By Takada Saiko

Word Count: 592

The sun was setting in the Caribbean sky as Ana Maria made her way to the top of the deck. She glanced around. Everything was as it should be. People were working hard – with Gibbs taking a swig from his liquor bottle every few minutes – but there was something off. The first mate finally put her finger on it. She hadn't seen her captain all day on deck. She had ignored his absence that morning, guessing that he had a hang over from the night before, but now that she thought of it, she'd barely seen him the night before, which of course was a rarity. Where the rum was being served on the Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow was soon to follow.

Ana Maria made her way down to the captain's cabin slowly, all the time her mind running through possibilities of where he might be and what he might be doing. She knocked on the door, receiving a mumble of, "S'open," from inside. She pushed open the door and slipped inside, closing it. She found it rare that Jack kept his door closed during the day, but of course he usually wasn't IN his cabin during the day.

Jack was sitting at a small table with maps spread out all around him and various other things laid out on top of the maps. Ana couldn't help but smile when she saw his ever-present compass sitting just by his left hand. He cocked his head to the side slightly, wondering what she was smiling at, more than likely, and Ana caught site that something wasn't quite right with her captain.

"'Allo, luv," he greeted. "Wha'dya need?"

"I hadn't seen ye all day, just checking on ye."

Jack blinked and stretched. He'd obviously been sitting there for a while. "'m fine, luv," he said at last. He glanced out toward his window. "I'slater than I thought."

Ana nodded as she moved over behind him and embraced him from behind. "Yer burnin' up, Jack," she whispered into his ear.

"'m fine, luv."

"That's not what I said, Jack, I said yer burnin' up." She pulled away slightly and reached a hand around to his face. "You've a fever, cap'n. How long have ye been sick?"

"'m not sick."

"Yes you are or you wouldn't have a fever."

"'m not sick," he argued again, looking up at her. His eyes had a glazed look to them and he was pale under his tan. He frowned and then sneezed suddenly, looking up at her with an almost pouty look. She sighed. Captain Jack Sparrow: the best pirate in the Spanish Main, possibly the world, and he couldn't tell when he had a simple cold. He'd been sniffling the last couple of days, but she hadn't thought anything of it. She had told herself that he did not need a mother – he had all but told poor Marie that – and Captain Jack Sparrow could most certainly take care of himself. She'd been wrong.....

"You are too, you daft fool!" she growled. "Get to bed with ye before ye fall over."

"'m not goin' to fall over!" Jack protested. "Ana, I can handle meself, luv. Don' worry."

"Yer the one who won't rest when 'e knows 'e's sick!"

"'m not-"sneeze- "sick...."

"Great proof ya have there, luv," she answered with a grin. "To bed with ye."

Ana's grin turned to a frown as she saw Jack gain his lopsided smile. "Only if ye'll join me, luv."

She laughed and slapped his shoulder lightly. "Daft idiot," she mumbled.