Toad hated tea. It was watery swill as far as he was concerned. Coffee, now that was the good stuff. Cowboy or froufrou, Chris didn't care, as long as it was coffee and not tea. And yet somehow he found himself sitting across from Archer at a card table in the rec room playing poker and drinking tea. Fucking tea.
Ian made tea fairly often and he almost always offered it to Chris, who always turned it down because it wasn't coffee, so it wasn't unusual. But this time Ian had mentioned that it was his favorite tea and had given him this look. It was a look Toad had been seeing on the sniper's face more and more recently. Archer would look at him, waiting for a reply, face neutral, but his green eyes had this small spark of hope in them. Like maybe this time his spotter would sit and drink a cup of tea with him. It was Ian's weird, awkward attempt to become better friends. So Chris had accepted. And the barely restrained smile Archer had given him had been worth it.
Or so he'd thought.
He wasn't sure, because now, half way through his tea, he was sure Ian's eyes were taking on an evil little gleam. Chris was beginning to wonder if he'd been taken. He thought Ian's smile had been the 'I'm-secretly-incredibly-pleased-you-agreed-to-tha t' smile, but it could have been the 'yes!-I-just-pulled-one-over-on-Chris' smile. He thought he was getting better at distinguishing between Ian's expressions. Maybe not.
Archer lifted the deck of cards, silently asking Toad how many cards he wanted. Chris sighed heavily. He had a shitty hand and it probably wasn't going to get better. Ian could wipe the floor with him at poker. He pulled three cards out of his hand and tossed them down.
Ian dealt him his cards and gave himself two.
"Your bet," said Archer, greens eyes dancing. He was probably going to win. Goddammit.
Chris huffed and threw a four quarters down. Thank god they were both so cheap they didn't play with anything other than coins.
Archer met the bet and then waved his hand in a 'well-go-on-then' motion. Toad tossed his cards down with a scowl.
"Jack shit, eight high," he said, pouting.
Ian smirked and laid his cards down. "Pair of tens."
Chris sighed and reached for his tea as Ian took the money. He took a sip and barely hid his grimace at the taste. When he looked up Archer was watching him, one corner of his mouth barely quirked up and a positively wicked gleam in his eyes. Toad looked at his tea, then glared at Ian, whose smirk only widened.
He'd been had.
A/N: Soooo... consider this an apology for not updating the Kitten Conundrum. I swear I haven't forgotten, it's just that writers block is killing me. So I'm doing some drabbles based on prompts to try and get my motivation back. I listened to "I Just Rage Quit" by TryHardNinja while writing this. I thought it fit. :D
These may or may not fit in the same universe as the Kitten Conundrum. I'll let you know if they deviate. Rating may go up, but probably not.