signs of abuse? Trainers who don't care about their Pokémon would often… discipline them." As he finished talking Oak got more and more serious as he stared at the boy.
Ash however raised his hands at the former Champion. "No, Dratini is in fine shape, matter of fact he's pretty strong and is getting bigger every day he's almost four feet long as it is. As for why he'd offer up Dratini, well you might not believe this but Pidgeotto is shiny."
Samuel Oak leaned forward trying to contain himself really trying. "OH, YOU HAVE TO LET ME HAVE A LOOK AT IT!" Shouted a positively ecstatic Oak at the thought of studying a shiny in person.
"Not only is the Shiny phenomenon extremely rare but it is rumored that the gene mutations affect a Pokémon's abilities, some even suggest that they increase a Pokémon's natural strengths. It's for that reason that they are so coveted, naturally I wish to study it for myself. To prove or disprove this theory!"
Ash smiled at the Professor, "Sure, I don't plan on using her for my gym battle, so I'll send her over to you after her checkup, I'll need her back in a few days though."
Oak nodded vigorously before his eyes narrowed seriously. "Ash," He began, his voice firm. "What you have is not only a rare Pokémon but a valuable one and the more valuable the more people who will want it. The fact that someone would offer a Dragon as collateral should tell you. I'm saying this because some may not ask for it, they may try and take it. Be careful, and if you see people with a red R on their shirts. Do. Not. Let. Them. See. It. Especially not until your team is stronger, much stronger."
Ash felt sweat begin to pop up on his forehead as he took in the professors' words. Maybe it would be good to send Pidgeotto to Professor Oak for a few weeks, she is the strongest right now having evolved already. Hydro was close, he wasn't sure if Eevee knew what she wanted to be yet and Blast was a dragon. They naturally evolve to their second forms regardless of training as it marked leaving childhood to adulthood, it was their final form that would take amazing amounts of training and dedication to reach.
"Professor, I'll send Pidgeotto over today. I'll get her back in Cerulean City." Confirmed Ash, he didn't want to part with her, but this was for the best. "Now I called to ask you about raising a dragon, I studied them before my journey, but I never thought I'd get one this early. Since you had a Dragonite and Charizard is there anything you can tell me?"
Oak nodded thoughtfully, he and his Dragonite were quite the team back in the day. Hell, he could likely still give that young Lance's Dragonite a run for its money but that was neither here nor there. "Well, first thing is to treat them with respect, they are prideful beasts. Second is training, dragons are strong and want to reach their full potential. I would recommend training him every day and to have him constantly improve what he knows, if he sees that you're a worthy trainer he'll begin to trust you more. If not, he'll ignore you or worse attack you, if he begins to do that, I would recommend releasing him or making him summit by beating it in a battle."
Ash once again nodded along with what the professor was telling him. It wasn't anything he didn't already know, treat with respect, show strength and don't back down. Luckily, he got the nicer dragon Pokémon species, he'd heard horror stories from trainers who'd try to raise a Hydreigon only to be harmed terribly by the dark dragon or even eaten.
"Thank you, professor." The call came to an end and Ash let out a sigh.
Before making another call, Ash decided to pull out his Pokédex to look up some information. There was an online trading website under the Pokémon League that was where all the best Pokémon were bought and traded. He could also look up other purchases. He wanted to see how valuable a shiny truly was. He wasn't disappointed either.
A shiny Ratatta was sold last month for over three hundred thousand Poké dollars to a collector. A lame Pokémon like that selling for that much! Imagine his Pidgeotto or even a golden Pidgeot. He could make a literal fortune, not to mention the suspicions in the research community that suspect shiny Pokémon naturally became stronger than their regular counterparts. No wonder Paul was willing to part with his Dratini for his Pidgey.
This also gave further value to what Professor Oak said regarding Pidgeotto and the danger of showing her off. He needed to strengthen his team before he could show her off without being worried. For now, he'll focus on Brock, the Rock Specialist.
Ash will have to save Hydro for Onix, if it was two on two, he'll go with Eevee. Three on Three he'll go with Dratini, Pidgeotto was strong but he didn't want her going against rock types just yet.
Arriving at the from entrance of the Gym, Ash had a confident grin and stepped forward, this was it. His first gym battle.
Author Notes
(Edited 11-24-19)
Welcome to my Pokémon Story.
So far Ash has caught some power houses, or at least potentially powerful. I chose Squirtle as the starter as that was the first Pokémon I ever picked back in Pokémon red. I didn't want to copy my older brother who picked Charmander so yeah.
Also, the Shiny Pidgey was a reference to my older brother who caught a Pidgey in fire red that was shiny, didn't realize it that and traded it away! This was also right before Pewter that he found it, like his luck and stupidity was off the charts.
The Dratini line is my favorite Pokémon. The first time I won a battle with my friends it was because of my level seventy-one Dragonite that managed the clutch win. From then on Dagonite became a permanent member of all my Pokémon teams. So, I had Ash have a preference for the orange dragon. And catch one! May seem a bit weird to have all this in the first chapter but I want Ash to have his Pokémon for a long time to build their bond rather than wait.
Will ash catch a legendary?
No, or at least none in the Kanto region. I mean Tobias likely has a team full of them, so it isn't unheard of. Just in this world if something like that happens it's 1 in 10,000,000.
Where is Pikachu?
He'll show up.
Will Ash catch his original Pokémon?
This is an AU story, that being said yes and no. Some yes and some no, spoiler alert I won't have him catch thirty Tauros.
I don't really ship Pokémon stories, but I liked dawn, doubt I'll have a ship but we'll get there when we get there.
Current team.
Squirtle/Hydro (Male)
Pidgeotto (Shiny) (Female)
Eevee (Female)
Dratini/Blast (Male)