Claiming Your Grimm
Chapter 1
Nick thought it was getting a little annoying. The Captain had gotten ridiculously overprotective of Nick ever since his brother, Eric, had gotten so terrifyingly close to stealing his Grimm and then the whole Cracher Mortel's "Zombie Apocalypse" thing, as Hank was calling it. And, if he didn't find the overprotectiveness annoying enough on its own, he certainly never expected the headache that came with the Captain's glaringly obvious and ever growing attraction to the Grimm of Portland. Though, it wasn't so obvious to Nick when it started.
When Juliette left Nick, it was after a break-up that was heart shattering for both of them. She decided that, even though she loved Nick deeply and would very much have loved to marry him, she couldn't handle the constant danger and excitement that came with him and his career and his status as a Grimm. So, they broke it off on good terms, both of them with tears rolling down their cheeks, and decided to be just very close friends. She moved out to rid them both of the temptation of getting back together or doing something that they might later regret.
As soon as Juliette left and Nick's single status had gone around the precinct, Captain Sean Renard, for lack of a better word, jumped. At first, it was only sly smiles, slight innocuous touches and friendly banter. Then, it progressed to a sort of friendship; going out for drinks, eating lunch at the same time and/or place, talking and getting to know each other better, etc. But none of that really bothered Nick.
Nick did notice the interest, and it seemed every time Nick went through something else and gained yet another skill or sense, Renard's interest in him grew - as did the protectiveness. He got angry every time Nick got hurt or came close to getting hurt or worse, killed (and, boy, did he throw a fit worthy of Royalty when Nick went into that house full of Skalengecks without waiting for back-up). He seemed to be involving himself in almost every Wesen case that came Nick's way, just as an added safety measure, as he put it when Nick asked why. "Don't want to lose my best detective," he'd said.
Nothing really screamed, "I'm attracted to you!", at least, not to Nick. Wu and Hank kept giving each other looks over Nick's and the Captain's heads or behind their backs, not that Nick saw these. Really, for a star detective with the highest case closure rate in the Northwest, he was painfully unobservant about things that involved his own life and the way the people close to him acted around him.
No. Ever oblivious Nick never saw it coming - until the actual touching started.
It first happened after a night out, drinking with the Captain, Hank and Wu. Nick got smashed, mostly because Wu kept cheating at their drinking game and Nick didn't notice until it was too late and his car keys had been confiscated. The Captain had only had two drinks over a four hour period, so he was okay to drive and volunteered to take Nick home. Hank and Wu went home in a cab, both of them with knowing looks in their eyes.
The Captain took Nick home, except, he didn't drive to Nick's home to just drop him off. He'd driven them both to his own penthouse apartment, where he basically carried Nick from the car to the elevator and then through his front door. He walked (more like staggered, because Nick could barely stand) them into the sitting room, where he dumped Nick onto the sofa.
All Nick remembered was having a dream. A dream that was dangerously close to being wet. It was filled with light caresses and loving kisses. He remembered gentle hands, whispered words, soft lips, warm breath and a hot tongue. There was a shock of sharp teeth at one point, but that had been soothed with more from that hot tongue and those soft lips.
When he woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon, he found himself curled up on Renard's sofa, wrapped up in a thick blanket and he saw his belt, jacket and button-up shirt were folded neatly on the coffee table and his shoes with his socks stuffed inside them were tucked underneath it. His dream flitted away from his conscious mind, as it was rudely overwritten by the killer hangover that boomed through his skull the second the light hit his eyes.
After that night, it just seemed like the Captain was getting comfortable around Nick, which Nick didn't really see a problem with since he was a good friend now. The light touches continued, the brush of fingers that could easily be taken as an accident from being too close. Once or twice, it had crossed Nick's mind that the Captain was in his personal space, those few times when he'd gotten far too close. But he'd never, in his wildest dreams, imagined that the man might've been doing it on purpose.
And speaking of dreams, Nick didn't think anything of the dream he'd had while he was drunk, at first. But then he went over to Monroe and Rosalee's house for lunch.
"Oh, man!" Monroe exclaimed, when he opened the door and hastily covered his nose. "What the hell!? Warn a wolf!"
"Warn you about what?" Nick asked bemusedly, stepping inside and closing the door.
"Dude, you reek of Anspruch pheromones!" Monroe said, waving his hand in front of his nose to ward off the smell.
"Of what?" Nick asked, staring at his best friend like he was speaking in foreign tongues. Which he was - again.
