Jeez, isn't this sappy? The end of my very first Metal Gear multi-chaptered fan fiction. Well, I really hope you all enjoyed this journey of angst, drama, and friendship. That being said, I'm very content in announcing that Eternal Damnation will hopefully be out in a few days. But for now, take solace in this fic's final chapter, set to the song from the Metal Gear Solid 4 Original Soundtrack, "Love Theme," and "30 Minutes" by T.A.T.U.
Thanks for reviewing PinkPenguin18, FernClaw, Sonic Phantom, badkidoh, Lady Emmerich
14. Hopes
Gently, the helicopter landed in front of the house, and Nastasha killed the engine within seconds of the touch-down. The doors to the home were flung open, and the trio inside rushed outside, their faces sheet white. Meryl gripped the handle of the door and tugged, her eyes shining with tears. Fear gripped her like a hand choking one's windpipe, and her body shuddered unconsciously from the freezing winds. Nastasha took the handle gently from her friend and nodded slowly. "Jacket first," she quietly uttered.
She shook her head. "I need to see him first."
The Ukrainian stood there, her eyes steady. "Otacon," she spoke, her tongue rolling slightly. "Get this girl a coat."
The otaku's feet pulled themselves to the shelter once more and were out before you could yell "Metal Gear REX!", he was back outside and tossing the coat to Meryl. The woman caught it in an offhand sort of way and slipped it on, giving Nastasha a pleading look. She opened the door and held up a hand. "He's in bad shape," she told them flatly. "Be careful. He's fragile now."
No one spoke as she lifted Snake's body out of the helicopter with as much grace as a shaken woman could muster. His eyes closed, his chest moving centimeter by centimeter, Otacon felt as if he could have been coming back from Iraq. The Ukrainian walked slowly into the house, wincing with every couple of steps. Her friend's body was heavier now that it was ever-growing dead weight. She stepped inside, looking around and spotting the couch in the corner. "He goes there," she decided and laid his body down on the sofa.
The others watched her step back, everyone taking a collective gasp.
Snake was a mess. His face looked bloody, the bandanna torn to shreds, and bruises gathering themselves upon the surface. He took a short gasp, coughing harshly and nearly rolling off the side. Meryl, however, was quick to come to his aid and caught his upper torso, pushing him back slightly onto the couch and giving him a gaze of tearful joy. "You ass. I told you that you would need me, and you decided to push me away on this mission."
"I can be a real bastard," he mumbled.
The other two gathered around him while Nastasha quietly slipped outside to smoke a cigarette.
Mei Ling sat on the arm of it and shook her head. "We were all so worried when we heard Nastasha come over the Codec. She sounded worried sick about you, Snake! We didn't know if you had died or something!"
Otacon was silent. Meryl's head was on the side of his chest. Her hand slipped into his, her voice hoarse. "You were cured, but you still end up like you've seen hell and went back to visit for a few hours."
"Because he did."
The ladies glanced at the engineer, who pushed his glasses up farther. His voice wavered, a choking sound made in his throat. Eyes watered, threatening the eternal friend to break down into hysterical sobs with on only joy for his friend returning, but for pain and despair at the state he now laid in. "Aero… Aero was Liquid the whole time."
Mei Ling's hand slowly went to her mouth, but Meryl never moved. Snake groaned slightly. The redhead's voice was broken. "…as in, Liquid came back to life?"
"Exactly," Otacon affirmed, collapsing to his knees. "H-he's- he's alive."
Snake moaned again and shifted on his back. Mei Ling cocked her head and gently laid her hand on his cheek. Everyone turned to her in surprise, but she didn't back away from the gesture she just issued. The Asian pushed his head in her direction, and his eyes fluttered open. She merely gazed into those broken eyes and tilted her head before mouthing something to him.
He shook his head. "It hurts too much," he whimpered.
She continued to stare at him pleadingly.
