Welcome to 'Seraphim'. Following the events of 'Papercut's latest chapter, this shall be another tribute to Otacon's voice actor (who is also the epitome of humbleness). The first half will be written through Sunny's eyes. It was inspired by a cutscene of Final Fantasy X, which features the character named Yuna. It's a scene of regality, beauty and the utmost tranquility. The link to that cutscene can be found on my profile.

The second half was actually inspired by an event my family went to yesterday. It was the opening of a brand-new Williams-Sonoma store! The summary for this tale was supposed to have been completely different, and would have been if I hadn't gone to that particular event. I do hope you enjoy the results of my 'labor' (labor, ha ha, yeah right). Thank you very much for reading, and please note that Christopher Randolf rules the world.

Ha ha. Now I sound like my friend, who constantly talks about David Hayter.

Disclaimer: Much to my chagrin, I'm in no way connected to 'Metal Gear Solid'. If I was, I'd be on top of the moon.

Note: This tale contains the SnakexOtacon (or HalxDave) pairing. If you're not too fond of boy/boy pairings, please don't read this-or anything else I've written. I'm pretty much obsessed with boy/boy pairings. XD

I've been dreaming.

I've been dreaming of a flower that has spread its petal. I've been dreaming of a moon that has risen over the stars. I've been dreaming of the sun, and it has risen over the darkness. I've been dreaming a lot lately, and the dreams have been beautiful. The hard battles are over, so silence has granted us with the ability to dream. I've been seeing a lot of a flower in my dreams, and it's been the most beautiful miracle on this side of time. I'm grateful I've been granted with the eyes to see this miracle. Otherwise, I'd be missing out on vast bliss.

I've been dreaming. I paint these pictures inside of my head, and they're colorful. My heart paints them, and for this, I am glad. It sees the world at its brightest at night, viewing it in a palette of golden colors. It's a vibrant place to be, rich with life and teeming with quietness. I am able to live and breathe inside of my dreams, viewing the miracle that takes place before me.

This miracle I dream of has a name. He has a pair of eyes and a heart, just like the rest of us. He appears to be human, but I don't believe that he's mere flesh and blood. He looks like the rest of us, but looks can be deceiving. He's far too radiant to even be considered human.

Every night I see him, cloaked in a world of sunlight. He's not saying anything, and I don't think he can see me. I just know that he's there, and he's amazingly beautiful. He never says anything, but words don't really matter in my dreams. I think he's too busy concentrating on the light in the first place. It is his home, where he finds shelter and happiness. He is the epitome of light, born and bred to represent all things warm. And as I view him, I see sunlight perform its dance of gratitude. The world's incredibly happy to be around him. I don't blame it. Everything's perfectly warm, bright and deliciously rich whenever he's around. This is also applied to reality.

Water rests beneath his feet. I have seen it, and it holds reflections of his past. Many of the images are painful, but he is forever regal. Whenever I look upon him, I feel as though I'm gazing upon the world's greatest king. He has endured a lot, and treats himself like a mouse, but is actually a strong-spirited lion. He may stand quietly in a pool of reflections, but I hear him roar every time he takes a breath. I never thought I'd look upon a king, even in my dreams, until he came across my path.

He looks like something out of a fairy tale. Or maybe one of his favorite anime shows. I don't know which one to pick. He kinda looks like he'd fit in with the '.hack/sign' show, thanks to his clothing. Or even the show called 'Last Exile'. Both shows talk about divinity in different ways. He normally wears quiet clothing, but in the eyes of my mind, he's the sovereign of light.

He's an angel of the highest order.

Every morning I awaken, and I write down my feelings. I'm going to share my angel with the world, but not in a harmful way. I want everyone to know how radiant he is. I want everyone to see the light he has to give. That way, they'll all know what I'm feeling. They'll know just how beautiful he can be, even when he considers himself weak and 'worthless'.

A lot of people already know how beautiful he is. I'm really close to one of them. He blossomed too, and it was because of our angel. He was once a small bud, locked inside of a really small shell, but now he's beaming with joy. He almost left us a few months ago. I was afraid of losing him. I must've cried so many tears.

He stayed with us, though. He's still here with us. Because of our angel.

