Author has written 4 stories for Call of Duty, Young Justice, and Captain America. Things I like: Call of Duty, Fanfiction, and animals my age: Well... lets just say I was born in 2000 Favorite color: Purple Things that annoy me: Obnoxious singing, Being ignored, being asked dumb questions, and when parents try to make me eat foods I don't like Favorite sports to watch: Hockey, baseball, and football. those are no brainers Cute characters: Robin from young justice, and Seth from twilight What I do to pass time: Play xbox and yell at noobs through the television, I get on youtube and watch the same videos over and over again(we all do this sometimes, don't deny it). Things I hate in COD: campers, not seeing claymores and bouncing betty's right in front of you, getting spawn trapped, people camping on nuketown(we all know where i'm talking about),annoying little children with squeaky voices, controller dying in the middle of gun fights, host migration(s), hunter killers constantly targeting you, getting caught while reloading, and most importantly PEOPLE STEALING YOUR CARE PACKAGES(that includes teammates depending on what it is. if its something I don't want then you can have it) Things I do to survive this world: I don't go outside and flash random gang signs(that includes east side, south side etc.), don't be nosy, don't walk through dark alleys, don't fall asleep on the bus unless someone is with you, don't fall asleep around your brothers or other male family members(they'll draw on your face or something stupid), never wear a sombrero in a goofy fashion, and never ever screech like a chimpanzee. :) |
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