Author has written 28 stories for Office, Pirates of the Caribbean, 17 Again, Harry Potter, Community, Dexter, Doctor Who, True Blood, New Girl, Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, and Firefly. Hello! I decided to stop being lame and actually use this space for something. So as you can see below, I've gone through phases with different fandoms. Way back when I was in junior high, it was X-Files. I never wrote any fic for it, but I read it voraciously and that was actually my first introduction to fanfiction. My first attempt at writing was for Buffy (don't try to find it, I deleted it from years ago!) and later Gilmore Girls. I think that fic might still be on here somewhere under a different author name. It was called 'Laundry Day' and it was Rory/Jess. In college it was The Office. In grad school, I dabbled (Pirates, Harry Potter, Dexter, even 17 Again... I know). Post-grad school I've become obsessed with Doctor Who, so I'm giving that a shot. So, on the topic of unfinished fics... I'm sorry! I can say with conviction that I plan on finishing Displaced. I really do. I have the whole plot worked out. I even have the next chapter written. I just don't want to post any updates until I'm totally done with it. As for the Pirates fic, that is less certain. I have the next chapter written, and I have the entire plot worked out, but I'm less interested in it now. I'm not ruling it out some day, but it's not in the near future. The random Office and Community fics that are unfinished are going to stay that way. Sorry again! I just have no inclination to finish them. I should label them abandoned at some point. Okay, that's all from me. Thank you for reading my profile. I hope it was more interesting than what I used to have here, which was just the phrase, "Nothing to say." |