A new day has begun. Things might be different outside of my dreams, but they're still the same. They might be a little louder, but they're just as quiet. And both worlds are equally happy.

All because of the angel I see.

6:13 pm. 24 August 2008.

The day had been damp with rain, and the night was no different. The world was cold and wet, but not hostile. The air was rich with the sweet, invigorating scent of thunderous yet tranquil rain. No one expected the rain to visit them, but no one found the weather to be intrusive. It was actually embraced by all that witnessed it, and with open arms. In the last couple of months, everyone made the decision to toss off frustration and have it replaced with appreciativeness. The cessation of war had altered a great deal, on more grounds than one.

Rain gently tapped against their windows. Excitement was flowing about in the form of swift voices, each word pulsating with high hopes. Not one speaker could keep themselves still, awaiting the advent of a particularly special moment. So much work had gone into their day. It was arduous, keeping oneself still in the midst of things. They were waiting on a certain someone to arrive. Waiting for that special arrival was nothing short of intolerable.

Small clasps of lightning were accompanied by thunder. They were all in for a thunderstorm, it seemed. One of them would have to check the weather reports soon. At the moment, though, they were much too busy with other matters. Matters of the utmost importance. And all of them concerned someone that hadn't arrived yet.

She had instilled her efforts into the day's work. She had instilled her efforts into everything that had occurred, contributing her talents to the birth of an era. Standing at a tender age, she was supposed to have been immersed in a world of toys. Instead, she was plunged into a world of architecture, finances, interior designing and event planning. It was much better than a world of intricate codes, everyone concluded. A certain someone wasn't too happy to have her involved in such matters, but at least battles had come to an end. And she was perfectly happy to help. Nothing made her happier than being with loved ones.

She had become an eternally loyal companion to the small bud. Once the small bud blossomed, she decided to never leave his side-especially since his boyfriend couldn't always be near. The newborn flower adored the angel, and became rather open about his feelings after the restoration of his health. He didn't admit it, but he learned how to live after the angel saved his life. He retained every last bit of his innate characteristics, even diving into the oddest mood swings at times, but at least he knew how to live. Some compared him to a finicky, affectionate-hungry cat, while others described him as a curious, restless puppy. Both descriptions were accurate, but a little odd, considering he had spent almost his entire life as a solitary mercenary.

The angel adored both maiden and puppy to an infinite degree. However, they weren't the only ones he had to cherish. In the latest months, he had nurtured a strong circle of friends. All of their ties were born from his fascination of anime, life and the pursuit of love. They encountered the angel online, speaking to him through a message board. As one could easily guess, it featured a wide array of anime fans-all of which 'came out' shortly after the war. People had come out about a lot of things, secret obsessions being one of them. No longer was the angel alone on the planet Otaku.

The group was composed of ten people. All of them were near and dear to not only the angel, but to the maiden and cat as well. It didn't take long for any side to develop a fondness for the other. Several of the group's members found the cat to be amazingly adorable, while the others saw him as a little brother figure. None of them were obsessive over his previous stance as Solid Snake. They found his code name to be 'wicked awesome', but other than that, no other concerns were placed in his past life.

Outside of those companions, two other friends had joined the upcoming celebration. Being long-time friends with the angel, Mei Ling and Jack (affectionately referred to as Raiden) had entered the frantic, silent world of anticipation. They weren't any different from the others, being unable to sit still. The quietest one of the bunch happened to be Sunny, but even she found herself to be a bit frantic. Especially since a certain someone couldn't sit still.

Dave (affectionately referred to as Snake) had been grumpier than usual. His new lease on life presented him with the opportunities to demand attention, and so he did. No one found him annoying, but rather adorable. Sunny especially had grown extremely fond of him, and felt sorry for him whenever he was separated from Hal (affectionately referred to as Otacon). The fussy cat always became incredibly fussy whenever Hal had business to attend to, even if it was just for a few minutes. Jack likened his long-time friend to a wailing baby, but no one else found that comparison to be particularly fair.

6:20 pm. Voices seemed to be flowing by the pound, rapid and riddled with anticipation. All of them were still flowing inside of the same building, each one unique in its own ways.

"We've only got ten minutes left. Settle down, people!"

"What if the lights go out? It's awfully stormy outside!"

