Disclaimer: I like everyone. Also! I'm not doin' the thing where I write in every prompt anymore. It's too much of a hassle and it makes me procrastinate on updates. If it was your request and you really really want it up here, lemme know and I'll put it in. Also I can't remember what I named this one so it got a new name.

014: Let The Feathers Fly

It was a completely unprovoked attack. Here Apollo had been minding his own business, perfectly content to make himself comfortable on Klavier's couch for the night- as well as he got along with Trucy and Mr. Wright, he honestly didn't think he could take another minute of bickering and he vowed to never again disbelieve complaints about teenagers being difficult- and he had been assaulted.

Klavier hit him with the pillow again.

"Mr. Gavin!" His voice came out a lot squeakier than he had intended. He should really see about a refund on those Chords of Steel tape.

"Yes, Herr Forehead?" Klavier replied, and somehow managed to sound completely innocent despite the pillow he was holding and the smug smile in his eyes. He wasn't even bothering to hide the damn thing.

"What are you doing?" Apollo asked in exasperation, and thankfully he had he foresight to yank his own pillow over his head as a shield as Klavier tried to smack him again.

The prosecutor had feather pillows. Apollo wished he could be surprised.

"Having a pillow fight, ja?"

Apollo made the mistake of lowering his makeshift shield to stare incredulously at the other man. Klavier took advantage and hit him over the head with a pillow again.

Without thinking about it, Apollo hit him back.

He grinned. Infuriatingly, he grinned. "Now you're getting it, Forehead!"

"I am not 'getting it!' There's nothing to 'get!'" Apollo groaned and tried not to hit Klavier with a pillow out of spite.

"Too old for pillow fights, I see," Klavier said mock-sadly. "Herr Wright led me to believe this but I'm afraid I was not convinced." He shook his head, tossing his hair back, and Apollo tried very hard not to find that terribly distracting.

He failed, because he didn't see the next blow coming and fell sideways across the couch instead of rising like he'd intended. He groaned deliberately and Klavier dropped to his knees beside the couch, concerned.

"Herr Forehead?" When this didn't get a reply, he said, more sharply, "Apollo?"

"Gotcha!" Apollo lunged forward and caught the prosecutor in a headlock. "And oh, Mr. Gavin… you're older than me."

And he proceeded to beat Klavier with the damn pillow.

Moments later, there was a ripping sound and feathers went flying through the air. The two lawyers froze and stared at each other.

Then Klavier shrugged, tossed the pillowcase he was now holding aside, and tackled Apollo instead. They missed the couch by inches and slammed into the floor instead.

"OW!" Apollo wheezed, trying to catch his breath, as Klavier calmly folded his arms beneath himself and rested them against Apollo's chest. Then he laid his head on his arms and grinned victoriously at the now-trapped Apollo.

"…Mr. Gav…"


"Klavier." Apollo tried to sit up and push the other attorney off. He failed miserably; Klavier only shifted his weight a little and smiled smugly and Apollo stayed pinned. "I thought…The point…. was for me to finally get some sleep. Here. Where it's supposed to be… to be quiet. And peaceful. And…" Apollo trailed off. He thought about that a moment. Then he sighed. "…Mr. Wright set me up for this. Didn't he."

"…Yes. Yes he did." And Klavier inched his way slowly up Apollo's chest, idly stroking Apollo's sides as he went, and Apollo shivered and was not as surprised as he would have liked to claim when Klavier kissed him.

Of course, the kissing back probably let Klavier know this anyway, but Apollo figured he could worry about that later.