AN: Guess who got into Hamilton instead of finishing all the other fanfics on this! Whoops. Anyway, this is gay, a lot of Herculaf? That's what I call it anyway. Have fun!

"So yeah, that's just how it is!" Alexander said too loudly. "Laf is a bad influence, I yell too much, you're easily problem-overwhelmed, so...Hercules is the Mom friend!" He finished. John giggled at his speech, and took another swig of his drink. Lafayette was busy buying another round, but Hercules had just come in.

"M-mom friend?" He said confusedly. The two turned to him with shock, and then just looked at each other, before laughing uproariously. Lafayette turned around, balancing the drinks well and thanking the barman, then putting them down in front of their respective owners. "Thanks, Lafayette!" Hamilton gasped out between laughs. Hercules turned and pointed accusingly at the Frenchman.

"You did this." He gasped in mock offense. Laf hid his smile with his drink, and took a sip, before turning his head away. "I have no idea what you're talking about, mon ami." He was giggling as he placed his drink down, jumping a mile when a hand dug into his ticklish spot on his side.

He let out a squeal as Hercules pounced on him. "H-HERC NO-MERDE!" He screeched as the chair tipped and fell, sending both of them toppling to the floor. Laurens and Hamilton just burst out laughing again as they watched their friends tickle-fight. Finally, it was Lafayette who panted out. "I give in, I give in!" He shouted as Hercules pinned his arms.

The barman glared at them over the counter. "Guys!" Hamilton shouted as the door slammed open, a warning taken as soon as it was heard. Hercules quickly scrambled off of Lafayette and the two stood up, brushing themselves off. Sam Seabury. Oh Jesus. "Oh. What's this?" He grinned maliciously. Laf looked to the side and Hercules was staring at his shoes. "Couldn't, of course, Mr Hamilton's friends would never commit gross indecency*, would they?"

"Seabury, fuck off." Hamilton said, standing up to defend his friends. "It wasn't gross indecency. They were just...fighting. Play-fighting." Sam raised his eyebrows as the bartender slipped his drink over to him. "Fighting, huh? I could get your disgusting friends hanged, Hamilton." John stood as well, joining Alexander in his protective stance and sending death glares to the man as he sipped his drink, almost mockingly. "Oh, or maybe we'll just throw them in the ocean...that would be familiar, right, Alexander? All the wind and water?"

Alex felt Hercules tie his head tie around his forehead and grinned at the pat on the shoulder, before he completely let rip.

AN: Pretty short prologue, but everything after this is over a thousand words...Yay. *- Gross Indecency was an actual conviction for gay men who couldn't be convicted of sodomy or basic homosexuality, both of which were only convicting if there was proof. I do my research. Alexander Hamilton would be proud... Anyway quick reminder before we go on that this is nothing like history, and it's all made up. Thank you for reading, review if you've got a comment, enjoy!