Dear friends, welcome to the epilogue.

Unfortunately, it is time for this epic tale to rest. Our heroes pushed themselves to the limits (especially our Eiri), and they've finally met with new skies of sunlight. The world has been healed of all pain, there isn't a single trace of Deus, and our beloved couple has been reunited under a torrent of passion. After a long, hard climb up the mountain called 'self-discovery', this tale has finally arrived at its finish line.

I wasn't about to leave all of you with the last chapter! I didn't tie up every loose line! I shall do so now, in this wondrous epilogue! The very last update for 'An Angel's Dream'! This project became an immensely dear part of my life, especially during the Great Meltdown of April (when my computer decided to go on the frizz). It was pulled through the wringer at least a thousand times; I pondered over conversations, battle scenes, transformations and even Eiri's reunion with Shuichi. This process taught me how to put my blood, sweat and tears into something, for I gave this project everything I had. The great geniuses of Square Enix gave me an inspirational masterpiece (ahem, Kingdom Hearts 2), but without the help of a very dear friend, this entire project would have turned out differently (badly, in my perception).

Originally, this project was known as 'An Angel's Heart'. Its original source of inspiration was 'The Mummy Returns', which seems so small compared to Kingdom Hearts 2. Deus was originally supposed to Lady Niha's brother, and he was supposed to have a broken relationship with Eiri's tutor (who, originally, wasn't Niha). Our prince's tutor was supposed to be a black ranger, who held a position as Priest within Anuryn's walls. Deus seduced the priest (who never received a name), which forced to priest to resign. Deus was only after him for information; he wanted to learn the secrets behind Anuryn's power, which were hidden in Shuichi. The black ranger, of course, withdrew from the palace and lived in seclusion. He waited for the 'chosen one' to show himself...lost in the tides of a desert. Eiri and the members of Bad Luck were supposed to go on this 'wondrous' archaeological treasure hunt...great, I'm sitting here laughing at my own summary...

This story turned out to be something amazing...thanks to my dear sis.

For the last time, I'd like to extend my deepest appreciation to all of my reviewers. I know I must have said this a thousand times, but this project wouldn't have made it without any of you either. 'Gravitation' means a lot to me, and so whenever I receive support from such good friends, it really makes me smile. Thank you all for enjoying my work!

I've been a Gravitation Junkie since December '05, and still going strong baby! And I haven't been flamed ONCE! A CLEAN RECORD! LET'S KEEP IT UP!

Theme of 'Epilogue': 'Sanctuary (After the Battle)' of Kingdom Hearts 2 OST.

Theme of 'An Angel's Dream': 'Sanctuary (After the Battle)' of Kingdom Hearts 2 OST.

The end of Eiri Uesugi's confession brought about another fervent, sweet embrace. The prince, after his hard, long journey, made a descent into a world of golden passion; he and his angel drenched each other in heavy kisses, honeyed caresses and immortal whispers. Lost among newborn happiness, they gave themselves to their heart's desires, filled with enthusiastic hope for the future. Tears streamed from their eyes as they absorbed every inch of golden warmth, their hearts drummed against each other amongst newborn tides of time, and their arms wrapped themselves around profound ecstasy. There were no restraints, no prohibition from the forces of time; they soared throughout eternity together, the way they were meant to do so from the very beginning. The angel, who had been tormented by the Demon Sovereign for so long, happily gave his entire being to the prince without the slightest hesitation...and his mate took every one of his offerings in tears.

Their euphoric journey was only a few minutes long, regrettably. An abrupt eruption of chaos occurred, which brought about an explosion of embarrassment upon their faces. Ryuichi Sakuma and their other companions, had kept themselves hidden behind the bedroom door, acting as if they were children spying on their parents during Christmas shopping. The Sakuma's playful antics had forced the door to eliminate their privacy; it flew open and caused the entire group to literally spill into the room. The vocalist of Bad Luck was instantly drenched in red-hot embarrassment, but the prince transformed his embarrassment into anger.

