![]() Author has written 24 stories for Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Grimm, Flash, Stargate: Atlantis, It, IT, Misc. Movies, Firefly, and True Blood. Hi! I'm ChibiAyane. I have a few story ideas but it's taking me a while to get them down. I'm working on several stories at the moment. There is more to come for all of my serials, I just have to wait for the right mood to hit me in regards to those. I have every intention of completing them all, as well as the many oneshots I have in the works. I also need a good proofreader or beta... REVIEWS ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!!! Just a bit of info on my current situation: I've had multiple surgeries on my spine and hands, which makes it hard to write. I try to write every chance I get but just so you know, my releases are slow and less frequent because of current circumstances. I'm still working on it all though, I'm not stopping any stories, they just won't be updated as fast you all would like. =) But I'm still here, so no need to give up on me and my stories, they will continue. Okay? Much loves to you all! |