Poll: I lost my faith in this place. Should I return? Vote Now!
Author has written 115 stories for Mega Man, Super Smash Brothers, Fullmetal Alchemist, Prince of Persia, Gravitation, Warriors Orochi, Metal Gear, Dynasty Warriors, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII, Lux-Pain, Trauma Center, Final Fantasy: Tactics, Devil May Cry, Persona Series, Fruits Basket, Valkyria Chronicles, Skies of Arcadia, Power Rangers, Assassin's Creed, Bust A Move/Groove, Kingdom Hearts, Mirror's Edge, Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XIII, and Cross Edge. I'm no longer here because this site no longer feels like a home. It only cares for the widely popular fandoms/couples/storylines. Plus, a lot of anti-yaoi flamers love to use their blowtorches, and they're rather annoying. Will occasionally post projects, just to give that rare reviewer-with-a-brain a treat. I am NOT stationed here on a regular basis. Furthermore, I will NOT grant requests for one-shots or beta-reading. Find me in full swing at DeviantArt: -Sincerely, YaoiSongstress UPDATE: July 17th 2011 Why is it that when I'm no longer full-time here, all the people with brains want to come out? How come no one with brains came out while I was here?I mean, it's nice to see the five percent of reviewers that actually review with sense, but COME ON. I was on this site FOREVER. Riddle me this, riddle me that! |