The swift expiration of time caused the warm Eiri to revert back to his past form, which was the form of the cold 'Yuki'. However, his anger was accompanied by the warmth he had attained during the long journey. Instead of transforming back into the harsh individual he had been in the past, he simply took on the form of an exasperated yet embarrassed student, one that had an important confession interrupted by fellow school mates. Ryuichi was on the receiving end of his 'anger' for a moment, then every group member became a 'target'. Through a whirlwind of passion, Eiri and Shuichi had removed every bit of their garments, and so both of them had exposed themselves to the beauteous winds. Neither of them had expected to receive surprise visits.

Surprisingly, Claude K. Winchester and Lady Niha were in on the invasion. Every one of their companions had posted themselves at the door, despite K's halfhearted warnings. All of them had been gravely worried about their beloved couple, and so none of them wanted to miss out on their reunion. Even Suguru Fujisaki couldn't keep himself away from the bedroom door; for the very first time, the musician of Bad Luck took on the role of a mischievous child. A part of him felt a little strange, for he had never participated in sneaky acts, but the other half of his soul couldn't remove himself from their chosen post. Just like the others, he had made himself an accomplice to Ryuichi Sakuma's crime. and just like the others, he had poured into the room.

Several events ensued after the invasion; Suguru became an overwhelmed, disgraced parent, Shuichi released an adorable scream of shyness, Tatsuha fell onto his infuriated sibling, Reiji tossed a blanket over the embarassed songbird and Ryuichi fell into the room, covered in laughter. Lady Niha and K stood at each other's side, smiling as if they were adults observing children on the playground. During their vigil, the entire room erupted in chaos; the songbird became an embarassed toddler, hiding under a torrent of blankets. Eiri 'strangled' the member of Nittle Grasper, playfully held back by his brother Tatsuha. Hiroshi assisted Reiji in comforting the horror stricken Shuichi (who was phenomenally adorable; he bore a great resemblance to an embarrassed schoolgirl).

In no more than a few minutes, the eruption of calamity was transformed into a joyous reunion. Smiles, laughter and embraces were passed all around, flowing with the beauty of a blissful waterfall. Feeling as if they had been separated from Shuichi and Eiri for years, Ryuichi Sakuma, Hiroshi Nakano, Tatsuha Uesugi, Lady Niha, Reiji, Claude K.Winchester and Suguru Fujisaki smothered their long-lost friends in hugs and kisses, unwilling to let either one of them out of their sight. Even the king, who had lost his life during Deus' first attack, was reunited with the happy couple and decided to bestow his enthusiastic bliss upon them. It was like a wedding, a perfect matrimony with beloved friends...a celebration they would always remember.

All of Anuryn was blessed with newborn happiness. For the very first time, the entire realm became alive with joy. Every inhabitant removed themselves from dark slumber, their faces radiant with never-ending rapture. As the skies emitted streams of iridescent starlight, every inhabitant celebrated the birth of eternal love. Even the smallest of children assisted with the celebration; they did whatever they could to emit their heart's emotions.

The outsiders were welcomed into every family, receiving the treatment a kinsman would receive. The angel and his prince were showered with abundant warmth; every individual embraced them, bestowed a smile upon them and happily presented them with a hand-made gift. The sovereigns of Anuryn (who were also happily reunited) promised the two of them that they would be forever remember within their utopia...and that promise brought tears to every heart. The celebration drifted into the newborn night, radiant with the unending promise of daybreak...and it led to another night of blissful, unyielding passion.

At the first sight of dawn, Lady Niha and her friends exposed themselves to the world...the world they had formed their bonds in. Breakfast was a silent yet joyous affair; none of them needed words to express their hearts. The food of Anuryn, as usual, was simple yet wonderful, filled with enough magic to last a thousand lifetimes. After the silent affair, the King of Anuryn, who had posted himself between the happy couple, removed himself from the table and explained he had to look after his beloved subjects. The remnants of the group removed themselves from the dining area...and made their way beyond the palace grounds...where the journey had first started.

