Chapter 10


The whole of our English class was currently in a classroom, with Chris standing at the front.

"Everyone be quiet." He shouted.

"What is this about?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, why are we here?" Emma questioned.

"So someone has been telling everyone's secrets right, exposing everyone. Well now it's my turn to expose them." Chris said.

"You know who it is?" Alex asked.


"Well who is it then?" Emma asked.

"I'm getting to that." He said. "It's someone that none of us would have expected because he's so quiet, we just wouldn't think it was him. But it's always the quiet ones, isn't it?" Chris said.

"Just get on with it." Alex said.

"Why can't you let me have fun with this? Do you want to know or not?" He asked. There was a chorus of 'yes' throughout the room. "Well then, shut up and let me finish." He said. "Anyway, I honestly don't know how we didn't suspect him before, I guess, he's so quiet, we all just kind of forget that he's there." Chris carried on.

"Can you just tell us?" Carrie asked.

"Alright fine, have it your way. It's Phil. Phil runs the blog." Chris said. There was a load of gasps and all eyes turned to where Phil was. I quickly let go of his hand before anyone saw.

"You're kidding, right?" Alex said.

"Nope." Chris said confidently.

"Well? Was it you?" Jack asked Phil. Phil didn't say anything, only stared at everyone like a deer caught in headlights.

"You little rat." Alex said.

"Hang on a minute, I wasn't finished." Chris said. Everyone turned back to look at him.

"What else could you possibly say?" Finn asked.

"That he had an accomplice." Chris said.

"Seriously?" Finn said.


"And do you know who that is?" Jack asked.

"Do I know who that is? I wouldn't have got you all here if I didn't." He said.

"Then who is it?" Emma asked.

"Calm your tits woman, I'm getting to it." He said, which earned him a chuckle from a couple of people. "I heard them talking about 10 minutes ago in the English classroom. Phil's accomplice is Dan." He said.

"You are joking, right?" Alex said.

"I'm not." Chris said. Everyone turned to look at me.

"He's joking, right?" Alex asked. I didn't answer. "Right Dan?" He said again. I looked around at everyone before looking at the floor.

"How could you?" Carrie asked. I looked at Phil, who only looked back at me.

"Since when were you two even friends?" Jack asked. Phil went to speak, but I cut him off.

"Since I found out he was writing the blog about 5 weeks ago." I told them.

"5 weeks?" Carrie said in shock.

"Why didn't you just tell everyone who it was then?" Zoe asked.

"Because he said he was going to tell my secret if I did." I told them.

"Oh, so he knew your secret as well? But you didn't want people to know, so you didn't tell anyone and instead started helping him?" Alex said.

"Yeah, I know, it was selfish of me, and I'm sorry." I apologised.

"Yeah, well sorry doesn't cut it, does it?" Alex said.

"Oh what, you mean like sorry doesn't cut it for ruining someone's relationship?" I said. That shut him up.

"Why did you do it in the first place Phil?" Jack asked him, stepping closer to him.

"Why not?" Phil said.

"Didn't you think about what people would be saying?" Jack asked, stepping closer again.

"I did, actually. And that's why I did it. Ever since year 7, all you lot have ever done to me was hurt me. You used to punch and kick me, just beating my up in general, spread rumours about me, without caring about what it was doing to me. No one would talk to me, and none of you had a valid reason not to, you just followed the crowd.

"Do you have any idea what you've put me through? And not just in high school. Ever since primary school as well. How would you like it if all your friends just left you and everyone started hating you for no reason? I bet you couldn't stand it, and yet I've put up with it for the past 7 years. And I was sick of it. So one day, when I accidentally found out where Jack and Finn lived and that they were rich, I decided that I was going to get shit on all of you and tell everyone, spread rumours about you all, just like you did to me. Only I did it on a much bigger scale. I did it on the internet where everyone can see it. So you're all welcome." He finally finished. Everyone stared at him in shock, obviously not expecting him to have a full blown rant about everyone. Alex was the first to speak.

"You stupid piece of scum. You've ruined people's lives with that stupid blog of yours. And you wonder why everyone hates you. You're pathetic." Alex said. I could see tears in Phil's eyes, so I decided it was time to step in.

"Hey. Don't talk to him like that. What right do you have to go around saying things like that? You're the one that did it, he was just the one that told everyone. So what? It was going to come out eventually. Did he really ruin anyone's lives? I mean, Jack and Finn don't have to hide their wealth anymore, and nobody even cares anymore. Zoe and Alfie don't have to hide their relationship, Chris and Pj got together, and now Jack knows what a wanker and a shitty friend you actually are. The only persons life he 'ruined' was yours because what you did was worse than what anyone else did, and you cant stand that.
"And you know what, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I'll admit, I didn't stop anyone when I saw them hurting Phil, but that doesn't mean I didn't help him at all, even if it was when no one was looking. The fact that no one else did is disgusting. And none of you would talk to him because he's a 'loner', so you don't like him, yet he's a 'loner' because none would talk to him. None of you even bothered to talk to him and find out that he is actually a nice person. He's actually funny and good company.

