![]() Author has written 101 stories for Web Shows, Merlin, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Torchwood, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Professor Layton, Supernatural, Hobbit, X-Files, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Teen Wolf, Once Upon a Time, James Bond, Yuri!!! on Ice, Kuroshitsuji, Dragonriders of Pern series, Grimm, Night in the Woods, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Reality is the fiction you believe in Hey there, I'm a girl who has an unhealthy obsession with YouTubers and getting unnecessarily emotional over fictional characters. My OTP is -and always will be- Phan and I'm the kind of person who ends up actually shipping the ship that everyone else sees as crack. Just as a note, due to recent videos from both Dan and Phil (you know the one's I'm talking about), I will no longer be writing any Phan fanfiction. I love and respect both of them so much and, as Dan has put it, their private life should be just that- private. But I will keep up all my previous Phan stories and they will always be my ultimate OTP. I just won't be writing for them any more. Sorry if this disappoints anyone, but it's what I feel most comfortable doing. Most Recent Obsession(s): Critical Role, Outlander, Clone Wars Ships/Pairings: Phan (My OTP and the only proof of true love, in my opinion at least) THEME SONG: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran Jack Howard/Dean Dobbs (It's just so great) Polygrumps (Arin is the #1 polygrumps shipper and nothing you say will convince me otherwise) Septiplier (Ultimate cuteness) Ethan/Tyler (Such adorableness!) Luke/Flora (It has to be canon, it just has to be) THEME SONG: Bubbly by Colbie Caillat Hershel/Randall (It's undeniable) THEME SONG: Teenage Dream by Katy Perry Anton/Sophia (Like Romeo and Juliet, but better) Hershel/Emmy (*silent crying*) Hershel/Claire (*loud sobbing*) THEME SONG: Still Here by Digital Daggers Anton/Descole (Just think about it for a second... you ship it too, don't you?) THEME SONG: Dance With The Devil by Breaking Benjamin Randall/Henry (Their broken past... it's almost too much to bear) THEME SONG: Stadt by Cassandra Steen Hershel/Descole (The sexual tension but the broken feelings... how could you not ship it?) THEME SONG: Hot and Cold by Katy Perry Kat/Ernest (Little pining hearts) Hershel/Phoenix (I shipped it the moment I saw it) Darklaw/Espella (Their relationship is so sad yet so beautiful) THEME SONG: Pieces by Red Darklaw/Barnham (ASDFGHJKL... I'm fine, honestly) THEME SONG: I Found by Amber Run Phoenix/Edgeworth (I will say what I have always said, these two idiots are so in love can they just get married already) THEME SONG: Stay by Hurts Phoenix/Maya (So cute and sassy) Phoenix/Larry (It's so cute, oh my god) THEME SONG: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift Larry/Edgeworth (It could work, okay?) Phoenix/Mia (*distant heartbreak*) Edgeworth/Gumshoe (It has the potential to be something awesome) Franziska/Adrian (Definitely canon) Gumshoe/Maggey (I have zero doubts about this being 100% canon) Mia/Diego (So cute... but so, so sad) THEME SONG: Dark On Me by Starset Lana/Mia (It was canon and nothing you say can convince me otherwise) Apollo/Klavier (I think they both genuinely really like each other but don't believe the other one feels the same) Klavier/Ema (I am literally so down with this ship) Maya/Apollo (Love at first hamburger) Trucy/Pearl (Shhhh, it's adorable) Edgeworth/Kay (So sassy, so stylish, so cute) Athena/Maya (Seriously though, it could be something amazing) Blackquill/Fulbright (It could have been so perfect...) Athena/Kay (Just imagine what awesomeness these two could achieve together) Edgeworth/Raymond (I just couldn't help myself) Shi-Long Lang/Edgeworth (I love the idea of these two so much) Gregg/Angus (I can't even deal with these two, they're just so adorable together) Mae/Bea (I mean, their names together literally spell 'maybe') Chloe/Nadine (This is it, this is the only ship I care about in this entire series. Why? Because it's perfection) Light/L (Yes, I still ship it) Sebastian/Grell (I will never be over this, not ever) THEME SONG: Bad Romance by Lady Gaga Baldroy/Finnian (They will