"I wish he'd hurry up and get his sorry behind in here. Can't time go any faster?"

"No it can't, Snake! Calm down! He'll be here in a few more minutes!"

"It's always a 'few more minutes'! And get that stupid mutt to shut up!"

"You know you looove Scout, Dave. Admit it! You had a bunch of your own doggies in Alaskaaa!"

"Shove it, Jack, or I'll shove it for you!"

"Don't be mean to the cute little puppy. He's one of the presents!"

"Didn't you say Otacon always wanted a dog, Snake?"

"Yeah, I did. Said he always wanted one, but never felt like he could take care of one. No problem there, since Sunny and I will be with him. By the way, thanks for helping me find him, Shinji. I appreciated it."

"Does the cake look right? I hope so. I asked for Chi. I think she looks a little like a cat."

"It's perfect then. Snake acts like a kitten. Don't worry about it."

"Wow! Scout already loves Hal, and he's not even here yet!"

"Isn't he adorable? He won't stop barking!"

"We've only got a few minutes left! We're supposed to be quiet here, people!"

"Is the music ready?"

"It'd better be!"

"Shut up already! We've got five minutes on the clock! Turn the damn lights out!"

6:30 finally came. The lights were shut off in a flash, and whispers walked in the dark. The only sources of light were the candles of the cake, and the small clasps of lightning from the outside world. Aside from the whispers, no one dared to speak a word. The atmosphere was far too tense to permit the passage of a greater volume. Even the canine, Scout, had ceased his previously loud storm of euphoria. He remained at the sides of Sunny and Dave, ever loyal and loving.

The entrance to their building creaked open. Light slowly flooded into the room, heightening the whispers that walked in the dark. Small, timid steps penetrated the thick atmosphere, eventually followed by softly executed questions.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

And with that, bliss erupted in a flash. The lights flew on as if they were lighting up the entire world. Scout resumed his euphoric barking, and the word 'SURPRISE!' soared from everyone's lips in an instant. Confetti streamed through the air beautifully, adding a rich sense of happiness to the already warm atmosphere. Three violinists began to play one of the angel's favorite songs, and many others attempted to pounce upon the special arrival. Sunny successfully made it into his arms, but once she made her landing, the celebration was brought to a swift halt. "What's going on?" the guest of honor asked, face wreathed in its usual radiance. He was the epitome of affection. "Have I done anything to deserve all of this?"

"No, other than be inexplicably adorable," Mei Ling explained, shaking her head. Hearing those words, Hal Emmerich turned to her in confusion. He laughed, as he always did whenever praise was directed at him. "I don't believe it's my birthday," he put in, his voice wielding a combination of bewilderment and happiness. "I don't understand what's going on! I feel like I've won a million dollars or something!"

Shion Mizrahi, a fellow otaku, stepped forward and shrugged. She was a young woman of twenty five years, bearing a head of burgundy red hair and bright brown eyes. "You haven't, but we have," she said merrily, placing her arms behind her back in a mischievous fashion. "It's not in dollar bills or anything, though. It all came together in one form, and it's named 'Hal Emmerich'."

Without waiting another second, a certain kitten rushed forward to meet the guest of honor. No words were exchanged between the two of them as they shared affection, cuddling and kissing. Sunny remained in Hal's arms all the while, beaming as her dearest soul mates silently loved one another. I'm glad he feels better, she thought with a smile, thinking of the previously grumpy 'Snake'. Now we're all together, and we're happy!

The beloved angel, while basking in the silent affection of his boyfriend, frowned at the others. "I still don't know what's going on," he said, scanning the adoring faces of the room. "I'm happy you're all here and everything, but what's going on? My birthday's not for another few months, and where are we?"

Jack took the opportunity to step forward, executing a bow once he did. "We're in New York, my friend," he explained mischievously, grinning from ear to ear. He earned a playful slap on the back, which came from a thirty-year old otaku. It happened to be a male with midnight blue eyes, and equally blue hair. "He knows that, you moron!" he said amidst laughter. And someone else took the chance to properly explain things.

"You're in a flower shop! Isn't it pretty?"

The one that supplied that explanation was Sunny. Hal looked into her face curiously, always happy to have her near. Meanwhile, a certain someone began to kiss the Emmerich's neck. "A flower shop?" he asked the little girl softly, rubbing his nose against hers. She nodded in return.

