Hey guys, I have a lot of stories started so i'm publishing what I have for all of them. I will probably continue the one thats most popular. So if you like what you read, reveiw or message me.

Flames WILL be counted (and mocked) so if you hate, just leave.

the number is for me it has no sugnificance to the story.

Hey guys I'm trying my hardest to continue this story so bear with me please. I've been pouring over this for weeks and have nothing I'm satisfied with. But have edited thecrap out of the first chapter (thanks brain, thats what I'm looking for -_- )

"What do you think Legolas?"

Legolas looked up at the captain. A quick glance told him all attention was on him.

"Yes" Legolas immitetly knew he'd awnsered wrong at the confusion on the elf's face "I'm sorry, what was the question?"

"I asked, what to do about the orcs invading the forrest." The capitain grew uneasy "With all due respect my prince, if you are to be king one day, you must pay attention in these meetings."

"I appologize"

The meeting continued and Legolas brought his pounding head back to his head trying to will the pain away. He closed his eyes as it got worse. Tears welled up, but he refused to let them fall.

Thranduil had noticed his son's disress a few minutes into the meeting. His concern rose as he saw Legolas wince with the pain. Legolas hated showing his disconfort, and for him to be revealing any pain told of how bad it was.

Legolas gasped as he opened his eyes and everything was a multicolored blurr. He heard voices, but couldnt understand what was being said.

Thranduil's eyes widened at Legolas' delirious look

"You are all dismissed" Thranduil said, standing

"But we've barely covered-"

Thranduil's ice blue eyes met the head guard's "I said, you are all dismissed" His tone quieted any other questions.

Thranduil quickly crossed the room as they left. "Legolas?" He wiped the few tears that had fallen, from Legolas' face. Thranduil didn't like the heat comming from his skin.

"Look at me ion-nin" Thranduil said gently, his heart fell at Legolas' pained cry "Legolas, saes look at me." -(ion- nin- my son, saes- please)-

Legolas tried, but everything was a bright blurr, he could scarecly see. He closed his eyes as his head spun.

Thranduil's worry increased even more, if possible.

"You need a healer. Can you walk?" Thranduil knew the awnser but feared that Legolas would fight his help, and Legolas needed a healer as quickly as possible.

Legolas tried to stand, collapsing as he did, he struggled to catch himself before feeling Thranduils strong arms catch him, supporting him.

Thranduil's heart was racing, his mind was scattered with panic, but forced himself to be calm, for Legolas' sake. He noticed Legolas' quick breath, and racing heart as he lifted him. He was trembling in the King's arms. Thranduil himself shook with fear over Legolas.

Thranduil carried his son through the halls, trying to take smooth steps as to not distress Legolas.

"Ion-nin? Can you speak?" Legolas' whisper was shakey and Thranduil couldn't understand what he said "I can't hear you, hold on Legolas."

They'd arrived at the healer's wing. Thranduil gently set Legolas on his feet, but still supported his weight, as he opened the door. Picking him back up as he entered.

"Your majesty, what-?" The healer, Meldiriel, cut her questions as Thranduil gently set Legolas on the bed, she ran to the prince and checked his breath, pulse, and anything else that would let her know what happened, as Thranduil told her what he'd noticed.

"He's been poisoned" Meldirel concluded "It seems to be intentional"

Even though he'd expected it, Thranduil trembled with anger. He wanted the ones who dared threaten the life of his child.

He heard Legolas gasp and saw him curled up, bracing his stomach. Thranduil's rage died immetietly and he moved to lend confort to Legolas.

Meldiriel brought a pain redemy to Legolas, Thranduil fed it to him as Meldiriel searched books to possible cures.

"Can you help him?" Thranduil asked, not wanting to distract the healer but he needed awnsers.

"I can help him, yes, give him pain remedies, help him rest, even slow the posion but to actualy get rid of it is difficult."

"Do you know what it is?"

"No, there are many posions that it could be. Some cures would worsen his condition and very well may kill him. Some are even poisions themselves. I'll do my best to cure the prince but it will take some time"

That's all I have for now :/ Thanks for reading. Reveiw please :)