"Claiming pheromones? Someone Claimed you as their mate, with a capital C?" Monroe said, an obvious "Duh!" expression on his face. Nick just stared at him, furrowing his brow. "How can you not know what I'm talking about?! It's kind of a hands on thing to happen. They had to be up close and personal to do it! Lots of physical contact, up to and including licking and biting."
"Uuh... What?" Nick asked, hoping Monroe was mistaken. "Monroe, I haven't been with anyone like that since before Juliette left."
"Uh, then how the hell did it happen? I doubt anyone could have snuck up on you or something," Monroe said. "I mean, even if that happened, you would still know what I'm talking about!"
Rosalee came out of the kitchen, smiling. "Hey, Nick!" she said, as she went to hug him. She stopped short with her arms raised, then hastily covered her nose with her hands. "Wow! That is potent!" she said, letting out a cough.
Nick sighed. "Again! I don't know what you're talking about! I haven't been claimed by someone or whatever!"
"Yes, you have!" Rosalee said, finally taking her hands away from her face. "How can you not know?" She turned to Monroe. "How can he not know?"
"Um, I'm not sure," Monroe told her, then stared at Nick and asked slowly, "Nick, were you... unconscious or incapacitated or something? Some time in the last week? Is there something that might have allowed someone to get close enough to bite you without your knowledge?"
"Bite me?" Nick shook his head, then looked to the side, his brow furrowed in thought. "I got drunk the other night."
"Like, passed out drunk?" Monroe asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"Mostly, yeah. What do you mean, bite?"
"Who were you with?" Rosalee asked, seeming slightly worried.
"Just Hank and Wu and the Captain, we went to a bar. The Captain took me home," Nick said. "Well, no, he took me to his... place... uh."
Monroe got closer to Nick and took a deep whiff of Nick's scent. He coughed. "Yeah," he coughed again, rubbing at his nose. "Yeah, that's Zauberbiest I'm smelling. Slight hint of Royal and very expensive cologne. Definitely Captain Renard." He grabbed Nick's shoulder and turned him around, then pulled down the back of his shirt collar to reveal the back of his neck and shoulder. "Oop! Bite mark!"
"WHAT?!" Nick asked, slapping his hand to his neck and feeling it. There he felt the tell tale raised skin of a scar, from a bite that had obviously broken the skin. "But, I would've noticed a bite mark like that! It would have hurt, wouldn't it?"
"Not necessarily," Rosalee said. "Anspruch marks are licked to make them heal over and scar right away. There's an enzyme in certain Wesens' saliva that speeds up the healing of superficial wounds, specifically for this reason," she explained, turning and pulling down the back of her shirt to reveal her own mark, that must have been made while woged; the perfect oval of a human mouth but with canines that were a bit too long. Monroe blushed and reached to pull her shirt back up. Rosalee chuckled at the bright red of Monroe's cheeks.
"Okay," Nick said slowly. "Anspruch, Claiming pheromones, bite mark, claiming me as their mate. What does that all mean, exactly?" Nick asked, then hastily added, "Please, please, don't tell me it means what I think it means!"
"It means that your Captain marked you as his mate, putting his scent on you to ward off any sexual advances from any other Wesen, and unfortunately, from any other normal humans as well," Rosalee explained. Nick groaned in dismay. "The Anspruch pheromones sort of cover up your own pheromones, the ones that are essentially responsible for attracting others to you. So, since humans give off and recognize pheromones as well, even if they don't realize it, they will smell him instead of you and find you unattractive. And Wesen can smell his pheromones on you from a mile way." She frowned. "So, he did this to you without asking you first? "
Nick nodded, his mouth hanging open. "Yeah," he said.
"I didn't even know you two were in that kind of relationship," Monroe mused, putting his hands in his pockets.
"We aren't," Nick growled, his hands curling into fist. Then, he turned around and opened the door. "Excuse me, I'll have to take a rain check on that lunch. I have to go... castrate a Zauberbiest." He closed the door behind himself, slamming it a bit harder than he meant to.
Monroe and Rosalee looked at each other. "Uh oh," Monroe said.
Nick walked into the precinct with a purpose, barely looking at any thing or any one else. He had one aim: rip Renard's testicles off.
"Hey, Nick! Thought you had the day off?" Hank called from his desk.
"I do!" Nick replied, not even glancing at his partner. "But I have a bone to pick with the Captain." And he stormed into the Captain's office.
Captain Sean Renard looked up as soon as his door opened, wondering who would have the nerve to come in without knocking. "Nick," he acknowledged, signing the document in front of him and setting it aside.
Nick slammed the door behind him and stood in front of Renard's desk, crossed his arms and glared down at him. "You Claimed me?"