"Uh huh! It's all yours! We built it for you!"

Right then and there, reality crash-landed on top of Hal's head. He had always loved flowers, and worked on a garden with Sunny throughout the day. Their garden was created, as everything else was, right after the war. The third member of their household, Dave, even offered his efforts some times. The three of them made precious memories in their little garden, but the angel didn't expect to have an entire world of flowers blossom. In addition to that, all of his friends were inside of the shop. Confetti was still falling through the air, the man he adored was still at his side, he had been out all day in the rain-what else would happen?

"We called it 'Seraphim'," Jack explained casually. "We named it in your honor, of course."


He knew what the word 'Seraph' meant. 'Seraphim' was a beautiful extension of the already beautiful word. But why on Earth did they refer to him as an angel-a high angel, on top of that? Just what was going on?

Another otaku from the group, an eighteen year old male named Pisces, approached Hal and patted him on the shoulder. "Oh, we know it's not your birthday," he said jovially, nodding. "We're not throwing you a b-day party."

"Then what is all of this?"

"It's a 'we love you' party. Oh, and it could be your engagement party. Depends on what answer you give Princess Kitty Cat right there."

"What?! Wait a minute! I didn't-I-"

How to take all of this in properly? He had just stepped in out of the rain, and he was being assaulted by the most wonderful shards of reality! But it was all too much to take at once! And to make matters worse, the adoring kitten took him by the hand (wearing the most adorable expression) and gazed at him. Nervously and affectionately, Hal gazed right back at him. He wanted to speak, but words failed him. They actually darted right out of the door.

Reality continued to be a fairy tale. Not saying a single word, the kitten got down on one knee. Crimson wildfire erupted on the recipient of honor's face. Not a single word was spoken, save for the words of the raindrops. Words of the mortal language weren't produced for what felt like ages, but then Dave spoke. His beautifully gruff, husky voice was filled with the utmost affection, timid yet unmistakably hopeful. He looked as if he wanted to produce an entire speech, but could only speak four words.

"Will you marry me?"

For ages on end, words failed the angel. He tried his hardest to regain them, and somehow he managed to produce the word 'yes'. It was done in a rapturous, tearful form, covered in sobs. A five minute long kiss ensued between the two lovers, with both sides shedding tears. Sunny had bounded from Hal's arms prior to the embrace, and was ecstatic over the angel's decision.

So was Scout. He was responsible for breaking the tearful kiss, launching himself onto the couple. Barking at the top of his lungs, and slathering both lovers in kisses, he merrily shared his blessing for the wedding. The angel had no time to identify the dog, but instantly fell in love with him. Dave, on his own end, was instantly disgruntled. That was to be expected, considering he was a cat.

The former mercenary fondly ruffled the dog's ears. "You couldn't wait? Sheesh, you damn mutt."

"Who does he belong to?" a sniffling Hal asked, face still red from tears and embarrassment. His fiancée gave him one of his trademark looks-a look of warm affection masked by apathy.

"He's ours. We named him 'Scout'. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, of course I don't! He's adorable! But the store, and-"

"Don't worry. Sunny and I will run with it you. Your pals said they'd pitch in too.'


Another long, searing kiss bloomed between angel and kitten. Scout engaged in playtime with Sunny, allowing her to ride upon his back. "That must be your favorite word," Dave whispered to Hal once their kiss was broken. Both faces were beaming with the deepest light, warm and utterly blissful. "Do me a favor. Don't use it for the rest of the night."

And so he didn't. He threw off all forms of apprehension, taking the time to immerse him in what was commonly known as happiness. Surrounded by all of those he loved, there was nothing else to do-and no better choice to make. Happiness was the perfect road to take, and he took it without hesitation. Reality might have thrown too much on him at once, but it was all wonderful. Wonderful, blissful and truly warm.

Dr. Hal Emmerich, although drenched in rain, was no different from the Hal of Sunny's dreams: golden, radiant and at peace.

-Chi is a character from the CHOBITS anime.

Scout was a male Doberman Pinscher.

The installation of a flower garden was inspired by Andi Mack's 'Sorry, Angel', where Sunny nurtures a flower garden for Hal.