Life for Dan Howell isn't exactly what you'd call fair. Sure he gets to choose simple things like what he'd like to eat, or what he wants to wear. But there are other things which he wishes he could choose, but can't.

"You know, he's being forced to marry, right?"

Dan couldn't help but overhear their conversation. It's not like it was some little piece of information only a few people knew. Ever was talking about it. Everyone he walked past seemed to stare and whisper. Those same few words constantly being thrown at him. A constant reminder that this was happening and he couldn't change it.

"Really, to who though?"

"Haven't you heard? His dad's forcing him to marry Phil Lester"

Phil Lester. The boy only five years older than Dan. A man at twenty-two who was the leader of the most successful business in the country. He had inherited his father's company only two years ago when his dad had died suddenly. Dan guessed it was something do so with the fact he was determined to make his now dead father proud, and that he'd been coached for this his whole life. But the business sky rocketed in profits, over taking and destroying everything and anything that stood in it's way. This sounded quite harsh to Dan, but it's what being in business is all about he guessed. Phil was a wealthy man who Dan had only heard about from his dad when he talked about how great his boss was.

Phil was supposed to be a kind man- Not that Dan would know since he'd never even seen him, never mind met him. So now, at only seventeen years old he was being forced to marry this said man.

"It's the only way Dan, you know it is"

All Dan did in reply was cross his arms across his chest and look away in some childish attempt to shut his dad up. He didn't want to hear this. His father knew very well that he didn't want to hear this. But they had to talk about it at some point.

"I don't even know him, why is this such a big deal now?'

"He's a respectable young man, you know that"

"But that doesn't explain why though. Why are you doing this to me? It's not like he's some amazing special guy. You like him, that's all it is, isn't it"

"No Dan, that isn't what this is about. You don't have much of a choice here. You have to do this"

"But dad-"

"This isn't up for discussion Daniel!" his father snapped in reply as he slammed the newspaper in his hand down. "Now go to your room. I have important business to attend to"


"It can't be that bad Dan. I mean, he's buying a house for you guys to live in. I bet it's gonna be huge and pretty awesome"

"I don't even care. I don't want to do this"

PJ sighed as he gently patted Dan's back, his hand lingering for just a second before he withdrew it to hold in his lap with a half awkward sort of smile. Dan and PJ had been friends for years now. PJ was always Dan's first go to person for problems, just like Dan was the same for PJ. Although they both were as close as friends could probably get, psychical contact was something neither of them was used to or particularly comfortable with. Dan generally didn't like to be touched by anyone. Not even relatives. Hugging was like a form of torture to Dan. Yet with PJ he could just stand it enough to get by. Of course he still wasn't comfortable but he could deal with it without being made so uncomfortable and freaked out that he'd trigger his own panic attack. Sure it was a slight problem which Dan had expected to grow out of with age. Yet he'd suffered with this for at least the last three years. Maybe be really would never grow out of it.

"Shit…what if…"

"What?" PJ asked softly, the concern audible in his voice. It honestly worried him to see Dan like this. Dan was normally sarcastic as hell and generally happy. He never got this bad no matter how hard things were. PJ had a pretty good idea why this was getting to his friend so much but didn't want to say anything. He was supposed to be comforting Dan, not making him feel worse.

"What if he wants to stick to tradition. I can't even handle holding his hand or hugging him never mind…"

"What? What do you mean tradition- Oh…right"

As much as Dan liked to think of himself as some big tough guy who never cried, he couldn't stick to that when thinking about actually having to sleep with someone. He didn't want to sleep with Phil. He hated that that was tradition and it might actually happen. He hadn't even had his first kiss yet never mind and anything to do with being intimate.

Dan had always dreamed of the meting the perfect guy who would sweep him off his feet. His prince charming, if you would. Dan's mum read him fairytales every night as bedtime stories on demand by Dan. She wanted to let Dan choose whichever gender he wanted to fall in love with. Since the world had learned to accept equality there were no objections to Dan marrying either a man or a woman and Dan's mum knew that very well.

Even as a small child Dan was fascinated with the perfect prince characters. He loved to re-enact the tales he'd heard, showing his mum the little stories he'd made. Smiling with delight as he watched her smile and laugh at how creative he was.

Dan wanted to have a prince charming, it was as simple as that. He grew up wanting and hoping to meet the perfect guy. His prince that would sweep him off his feet and take him away from all this.

"Dan, look" Dan shook his head as he tried to hold back the tears. This couldn't be happening. "I know you're waiting for the perfect guy to come along, but maybe this is for the best"

"No, I can't do this Peej. The perfect guy is out there waiting for me, I know he is"

"Phil Lester is pretty perfect Dan, you can't deny that"

"He may be, but…He's not perfect to me"