A/N Hey guys so...this is my new story (yay) it is going to be based around dares and with be a WolfStar fic. It will have boys in love with boys (naww) so if you're not into that, don't read.

This is just the prologue so it is pretty short but the next chapter should be up later today or tomorrow.

Please R&R!


Remus Lupin had always been the sensible one, the one the teachers always expected to stop the three other members of The Marauders, he would constantly get detentions thanks to his friends and he would constantly get pitying looks from the teachers. Little did they know that Remus had actually been the mastermind for around eighty percent of those pranks, improving the plans and learning the spells that were needed.

In first year he was the epitome of a perfect student, at least for a couple of weeks, then he met him.

Sirius Black was a prankster at heart, and everywhere else for that matter. The heart throb of Hogwarts, it was no secret that the way to get into Sirius' pants was to be female. The dog had screwed over half the female population of Hogwarts. Remus, being the sensible werewolf that he was, had his job cut out for him trying to stop Sirius from hitting on a first year almost every day. He was almost glad when all the first years had to go home for Christmas, that way he didn't have to worry about his friend getting arrested for molesting a child. The reason Sirius was like this? His parents. His whole family was inbred, racist pricks according to Sirius. The few decent members had been burned off the family tree years ago. Sirius would do anything to upset his family.

Upsetting family was something that James potter wasn't afraid to do either. Although most of the time it was 'all in good fun', a phrase that James had acquired from his father when he was young, and the endless detentions and continuous letters home had caused his parents to become hysterical by the end of the year. Many a Potter family argument had been seen on platform 9 ¾.

Which leads us on nicely to Peter Pettigrew, a quiet boy with a twinkle in his eye and a bounce in his step…well…a bounce everywhere really. Peter, to say the least, resembled a beach ball, very round and very bouncy. His unfortunate weight seemed to set him apart from the others. Whilst Sirius was off getting laid and using his impeccable charm and body to his advantage, and Remus was being fan-girled over in the library as he read Shakespeare with his sandy hair falling into his golden eyes now and then, and whilst James was off playing Quidditch with his awesome chaser skills and his lean tall frame with his 'Just got out of bed' hair, Peter was sat in the common room reading a comic and trying to ignore the first years' whispers of 'Eww who's he' and other such sayings.

This brings us to Lily Evans, a beautiful, flame haired girl with a temper to match and the center of James Potters' affection. The girl was kind and gentle and would always talk to Peter when he was sat alone in the common room. She would always have a pitying glint in her eye and what eyes they were. Emerald green, with hints of pine needles and fallen leaves. And she loathed James Potter. To her he was an arrogant prick who never failed to make an arse of himself, she also hated liars, which brings us on to our next subject.

Severus Snape. Once the best friend of a certain red-head, now encompassed in the deepest darkest tendrils of the Slytherin house. Worst enemies, the one thing that James and Severus had in common was the hatred given by Lily. What Lily didn't know though was just how much Severus missed her, but that is a story for another time, a darker time.

This story however is about Remus, a young werewolf desperately trying to reign in his friend but still letting them run free. Remus was a very complicated person, see? As Sirius was about to find out. Let the games begin.