forever protect each other) Soma/Agni (It's more than just loyalty and you know it) Sebastian/Claude (I couldn't help myself) THEME SONG: Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis Eren/Armin (You can't not ship it) Jean/Marco (So unnecessarily heartbreaking, why couldn't they just live happily ever after?) Erwin/Levi (The sexual tension between these two will honestly kill me one day) Connie/Sasha (They're together all the time, they're inseparable) Krista/Ymir (They will never leave each other, no matter what) Reiner/Bertolt (They've been through so much together) Hughes/Mustang (Such undying love) THEME SONG: Battlefield by SVRCINA Winry/Paninya (Badass automail mechanics falling in love, how could I ask for more?) Mustang/Hawkeye (They literally never stop flirting with each other) Ling/Greed (Sign me the hell up) Winry/Edward (So fucking CUTE) Yuuri/Victor (This is honestly one of the most beautiful representations of a respectful, loyal, trusting relationship I have ever seen) THEME SONG: Duetto by Matsushiba Taku (obviously) Yuri/Otabek ('No one had ever asked Yuri to be his friend before' that line alone sold it to me, also WTTM I mean come on!) Leo/Guang-Hong (So underrated and so very cute) Doctor/River Song (*cries quietly*) Doctor/Master (I ship it so hard, I'm not even joking) Doctor/Captain Jack (I mean, they literally flirted with each other all the time) Rory/Amy (Don't mind me, I'll just be sobbing in the corner) THEME SONG: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Amy/Rory/Doctor (Just think of all the beautiful missed potential) Doctor/Rory (Just consider it, imagine how amazing it could have been) THEME SONG: Life Without You by Stanfour Jenny/Vastra (This ship is amazing and nothing anyone can say will change that) Janto (You have no idea how much I adore these two) Tosh/Owen (*cries*) Lucifer/Chloe (Can they finally be canon, please?) Maze/Linda (So badass and so cute) Dan/Amenadiel (Give them more bonding time!) Maze/Chloe (The idea of them raising Trixie together warms my heart) Charlotte/Ella (Opposites attract after all) Jesse/Cassidy/Tulip (They would all, undoubtedly, die for each other) DeBlanc/Fiore (They would go to the ends of the universe for each other, what more could anyone ask for?) Merthur (It's too beautiful to not ship) Percival/Gwaine (People don't pay enough attention to the amazing bond these two share) THEME SONG: I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat Arthur/Merlin/Gwaine (I honestly love the idea of Arthur and Gwaine fighting over Merlin until they realise that they’re actually trying to impress each other as well) Morgana/Gwen (It was so close to being canon... so close) Jason/Pythagoras (I shipped it as soon as I saw it) Pythagoras/Hercules (Come on, it's more than just a bromance) Hercules/Medusa (Excuse me a minute, I need to go cry in a corner somewhere) Jason/Medea (I hate it but I love it) THEME SONG: If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens Pythagoras/Icarus (*pterodactyl screaming*... I'm fine) Johnlock (I don't understand how people say they AREN'T in love) Mystrade (Can we all just agree that this ship is kinda canon now?) MorMor (Don't judge me) Sheriarty (Deal with it) Wincest (If you have a negative opinion on this ship, I really do not give a damn) Destiel (So much love and heartbreak, I can barely handle it) Wincestiel (I need more of this in my life) Samifer (You don't even understand how much this ship matters to me) THEME SONG: Echo by Jason Walker and/or literally any song by Red Bobby/Crowley (You have no idea how much I ship these two... like, seriously) Crowley/Dean (Specifically Demon!Dean but oh my god it's beautiful) Charlie/Jo (Just image how amazing they would have been together) Nick/Monroe (Actual true love) Nick/Hank (It must have been a just a little bit canon at one point) Monroe/Rosalee (These two are so fucking precious) Rosalee/Juliette (I don't know how or why but I ship it) Hank/Monroe (I ship it in a more than Brotp but less than OTP kind of way) Juliette/Adalind (Admit it, you kind of ship it too) Renard/Nick (I don't even know) Nick/Trubel (Ship but father feels but ship but father feels... do you see my problem here?) Renard/Adalind ('If I