A/N Hey guys I'm back! First off, thank you soooo musch for all the follows, favorites and reviews I got already! You guys are amazing and you make me really happy when i know you like my stories. Please tell me what you think?

I'm still thinking of doing questions so let me know?

Brace yourselves, cringiness is coming!

Chapter 2

"So the rules are," James pulled a crumpled parchment out of his back pocket.

"Number one, anything goes.

Number two, any forfeits must be worse than the original dare.

Number three, any dares or forfeits must go through me first, just to make sure they are…good enough.

Finally, nothing may happen to the sweet lily flower that I hold dear in my heart-"

"OH PRONGS!" Sirius exclaimed.

"No Sirius, I am putting my foot down."

"Maybe you should have more fun too…"



"Thought so."

The Marauders were sat in a circle, cross legged and brows furrowed as they listened to the conversation, Peter was peering over James shoulder to peer at the list he had made, his eyebrows knitted as he tried to make out the sharp scrawls.

"James. What's that?"


"What's that?"

"What's what? Where?"

"There!" Peter pointed to the bottom of the page where a small note was written in a circle. "Plan, to make Si-"

"THAT is nothing." James said, too fast. He picked up his quill from the floor and quickly scribbled out the note before looking up at the three boys, an innocently guilty look on his face.

Remus was about to open his mouth to question James when Sirius suddenly perked his head up. A high pitched laugh could be heard from the common room.

"Sirius? Are you okay?" Remus watched as Sirius transformed and stood, wet jet nose high in the air. His hackles raised along his back, standing tall like small peaks along a mountain range. His ears tilted forward and his body stilled, his tail lowering as he concentrated. "Pads, what's wrong?" Remus grew wary.

Suddenly, Padfoot crouched close to the ground, as if about to pounce, his tail twitched and an evil glint appeared in his silver eyes. A low grumble sounded in his chest. That was when Remus smelled it. It was still two weeks until the full moon but his heightened senses could pick up the muggle perfume from behind the door.

The heavy wooden door cracked open and a whiff of Clair-de-la-Lune washed through the room.

The red haired girl stepped through the door, closing it behind her, she turned and froze, staring at the growling dog in front of her. Sighing she laid a hand on her hip and walked over to James before settling down on his lap and kissing him on the cheek.

"James, darling, control your pets."

Transforming back and jumping to his feet Sirius pointed at the girl and shouted.


Lily gave him a disbelieving look and rolled her eyes.

At Peters' reminder they all set off to classes, new dares fresh in their minds. No one seemed to notice the small dog biscuit that James threw to the floor behind him. No one seemed to notice Sirius pick up the dog treat and pop it into his mouth before ginning and wagging his imaginary tail.

Remus was thinking. He thought a lot about a lot of things but never before had he thought about…not being able to think. He was sat in DADA, Professor Crow was talking about boggarts or something. It was unusual for Remus not to be listening but the prospect of a dare arriving at any moment was putting him off.

Next to him, James kept looking over at him and smirking, knowingly.

In front of him, Sirius waved his wand and a note appeared in front of the young werewolf. The note.

You ready?

Your dare is as follows.

I know a professor,

Been alone for a while,

But now is your chance,

You must use all your guile,

Make their heat flutter,

Make their cheeks flush.

'Cause this Slug horned professor may have a crush.

Got it?

Remus' stomach dropped. Not only was this dare totally unacceptable but they were using poems?! Since when? He was shit at poems!


Anyone looking at the young werewolf right now would have seen the undoubtedly horrified look that slowly climbed onto his face. They would have seen him, splutter for words and go red in the face. They would have seen a very constipated looking James. With his hand over his mouth and tears in his eyes, looking, for all the world, like he was about to be sick. They would have seen a very confused looking Peter, who just couldn't put his finger on why his friends looked so strange. His brow would have been furrowed and a small pout would have made its way onto his round face.

