Hey, sorry it's been so long since I've posted, I got caught up with finals, CRTs, and the classic "Please don't let me fail this class, I'm done with it. I will set this place on fire if I have to take it in the summer" dilemma. Well I hope you like this chapter and I am very exited on where the plot is now.

I'm hoping to get the next chapter up by Saturday, seeing as summer is beginning this week, I'll have time to finish it.

The elves traveled on small, near forgotten paths, hoping to avoid the dark creatures. The trees guided them easily through the day. Keeping them from any potential danger.

Rania glances around at the passing trees. "How far until we reach Imladris?"

Rissen followed her action "We are about three days from Rivendell's border, less if danger stays at bay."

Feredir soon called for a rest to eat.
The break was around an hour long. The horses wandered lazily through the trees, some resting, and some grazing. Feredir brought the animals food; glad hey had brought enough for the journey.

Meldiriel looked over Legolas, feeding him while Thranduil hovered, sitting close, watching for change.


The elves were lucky as the journey continued; danger crept close, but seemed not to dare attack, as it soon faded.

The group neared Rivendell's trees, to the delight of the elves.
They rested a few miles from the border, the darkness of night having been with them for too many hours now.

Rania dismounted, removing the saddle and brittle from her horse. "Rest mellon nin, we have a fast ride ahead of us." She warned, petting the animal gently.

Thranduil lay, staring at the stars as the night moved on, an old song played in his head, one that came to him whenever he was scared. His father had taught his the song, it told of mighty warriors who would protect the young elflings. Even as the song no longer applied to him, the song would comfort Thranduil. Legolas knew the song well, as Thranduil had sung it to him when Legolas was very young, cowering under the blankets as thunderstorms roared their fury.

Movement pulled Thranduil from his thoughts as someone shifted on his right.
Thranduil shot up when he realized Legolas was stirring

"Ion nin? Edro lin hen, I fear for you."
Ion nin- My son
Edro lin hen- Open your eyes

Meldiriel approached the two, hearing Thranduil as she lay awake. She moved to Legolas and Thranduil held him down as he moved so Meldiriel could examine him.

"Tin hun blebi" Meldiriel muttered, using elvish hoping to draw Legolas from unconsciousness with the language.
Tin hun blebi- His heart races

Legolas squirmed, curling in on himself.
Thranduil placed a hand on his back in comfort, quickly removing his hand when Legolas cried out in pain.

Thranduil carefully held Legolas as Meldiriel fed him a painkilling herb before laying him down again.

"Siah naeg thinatha" Thranduil whispered, desperate to comfort Legolas, who had yet to fully wake, shivering in Thranduil's arms.

Peace, the pain will fade

Thranduil desperately needed to hear his son's voice as it had been nearly three stressful weeks. "Saes ped an enni"

Please look at me

Thranduil froze as bits of Legolas' emotions got through to him through their elven bond.
Pain, fear, confusion. Legolas was halfway between consciousness and not. He felt pain, but didn't know where he was or what had happened.

"No no," Thranduil hushed "Sedho, ion nin pain mae, we are headed to Rivendell, you will be fine. Saes open your eyes, speak to me Legolas."
Hush my son, all is well
Saes- please

Legolas didn't respond, lying unmoving once more. Thranduil checked Legolas' pulse, finding his heart racing. He sighed as he pulled a few stray hairs from Legolas face.

"I fear for him." Thranduil said, voice low.

"As do I, Thranduil but we've come so far to give up now. There is always hope."


The next day, the elves set out late, the trees of Rivendell exiting the elves as they were reaching their goal, but the horses were tired from the long journey. The elves let them rest, hoping they could keep a quick pace when they did leave.

As soon as they entered Rivendell, Rania jumped from her spot on the seat of the carriage and mounted hers, having ridden there to give her horse more rest before the fast ride.

She waited until she got Thranduil's nod of approval before riding ahead of he group, quickly disappearing from view.

Rania was determined to get to Elrond fast, but she knew her horse couldn't run forever. She set him at a fast run and let him slow when he tired. The animal seemed to sense her urgency for as soon as he was rested he sped up slightly, letting Rania know he could run again.


The rest of the elves traveled at a quick pace, taking the main path, unable to take the shortcuts Rania could tred on horseback.

The road was gentler for he horses, the path now a steady, constant slope. The path curved at times, backtracking the elves through the trees.

The group stopped for food, Meldiriel taking the break to check Legolas whose shivers had gotten worse

Frowning, she found his fever had risen. She carefully removed the blankets that covered him hoping to relieve the heat. She mixed herbs that would give him strength and help fight the fever.

Meldiriel let Thranduil take Legolas, giving the drink to the king. She moved to mix a gentle broth for he elf, adding herbs to slow the poison.

'We're so close' She thought 'We can't give up now'


Elladan chased Aragorn across the courtyard, laughing when Elrohir cut off the human's path, trapping him between the trees.

To Aragorn's surprise the elf dropped the bucket, the water soaking the grass when the bucket tipped. Suspecting trickery, Aragorn stayed where he was, confused when he saw both elves standing as if listening.


"Hush" Elladan cut the human off looking to the trees "Something is wrong Estel."

Elrond suddenly appeared, the same look of concern the twins wore, on his face.

"Ada, the trees are uneasy." Elrohir said. "They all speak once, I cannot understand."

"Something had happened, it I too far at this point for these trees to know." Elrond said. "All we can do is wait. Wait and listen."

Aragorn looked to the elves, worried and concerned, wishing he could hear the trees.