didn't know you better I would be in love with you' that line says it all really) Trubel/Eve (Trubel's the only one who really cares about her tbh) Hank/Wu (Wu adores Hank and Hank would do anything for Wu, these are just facts of life) Rosalee/Adalind (‘You’re the only friend I have’ awwwwh) Mulder/Scully (These two are INCREDIBLY CUTE... but they did break my heart a million times along the way) THEME SONG: Beneath Your Beautiful by Labrinth ft Emeli Sandé Skinner/Scully (I don't know when it came to me but it's kind of awesome) Byers/Mulder (It was canon at some point, I'm sure of it) Mulder/Doggett (Love, hate... it's all the same thing right?) Mulder/Krycek (The last episode of season 9, that's all I'm saying) Doggett/Reyes (Cute as hell) Hannibal/Will (MURDER HUSBANDS!) Alana/Margot (MURDER WIVES!) Jimmy/Brian (I mean, how could you not ship them tbh?) Captain Flint/John Silver (They adore each other so much it's not even funny) Captain Flint/Thomas Hamilton (100% beautiful, I cry every time) Jack/Anne/Max (Like I always say, polyamory is the answer to everything) Jack/Charles (Their loyalty to each other, even after all they have been through, says it all really) Scott/Stiles (It was canon at some point and you know it) Scott/Isaac (The gay was crystal clear) Stiles/Derek (How can you not ship it?) THEME SONG: Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy Peter/Derek (Yes, I know... but I still ship it) Lydia/Stiles (It's so cute, I can't even) Lydia/Allison (It was so wonderful and sweet) Malia/Kira (Season 4, Episode 1... enough said) Peter/Lydia (I can't help but ship these two) Liam/Scott (I'm not even gonna say sorry) Connor/Oliver (These two can mend and break my heart all in one go) Annalise/Bonnie (She thinks she loves Sam but she actually loves her, perfect explanation for both of them) THEME SONG: Stupid by Sarah McLachlan Laurel/Michaela (To me, it just makes perfect sense) Snow/Charming (Badass and amazing) Emma/Neal (*sobs*) THEME SONG: Please Don't Go by Barcelona Emma/Hook (*grins uncontrollably*) Charming/Hook (I fell for it at the beginning of season 3 and I've been in love with it ever since) Rumpelstiltskin/Belle (They finally got the happy ending they deserved... sort of) Belle/Ruby (Come on, I can't be the only one who ships it) Emma/Regina (I promised myself I would never ship it but, oh well) Snow/Regina (I loved watching the development of their relationship) Mulan/Aurora (All she wanted was for her to love her back...) Neal/Hook (What? No, I'm not crying. I've just been chopping onions, a lot of onions) Regina/Robin (*cries some more* this show seems to have a lot of ships that make you cry, doesn't it?) Hook/Peter Pan (It was canon at one point I'm sure of it) Mulan/Ruby (Two badass women searching the lands together, what more could you ask for?) Ruby/Dorothy (I can't even express how happy I am about this ship) Kirk/Spock (Gays in spaaaaaace) 00Q (I hold a headcanon very dear to my heart that Q has a massive crush on Bond and Bond can never stop flirting with Q) THEME SONG: Oh My Dear by Tenth Avenue North Tony/Steve (That amount of sexual tension with that amount of pure love... it's perfect) Tony/Bruce (Ultimate science gays) Steve/Bucky (Excuse me a moment, I need to go cry in a corner for 70 years) Steve/Peggy (They are, quite literally, endgame) Thor/Bruce (Ragnarok and Endgame... that's all I can say) Drarry (I promised and promised myself I wouldn't fall into this trap but...) Drapple (The ultimate love story) Jily (Because what kind of Potterhead doesn't ship them?) Wolfstar (Seriously just asdfghjkl, utter perfection) Dean/Seamus (It's canon as far as I'm concerned) Percy/Nico (It's adorable and perfect) THEME SONG: True Love by P!nk Frank/Hazel (It's perfect and you can't deny it) Leo/Calypso (These two are such cute dorks together) Annabeth/Piper (I don't even know... I just ship it, okay?) Leo/Percy (This ship just hit me when I was reading Blood of Olympus) Jason/Nico (Though I'm more of a Percy/Nico shipper this ship is still quite cute) Leo/Nico (Give them more soft interactions please) Jason/Percy (It's more than just a bromance and you know it) Will/Nico (I can't even cope with these two cuties- also Apollo ships it, so how could