This is my first time writing for this ship, so excuse me if they are out of character a bit. Anyway, enjoy!

Sherlock woke up slowly, blinking slowly at first; letting out a breath that he felt like he was holding. His eyes had a hard time adjusting to the surroundings, only seeing blotches of grey and black- where was he? He couldn't register anything in this state, and he could swear he heard a muffled voice talking. After a good minute or so, he could see, though still disoriented. He tried to move his arms and hands- no use, he was tied to a chair by what felt like rope chafing his pale skin. He hissed as he tried to move his hand and was only greeted by the burn of rough rope grinding against his skin. He looked around, finally observing his surroundings. Grey walls, concrete. One, two, three, at least four monitors resting on a table on the other side of the room. No windows, nothing else except a door- and a chair.

Someone was in the chair, who when they locked eyes grinned wide; his smile seeming to light up. He looked like the Cheshire cat, though you couldn't see his teeth. Sherlock wouldn't be surprised of the man had sharp teeth under those thin lips of his.

James Moriarty.

"Oh, you're awake. I thought you would never wake up for a while, my dear," He pouted on the ending of the statement, speaking like a disappointed child that was persuading their mother to get what they wanted. His voice went back to its regular, chilling tone," But I'm glad you came to."

"Moriarty," Sherlock grumbled, still feeling dizzy from being drugged- and possibly hit in the back of the head, because he could feel something wet on his neck- possibly drying blood- and his head was absolutely throbbing in pain.

"Call me Jim, sweetheart," He stood up from his chair and strode over to Sherlock's, the detective flinching as the criminal mastermind leaned down to look him straight in the eye, as if he was observing his emotions. "Or better yet, Daddy. Come on," Sherlock turned his head away, tired of looking at the man that disgusted him, yet was exactly like him in a way- only for Jim to grab his chin and turn it back into place. "Come on, sweetie. I know you can do it. Just one little word. Daddy."

Sherlock wasn't going to take part in this sick bastard's fantasies, shutting his mouth and pressing it into a thin line. He didn't respond.

"Oh, giving me the silent treatment are we?" Jim fake-pouted again, raising an eyebrow. "If you're not going to listen to me, I know you will after this." He released Sherlock's chin, the detective turning away from the hand as it pulled back; Jim pulling out a remote from his pocket and turning on monitor one.

John. It was John, sitting in their flat as usual, reading a newspaper on the couch. He probably thought that the taller man was out, solving a case and was going to be back later. It was only the middle of the day, judging by the dull light shining into their flat. A red dot was focused on his forehead, which the dirty blonde was unaware of totally, going on reading his paper casually.

"Look at him, isn't he cute?" Jim cooed," It would be a shame if- BAM!-" The yell had caught Sherlock off guard, and he flinched. Nothing had changed on the screen, the red dot still fixed on the doctor. "-someone pulled the trigger. Now won't you listen to me, Sherlock? Or your little pet is gone for good." His voice had lowered, dropping to an intimidating tone as he slipped the remote back into his pocket. There was a silence, and Jim was contemplating on telling the sniper to pull the trigger and kill John Watson, the man so dear to Sherlock Holmes.

"...Daddy," Sherlock spoke loud and clear, staring at the ground as he said this. Moriarty couldn't do this, no, not to John. Without John, he didn't know what he would do. John is an actual friend, and he meant quite a lot to the man. And just by uttering this word and following out any more of the sick man's orders, he would be safe. Jim grinned.

"Good boy."

I'll actually try and work on this story regularly! Since I seem to drop stories so fast. There is a bunch of fanfics where Sherlock is capture by Moriarty, but I just couldn't help myself. Anyway, chapter 2 will be up soon! This was short, I know. But I promise the next one will be longer.