"Do you know what my secret was? Mine is that I'm gay, and you know what? I don't care anymore. I will happily tell everyone. And you know what else," I paused, turning to Phil. "Phil, I don't know how you feel about me, but I really like you, as more than a friend. So there," I said, turning back to everyone. "That's my secret. Now you all know, so don't feel like it's only you that's had you secret revealed. I bet, given the opportunity, you would do the same thing, so don't hate on Phil,." I finished. There was silence throughout the room. Then, Charlie moved from where he was sitting and came over to me.

"Well done mate." He smiled, then hugged me. I hugged him back. Someone started clapping from somewhere in the room, and soon enough, the whole room was applauding, except for a few select people, meaning Alex. When everyone had finally stopped, I started talking again.

"Let me reintroduce myself. Hey, I'm Dan, and I'm gay." I said.

"I'm Alfie, and I go out with Zoe."

"I'm Zoe, and I got out with Alfie."

"I'm Jack."

"And I'm Finn."

"And we have rich parents."

"I'm Emma, and I have a boyfriend whose 5 years older than me."

"I'm Chris, and I'm a virgin."

"I'm Pj, and I'm in love with my best friend."

"I'm Dean, and I wanked over Miss Grainger."

"I'm Carrie, and I cheated on my boyfriend."

"I'm Jack, and I will eventually get over it."

"I'm Phil, and I started a blog to expose everyone's secrets." Everyone looked over at Alex. He looked round the room, before rolling his eyes.

"I'm Alex, and I dated my friend's girlfriend while he was still going out with her."

"Now, can we all just try and get along? Stop hating on Phil and try and be nice for a change?" I asked. There was a chorus of 'yes's' throughout the room.

"Well, now that everything is out in the open, and sort of okay, I'm going to get some food. Who's with me?" Dean asked. There was a cheer from the room before everyone left.

"Hey." Alex said to me.

"Hey." I said.

"Do you still hate me?" He asked quietly.

"You admitted you did something wrong. It's going to take a while to trust you again, but I think we'll be okay. Maybe you should try and make amends with Charlie." I suggested.

"Yeah, I'll go and do that now." He said, then left the room to go and find him.

"Hey Dan?" Phil said.

"Um, yeah?" I asked.

"I have another confession." He said.

"Okay then." I said. He took a deep breath.

"I'm Phil, I'm gay, and I like you too." He said. I looked at him, before breaking out into a massive smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really." He confirmed.

"So does that mean I can kiss you?" I asked. He nodded. I walked over to him so I was standing right in front of him. I leaned in slowly, looking down to his lips, before looking into his eyes. He moved forward a bit, prompting me. I felt my eyes close as our lips connected. I felt Phil's arms around my neck, as I snaked my arms around his waist.

When we broke apart, I rested my forehead on his.

"If I asked you out, what would you say?" I asked him.

"You'll have to ask and find out." He said.

"Okay then. Phil, would you like to go out with me sometime?" I asked.

"I would love to." He smiled. I smiled back and kissed him again.

We eventually let go of each other and collected our stuff, heading to the canteen, holding hands. We walked over to my usual table.

"Hey, is it okay if Phil sits here today?" I asked Charlie and Alex, who looked like they had made up.

"Sure." Alex said. I smiled him, and we both sat down.

"Hey, you guys mind if we join you?" Chris asked motioning to himself, as well as Pj, Emma, Dean, Carrie and Jack.

"Sure." I said. We made room so that they could all sit down.

"Hey, is it okay if we join?" Zoe asked.

"Find a space." Charlie said. Zoe, Alfie, Jack and Finn all managed to find space around the table, and for the rest of lunch, we spent the time talking and just getting to know each other better. I think we were going to become closer as friends, and as a class from now on.

Hey, this is Phil, and Dan, and we just wanted to let you know that this blog will no longer be updated.

Don't cry about it, I know you will all miss it, but there is nothing more we want to tell about anyone, so we wont be posting anymore.

Unless we have some hilarious stories to embarrass you with. (That was Dan)

I hope that we can all get along now, and that we will all be closer as a class. But thank you for not hating either of us.

This is Dan and Phil, signing off.


And there you have it, the final chapter. Thanks for reading :) So, many of you didn't like the cliff hanger at the end of the last chapter, sorry about that, but I hope that was a good ending :)

I have a new story that I'm currently in the process of writing, however I haven't got very far with it, so I don't know when that will be up, but hopefully it wont be too long :)

Come follow me on Twitter festivecookie :)

Thank you to everyone that has read this, whether you were there from the start or have just started it now, whether you reviewed or not, I really appreciate it, you awesome people :)

Thank you to DoodleDooo, mysticwater72, DelenaAndEzria, uhnonniemiss, ElzyPhangirl, oddikins, GeorgieDanosaur, Tmnt 2012 rocks, kitty with a chance, NeverlandNat, Lily-Frogg, dreaming-up-fantasies, Midnight4568, and TheRandomOne for reviewing the last chapter :)

An extra special thank you to The-Key-To-Your-Heart, uhnonniemiss, ElzyPhangirl, DoodleDooo, NeverlandNat, Midnight4568, and GeorgieDanosaur who have been there all the way through :)

Reviews are love :)

Multifandomer :) xxx