Finally they would have seen a very evil, Sirius. His smirk would have made you question your own mother just to see if she knew anything. The amused look in his eyes would have stopped you in your steps, thinking to yourself that, blimey, he's taken after Bella. And the way he was grinning like a cat at the boy behind him would have made you worry for the young werewolf's safety.

But of course, no one was looking at them right now. Not one person in the whole of the highly interested and inquisitive, nosey class of Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, was staring at the four boys. And of course not one person looked away guiltily when Professor Crow barked orders. Not one.

This was insane… completely and utterly insane. Sat in the classroom where he had started this whole disaster, Remus began to worry. The strange thing was that he wasn't worrying about the dare. It was a joke. It was a professor but it was a joke. It was a creepy, male professor who had a strange fascination with glow worms but it was still a joke…

What was strange was the fact that no matter what, he just couldn't think of...well, anything. At all…whatsoever. He couldn't think of a new dare to give to Sirius, he couldn't think of a poem to help him with the non-existent dare and he couldn't think of anything but Sirius.

He was taking over Remus' mind. His dares, his stupid, knowing smirk, his over playfulness, his smirk, his idiotic way of always taking things too far, his smile, his annoyingly childish attitude, his lips…

"Mister Lupin!" The dreaded professor called his name. "Is there something you find interesting in Mr Black's direction?" Okay this was his chance.

Remus leaned back in his chair and, copying a move Sirius often used, pretended to scratch just inside the bottom of his shirt, this effectively hitched up his shirt enough to just make out his slim, lean body. "Not over there, sir, but there is something at the front of the class." Remus trailed his tongue along his top lip. Inside he was screaming at himself and he had to use all his will power not to blush.

"What are you talking about, Mr Lupin." Slughorn sighed.

"I say something…you could call it a someone." Remus forcefully dragged his eyes up and down the professor.

"Mr Lupin, just what are you insinuating?" The professor's voice became squeaky. Remus could hear Sirius sniggering in the corner as the rest of the class looked on, horrified. James was desperately trying not to laugh as he was doing crowd control, assuring everybody of the situation.

Remus, internally screaming, stood out of his chair, and with the best hip sway he could, which was pretty damn good from where Sirius was sat (wait, what?), he swaggered up to the front of the room before settling on the edge of Slughorns' desk.

"Professor?" Remus looked up though his eyelashes at the professor and said, "I'm in need of some assistance."

Professor Slughorn turned bright red and fled out of the classroom. The rest of the class burst out into laughter and started congratulating Remus on getting them out of class. Three quarters of The Marauders pounce to him through the crowd.

"Remus that was insane! Who knew you had it in you?" James exclaimed, loudly. Remus mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like, 'fuck you James'.

"Okay, you need to show me how you did that, you had every girl drooling at your feet! C'mon help me get a girlfriend?" Peter begged him, his eyes wide and pleading.

Sirius simply looked on in amusement. Remus looked at him confused, or at least his hands. Sirius would touch a finger to his thigh for each second that passed. Maybe he was just tapping? Tap. Maybe he was just happy and he did that when he was happy? Tap. But Remus had never seen him do that before. Tap. It was almost like…counting.


"RIGHT, EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" Minerva McGonagall burst into the room, her emerald cloak swishing around her feet. "LUPIN, POTTER BLACK, PETTIGREW! DETENTION EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK!"

"What?!" James and Sirius exclaimed. Their arms dropped to their sides like a child being told that they couldn't play anymore. Remus sighed, he had given up complaining about detentions long ago. If you complained you tended to get more.

"Now, Minnie." Sirius started.

"I hate you so much."

"Aww, that's not true, Moony!"

"Yes it is."


"You got us detention-"

"You got us detention."

"You got us more!"

"I simply extended your punishment."

"My punishment? What about you?"

"I get to spend two hours, after school, every day for the next ten days, tormenting you."



"You do that anyway."

The Marauders spent the next ten days scrubbing the boys' bathroom…with no magic. In the words of Sirius Black, so much piss!

A/N So guys? what did you think of the poem? let me know because, like Remus, i am terrible at them.