Finally biting his lip and allowing tears to come to his eyes, he shifted only slightly and rolled over until he was on his side. His lip quivered as Meryl stroked his hair and Mei Ling checked his back. A gasp caught in her throat, and she couldn't help but shake her head and turn away from the sight. Otacon's face paled as he too took a glance at his friend's back. "My god… what happened?"
"I'm guessing blood loss," Nastasha stated, coming from the outside and folding her arms across her chest. "Something got to him and really got a nice couple of scars on his back. If what you say is true and Liquid is alive, I'm thinking he might have had something to do with this."
Snake growled roughly in response.
Meryl bit her lip. "Now what are we going to do…?"
Somewhere, a small whine was heard. Heads turned in every direction, looking for the source of the familiar sound.
Snake closed his eyes and gave another slight cough. He pointed weakly over by the computer. "By the wires," he rasped. "Who knows if it could choke on anything…?"
Mei Ling flashed him an odd look before walking over and gasping in surprise. She picked up the little husky pup and holding it in her caring arms. Nastasha blinked and strode over to her friend from the FOXHOUND Rebellion. Her hand reached out and petted the little animal with surprising gentleness. "How in the world…?" Her head turned to Snake, who was still on the couch, wheezing and shuddering. "How did you know?"
He shook his head slowly. "I-I just did. I can't explain it."
The woman walked over to Otacon, who took the pup in his own arms and nuzzled it. It gave a small yip and licked his nose and part of his glasses. He gave a slight smile and brushed its fur. The hair seemed to warm not only his fingers, but also his heart. The husky buried its head into the man's chest, whimpering silently. He cuddled it, giving Snake a forlorn stare. He was just like a lost dog- all he wanted was a little love.
Meryl's hand stayed in Snake's cold own. "What can we do?"
"Only thing we should do until things get better," Snake rasped.
Mei Ling bit her lip, looking down at the floor and swallowing back a choked sob. Otacon hugged the husky close to his chest, staring at his closest friend he had ever had. Nastasha leaned against the wall, taking in the scene and casting her eyes towards the edge of the wall. Meryl's hand gently combed her ex-flame's hair, her eyes shining with tears.
David slowly opened his eyes again. He gave a weak smile. "Let's hope. For anything good that will come out of this."
Mei Ling nodded. "What do we have… if we do not have hope?"
Silence followed this comment as the band of friends embraced what little hope they had left in the world.
I have been damned for eternity. I will no longer walk this earth with the same steps I used to take. The scars of the FOXDIE Episode will forever remain not only as physical wounds, but also as emotional marks of the pain I endured while trying to cure myself of not only my sickness, but of my mind. The pain is still real as I finish these final words, and now all I will remember are the simple words once said not to me, but to a friend. I cannot help but believe that these will be applied to me in the not to distant future, knowing that he is still out there, hunting for me.
"I'll send you back to hell!"
That is damnation- everlasting punishment.
No one has ever heard of eternal damnation
Until now.
…god, I'm a tease.
Thanks for ALL those reviews… FernClaw, Hordak's Pupil, Lady Emmerich, Jag Lady, MutantLover09, Andi Mack, Marie Nomad, drybonesreborn, solid man, lily moonlight, AngelSnake, The Shadow Syndicate, Dragonchild, cardboredbox, The Python, badkidoh, SolidSakesShadow, Sons of Ocelot, Sonic Phantom
…faves… Andi Mack, AngelSnake, JamesTK214, Lady Emmerich, Sinister Wake, Sonic Phantom, Sons of Ocelot, badkidoh
…and alerts… Andi Mack, Dragonchild, JamesTK214, MutantLover09, PinkPenguin18, Sonic Phantom, Sons of Ocelot, The Python, badkidoh, shadowbite
It's because of you that I finished this story. Not hits, but the continuous amount of reviews and support I got for this. It's inspired me to new heights, my friends. –hugs all- You can expect to see more multiple chaptered works out here VERY soon. Such as the sequel to Damnation: Eternal Damnation. I'm treading into new territory with it, so… hold on to your seat, ladies and gents. It's only just begun.
Much love and hope to see y'all really soon.
Shining Zephyr