The corner of Renard's mouth turned up a little. "Took you long enough to notice."
"I didn't notice," Nick admitted. "Monroe and Rosalee did before I could get within ten feet of them!" Renard smirked. "Please, tell me you can undo it!"
"No," Renard said, standing up. "The mark you're stuck with forever, though it will fade a little over time." He started closing the shades on all the windows in his office. "The pheromones will wear off in a few days." He flicked the lock on the door and turned to Nick. "However, I have no intention of letting either the mark or the pheromones fade."
"Why?" Nick growled.
"Do I really need to explain it to you?" Renard asked, coming to stand in front of the Grimm.
Nick nodded. "Yeah, you need to explain why you did this. Why you think it's okay for you to Claim me as your mate, when we aren't even in that kind of relationship to begin with. Not to mention doing it without asking me first, or even considering what I wanted." Nick stared at Renard for a moment before lowering his voice to a low rumble. "You never do anything without a motive, so what do you get out of tying me to you like this?"
"Aside from having you tied to me at all, as something more than a Captain and his subordinate?" Renard asked in return. "There are many reasons. I will admit that some of them are political. Having a Grimm at my side gives me great advantages over my rivals and enemies. Any Royal having a Grimm on their side will give them a greater standing than even the traditional Royal families; like my father for example. Other reasons for Claiming you are completely selfish on my part. But the only reason you need to concern yourself with, is the fact that I am attracted to you and, now that you're single, I actually have a chance to make it happen without having to do something... drastic."
"Something drastic?" Nick asked. "Claiming me without my permission isn't drastic? And what would you have done if Juliette hadn't left? You would have... what? Had her killed?"
The Captain shrugged. "I won't deny it could have been an option, though only as a last resort."
Nick shook his head with his jaw slacked, not knowing what to say to that. All he really wanted to do in response was hit Renard in the face, but he couldn't do that in the middle of the precinct. He was sorely tempted to do it anyway, though!
"You are unbelievable, you know that!" Nick hissed.
All Captain Renard did was smile. "You've said that to me before. You say I'm unbelievable, yet I'm always telling you the truth when you call me that."
"Now's really not the time to be a smart ass," Nick snapped at him. Renard smiled wider and took a couple steps closer to Nick, who in turn backed away. "What are you doing?" Nick asked, glancing at the locked door.
"Just reaffirming what's mine," Renard answered, as he pushed Nick roughly up against the wall and crushed their lips together.
Nick pushed against the Captain with his hands, but he and the Captain were matched for strength, so it had little effect. Pinned up against the wall as he was, Nick couldn't get enough leverage to push the Captain away, especially once his wrists were snatched and pinned by the Captain's large hands. Nick's next instinct was to bite, so he sunk his teeth into Renard's lip. Renard moaned softly, then woged into his Zauberbiest form and kissed Nick more forcefully, biting into Nick's lip and making the Grimm whimper in startled pain. Sean Renard silently thanked his promiscuous parents for his half-breed status that saved his powers from the effects of a Grimm's blood.
Nick didn't know or understand what had just happened, and he wouldn't know until later. By trading blood, they had just initiated the process of bonding. The process would only be completed once the two of them consummated the bond, and the bonding process would make them both crave the touch of the other until it was completed.
Taking Nick for his own was now Sean Renard's top priority, but bedding the Grimm of Portland would prove much more of a challenge for the Royal Zauberbiest than simply Claiming him had been.
Renard growled and broke the kiss, then flipped Nick around, pressing him face first against the wall. With one hand he yanked the collar of the Grimm's shirt down and the other went around to cover his mouth, just as he sunk his sharper than normal teeth into the bite mark on Nick's shoulder. Nick yelled against Renard's hand, the sound coming out more like a muffled moan, instead of the shout of pain it was meant to be.
With the Captain pressed up against his back, Nick could feel the taller man's stiffening member poking into him. 'That's it!,' Nick thought to himself. His patience snapped and he smashed his elbow backwards into the Captain's ribs. Renard's teeth were ripped from Nick's flesh, as he stumbled backward with a grunt of pain. The wound on Nick's shoulder bled copiously, since it was torn deeper than Renard had intended and hadn't been licked. Nick spun around and punched the man square in the jaw and knocked him onto his ass, then stormed out of the room. Thankfully, his shirt was black, so no one saw the blood stain that was spreading down his shoulder and back.
Captain Sean Renard stood up, smirking and rubbing his jaw, while licking the remnants of Nick's blood from his lips. "Oh, my dear, oblivious baby Grimm," he muttered to himself, as he sat down behind his desk once again.