Reviews for Unique Emotions
Lady Shadilay chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
I haven't read a story that good in a while.
You did such a great job with the characters and the descriptions.
I loved it.
KCC chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
I LOVE IT! I FRIGGEN LOVE IT! its emotional, and detailed and...AWESOME! I can't find words to describe it! :D
molotovcaracal chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
So many heartbreaking moments, I really mean that! Loved this, esp. Shaun's breakdown. First fic I've read where Desmond is upset/depressed and it isn't because of the bleeding effect. Awesome story! :D
Vithian chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
Love this story. Desmond and Shaun need more love! They're so perfect for each other...

Great, just like all your other works!

xxsewnlipsxx chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
Very cute. I like it because it's more realistic. They didn't immediately fall in love for no reason and then go have sex because of pent-up frustration, which is what I've been reading so far. That gets old very fast. You made them people, not wanton teenagers. I appreciate that realism. So thanks, and well done.
Naomi Hansen chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
It took me until 3/4 of the way through the story for me to realize that you were using present tense. Nice. I think it's a good sign (at least for me) when I don't notice something like that immediately. It most likely means that I was too wrapped up in the story to go looking for those small details. Well done. :D

(Oh, and thanks for making me love the pairing just a little more now.)

Auf Wiedersehen!

-Naomi Hansen
nicodiver chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
I loved this, it was really beautiful! '3

Maybe you could write a fic where Shaun or Desmond like.. getting shot by a templar and dies? I would love that u
native chicklet chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
Just a fun fact, but the song "Vienna" by The Fray goes really well with this story. Or maybe the couple in general, but anyway, if you haven't already heard it, check it out. :3
SoldierVAI224 chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
It's so beautiful. The impact of emotins is enormous, it's true. I like how, in a way, they were just waiting for the other to start because they didn't know where to begin.

The style is quite nice and I like the details.

My favorite part is when you told of the different things he wanted to tell shaun. It's so funny, I want to see that happen!

You should write more (If you haven't already), and make an army of cute stories. This could make a weapon of mass-destruction!
The Walker of Dreams chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
This is gorgeous. Oh my goodness. I mean, I didn't think Shaun and Desmond could do fluff, but did you ever prove me wrong. And I love the little bits of Ezio/Leo. And the ending. Just... wow. I'm kinda flabbergasted right now.
Kherin chapter 1 . 3/24/2010
The present tense way of writing irked me a little at first, but this fic was so cute! Very well done, I adored it :)
RustyPaperclip chapter 1 . 3/24/2010
This is really well-written. (Shaun is more emotional than I usually see him but it fits your story and I can believe it.) I like the way how every word flows into each other, which kind of parallels the way Shaun and Desmond flow around each other...

AND oh... very fluffy.
L'Artista Brilliante chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
Whatever this new style of yours is, I like it. Actually, I like all your stories lol xD
Rio 2.0 chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
that was absolutely adorable!

I love how you wrote it in third person, but maintained the characters personal experiences while doing so - made it so ...

GAH I don't know the word.

But I'm loving this!
marikada6 chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
I really liked this~ I love how you've incorporated Ezio's feelings into Desmond's consciousness. It reads so naturally that if this was inserted into the game, it would flow seamlessly.

And of course, the romance made me feel fuzzy inside. _

Thank you for writing it~
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