He can see it in those blue eyes. The want. The longing. He sees it when Burke talks about his wife – the garden he helped her plant in the backyard - his neighbors, how Mr. and Mrs. So – and - So were trying to have another baby – his dog and how it seemed to only eat his left shoes…

It is moments like this when the conman wears his heart on his sleeve – his innermost desires plain upon his face… he wants it so badly… to be able to live in a home. To have a beautiful wife. To be able to curl up on the couch with the woman he loved. To have the house smell like gingerbread at Christmas and boiled egg at Easter – to have the halls lined wall to wall with sleeping bags and blankets when the relatives visit – to have… something. Anything.

Caffrey wants it. He wants his criminal record to fade away – he wants the tracker around his ankle to disappear – he wants a nine to five job – he wants it all. He wants to have somebody stay up waiting for him to come home. He wants to have somebody whose hand molds perfectly into his. He wants to have somebody with dancing eyes and a warm smile tell him she loves him…

But… sometimes we don't always get what we want.

And I think Caffrey is starting to realize that.

I don't know who's POV this is from. Let's just assume it is some random FBI guy...

Somebody asked me if I was going to write anymore for 'The Odd Couple' and I have to tell you - when I read that review I was kind of like...

I didn't think I had stopped... O.o

Please review!