There wasn't a dry eye among the entire group. With heavy hearts, the outsiders embraced the young Lady Niha, feeling as if they had known her forever. Shuichi Shindou's tears made everything harder; the passionate vocalist was lost among sobs, and the words he delivered to Niha caused everyone to break down. They were simple...yet delivered with infinite appreciation...

"Thank you..."

Tatsuha, Ryuichi, Hiroshi, K, Suguru and Reiji made their teary goodbyes, their hearts emitting eternal affection for their beloved sovereign. Reiji flew into K's jet in tears, followed by Tatsuha and his beloved 'Ryu-chan'. A golden shaft of sunlight accompanied the small group as they made their descent into the jet, the very vehicle that had carried them into Anuryn...a place they would never look upon again. Silence also accompanied all of them, but it was shattered in no more than a few seconds; Eiri Uesugi gently removed himself from Shuichi Shindou's side, realizing that he had unfinished business with the young sovereign. With the greatest of loyalty and affection, Hiroshi Nakano escorted the vocalist into the vehicle for his new he made his way to the high-spirited princess. Both of them gazed at each other for a moment, bearing their own emotions; Niha looked upon Eiri with the warmth of an infinitely proud mother, and Eiri fell into the role of an emotional student. Sobs overwhelmed him as he threw himself into an embrace, sobbing the way he had done in the midst of Shuichi's father.

"Thank you...thank you so much...without you..."

The sovereign had become 'notorious' for her high spirit. Playfully, she delivered a heavy slap to the weeping novelist's back and laughed, tossing off his high emotion with sweet nonchalance. The motherly novelist swept her sobbing friend into her arms and held him (after the painful slap on the back), emitting serenity's quintessence. Through his tears, the novelist apologized for being unable to return her heart's desires; she merrily tossed off that apology and said that her desires were 'lustful'. 'Who can help it?' she said with a shrug, betraying her true emotions. 'It's easy to be captivated by your resplendent grandeur, peita.'

In no more than a few seconds, the beauteous sovereign shoved him back into the jet, emitting a swift stream of motherly anger. Following her departure came the departure of her friends...the ones she had come to love so well...

Eight hours elapsed.

Eiri Uesugi, Shuichi Shindou, Reiji, Ryuichi Sakuma, Suguru Fujisaki, Hiroshi Nakano, Claude K.Winchester and Tatsuha Uesugi found themselves in the midst of the Tokyo Airport...where their journey had ignited. Not a single world withdrew itself from their mouths, but their hearts were loud and clear; for some moments in life, no words were needed...and their return was another one of those moments. Shuichi Shindou was fast asleep, tucked safely into Eiri's protective arms...earning the eternal affection of his companions. Reiji was worried about Shuichi's silence; the vocalist had slept through the entire flight like a log, and hadn't made a move since. However, K soothed her fear by ruffling her hair, saying that their beloved songbird was just exhausted. All of them were happy to know that Deus had failed to ruin Shuichi; all of them knew that rape victims rarely ever recovered, so knowing of their songbird's happiness kept all of their hearts calm.

Two days later...the vocalist opened his eyes...instantly met by the warm arms of his soul mate, Eiri. The angel found himself within a familiar environment, one he had found his dreams in. It was a place he had shared with his prince for so many days, creating eternal memories and embraces. It was the home they shared, their true...wondrous utopia...

As soon as Shuichi's eyes opened, the two of them fell into another whirlpool of sweet, beauteous passion.

An hour later, the vocalist became Eiri Uesugi's fiancée.

-'Forevermore' will follow this rapturous ending. I do have one small problem, though; should it be a OneShot, or an entire project? Hmmm...

Until the wedding, I wish all of you the best. Thank you for reading my work of love. To my dearest friend Bloody-May; thank you...for EVERYTHING. Without you, this story wouldn't have been possible.

May Gravitation live on through our words and hearts.