![]() I’m tired of giving three times the amount I receive. This isn’t a source of consternation—it’s my fault, if anything (I’ve given 1,385 reviews on this account, if that’s any indication). I’ve just spent way too much time here, and I need to get away. I’m not gone, I’m just going…'underground.' :) (Hint: A synonym for turbulence plus nature's most beautiful natural occurence. ...Or just look for my fics. Whatevs.) I want this account to stand as a testament for my friends. I have more than just the ones below, but those are the ones that have stuck with me the longest. Thanks, guys. For everyone else, I think maybe I'll see you around real soon. ;) -Razzkat, June 2005 - August 2009 Thanks for reading. :) - NOVEMBER 23rd, 2010 - Oh, hi! So, it's been over a year since I left this account. I figured I'd finally link to my new one! Lolz. My new username is Eleanor D., http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2041290/Eleanor_D. I've put up a few of my old humor fics, if you enjoyed those, and I plan on writing more romance stories. I haven't written much over the past few months, but I hope to do more! Thanks, again, to everyone who supported me on this account. :D -Eleanor |