I not?) Carter/Zia (Even when it wasn't really her it was still cute) Sadie/Walt/Anubis (It's kind of a three way thing but kind of a two way thing...) Walt/Anubis (I mean, how could you not ship it?) Amos/Set (Ultimate awesomeness) Peeta/Katniss (*cries*) Finnick/Annie (*cries even more*) Finnick/Katniss (It came to me one day and I've loved it ever since) Finnick/Peeta (*violent sobbing*) Malec (Two sad gay babies being happy gay babies together) Clary/Isabelle (Just sign me the hell up) Thomas/Newt (I came, I read, I shipped, I watched, I shipped some more, and I cried a lot... that's all I can say) Newt/Minho (I was canon at some point I'm sure of it) Thomas/Newt/Minho (It's such a beautiful thing, it cannot be dismissed) Frypan/Winston (*sobbing in the corner*) Newt/Frypan (I dunno, I just think it could work and it would be hella cute) Crowley/Aziraphale (They've been married for thousands of years, right?) Lessa/F'lar (I loved watching their relationship grow, it's so cute) Mnementh/Ramoth (The two of them love each other so much, it's amazing) F'nor/Brekke (It's beautiful and it breaks my heart) F'lar/F'nor (I would apologise but I really can't) Alemi/Eligon (It was so brief and yet so sweet) Menolly/Robinton (The most heartbreaking love story that could never be told) Sebell/Menolly/Robinton (All the harper love) Jaxom/F'lessan (Cute little babies falling in love) Jaxom/Sharra (They're perfect for each other) Robinton/AIVAS (Bit of an odd one, but their final scene together really did it for me) Frodo/Sam (The pure definition of unconditional love) THEME SONG: What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts Merry/Pippin (They will always be there for each other and nothing will ever change that) Aragorn/Legolas (This ship just radiates perfection) Legolas/Gimli (It's so funny but still so cute) Boromir/Aragorn (It had so much potential) Eowyn/Faramir (Finally they found someone who loved them) Thorin/Bilbo (*distant sobbing*) Fili/Kili (*more distant sobbing*) Bilbo/Bofur (It's just so cute, oh my god) Gandalf/Galadriel (They loved each other a very long time ago and part of them still holds onto that love) Thorin/Thranduil (Just imagine them showing their love by trying to out-fabulous each other) Thranduil/Bard (It could have been something truly great) Enjolras/Grantaire (I ship it in the musical, I ship it in the book, I ship it in the film) THEME SONG: I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie [I won't go into my Disney, Dreamworks, or crossover ships because then we would be here for another 3 hours] Stories: Complete- 50 Reasons, one shot (Phan) Never Forget, multi chapter (Phan) If Only, one shot (Merthur) Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else But Here, one shot (Merthur) Definitely Love, one shot (Johnlock) Fire And Ice, one shot/kind of poetry (Doctor & Master friendship) She's Lucky, one shot (Phan) Who's That Boy?, one shot (Phan) I'll Protect You, one shot (Merry/Pippin) Die To Live Again, one shot (Janto) Demons In Her Mind, one shot (Percy/Nico) Peaceful, one shot (Hershel/Randall) The Call, one shot (Wincest) For Love, one shot (Merthur) Will You Still Love Me?, one shot (Phan) Tears Of An Angel, one shot (Destiel) I Will Wait, one shot (Phan) How Did I Read The Stars So Wrong?, one shot (Phan) The Truth Behind True Love, multi chapter (Merthur) Never On Your Own, one shot (Frodo & Sam friendship) I Won't Say, one shot (Merthur) Snow, one shot (Merthur) The Curious Incident Of The Cas In The Night Time, one shot (Destiel) Life To Love, one shot (Fili/Kili, Thorin/Bilbo) Obsession, one shot (Hershel/Descole) Too Many Shadows, one shot (Professor Layton) Home, one shot (Hershel & Emmy friendship) Betting Man, one shot (Scully/Mulder) Always Been With You, one shot (Phoenix/Larry) When Hearts Combine, one shot (Hershel/Phoenix) Not Alone, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) Light Of The Stars, one shot (Hershel/Randall) The Witch Within, one shot (Luke & Maya friendship) In Your Arms, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) Born With Wings, one shot (Phoenix/Mia) Some Things Never Change, one shot (Hershel & Randall friendship) Belonging, one shot (Professor Layton) You, multi chapter (Phan) Christmas Secrets, one shot (Hershel/Phoenix) Brothers, one shot (Supernatural, the Four Horsemen) Everyone Wants To Rule The World, multi chapter (Supernatural and Grimm crossover- part of The Blood Of The Protectors series) Don't Leave Me, one shot (Stiles/Derek) My Angel, one shot (Phan) Memories Of The Future, multi chapter (Wincest) Letter Of The Lips, one shot (Mulan/Aurora) Torn To Pieces, one shot (Apollo/Klavier) One Last Thing, one shot (00Q) So Cold, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) Living The Dream, one shot (Apollo/Klavier) Softness Of Sleep, one shot (Apollo/Klavier) Just Curious, one shot (Hershel/Descole) Necessary Love, one shot (Mia & Edgeworth friendship) Aim Before You Fire, one shot (Nick/Dean) A Bit Of A Confusing Day, one shot (Maya/Apollo) Change Of Heart, one shot (Charming/Hook) One Day Soon, one shot (Apollo/Klavier) Locked In Your Love, one shot (Hershel/Descole) To Be With You, one shot (Phoenix & Edgeworth friendship) Double Dates, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth, Apollo/Klavier) From The Heart, one shot (Phan) Good Impression, one shot (Hershel & Luke friendship) Not On My Watch, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) Fantasies Come True, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) Harder Than It Looks, one shot (Franziska & Klavier friendship) Missing Fire, multi chapter (Supernatural and Grimm crossover- part of The Blood Of The Protectors series) Flames Of Rescue, multi chapter (Phoenix & Edgeworth friendship, Edgeworth & Kay friendship) It's Always Him, one shot (Johnlock) Useless Emotions, one shot (Franziska/Adrian) Happiness, one shot (Yuuri/Victor, Yuri/Otabek) Last Dance, one shot (Sebastian/Grell) The Biggest Puzzle, one shot (Hershel/Phoenix) Closer, one shot (Yuuri/Victor) Born To Ship Victuuri, one shot (Yuuri/Victor) For The Sake Of An Angel, one shot (Samifer) Consequences Of Desire, multi chapter (Supernatural, the Four Horsemen)- Reuploaded Gone, one shot (Sebell/Menolly/Robinton) Keeping Control, one shot (Merthur) Night Time Dreams, one shot (Sebastian/Grell) Gold That Never Shines, multi chapter (Supernatural and Grimm crossover- part of The Blood Of The Protectors series) Reach The Soul Break The Chain, multi chapter (Percy/Nico) Three's A Company, one shot (Amy/Rory/Doctor) Lara, one shot (Yuuri/Victor & Yuri friendship) How Did This Even Happen?, one shot (Supernatural and Grimm crossover) Way Of The Heart, one shot (Thranduil/Bard) My Flower, one shot (Maya/Flora) Drunk On Your Love, one shot (Charming/Hook) Dance With The Devil, multi chapter (Anton/Descole) Long Time Coming, one shot (Hank/Wu) Dance The Night Away, one shot (Sebastian/Grell) Always Leaving, Never Staying, one shot (Nick & Trubel friendship) Our Last Night, one shot (Gregg, Angus, Mae & Bea friendship) Edge Of The Unknown, one shot (Supernatural and Grimm crossover- part of The Blood Of The Protectors series) Keep You Safe, one shot (Menolly/Robinton) Heart's True, one shot (Darklaw/Espella) Illusions, multi chapter (Aragon/Legolas & Arwen) Confessions To The Wind, one shot (Hershel/Phoenix) My Heart Is Yours, one shot (Hughes/Mustang) Seeing Through The Mist, multi chapter (Supernatural and Grimm crossover- part of The Blood Of The Protectors series) A Heart Of Sorrow, one shot (Phoenix & Luke friendship) In progress- In Between, collection of one shots (Ace Attorney) Doesn't really have a schedule Upcoming- So Blind In Love, one shot (Grimm, multiship) My Love Song To You, one shot (Johnlock) Stay With me, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) All That You Have Lost, one shot (Captain Flint/Thomas Hamilton) Protective Instinct, one shot (Yuuri/Victor & Yuri friendship) Uncertainty Of The Heart, one shot (Apollo/Klavier) New Warrior, one shot (Supernatural and Grimm crossover- part of The Blood Of The Protectors series) True Beauty In Your Skin, one shot (Chloe/Nadine) Love Lost Love Found, collection of oneshots (LOTR, multi ship) Hidden In His Name, one shot (Thomas/Newt) His Happiness, one shot (Phoenix/Edgeworth) Brief Comforts, one shot (Janto) What He Cannot Do, one shot (Samifer) Something New, one shot (Hank/Wu) Find Peace In Sleep, one shot (Ed & Al friendship) |