Hello! *waves* To all of those that stop by, thank you so much! This is my very first story here in fanfiction-I hope all of you like it as I much as I do, for I am very proud of it. *smiles* NOTE: This isn't a yaoi story- it's a friendship fic! Zero and X are just very close friends, and Axl is pretty close to them too! If any of you have seen Lord of the Rings, just think of the friendship Sam and Frodo have, or the friendship between Legolas and Gimli... DISCLAIMER: None of these characters, with the exception of the Maverick Hunter helpers, are mine. If they were mine, I'd be the happiest teenager in the world. and no one should sue me anyway cuz I kinda have no money...... Dedicated to Gamergirl and her masterpiece, 'As Each Minute Passes'. May the idea of eternal friendship live on.

"Axl, listen to me, my friend! Listen to reason!" "Things have gotten out of hand, Red. I've got to go off on my own! You're holding me down!" "But you belong here, with us! Our fate is in your hands, my friend! We're only doing what we believe is right!" "Sorry-my beliefs don't match yours. I've got my own agenda now-it's time for me to bust out of here. Take care of yourself, Red." "Axl! Wait, come back!"

A young Reploid sped throughout his former homebase like a lightning bolt of the shadows, shadows from a past that had plagued him horrendously. His eyes gleamed with the chance of new freedom as his feet carried him towards an exit, and his ears were pierced by the sounds of numerous, maddening alarms. His heartbeat was steady but rapid and furious, like the soul of a wild and free horse.

Images of betrayal flashed in his mind, confirming his fears...telling him that everything he had believed in was no more than an illusion, a mere mirage he had failed to see through. Flashes of red light blurred his vision a little, but failed to slow him down. A violent explosion of white and yellow light barely erupted abruptly after a few minutes, barely missing him by an inch. The young Reploid ducked behind a wall and wiped off the sweat from his brow.

"Man. Looks like I've really pissed them off."

Right after that thought left his lips in a swift, excited manner, he took off again through the Red Alarm Syndicate base, successfully dodging the turbulent explosions and the ones that had tried to slow him down....the former comrades he had worked so hard for..... Bam!

"Oh crap!"

His eyes became glued to the obstacle in front of him-he was locked in a room filled with the fiery red flames of sirens. Panic seized control over him for a second, but then the ability to think came right back. With a stunning amount of agility he fired a ball of energy at the security locks that were latched onto the door in front of him, causing them to explode and the door to open. He didn't waste a second in leaving.

"Geez, someone please tell me when I'm done with the worst part!"

He was pretty confident in himself-he knew he could make it out but the obstacles were heavily dangerous. One slip could put him in the very center of attention. He couldn't allow himself to be sucked into the clutches of the ones he was trying to escape, he just couldn't. His topaz blue eyes shimmered with the crimson fire of unbreakable determination as he continued to break through every hurdle his ex-pals presented to him, his whole body throbbing with the pain of deception and the happiness of newborn freedom. Five minutes passed. The young Reploid's heart sank deeply as soon as a very loud 'thud' reached his ears, and he became temporarily paralyzed by shock. His eyes widened in tension as he felt the heat of the red sirens break down on him mercilessly, and his mouth became painfully dry. Slowly he turned to look behind him.....and found out that he had a new friend....

"Oh no."

With a loud, heavy roar, a gigantic Mega Scorpio unleashed its rage on its surroundings, threatening to smash the young one under its massive feet. Adrenaline rushed through the young Reploid's body, sending him off like a rocket. Without looking back, he made his way through the base like a wildfire, flying though it like a mouse trying to escape death at the clutches of a lion as adrenaline pounded in his veins, feeling like cold fire. If that Scorpio caught him, there'd be no way to escape from it. Well, there was one option he could use.....but that one particular option didn't tickle his fancy at all.

Five minutes passed as if they were five seconds. The young Reploid threw himself out of the exit and landed face-down on the ground, breathing heavily with exhilaration. His eyes gleamed with fire as his mind reeled over what he had just done, and he looked back at the base that was no longer his home. The Scorpio had given up on him the second he flung himself out of the base, so there was no need to worry about that wretch any longer. But the others would soon be hot on his tail, furious about his decision to "defect". His eyes burned into the place he had once called home as warm sunlight from the heavens burned down on him, and a blazing streak of fury spread across his face. "See ya later, Red." the young Reploid whispered softly, then rose to his feet and turned away.